Judit & CO deserve a donations link!


This was some serious work they did to make this place look like the old home place.

I'd like to make a donation for all your time and efforts!


I would also like to contribute. Thank you.

I would also like to bring you a vivala house warming gift, Judit!


Please send me a text when you have some time this weekend and I'd like to drop something by for you:)

I'm in

Amazing work you guys have done here! 

This place is awesome.

Thank you all so much for this labor of love and keeping our community safe and sound.

I am down for this too.

It would be tuff (but fun) to surprise them

Input will be needed.

(I think i can get discounts at Target)

Thank you, so much. All along the way people have been kindly letting us know that they will help out and I've said let's wait til we get up and running. Well, here we are!!!
We have had expenses that we'd like help with, and we'll have some more, so, please keep this in mind. We'll let you know when it's time for fundraising - it won't be long.



I'm def. in for this. I'm happy to contribute to a place that looks to be lots of fun going forward.

You have my support.  Thank you Judit and anyone else who contributed to getting this site up and running.  

Yes they do! It looks the same which is awesome. 


Mannfred owes this board $20 we bet on the election, you should send him a email reminding him. LOL


Is it wrong that I can't hit the delete button on the Gone Zone? Maybe one day.



Hollah. In for sure.

Im game

image_13.jpegI'm in.

I shared this with some zoners last night after .org went black. I was searching my Zoner email and took a capture from an email I sent to Brent during a fundraiser in 2014

Notice the closing enlightened


Count me in!

Maybe they should collect aluminum cans.



I have a piggy bank savings for one of the granddaughters. The hell with the kid. She is at that snotty 13 year old stage.



So I'm in too.

i so adore you, Chile !

well, they are gonna get some swell stickers from me (:

if there is a way to help ease costs for Our Heroes; let's do it~


yea, Jaz, damn hormonal brat!

I'm in too!!! I have missed being away from the zone the last few years and am beyond happy that I've reconnected with so many of you just in the last few months. It's like a warm homecoming ~ (((((phamily)))))

hi scarlet fire!!!!!

Hi Jon!

I am in!

I always felt it was money well spent during the server fee drives.  All worth it.

Thanks guys and gals

Bump for donation info....

If your doing something for passion, don't expect a reward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why does colorado deserve a donation? yes, judit, lava, and the others have done an outstanding job bringing this site together. Huzzah!

You should sell ad space for things people here would buy like walkers or doomsday gardens. Or sell thongs and stuff with the URL on it people eat that shit up, it doesn't even have to be good quality. 

For now I'll just have to say thanks a bunch. You guys are neato! 

Absolutely in. Will wait for info. Perhaps put up one of those threads that stays on top so it doesn't get lost? And I'm still willing to make separate donation to the TV upgrade fund...just sayin.Over and out.

I'm in. Just let us know where to send the money.

Thank you and congratulations to Judit and company. Fine work and spirit!

I'm in - soon as I know where to send it!