

Judit - Will You Kindly REMOVE The Thread " What defines a little girl - I Posted things I REGRET In That thread - Please and thank you - PLF

Good call, I’ve posted something I regret as well, can we make a list of threads here to be taken down?

that would make things easier 

But now we won't find out how everyone feels about Mike Gordon's "art photos". 

This is just a suggestion so take it or leave it but it may be a more effective approach to email Judit directly with a request like this.  Now I'm curious what was said and am immediately going to search for said thread.

She already said she isn’t pulling it. No regerts!

What in there do you regret saying, and why? Is it that you don’t stand by it, or that you don’t like the fallout?

Comment withdrawn

plf, the fact Brian k even has to ask the question is what's troubling. I'd bet a hundred bucks that any mental health professional would tell you to take a long break from the black screen. Like I said in the other thread, you can't just threaten suicide and come back 2 days later and nonchalantly brush it off. 

If admin were doing their job,  they would have banned you for a few months for your own common good. Their lack of action is not only enabling but also detrimental to your mental health. 

There was a lot of troubling shit going on, on many levels. I’m with JR. Step away from the web and get it together.

I don't have a horse in this race but have an observation


a.   Too much admin intervention 

b.    Too little admin intervention


 Often in conflicting voices


and repeating a private email would be much more appropriate

thanks for the admin's regardless

Maybe if someone is having serious mental health issues, taking away their access to 32 random deadheads throughout the planet might be a bad idea. Just saying, 

We could all do a little better job of policing ourselves.  I agree email might be a better route.


32 random deadheads + a half dozen hipsters who get noticeably excited when they make fun of old people

6, ateix fucked your brain up, huh? 

Oh my God, yes. I may never recover.

This gives you a huge boner, right?


Parade it around and pretend it means something.

Posted things you regret??  Just the thought of posting that the thread is troubling. Never mind putting it up, thinking you're going to gain some traction?



  I agree email might be a better route. <<< I Did that route by Contacting admin = No Pull so far - I'll Post what i want and when i want And Never tell others What to Do !

Mental Health ... ha ha you guys are Funny Doctors ! no

Brian You Have No Credibility = A DUD In My Book no

Like I give a shit what your book says. I read it in those two threads.

I Would Love For JUDIT To Actually POST Here and Her Reason/s NOT To Honor My Request.

Whatever Tough Guy BrianK.

 judit on Sunday, February 17, 2019 – 12:29 am

 I don’t really like the idea of removing threads; I think this is a good place to end this one. 



Laughing off mental health help advice after threatening suicide to the group is some fucked up shit.  

Let’s get this straight. You victim shamed a young lady and blamed a reporter for doing his job. People were still relatively civil to you. You then apologized for what you said.

And then you came back with a new thread, the most fucked up I’ve ever seen here. In spite of it, people were still pretty civil to you. In that thread you doubled and tripled down on all sorts of messed up. Then you did a “goodbye cruel Zone” and claimed suicidal. In spite of how messed up it was, people wished you well and didn’t come down on you.

The next day you came back, wanting to pretend none of that happened. It was just pain?

I do hope you get the help you need. Mentally ill or just in pain, it’s not right to blame a 14 year old, and then start the thread you did.

Im not going to berate you, or deal with you any further. If, however, you spew any more vile pedo shit, you better believe that you’re going to have to get what you deserve.

Surjade - Let Me Guess You Are One Of Those Holier Than Thou Pot Growers ?

>>I'll Post what i want and when i want And Never tell others What to Do !

I've noticed.  Peace.


Right? Like all those call out threads he starts, explaining who he doesn’t like, and then telling them to go away?

Briank and I have no credibility.

Why do you think Dflo is holier than thou? 


Slacksack, you ever get that surfboard wet? Asking for a friend, of course. 

Is what’s going on in this thread a good example of the “punching down” or “swinging at low hanging fruit” I’ve heard so much about?

Not sure. But if you tell him he needs a break, he might listen to you, Hoover. You’ve got some sway over the cray. 

Sorry surjade you know when my life kinda sucks lately when i lash out Can Spring Come please i am Wintered out.  oh and Lukas Nelson tonight and wed at the Troubadour - Sold Out.

6ravy, I've surfed a few times. Not as much as you or your friend OG.

You know he crashed his bus into a telephone pole, right? 

Drop a few bucks in his GoFundMe. Maybe he can fix his bus or buy a surfboard. 

Weak troll is weak. 

You get away with mad stuff while others in the cruë get the ban ham. Somebody knows you’re special!

How many zoner friends do you have that got permanently banned? 


"Is what’s going on in this thread a good example of the “punching down” or “swinging at low hanging fruit” I’ve heard so much about?"

Remember that time jr got PLF banned?


Sorry TH :(

Who’s got the time to figure that out, Slack? Oh wait, you do! 

How many Zoner friends pools do you clean? Do they pay 2x for your housing woes?



Is this thing on?  Hi Judit!  (I didn't read any of this thread, I am just testing my account :))


My name is 6ravy and I don't have enough time. 

Is that T.O.?

>> I don't have enough time

...but I do have a house. 

Your turn to cry?

TBH I'm not sure why Judit has an issue deleting that particular thread but deletes others where mean but ultimately harmless bickering happens. I see why OP wants it deleted and she should do it. There's no good that will come of someone making a spectacle out of suicidal threats, victim blaming and specious, pedo-friendly remarks here. Not down with someone using emotional blackmail to shut down conversations here about abuse. That's JMO. I predict PLF is going to get much support via email from feds posing as lurkers, though.

Does your house have room for surfboards? How many surfboards do you have right now? 

I'm guessing none because you don't surf. 

BURN lol!

5 not counting my kid’s boards. Next dorky question?

Dflo gave me a board even though I don't surf every day. 

How come you don't give OG one of your shredded sticks?


Knot - would you ever let someone else use your handle to post?

6ravy, where do you surf? I'll ask my brother in law Oz if you're any good. 

Whatever are you trying to imply mrs. 4winds?

Well this was a long time coming.  Plf has been on tilt for ages.


Get help dude.

Oh shit you guys share your log-in info too? 

>>>>>Knot - would you ever let someone else use your handle to post?


I don't know anyone who would ask.

Bring it noodler, Bring It!



>>>>>Whatever are you trying to imply mrs. 4winds?


Thod never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like.

I was just scrolling by (didn't actually read the thread, so played it safe, lol)

lol, Noodler brought it.


>> I predict PLF is going to get much support via email from feds posing as lurkers, though.


lol, wtf is that supposed to mean? You really think feds lurk here, huh?

And Tulsa was and is a Zoner loved by many. Don't be butthurt because JR has a memory of what happened, Dise. You've tried calling him out twice over this plf stuff, but JR is giving him sage advice (not that it's being taken...).


Ouch, pussy lol

>>I don't know anyone who would ask.

It was a yes or no question.

lol, wtf is that supposed to mean? You really think feds lurk here, huh

lol...you think they don't? Maybe it was just a ratboard thing but I recall some ratboarders got popped about 5 years ago for some unlawful activity due to feds lurking and contacting them off-board. Viva's totally different though...

Tulsa got banned because he had a meltdown and posted a bunch of melty threads that were NSFW, not because I said I wasn't donating money to viva to read his shit. I'm just jabbing jr in a teasing manner because he seems to forget how that actually went down. Pretty sure he doesn't need you white knighting for him against a chick but lolololol tough guy.

Sorry, ya'll. Dise is freaking me out. Imma take some microhits of perfectly legal drugs now, at home, not driving or breaking any laws, of course.

Really?  Don't think I was posting when any of this went down.

{{{Gravy's safe space}}}

I made a comment when viva was dragnetting for donations that I wasn't paying money to read a bunch of old perverts like tulsa and BK wank all day, Sara. Tulsa got mad, threw some fits and was gone the next day with multiple threads deleted. That's literally all I know about tulsa chris being banned. lol!

Hope plf gets the help he needs for whatever his issue(s) are, seriously.

On the other hand....suicide is nothing to make fun of.......


Obscure shit makes you look sane. check lol lol lol

BK mostly held his shit together though he took issue with me lumping him together with tulsa and has never been banned here as far as I know. 



Middle aged pervs. How dare you call me old.

Who is Thod babbling at now? Cars?

((((wankin' all day))))

lol. I actually don't know how old you are BK. My bad! 

I've been trying for five minutes for figure out what NSFW stands for.

I'm so bad at all this internet speak.

I sometimes miss the pervy old days. They were less contentious times. But alas, nookie talk has become taboo.

Pushing 50, Dise.

this is important-  not safe for work

Next is loneliness...

Thanks for the reminder lol

Ah, yes of course. Thank you 4winds.

Fortunately I would never consider having any personal web pages open in a classroom, certainly not a zone page.

My actual desk area is in a cubicle space away from any sensitive eyes, but no one is ever around when I'm goofing off there anyway.

Still, I learned something today.

We learn as we go.

Are you using the school's internet in your cubicle, Lance? 

The internet belongs to all of us Dise.

Thanks for your support 4winds. It’s good to be safe. 

Dise seems a little obsessed with me as of late. I know I'm good looking, but chill a bit hon. 



Not Safe For Work, Lance 

>> to all of us 

Well, at least to those who have not been banned.

Noodler on his A game.

Who's winning here or is it simply a big mosh of random jabbing?

Plf, are you ok?

Hunting butterflies with baseball bats.

Hi plf.  Just another idea I thought to share is in regards to smoking pot.  I know you're very vocal about getting high and just wanted to share that I also struggle with mental health issues and find abstaining from MJ can help reset/clear my head.  Might be worth trying man.  Just set a short term and realistic goal (maybe a week) and complete it.  What that will do is give you information... it will give you a fresh perspective to compare against.

Who is surjade? 

>>Who's winning here or is it simply a big mosh of random jabbing? 

welcome to the party bitch!

welcome to the party bitch!

...and watch out for the GLITTER !!!



Who is surjade? >>>

Maybe the person that gave Slacks the surfboard that is now collecting dust somewhere.

Well Guess Who Went To The Doctor Today to Get Help ? ME !  And For Those That Care About Me - Thank You ! A Lot Is Involved and I'ts Complicated.




Jaz it has been at least 2 weeks since ive smoked Pot and i have cut down in amount too.

Too much admin intervention 

 Too little admin intervention



WEED Is The Least Of My Issues

How SCARY Is That Brian K Dude dissecting Me ? My God Get A Life.



I never dissected you. I asked if you were messed up rather than assuming. The next day I outlined exactly what you did.

Nice try on the deflection, but it’s still a bit too soon for you to be taking that road. The shit you laid down here was as nasty as anything the Zone has ever seen.

Psychoanalysis of each other.

Oh yeah, that makes for interesting reading.

You pathetic lonely boring assholes really need a hobby 

Pick up an instrument. Learn a new language.


Some of you sitting there with your cock in your hand
Don't get you nowhere don't make you a man


