Jersey Legalizes Herb


You can now have a garden in the "Garden State". 

law doesn't allow for home cultivation. 

Good news.  Come home, Herb!

> law doesn't allow for home cultivation

That's just sad, but at least doolittle won't need to drive to New England to score anymore.

An Applebee's buffet bar manager's worst nightmare:  Chris Christie sign a case of the munchies.

Fuck yea.


Have you tried the Jabroni Haze?


> law doesn't allow for home cultivation<


From what I understand, it's still a felony to grow.

Should at least provide an avenue for home cultivation.  Perhaps  a consumer cultivation permit, even if it costs a few dollars, beats a felony charge. 



Hoping for a strain named for each exit.


NJ has been medical state for a couple years now.  And farmers can grow Hemp with negligible amounts of THC,  with a paid permit.
However,  the permit stipulates that State Agriculture Inspector may come to inspect Hemp crop any time to check THC levels, at Farmer's expense.

I think it's $300 per inspection,  if levels are Too High whole crop must be eradicated.

Rather than a strain for each exit,  I would prefer them to be named after Turnpike Service Areas.  Molly Pitcher,  Thomas Alva Edison,  the list grows.

Grover Cleveland,  that sounds like a good one.

Snookie'z Coochiez


Wildwood weed....



Underage alcohol possession/use and underage cannabis possession/use were addressed too.

First offense is a warning, second parental notification, third referral for community services.





The marketplace legalization bill applies the state’s 6.625 percent sales tax, with 70 percent of the proceeds going to areas disproportionately affected by marijuana-related arrests. Black residents were likelier — up to three times as much — to face marijuana charges than white residents.

Towns can levy a tax of up to 2 percent under the measure.

Also under the bill, the Cannabis Regulatory Commission will be able to levy an excise tax, the amount of which will depend on the cost per ounce of cannabis. There will be four levels of tax under the bill, so if cannabis is $350 or more, the tax per ounce will be $10. That rises to $60 per ounce if the retail price of the product is less than $250.


Guido Golden Glue

A hint of gold with sticky hairs. Aroma of Newark after a light rain with taste of Mama's homemade Chicken Rollatini.

Time for Bruce to join the musical celebrity line of products.  
Glory Haze (I'm guessing that's already an east coast ipa from jersey)

Pink Cadillac

My Homegrown


Spirit in the Night

Grown in the USA



How about a John Malkovich strain? 

Turnpike* Ditch

(go with the classic)

14B(ish) in JC, to be specific (or so they said in the 70s)


pine barren


Ooh, Pine Barren sounds good and terpy!   

action park trainwreck

Exit #9


trenton piff 

I doubt there will ever be any Springsteen branded cannabis products. Not his cup of tea at all. More than a few alcohol producers have tried for deals and they have also been turned down. Two better E-Street choices for stain-names would Danny "Phantom" Federici and Vini "Mad Dog" Lopez. Both had illustrious histories with marijuana. 

I could see a Meryl Streep "Sophie's Choice" strain. I feel anything connected to Danny DeVito would be be exceptional...just a hunch. You got to figure Kevin Smith would be down with it. Buzz Aldrin would be marketing heaven but probably unlikely. "Bud" Abbott? I could see some Bruce Willis possibilities. 

Jersey Devil Diesel (Hydrid) 

Rare strain, with hints of pine barren, and horseshoe crab

...GuitO-G X Snookiez Coochiez X 3-Mile Island Skunk: a robust blend of overpowering human perfume and strong hints of...never mind.

This is good news... it looks like NY will be following suit this year, which will hopefully create enough pressure to make PA the next domino to fall.

IF the moronic Pennsylvania General Assembly (republican dominated) can get their heads outta their ass regarding cannabis, which is a BIG if.

I still feel that its just a matter of time, but its taking waaay too long to make this happen. 


> X 3-Mile Island Skunk<


I believe you meant oyster creek, 3-mile Island is in pa.


Ever jump out of your car in Jersyland and try to pump your own gas

Might as well get caught with dude mans wife naked

Same reactions

>>>Ever jump out of your car in Jersyland and try to pump your own gas

Cold, raining, forgot to wear pants?

One of the best things about NJ, and cheaper than PA.

*Kamden Kush*


Rape Stomper 

The Devils' Weed

Sour Soprano?

guaranteed to blow your head off...

Basically,  like the Earlier Jerseyland  medical weed legislation,  the Zillionaires had the influence regarding how the law was spelled out.

Take a look at Oregon or Oklahoma or Maine and the average Joe/Jane can have a few plants in the yard.

Jerseyland does not allow that.  Zillionaires are in control and corner the market,  like Trash pickup, like Tar Paving,  like telephone lines or The Lottery.

However,  it's nice that I don't have to worry about the spice jar of Weed in the cupboard.  I actually wasn't worried before -- but it's nice.

> Sour Soprano?

I was thinking Tony Soprano OG has a nice ring to it.

People here have weird mental images of Jerseyland based upon Krap TV shows or visits to Newark Airport.

Actually,  besides the urban blight around NYC and Philadelphia,  Jerseyland has plenty of Farmland and open space.

The Beaches are OK as well,  but lots of Tourists.

> People here have weird mental images of Jerseyland based upon Krap TV shows or visits to Newark Airport.

And reading posts by Disco Stu.

Edwards,  your post comes across as Sexist and Racist.  I live in Jerseyland and pay taxes.  I am taxpayer boy all day long. Every Nickel I earn, the State and fed get 4 cents.

Also Farmer on primo Farmland.  I grow food and Hay and stuff like that.  It's not all Strip Malls although, they have their Niche within the ecosystem.

We "Might" not have Jersey Devil living here,  but there are Plenty Coyotes breeding.  That's not a random imaginary thought -- they are Real.

You come pitch your tent out in the Woods,  next time you're 'Back East' and see how you enjoy the Soothing Midnight Call of the Coyote pack.


> Edwards,  your post comes across as Sexist and Racist.

Stu, you're delusional, but at least you're operating in your more entertaining delusional mode again.

I wonder how your Jersey coyotes stack up against the ones I hear just beyond my back yard frequently. I think it's the bears that set them off, but that's just a theory of course.

 >>>>>Every Nickel I earn, the State and fed get 4 cents.

Apparently Stu is in the 80% bracket. He must be a zillionaire.

The firewood biz must be more lucrative than I thought.

"...I wonder how your Jersey coyotes stack up against the ones I hear just beyond my back yard frequently..."

Not sure, but probably quite similar.  The one I got to inspect closely looked much like Hüsky in general form,  maybe 50-60 lbs. but HUGE canine teeth.  Twice my Dog's size (teeth).

One of the deer hunters shot him,  which is legal during Deer Season.  Yes it's sad,  however they attack livestock and domestic pets. A pack of 4-5 shredded a Big German Shepherd at the other farm these guys hunt. Literally tore it to shreds.

A pair stalked Hüsky and me about dusk a few months back. We were walking in the field and their Dinner ran between us at full speed (Baby Deer).  So they decided we might be a good snack.  We turned around and went back to the Barns.  You really don't want to mess with them;  they are very efficient killers.

They've taken a few Sheep over the years.  I've got a few photos from Wildlife cameras (not while grabbing a Sheep, just slinking around).

Coyotes out here are more scraggly, I'm guessing. Things are not so green where I live, so there aren't as many smaller prey who feed on green things for the coyotes to chow down on.

And that doesn't even take into account the impact of mountain lions on the food chain up here.

We don't have any Wild Felines around here,  but Bears have been spotted not too far away.  Don't know if any have made it here.

Definitely a small batch of Coyotes.  Not sure if there are 3,  5,  8 or what.  Neighbor hears them at night,  but they have not messed with their Horses,  Goats and such.

Never saw a coyote in Jersey for years except when a few years ago when it walked by in the distance . Saw many black bears, I met a coyote in Honduras years ago  who smuggled peeps across the border who charged $3000 a person. Said he spent it on whores and coke. Became then became a born again Christian when I met him in Honduras. He worked at the hotel I was staying in the middle of bumfuck Honduras.

So back to Weed topic instead of wild animals...
A fellow I'm acquainted with just told me that 'local' (not State Trooper) cops in Jerseyland have been instructed to ignore Weed - Stank in automotive pullovers.

Obviously,  that's hearsay Rumour from an unreliable source.

Interesting theory though.



A friend of a friend just opened a restaurant with a cannabis infused menu.



Where is it and what is the name? Do they have a menu online?

Weed stank in a car in a legal state is no longer probable cause for a search.   Not that I agree it ever was ...


>Where is it and what is the name? Do they have a menu online<



Very nice

^^^ but is still probable cause in those states to administer a road side sobriety test,chief. Stupid is strong in here. Troppers amd poloce told to ignore isnt what it says its is. Fuck jersey through and through, seriously one of the dumbest places to live and work. they just want your money, all of it n  Enjoy that three tiered, screwing you in Your slack old ass pricing, and extra tax on the way out. Black market all the way and i own a cannabis farm   Fools rush in and we are flush. Enjoy corporate cannabis.  For peoples  that claim to be hippies yall suck the corporate teet willingly and happily 


>Black market all the way...<


The excise tax almost guarantees a thriving black market, imo.


Of course the state wants to tax it, that's the only reason states legalize. The social justice aspects make people feel good about it, but this is all about turning cannabis into a revenue maker, not a revenue taker.


>>that's the only reason states legalize.

Not Vermont. First off, we were the first to legalize through legislation rather than referendum. Second, we still don't have recreational sales. The State isn't yet making a penny off it, and it's been a few years.


^Vermont is an anomaly. 


^Btw the peoples will in vt isnt an anomaly ^^as far as I understand dispensaries have first go, this year before anyother possible stores, because they are setup all ready for sales.  They also want to completely kill the small scale grower and producer license and only have corporate cannabis here. VOTE NO tonight at your vt town meeting against h164 today!


^i know, neil, but compared to the other legal states it is.

Am I missing something on H.164? The. As it reads, it is about local municipalities voting to allow retail sales, and giving local authority to oversee it. Nowhere does it mention changing grow laws:

The closest dispensary to my town is 10 miles away. If we vote to allow rec sales, we'll have our own shop(s), that have nothing to do with that dispensary.

Even though I do not use any sort of cannabis, I have always been a proponent of legalization. In my way of thinking, personal cultivation should always be allowed, but only for that household. Once cultivation veers into outside sales, I feel that regulations are essential for the protection of the consumer...just like any other product for sale to the public. Quality tests, batch registration, all those sorts of things. At least some of the tax revenue should go to administering those initiatives. I understand that the black market has less expense for the product but it also has no culpability for unhealthy product for the grower. In an unregulated market bad players will always show up in much larger numbers than a regulated marketplace. It's all well and good that there are "good" hippies out there that put the greater good in front of their own selves but let's be realistic, there are very few of those and many, many more that would be more interested in making as much money as possible regardless of the risks to the consumer. 

So its an opt out or in for shops and grows. Non dispensary shops doesnt mean better/same quality products.  Curaleaf which prides its self as the frito lay of cannabis has partial control of whats in said stores. So no local or craft growers and producers like myself, will be able to sell in these stores or possibly even grow small, craft style square foot canopy operations.

Not all towns have this on their town meeting today a few have already opted in i believe 14 towns. Alot of the language the opposition has used is that no matter what size canopy a grower has, its a drug factory. Imo VT is NOT a cannabis friendly state. They are a reluctant supporter if that, lifted by the will of the people and current political climates. Ive been here for a very long time and we missed the bus already because the state dragged their feet and people around, letting other states set precedent so we can adopt our own mismatched bastardized version on garbage legislation 

i feel the same about the CBD industry up here. We make it legal and figure out the rest later. Meanwhile, testing prices are through the roof, no real market to sell it with a viable return unless you make products and even then it's difficult, increasing licensing costs every year, and no large scale processing sites for product to be sourced from. If you have a ton of money, acreage, and the equipment you will do better. Its hard af to have the mantra of how important small scale farmers and farming is, but no substantial outlets for these producers in a plummeting market ie milk   

>>So no local or craft growers and producers like myself, will be able to sell in these stores or possibly even grow small, craft style square foot canopy operations.

I'm about to go vote, and although that may be in another Bill, it's not in 164. I have friends who are pushing 164 because they are poised to have a great retail space with the product of their and others small grows.

I'm leaving in 5 minutes, so you have to do a better job of educating me.

Let me know when Jersey legalizes Peaches.