John Scher on the most recent Bob Lefsetz podcast.
Some interesting discourse on concert promoting and the ongoing Ticketmaster monopoly.
The second half of the interview begins with his GD and Bill Graham relationship before diving into Phil. It starts with Phil demanding that Danny Rifkin be fired as head of Rex....and that he be replaced with Jill. He then doesn't get any kinder about his feelings for the Lesh's. Pretty brutal commentary.
It's safe to say the Scher's and Lesh's do not exhange holiday cards.
Hope these links work...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: The Eggman Sandiegohead
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 12:33 pm
Lefsetz's podcast is
Lefsetz's podcast is fantastic. Never miss an episode.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: fishcane fishcane
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 12:39 pm
The best moment to me is when
The best moment to me is when Scher quotes Dylan coming out of Garcia’s funeral “ ya know, the guy lying in there? He’s the only guy that knows what it’s like to be me.”
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 01:40 pm
Wow I mean none of it is
Wow I mean none of it is surprising other than how sanitized most of the inside books and articles have been to date. Also the story about Kid pretty much backs up everything I've heard. I wonder if this will start opening the floodgates. I'm sure there are a lot of untold stories like this.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 01:43 pm
Weir's speculation about Jill
Weir's reported speculation about Jill's ability to suck the paint off of a battleship is the line to beat.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 01:47 pm
It's all fun and games until
It's all fun and games until the acid wears off.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 02:07 pm
Who has two hours to listen
Who has two hours to listen to this stuff?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 02:29 pm
State job+WFH+Friday Before
State job+WFH+Friday Before Christmas+Fast Forward. That covers it for me can't speak for anyone else.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 02:34 pm
There's a poorly transcribed
There's a poorly transcribed transcript, Bss.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: JP (J Bomb) Tatters
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 03:39 pm
The part about Phil throwing
The part about Phil throwing Bobby down the stairs and also smacking the shit out of him while they were in a car together....that's pretty far out there.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 05:20 pm
Man, that was indeed a really
Man, that was indeed a really terrible transcription. Thanks Mike
phil throwing Bobby down the stairs is, well...
it hurts me too
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dave Nycdave
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 06:19 pm
JP thanks for posting this. 4
JP thanks for posting this. 4 folks who like inny gossipy stuff (like me) it was a real treat.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: I rang a silent bell China-Rider
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 06:26 pm
I thought it was Jerry that
I thought it was Jerry that threw Phil down the stairs.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dave Nycdave
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 06:41 pm
JP thanks for posting this. 4
JP thanks for posting this. 4 folks who like inny gossipy stuff (like me) it was a real treat.
As previously stated, Phil does not come out sounding or acting all that swell. He does give Jill credit 4 saving Phil's life, but also notes that she didn't know much about the music business. Also that Phil empowered her.
Many of us have heard these things before, but to hear it from someone who was there for so long is better then second hand news.
As for Phil... He will always remain one of the best bass players /musicians that I have had the privilege to hear. As for for the other stuff... we all suffer failings as human beings. I have a hard enough time passing judgment on myself. Not actually knowing Phil, there's no real need for me to evaluate what he does. One last thing. Let Phil sing. Oh wait he already does that. Never mind. Carry on.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dave Nycdave
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 06:46 pm
> I thought it was Jerry that
> I thought it was Jerry that threw Phil down the stairs.
Both Jerry & Phil have talked about this, so that can act as confirmation.
Maybe these siwwy hippies all liked throwing each other down stairs.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: DaBreeze Mosthigh
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 09:27 pm
I thought it was Billy who
I thought it was Billy who beat on Bob in the early days.
What Scher says about Phil/Jill seems to confirm what Selvin was talking about in his FTW book.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: gypsy tailwind T.O.D.
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 10:59 pm
how dare you, go to your
how dare you, go to your room
- betty draper
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Martinb Half Dome
on Friday, December 22, 2023 – 11:00 pm
Thanks for the post, I knew
Thanks for the post- I knew Cameron when he was a student at UCSC, always a chill dude.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: krab groad1123
on Sunday, December 24, 2023 – 11:25 am
Rod Smallwood, who's the
Rod Smallwood, who's the manager of Iron Maiden.....
Rod Smallwood? Made me think of.....
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Zzzzzz Zang
on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 – 11:45 am
I listened to the second half
I listened to the second half. Doesn't paint a great picture although I'm sure there are different points of view.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Joe Buck is Back masonskids
on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 – 02:07 pm
It makes sense Weir would go
It makes sense Weir would go sober during February. That was usually a recovery month for the band from the road.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Howard HowardH1
on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 – 05:26 pm
Interesting interview and
Interesting interview and perspective on Weir and the night Furthur / Weir crashed and burned at the Cap.
Phil and JK hardly moved a muscle to help Weir.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 – 07:55 pm
By Ken D. (Portland_ken) on
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Zzzzzz Zang
on Thursday, December 28, 2023 – 08:24 am
I see both sides of this coin
I see both sides of this coin.
On one side it's appalling to hear and see people not help a "brother" in need - although despite the interview's opinion, Phil does appear to look at Booby in the above photo. On the other side of the coin... after dealing with those who continue to get fucked up beyond their limits over and over, at some point you become numb and there is just a sense of being done with their tom foolery. I'm not saying it's the right sense, but I've been there multiple times where I've tried to help or assist and at some point come to the rationalization that it's not my job to continually pick up them up for a lifespan - unless you want it to be your job. That may seem cold hearted, but it's exhausting.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Thursday, December 28, 2023 – 08:43 am
Can barely imagine the number
Can barely imagine the number of people - loved ones included - in their orbit since '65 they've watched run straight down hill with abandon and know that it's out of their hands. Or they themselves were in so deep there was no way of helping others. They were on their own Ship of Fools at times, too.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, December 28, 2023 – 08:51 am
Also, the show must go on.
Also, the show must go on.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Thursday, December 28, 2023 – 09:14 am
And: We're no going to tell
And: We're no going to tell one another what to do.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Thursday, December 28, 2023 – 12:31 pm
Just throw them down the
Just throw them down the stairs from time to time.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Sunday, February 25, 2024 – 04:29 pm
finally finished this.
finally finished this.
really does not paint a flattering picture. i mean i know these are human beings but...shit man.
that was rough.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Thumbkinetic (Bluestnote)
on Sunday, February 25, 2024 – 04:43 pm
Judged by John Scher.
Judged by John Scher.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: gypsy tailwind T.O.D.
on Sunday, February 25, 2024 – 06:58 pm
phil threw in the towel long
phil threw in the towel long ago, 2015 "officially"
bill threw in the towel
bobby generates money every time he hits the stage for phil and bill
bobby is a warrior continuing the grateful dead legacy
who should kick to harry? maybe all??
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: donster Nod
on Monday, February 26, 2024 – 10:19 pm
Listened to pt2 - last 40 min
Listened to pt2 - last 40 min
Have read similar commentary on Phil & Jill in other places. Steve Kimmock might have a thought or two.
I just like to see him play bass on GD songs, tho'