Just got an Amber Alert, but what?


I just got an Amber Alert on my phone about two kids taken in a van in SF, then almost immediately I see on the news that a father left his 2-year-old & 4-year old in his car, at night, while he was delivering Doordash inside an apartment building. Somebody got in his van and took off.

So FUCK whoever took the car & kids, but what was that father thinking? 

Did he leave the car unlocked? Did he leave the keys in the car? With his young children alone?

He was on the news, tearfully begging for the return of his children. How horrible, but I can't help thinking...

Should he be charged for child endangerment, leaving his kids in a car after dark?

I feel nervous & guilty when I leave my dog in the car while I run to the ATM, I can't imagine going inside an apt. building after dark and leaving two young children in a car.

What a world.

The news just gets stranger & stranger.

God bless this man and his Family, I am sure he was doing what he thought was best for his family, and the evil did not come from him, just the bad decision.

when your poor you get throttled on taking hand outs, if they are available, and when you try to make it on your own the deck is stacked against you. 

end poverty, no reason it should be in the United States 

I got that alert also.

They found the kids in the van later in the city, kids ok. 

Good ending.

Some of my dogwalker friends were discussing this. It's been a risk for City walkers to leave their dogs in the vehicle while they run into a building to pick up a dog. Numerous dog vans - full of dogs - have been stolen.

I know, not the same as someone's kid(s) being abducted  - but also a risk.


Last week one walker reported a thief entered her vehicle but just as she approached she saw him running - she had a 'Cujo' in the back seat that scared the thief off. Good boy. 

One solution has been to have two sets of keys so the car can remain running while locked, but that doesn't always solve the problem because the car thieves can just break the windows - and have done just that. My new Vehicle doesn't even have a key for the ignition- just a start button and a key FOB. I can keep it 'running' and so long as the Fob isn't in the vehicle, no one can drive away. 

but no, don't leave kids alone in the car, ever

and you're taking a risk if you leave the dog(s) in there alone.

there was smash and grab out of a car stuck in SF traffic  yesterday - as the car was about to get onto the freeway. thief got away with photo equipment. Luckily no dogs or kids were taken.



> Should he be charged for child endangerment, leaving his kids in a car after dark?

I don't know about charged, but leaving a 2 year old and a 4 year old alone in a car should have some kind of consequence. That ain't right.

You can get  children delivered by Doordash now?...

In this economy, it's entirely possible the van doubles as their home.  Dad has probably done this many times and nothing happened.

Humans get complacent (or emboldened) when a risky behavior is repeated and it doesn't produce negative results. 

>>>He was on the news, tearfully begging for the return of his children.

Or, this was the one time that he didn't lock the doors when he made a delivery. Glad it turned out ok.

>You can get  children delivered by Doordash now?...


Democrats only 

I can keep it 'running' and so long as the Fob isn't in the vehicle, no one can drive away. 

If your car is running someone can drive it away. The absence of the Fob only prevents it from restarting, I learned this the hard way when I got out of the car at SFO and my wife drove home. Fortunately she didn't stop at the market and there was another Fob at the house.

Even the newer models ? Shit, guess I need to test this out with my new vehicle  

I'm happy the kids were found, but the next day the story still rankles me.

I understand that hard times create tough situations and difficult decisions, but aren't young children the most precious of all things?

I'm sorry, but there has to be a way to avoid leaving very young children out of sight & alone in a car after dark, in a big city that's riddled with crime, more now than ever. He left the car running, BTW.

He could have brought the kids with him to the delivery. Probably get a bigger tip that way. He could have contacted the customer to ask if they could come out to meet him. Anything is better than what he did.

Maybe I'm touchy because for almost 40 years I was a "mandated child abuse reporter" and had to go through yearly refresher courses, but I say the father should be charged.

It won't happen because the DA in San Francisco doesn't seem to ever want to charge anyone, no matter what the crime.

Hopefully the father will come up with a better way to deliver pizzas from now on.


I was in the city Friday, had to do an errand in Fisherman's Wharf.

Beautiful day, mid-afternoon, saw two different huge SUV's within 2 blocks that just had their side and back windows busted out by thieves.

Glass everywhere, belongings strewn about, tourists standing around pulling out their hair, cops dutifully taking reports they know will lead nowhere....

Sad state of affairs in general in SF.