Jim Furnish could use some help


Jim Furnish, aka zoner JimFurn, needs some help. After fighting various cancers over the last 10 years he's been hit with a really shitty deal, metastatic cancer.

From the gofundme started on his behalf,

Jim Furnish has been fighting cancers for the last decade, and has gone through surgeries and several bouts of chemotherapy and radiation, including one botched surgery that required a lengthy and painful recovery.

A year and a half ago, he was diagnosed as cancer-free and in good health.  He spent that time enjoying life in Gearhart Oregon, where he has lived for nearly his entire 70 years, and worked as a self-employed commercial fisherman, an able hand on fishing boats and a professional clam digger.  He was able to continue working to support himself and pay his medical debts until a few weeks ago, when symptoms returned.

Go to the link to read the rest of the story. Anyone who knows or remembers Jim knows that he's so smart, so funny, sweet, tough, a gentleman with his heart in the right place, the real deal. This gofundme is on Facebook gathering steam.

Posting this is out of the ordinary on Viva, but ... it's Jim.


Thanks Judit.  

love to Captain Jim.


All the BEST JimFurn !

He Loves Lighthouses and a Great Story Teller.


Bump for Jim.

$11,500 in about 3 days, with a goal of $20,000.  

Help on the way.

Some vibes couldn't hurt either.


(((((((Jim and Family)))))))


One of the best.


You got this Jim. 

team zone arrives


kick ass brother

Jim's situation isn't looking so good. There are updates on the GoFund Me, and if you're a Facebook Friend you can read what he wrote this afternoon.

GoFundme: https://gf.me/u/zcdx8r

Rough stuff. Peace and comfort to JIm. 

I haven't seen any updates recently, but I've been thinking of Jim and am sending him a card.

Perhaps you'd like to send a card, too.

Jim Furnish

P.O. Box 2013

Gearhart, OR 97138

He was having a rough go of it recently. He had some difficult treatment questions to deal with.  

It seems like he had decided to go home to hospice without choosing treatment. That was the last I heard.

Sending lots of love



hoping for peacefulness and comfort

{{{{{{{{{Jim and Family}}}}}}}}}

Thanks for the update, Judit. <sigh> {{{{{{{ Jim }}}}}}}

Jim died this morning. So sad.

I started a thread in the Not Fade Away folder.

fly famous mockingbird 


jim didn't d





RIP Jim.   He was a one of kind, down to earth salty old sea dog.  Always had some colorful tales from his life on the North Coast, including some about Terrible Tilly:

Terirble Tilly.jpg


thought he's be a good catch for my MIL...

RIP brother Jim.

Rest in Peace Jim , and farewell. Didn't get to meet him but we exchanged a few experiences. - Great guy. - His diatribe about the great bar room brawl on the coast one night in Oregon was one of the coolest tales ever told on the old PZ .

Aw.  Jim was an original.


that dude had movie star good looks. 

I'm so brokenhearted by this news. Jim was such a wonderful storyteller and had time for everyone. He was so sweet to me on countless occasions. I always hoped I'd make it back up to Oregon to see him one last time. Crushed.

he was, quite literally, one of the good ones.

the world needs more like him.

Peace to you and your Family, Jim

JimFurn will always be a Zoner Legend. A true Sailor and man of the sea. I used to love his stories and I ain’t gonna lie I was always a little envious of his life on the coast.

R.I.P. Brother JimFurn 

RIP Jim.

That article was great.  Thanks for sharing.

RIP Jim Furnish.jpg

The photos Jimfurn used to post in the Philzone of his clam catches inspired me to take up clam digging myself.


I think we all could have gotten a kick out of his stories of Adam West.     Thanks for hanging here and getting to know you. See you on the flip side. 

RIP Jim 



Great article, a fine tribute to a classic Oregonian.

My favorite Jim story was when he got deputized to roadie for the Doors in Portland.

RIP, Cap'n.

Great story, thanks for posting that Mylar. Celebrating a GREAT life. 

Wow rip... 

the future disappears into memory

with only a moment between