Kamala Harris gets the tap to be VP


I was rooting for Susan Rice or Elizabeth Warren, but hopeful Harris will provide the necessary energy and appeal to defeat Trump.

I am disappointed but she was my #2 pick.  Go Biden/Harris!

Go Biden/Harris!<<<<

^ Yes, this is the important thing to remember!

I Will Vote For Them.


rice and warren Will Help Her ! It IS A Big and Important Job - VP of the United States.

I Will Vote For Them<<<

I will too.  This will be the first time I've voted Dem in the Presidential race since 2008.

rice and warren Will Help Her ! It IS A Big and Important Job - VP of the United States<<<

In light of Biden's age and the gigantic hole we're in now, I think it's a much bigger job than normal.

Harris was the one Democrat running for president who I actually got excited about. She's more than capable and brings a whole lot of spirit to the game.

Trump Clearly Rattled ~ 8-11-2020 from Me

Today !!


Biden/Harris might actually be the more conservative option. I wonder if he will drop or raise in the polls. Good luck with federal legalization now you fuckin stoners. My guess is large funding for the police is coming.

Definitely charismatic. She's got more than a few people excited. Probably will energize the race. I thought it might be Rice for the foreign policy experience, but I don't think Biden hurt himself.

I like that we have two folks on the ticket that actually seem to give a damn about people and can exhibit empathy. Hope it's sincere. Ooops, did I just say sincere, talking about a politician?    



710.26Sen. Tammy Baldwin [D-WI]

#720.25Sen. Thomas Carper [D-DE]

#730.24Sen. Timothy “Tim” Kaine [D-VA]

#740.24Sen. Brian Schatz [D-HI]

#750.23Sen. Benjamin Cardin [D-MD]

#760.23Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez [D-NJ]

#770.22Sen. Patrick Leahy [D-VT]

#780.21Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto [D-NV]

#790.19Sen. Margaret “Maggie” Hassan [D-NH]

#800.19Sen. Tammy Duckworth [D-IL]

#810.19Sen. Christopher Murphy [D-CT]

#820.18Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [D-RI]

#830.17Sen. Cory Booker [D-NJ]

#840.17Sen. Ron Wyden [D-OR]

#850.16Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]

#860.16Sen. Tina Smith [D-MN]

#870.15Sen. Elizabeth Warren [D-MA]

#880.15Sen. Chris Van Hollen [D-MD]

#890.14Sen. Richard Durbin [D-IL]

#900.13Sen. Mazie Hirono [D-HI]

#910.13Sen. Patty Murray [D-WA]

#920.12Sen. John “Jack” Reed [D-RI]

#930.12Sen. Sherrod Brown [D-OH]

#940.10Sen. Richard Blumenthal [D-CT]

#950.09Sen. Edward “Ed” Markey [D-MA]

#960.05Sen. Kamala Harris [D-CA]

#970.03Sen. Jeff Merkley [D-OR]

#980.01Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]

#990.00Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]


Who does Gavin name to replace her in the Senate? Katie Porter? 


Forcing Kamala Harris (Beto to) down our throats in the primary but voters said pass. Forcing Kamala 2.0 

Biden loses close sham election. We are a authoritarian state already. 

After this election a new third party for progressives. 


So should we put you down as "undecided" Oaksterdan?

<<I thought it might be Rice for the foreign policy experience, but I don't think Biden hurt himself.

My heart hurts for Susan but probably for the best.  Hopefully she get's named Sec. of State. 

Hillary Clinton had a 20+ year campaign against her. We saw it in 2016. The GOP is convinced she is the literal devil, and their attacks have been so steady and comprehensive that even I believed some of them. It’s not fair,  but she’s just largely reviled. Biden has thankfully no such massive campaign against him and none of the other VP options have such strong ties. Susan Rice would have introduced the HRC boogeyman into the mix.

the meme people are busy.

After this election a new third party for progressives<<<

I'd at least say it's more than fair to place Dems on "probation"

While there's plenty of blame to cast upon Trump himself, I do believe it was a broken system that set the stage for his emergence.

There's so much to do regarding reform, it's hard to know where to begin.

For example, if Dems somehow retake the Senate, do they vote to change the Senate Rules that have allowed McConnell to block legislation being sent from the House from receiving an up or down vote; or do they just pretend it never happened?


Susan Rice would have introduced the HRC boogeyman into the mix<<<<

The likes of Rush, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, etc. ought NEVER be empowered on such a level because they can repeat a word (Benghazi) again and again and again.

> the meme people are busy.

And the fundraisers too. My inbox is blowing up.

Kamala is a solid pick and leaves Rice free for a cabinet or senior staff job. Harris will open a can of Oakland whoop-ass debating Pence and we'll be a solid campaigner. She won't take crap from Trump. Congrats to Biden/Harris. 

Here's a meme for you Turtle.  I guess this is what slick calls charismatic.



Kamala is shady as fuck.  Any Californian should know this.  

Thank you Oregon Senator, Jeff Merkley. More recent list of progressives in Congress:

progressive rating, congress.jpg


Bernie scored worse than Kamala and Warren and Booker......shameful!!


and to Judit's progeressive score post...



I proud to be non-Partisan.   I am not fooled by the divide and conquer sadism so fruitfully provided.  

Ha ha knew the little misogynist meme boy would bite.

and as a Californian, no big kamala fan but at least she's not stupid. 

Based on legislation introduced, and verified by two independent ranking systems, Harris is the 4th most progressive Senator. She surpasses both Sanders and Warren.

In spite of this, the haters are concerned with a political job she got 20 years ago, and that she did her job as a DA.

Haters gonna hate...


i actually just goosebumps daydreaming at the dog park about the pence vs. harris debates. all gloves off and no fucks to give. let's fucking go already! 

on another note, makes my heart warm projecting out and seeing a guy like pence ostracized, humiliated, and blacklisted, except for the way far right world of politics, after this mess is over. 

the zoner haters are coming on strong - lol kids see you in 4.5 years. 

 I'll choose not to name names, they can eviscerate themselves, slowly with a dull butter knife   (LOLOL?)  - 


is it weed driven hate?

 fyi,  it will be legal in 3 years....

weak weak feeble fun, boosts your egos???

hating is addictive?, 

Thinking of people's judgments based on ancient history; one of the goals of life is to grow, learn from experience, make new decisions using things you now know. It seems more important to look at a person's current actions/record than only something from the distant past. Racket, your links and meme are old news, and some of them published by sensationalist organizations. Who cares if someone dated Willie Brown that many years ago, etc.?

You're ok with an elected official creating tax payer funded jobs for his girlfriend?

yea, you would think it's no big deal they dated and not see the root issue.

Wasn't the job there? He didn't create it for her, she filled it. Right?

What is the root issue really?

She had no business in healthcare.  The root issue is being played by the democrat party once again.

There's gotta be one in every thread. Sometimes more. LOL 

I think you mean she had no previous experience in healthcare funding or approving of contracts? I'm not saying it wasn't a sweet appointment for her while she also worked at her day jobs, it was.

Who's really being played by the Democratic party as you see it? Are you concerned about that? Oh, I never thought that you might be a Dem.


Slickrock, Racket likes to bring the conservative and creepy view to threads. He likes to poke, though usually at Turtle, not at me. But I sometimes like to play.



 While not naming names



rackey,  you are just disgusting 

it is truly quite sad

zero class.  Do you hate all women equally??

blow me

 While not naming names



rackey,  you are just disgusting 

it is truly quite sad

zero class.  Do you hate all women equally??

blow me. Again

Kamala Harris LOL.

The clueless Dems couldn't beat a sociopathic real estate scammer in 2016 and now, with what should be a lay-up victory, are trotting out a Biden/Harris ticket. This is almost as bad as Hillary/Kaine. 

Either they are far more convinced of their modeling this time around, or are truly incompetent. 

We will see.


>>The clueless Dems couldn't beat a sociopathic real estate scammer in 2016

They did beat him by 3.000.000 votes in 2016.

Unfortunately - "rigged" electoral college system thwarted the will of the majority.

Personally, I like Harris more than Rice. I think she's a lot more professional, a lot smarter and lot more progressive. I can't decide if it's a smart political move, though, or a bad one. On the one hand, she may bring in more of the progressive wing and solidify the center. On the other hand, she may ostracize a lot of black voters for her history of draconian incarceration and honestly, I just don't know how the Mid-West, rural voter will react to her. Racism is real and it's not always explicit. Like it or not, Rice was a far more appealing candidate (I think) to your average low-level racist. She's in the Republican industries and she barely looks Black, whatever that means. Kamala, I feel, triggers a more gut reaction and could isolate voters who were conservatish on the fence types, maybe don't likeTrump anymore but were waiting to see what direction Biden goes and now with this, they could disappear. Maybe.

Judit, regardless of what you think of Racket, you are here guilty of what pretty much every human being is guilty of: 100% rationalizing the stinky shit of their tribe while slinging arrows and darts for the same behavior among the other tribe. Kamala did not get a sweet deal. There's a very clear name for what happened there and it's called corruption. Her boyfriend (a very powerful and important politician) gave her a position she had no experience in, no qualifications for, that she had to go to twice a week, where she was absent 20% of the time, and got paid like 120k+ in today's money. That's not a sweet deal, my dear Judit - that's corruption.

And Number6: When you voted in the election you implicitly bought into the terms and conditions, the small lettering at the bottom. You can dislike the electoral college all you want, but your vote validated the election of Donald Trump by validating the system. Buy the ticket, take the ride.


Javs, if you were a US citizen....


Who would you vote for

trump or biden?


>>> That's not a sweet deal, my dear Judit - that's corruption. <<<

watch your mouth you condescending fuckwit.


>>And Number6: When you voted in the election you implicitly bought into the terms and conditions, the small lettering at the bottom. You can dislike the electoral college all you want, but your vote validated the election of Donald Trump by validating the system. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Javs the Nihilist in action.


>>Javs, if you were a US citizen....

>>Who would you vote for

>>trump or biden?


He wouldn't vote for either of them because he is righteous and pure and only deals in hypotheticals and dutifully gives the finger to real world decisions.

Personally, I like Harris more than Rice. I think she's a lot more professional, a lot smarter and lot more progressive<<<

Admittedly, I haven't paid all that much attention to Rice, but from the bits and pieces I've seen of her, she strikes me more of a "Cincinnatus"; a citizen who is willing to do one's duty in the public arena vs. the more raw ambition Harris appears to reflect & is the primary pull to serve.  Past policy decisions aside, I believe Rice has a more "leveled center" on this front; which I believe has been desperately lacking from high office in the US for a VERY long time, and those who've teetered on a "genuine disposition / ambition quotient" in recent decades haven't hung around for very long (i.e. Carter / Ford).  While she certainly wasn't living in obscurity, Susan Rice would've more closely embodied someone who was "plucked" from such a place moreso than Kamala Harris.  I believe Rice's approach to much-needed systemic reform might have been more fundamentally genuine and disarming to those who aren't "playing the game".  Then again, maybe Rice's personality is just better at hiding / feigning her ambition.  Regardless, I think Harris will do a good job.

(((((Root issues)))

Look at Javs, stepping up the pseudo intellectual arrogance. His answer is to vote for Mickey Mouse, which will do nothing other than to make himself feel better. That way there will be 4 more years of Trump, which will set up the revolution that we need (but will never happen).

"If you vote in the American presidential election, you're part of the problem and complicit."

Jesus dude, get a grip on reality. You're in la la land.

I learned a bunch about Harris from watching this report on PBS.  

Kamala Harris' path to the Democratic presidential ticket.


Thanks for posting that link, C-R. I saw that last night and thought it very informative. 

Though there's a bit of history that wasn't in it, and that "dirty laundry" and policy inconsistencies will be flushed out in the coming months.  

I would just like the record to show that yet again, having not been addressed by me, Brian has come out with a personal attack style comment and not a smidge of response to my points.

TOD, Judit and I understand each other just fine, thank you. We have a pretty nice virtual pseudo-friendship and have for a long time. No need for you in the middle. Another insult, no response post.

Number 6, another insult-no response post.

FOM, this:

"I believe Rice's approach to much-needed systemic reform might have been more fundamentally genuine and disarming to those who aren't "playing the game". "

Is a really interesting point and what I was referring to before. I don't know if Kamala is more or less attractive to the average voter in part for the reasons you mention. Rice, by virtue of her corporate ties and non-political (generally) context, may have been more appealing to the more center-right branch of the centrists. I guess we'll see what the polls say in the next few weeks about Kamala, but we'll never know what they would have said had it been Rice.

Oh, and yes, getting a job you don't have to do and aren't qualified for and that pays a hefty salary from your boyfriend who is in a position of power to give you that job? Still corruption.


Javs, if you were a US citizen....


Who would you vote for

trump or biden?


javs clarifying her willie brown issues is arrogance?

look. what are the dems doing about the swing states?

what are they doing about mail in ballots?

stop being so fucking butt hurt that people scrutinize the candidates.

none of this matters if the 2 issues are not addressed. then you can go back to feeling like the noble rational compromisers you espouse to be.


>>> javs clarifying her willie brown issues is arrogance? <<<

he didn't clarify shit

all he did was opine 


>>> Judit, regardless of what you think of Racket, you are here guilty of what pretty much every human being is guilty of: 100% rationalizing the stinky shit of their tribe while slinging arrows and darts for the same behavior among the other tribe. <<<


you're an idiot.

TOD is at 4.8 on the meltdown scale.


^ settle down sailor

>>Number 6, another insult-no response post.

Javs (playing Rick Sanchez): (burp) Come on Morty we must go fight the windmills!

Number 6 (playing Morty): Oh jeez, Rick...

Scrutinize the candidates all you want. By all means, point out the problems with the system. It's the dire lack of realistic and viable solutions that's a joke.

>And Number6: When you voted in the election you implicitly bought into the terms and conditions, the small lettering at the bottom. You can dislike the electoral college all you want, but your vote validated the election of Donald Trump by validating the system. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

That right there is one of the most ridiculous comments I've read here. What he's saying, in no uncertain terms, is that if you vote you're part of the problem.

Not voting isn't a solution, unless one wants 4 more years of Trump, which will set the stage for a revolution that changes our political system.

That's not a realistic solution to jack shit.


The Javs "solution":

If you vote you are part of the problem.

If you don't vote you are part of the problem.

for the record, i also believe it is a bit idealistic to simply not vote.

i mean if we were getting the normal bush co or clinton co type of boning...its one thing. but this motherfucker is burning down the house we all live in and hastening its rush into some sort of fascist state. 

So I take it you all agree that Kamala is corrupt then?

Anybody interested in my thoughts on how Kamala may isolate the centrist MidWest low level racist voter? Swing states?


And Number, you have it all wrong. If you vote for candidates who actively and deliberately perpetuate a system that creates inequality, furthers warfare and destroys the environment, you are part of the problem. If you don't, you are not part of the problem.

To think that the solution to the world's problems is political is to me, laughable. An infinite universe provides an infinite amount of avenues in which to influence the reality around us. And every influence is ultimately holographic, not one bigger than another. You might plant flowers in your garden and one day someone walking by will see them and be inspired to create a machine that gathers water and transforms nutrients the way that the plant does, thereby solving global hunger issues. Who knows? Find your avenue where you can do good in the universe, if such is your intention, and go with it.

As far as I can tell (I may be wrong), but there's only three or four people on the zone who actually do any kind of local political activism. I get the feeling that many of you are convinced that you can sit on your couch, live your life, drive your car, and that by casting your vote you have done your part in terms of contributing to society. I don't think that's true. I don't think voting is all that important and that sometimes the right flower in the right place can have just as much or more of an impact. Voting can tweak a system, but ultimately change happens when people get fed up and demand it. They demand it in a variety of ways, but true change happens through mass movements, peaceful or otherwise. And those mass movements happen when peoples' gut, their feelings are kicked into gear. Just think: if 4 years of Trump could make you feel so righteous about what you value in your country, what effect would 8 have? 

So yeah, you vote for the system, you buy the package. You commit to the ideal that you can change it from within. I don't think you really can. Like the old adage says, if voting could change the system, it would be illegal.

"i mean if we were getting the normal bush co or clinton co type of boning...its one thing. but this motherfucker is burning down the house we all live in and hastening its rush into some sort of fascist state."

And I respect that, Turtle. I just feel differenty. 

Javs you can play high and mighty all day long if you need to, but my strong belief is that not voting is about the most foolish thing a responsible citizen can do. 

I have not voted in the past and I have written in Jerry Garcia often - but I don;t think it did any good for anyone - not even me in the long run.

That's where we differ, Mr. Number, sir: to me, voting over and over for the same cookie-cutter candidates who promote war, inequality and environmental destruction and not seeing how that perpetuates and validates the system, that, to me, is foolishness.

To identify so strongly with any nation/state, any country, any -ism, is to me foolish. It shows a lack of recognition of what makes us fundamentally human. It's not our political borders, that much I know.

I do appreciate that you assume who I do and do not vote for.

So every time I have voted for Bernie over the last 30 years, for example, was foolish?

I think I have literally voted for him (between primaries and elections) about 20-30 times.

I voted for several progressive candidates yesterday in the Vermont primaries.

Many of them lost despite my vote.

I'm such a fool, I guess?

Lol, do you even read?

"voting over and over for the same cookie-cutter candidates who promote war, inequality and environmental destruction and not seeing how that perpetuates and validates the system, that, to me, is foolishness."

Bernie, is no cookie-cutter candidate...

"I do appreciate that you assume who I do and do not vote for."

I haven't assumed anything. I said that voting for that type of candidate is foolishness and you got your panties in a bunch. Now, in an edit you tell us that you've written Jerry Garcia in your ballot before. Even having written nothing, you participated in validating the system and ergo whoever won that election.

And to clarify yet again: While Bernie reflects my values and ideals, what I most respect about him is his integrity. Campaign financing clarity. That should be step 1 for any candidate. If I saw a right wing candidate who had gotten to be a candidate solely from grass-roots small contributions, who was clearly honest, not in bed with industry, etc. I would praise that candidate as well, even though I would not vote for them.

The Secretary of State’s office said in a tweet late Wednesday night that “it appears Vermont voters have shattered the previous primary turnout record.” 


I live in a state of fools!

Went to vote my ballot, strangest I could find
Laid my progressive position down,voted down the line
I won't vote for beggar's pay, likewise war or fossil fuels
But I would slave to learn the way to not have to vote for fools

>>Lol, do you even read?

Javs - do you ever unclench your sphincter and let out even a modest laugh?


you believe not voting is the answer javs.


US citizens believe living is more important than your political ideology.


it's crazy that you think politics first is more important than trying to survive a global pandemic.


because that's what we're trying to do, fucking survive.

the only way we move forward is FIRST vote his ass out.

second is getting to work.


the chicken and egg big brain thing is tired bro.

Number, I make a point of unclenching my sphincter and laughing at least 3 times a day. By schedule. Good hearty laugh. Then I go back to my routine of hanging ice blocks off my balls and repeatedly piercing my nipples.

If I remember correctly, your state voted for Bernie in the primary, no? So you're still going on about this fools thing because apparently you need something to be frustrated about today, but if you understood what I wrote, you would see that I was saying that your state would, in fact, not be a state of fools.

TOD, I'm glad you feel that way but I disagree. If this lesser-of-two-evils cycle hadn't been normalized and validated over the last 40 years, you wouldn't have a raging populist like Trump in office in the first place. If you continue the cycle, there's a good chance that the next time a pandemic or major crisis comes, you may have an even worse blowhard in power. The trend is clear. I've mapped it out very clearly in the Biden VP thread. You keep on pushing the center to the right. That's all you're accomplishing.

Javs, there is no one singular point of view. Every citizens has there reason to vote for or against a candidate.

Your stating you wouldn't vote in this election is your choice. However, I would encourage any voter in a non-swing state to vote for Biden simply to pad the popular vote against Trump. He tried to talk his way out of his 3,000,000 vote shortfall in 2016 (Fraud! Illegals!!). He won't be able to if it's 10,000,000 votes. We need a mandate from the public....a BIG THUMBS DOWN.

So, are you part of the problem, or the solution?

Electoral college is not fraud, I'm sorry. It ain't fraud if it's legal.

You and I understand the problem differently. I don't think you can vote your way out of this problem, at least not by voting for a candidate like Biden.

I posted this in the other thread, but think it's valuable for our conversation here:

This is the progression of the conservativism scale over the last 40 years or so:

1 Most Liberal - 10 Hard conservative

Carter: 1

Ford: Not sure

Reagan: 5

HW: 6

Clinton: 4

W: 7

Obama: 5

Trump: 9


Do you see the pattern? This is what the lesser-of-two-evils creates. Cause and effect. By voting for the lesser-of-two-evils you don't ameliorate the effects of the right - you deepen them. What's next?

>> I don't think you can vote your way out of this problem, at least not by voting for a candidate like Biden. <<

Your implication is that Biden is no better than Trump, or, Trump is no worse than Biden.

That is laughable. This country is a powder keg under Trump. Biden will diffuse that bomb. Yes, we need to advance to bigger and better objectives, but voting Trump OUT is step number one.


>>> That's all you're accomplishing. <<<


lol, great debate bro, but the trump administration is actively trying to kill us.





you seem fairly confident that if US becomes a failed democracy, it will have no effect on Chile.

which is funny, because you've made numerous references to how the US affects the whole world.





Carter was not a 1...maybe 2.5-3.0.

FOM, this:

"I believe Rice's approach to much-needed systemic reform might have been more fundamentally genuine and disarming to those who aren't "playing the game". "

Is a really interesting point and what I was referring to before. I don't know if Kamala is more or less attractive to the average voter in part for the reasons you mention. Rice, by virtue of her corporate ties and non-political (generally) context, may have been more appealing to the more center-right branch of the centrists. I guess we'll see what the polls say in the next few weeks about Kamala, but we'll never know what they would have said had it been Rice.<<<<

I was talking about reform if once elected vs. how either will appeal to voters of various political stripes.   In a broad sense, it's the ONLY issue.  What's the point of calling shots, this cue ain't straight in line.

I have no doubt that Harris would ultimately be vigilant and there will be some "stretch marks" post-Trump regardless, but who would be better at addressing the underlying "eating disorder"?   ... especially if one finds themselves prematurely in the Oval Office?   I think Warren would've have been the best choice on this front, but Rice might've been enough of an outsider with a genuinely good disposition to tackle the fundamental systemic issues.  Harris will chip away and likely make some big dents by virtue of some of her strengths as a prosecutor & spirit, but not sure if she's able to pull the weed out from by the roots if she's adept at gaining political sustenance from the same ecosystem?

>>Number, I make a point of unclenching my sphincter and laughing at least 3 times a day. 


Carter never ordered soldiers to war or dropped bombs on brown people

This is pretty much the definition of a "1", politically speaking. 

I mean, maybe it's arguing nuance. But if this curve is weighted against the actual actions/positions of past presidents (and not ideas), then he's effectively the standard bearer.

>>Carter never ordered soldiers to war or dropped bombs on brown people

Carter reinstituted the draft in 1980 after Nixon ended it in 1973. .


My thoughts in red

1 Most Liberal - 10 Hard conservative

Carter: 1 3 Bernie would be a 1 - Carter WAS a business man - since Carter left the Presidency than he became a 1

Ford: Not sure 6

Reagan: 5 9

HW: 6 6

Clinton: 4 6

W: 7 ? Maybe 7?   However Cheney>Rumsfeld Solid 9

Obama: 5 4 Maybe 3

Trump: 9 10

>>>>>By voting for the lesser-of-two-evils you don't ameliorate the effects of the right - you deepen them.


In any election, either the greater of two evils or the lesser of two evils will win. You don't want the lesser of two evils - does that mean one should vote for the greater of two evils? The "president" of Belarus just got 97% of the vote.


Iff it doesn't matter, why even post about it?

Ford was never elected. I don't think he counts.

If he does count, then it's because he bartered his way into the presidency by abusing his pardon powers to the benefit of Richard Nixon.

If trump is a 10, Ford is around a 9.2.

False, 6.

The selective service is not a draft. It is a precursor to a draft, that I will give you. It began after WWI. Wilson. Carter did reaffirm it.

Carter pardoned Vietnam draft dodgers in full.

Alright Bss, but as someone who protested, who watched the Viet Nam war nightly and for sure felt its effects in my friends who were drafted and died and I never saw again - it felt like Carter had brought back a bad memory.

But hey - I'm a huge Carter fan.  What he has done after he was voted out is nothing short of Jesus level  honest to goodness Christianity. Fred Rogers level even! 

At this stage of the game, perhaps we ought to bring back a "draft".

If we all have skin in the game, maybe there will be less in the way of "wars of choice".

There was a two year window of no selective service registration requirements after the Vietnam era during the Carter years. I fell into that period. 

Jav, I'm sorry that I didn't mark my "sweet appointment" (my words) remark as a more than that, I was being unnecessarily terse in what I was saying to Racket. It looked to me like the job to which she was appointed was something most attorneys could do without healthcare experience because it was approving contracts devised by people more experienced. Perhaps I missed something. I get that she was appointed by her boyfriend and a perk of the relationship. Is it still as common as it was in those days? I don't know.


T.O.D., I was okay with Jav's statement that might have seemed condescending, but didn't sound that way to me. As Jav said, we do understand each other just fine. We have a pretty nice virtual pseudo-friendship and have for a long time. <<< 
The relationships many of us have built as Zoners can create a little space for interpretation and acceptance.

Which brings up another point: What the fuck is it about some Zoners who need to insult each other as part of their discussion (on a discussion board)? It could almost be seen as a Vermont thing, though there are others who engage in the same thing. 

Well, that's quite the insult to all Vermonters, Judit. Most impressive. Well done. Thanks for the push.

You could see it as a Vermont thing, but that would just be silly. California has us beat by miles, in both quantity and overall level. Chile has come on strong with the veiled insults, and also with the overt ones. New Jersey does pretty well for itself, as does Oregon. Massachusetts has a strong history, and Colorado is no slouch.

So, it seems that your comment, which painted a very broad stroke and isn't rooted in fact, is nothing but an insult. See that, Judit, I responded directly to the content of your post, as you ask for.

Maybe you don't see it, but when someone poses opinion as fact and then cuts down anyone who disagrees or calls them out on it, that's an insult. It's also arrogant.

I think people see what THEY WANT to see. Very revealing.

Judit, could you watch your indecent language? It sets a micro-aggression tone that is quite offensive, given the standards you've proclaimed. 


>>voting over and over for the same cookie-cutter candidates who promote war, inequality and environmental destruction and not seeing how that perpetuates and validates the system, that, to me, is foolishness."


So, anyone who votes for a candidate other than the ones he approves is "foolish," or engaging in foolishness.

I'd call that a pretty broad insult on over 100 million Americans. It's actually disgusting, and sickeningly arrogant.

There's post after post of that stuff, veiled in pseudo intellectualism and long paragraphs.

Damn son, Judit talking mad shit bout Vermonters dawg

After all the Jesse Jackson preaching act here on the zone even queen Judit enjoys her some trolling


>>> T.O.D., I was okay with Jav's statement that might have seemed condescending, 

but didn't sound that way to me. <<<


ok judit




on a side note, regardless that you say you have a pretty nice virtual pseudo-friendship and have for a long time


with javs.



doesn't mean you're grasping the bigger picture here.


which I think is, he's taking advantage of your unique relationship 


and lambasting viva ad naseum about how we shouldn't vote at all.


and how it's cool with him that 169,161 US citizens are dead, with no end in sight.



Buy the ticket, take the ride - javs


Haha, freedom of speech is a bitch, ain't it. It sucks to defend freedom of speech when the person you're talking to says things you don't like. Yes, I'm saying don't vote. Now go out and wipe your tushy with some poison ivy see if that makes you itch a little more.

BK, cuadrupling down on the personal attacks, lol.

Let's not forget that the US is the country that brought us Britney Spears, McDonalds and the world's highest obesity rates. There's some fairly serious decision making difficulties among a large percentage of the populace...

Trini Lopez is gone.


Also judit, I believe that we've learned a shit ton about our friends (virtual or 3D) since trump took over.

that shines a light on who people really are, I mean, why wouldn't it?

so when javs says we deserve another 4 years of trump, he says we deserve to die

and that includes you.


jus sayin'


Dramatic much?  

“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community"


>>> Dramatic much? <<<


it may seem that way racket, I get it, truth is hard for some.


Slacker, How's the section 8 application coming along?

Why would I need that?

>>>Yes, I'm saying don't vote.

That's a solution? Totally just blew your credibility as a "thinking" adult. 

Call me old-fashioned, but I think of Normandy on Election Day, and all the souls who died there and other places during that war to preserve this right. And of "Tank Man", who stood ready to die for that right. And all the people in Hong Kong suffering now. And Belarus. All over the world, people are dying to TRY to have voice.  

Yeah our country is fucked up. Any place with this many opinions on how to do things is going to have it's conflicts. And the pendulum of power swings temporarily.   

Please consider the idea a better way might be to get involved and try to fix things. Judging from the protests lately, it seems there's a lot of folks who think that way. Boycotting the voting booth doesn't seem like a good idea. 

But I do support freedom of speech.

I support your right to say it, and my right to critique your opinion, shake my head, ignore you, wish you a good day and walk away, rather than argue and try to convince you otherwise.  

Stupid Opinion_0.JPG

Javs, look back at your attacks on me the other day. Those were personal attacks. Calling you arrogant and pseudo-intellectual (or evening an hypocrite) is hardly similar.

The other day I asked you to provide realistic and viable solutions to the problems, that with maximum verbosity, you rant about. As I said, I don't necessarily disagree. Where you fall short is with your "solutions," which are useless. It's just blather, veiled insults, and uselessness. You don't have viable solutions, you just put people down for not agreeing with yours.

what is this thread even about?

what are you defending here every day?

>trini lopez<

my friend has a sick trini gibson.



Wow! Damn! BK, Tod just blew past you in the dramatic rhetoric department; I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to have to reconsider who I give the award to.


Slick, I like that you got through your post almost completely without being a jerk but then you couldn't help but succumb to the temptation. But it's cool, you got like an 89% which is better than most on this thread.

zona: T 49 B 45

tex: T 46 B 44

Georg: T 48 B45

what are they doing about this?

other than asking me for money?



pseudo friends suck



javs is a poser


Thanks for the high score, Javs, not that it matters at all. But to quote someone (Oh, you!) from a post above - 

"Haha, freedom of speech is a bitch, ain't it. It sucks to defend freedom of speech when the person you're talking to says things you don't like."

Mirrors suck sometimes. Have a good day,  bud. Play nice, eh? 

> Let's not forget that the US is the country that brought us Britney Spears.

Such intuitive political thought. Now we're getting somewhere. 

Which one of your 4,000 word posts isn't dramatic rhetoric?

I've asked you a question, which isn't rhetoric. The only thing you can answer with is dramatic rhetoric. It's all you've got. You're a pro at regurgitating the problems, but you fucking suck at finding viable solutions.

Do they have freedom of speech in Chile?

Fanatastic speech yesterday by her and Biden looked to be in better form than in some time. Got me fired up to remove the current crooks.  Haven't read any of the thread above me as to not lose my shine. 

Has Britney Spears played in Chile?

I wonder if you guys can keep this passive aggressive mildly dramatic crying match going into the weekend.

kamala harris is not the first woman to be tapped by joe biden

While I'd like to say "If any of you people need something productive to do, there are always weeds to pull and ditches to dig here on the Farm",  I realize that Politics weirdos just can't lift a shovel.

You're better off tossing pebbles at each other and setting statues on fire,  rather than wearing out my shovels.

When the next election show's over I hope you all can go back to Jell-O sculpture or Finger Painting... something creative.

I don't mean to imply that the PW's CAN'T lift a shovel,  just acknowledging that their hands don't fit one. Not everyone is born / created to produce anything of value,  which is Great for society in general.

So many suppositions, Stu. Although I'm not great with a chainsaw, I can dig a ditch with the best of them.

Why does political shit bother you so much?

Stu, are you still putting lipstick on your dog and holding him hostage? That poor canine...

Britany Spears is an All-American gal.

Mouseketeer, pop-star, recovering addict....she's got it all!

Judit with the troll hit & run. Why I tell ya'...lol

It sounds like Judit's chakras may be misaligned. Hopefully she can consult her crystals to empower a more positive energy flow.


I'm here, Numero 6. It just hit me that way.

Tatters, thank you for hoping I'll catch a more positive energy flow.

I was thinking of writing some long winded response explaining my thoughts point by point, but it would take too much effort right now. But in the spirit of good conversation, dialogue, let me present this nugget.

Today, Israel and UAE signed a peace deal, with many rammifications. DJT is of course taking credit for this, and in some ways his strong relationship with Israel and Netanyahu probably had a lot to do with this. How do you think this will influence the policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? I ask because as we all know, the Israel lobby in Washington is very strong. Obama's challenging of Israeli policy brought him a lot of questioning during his presidency. Now that Biden/Harris are trying to get elected, I imagine they need to court the Israel lobby, or at very least, not piss them off. But with this move, Trump put them strongly in his pocket - Netanyahu even said this does not mean they're reconsidering the settlements. So, is that going to affect Biden? If he chooses to take a stronger pro-Israel stance, then that implies continuing the insane amounts of military aid given every year to Israel by the US, and basically having to court and woo the military/Israel lobby to get into power and stay firmly there.

Do you not think this is a clear case of how Biden may be forced to move his platform further right as a reaction to the Don's doings? I don't think the timing is a coincidence. On the contrary, it seems like a pretty strong symbol to a pretty powerful group of people...


Javs how did trump's presumably strong relationship with Netanyahu actually influence a peace deal between Israel and UAE?

Answer to your question is depends on whether republicans keep the senate or not.

Trump and Bibi are both dirtbags.

Did the UAE formally recognize Israel? Since 9/11, many Arab nations have opened dialogue with Israel because they want and need the intel on ISIL and Iran. 

Many American Jews, who vote primarily on Israel, hated the choice of Rice because she is viewed as "Obama's anti Israel legacy." Harris, on the other hand, has a Jewish husband and has spoken at AIPAC.

I believe that a lot of that demographic would still have voted for Biden even if he had picked Rice. Anyone half sane sees what Trump is doing to this country and the world.

Yes, I do not think that it's moving Biden farther to the right. You might want to question why you think it is.


>>seems like a pretty strong symbol to a pretty powerful group of people...

I know you'll say otherwise, but that's the same sort of anti Semitic trope that Ilhan Omar would use, and then apologize for. Is there a place for that type of free speech on Viva?

So Harris has a Jewish husband, is certainly a hard pro-Israel person, and now her and Biden have to wrestle away that particular voting block from Trump by ratcheting up their support for hard core militarism in Israel and the West Bank, etc. How is that not veering to the right? You might want to question why you think it's not.

>> - Netanyahu even said this does not mean they're reconsidering the settlements <<

They suspended the annexation.

Yes, Trump has set up Biden to feel gravity towards a pro-Israel agenda. Announcing the US embassy move to Jerusalem adds even more pressure (even without building it). Of course, Biden can simply keep the embassy in Tel Aviv and say we don't have the budget. Easy peasy.

Because that voting bloc, as a whole, was never on Trump's side. Sure, some were, but not the majority.

Obama proved that that bloc isn't that powerful and both their money and power isn't needed. It's just an anti Semitic trope. Pretty standard from the far Left these days, around the world.

when is israel attacking germany?

In case anyone really cares, over 70% of individual American donations to Israel come from evangelical Christians. Why? End of days prophecy. Trump's cabinet is filled with those nut jobs. They are the ones with the money and power.

> ... he chooses to take a stronger pro-Israel stance, then that implies continuing the insane amounts of military aid given every year to Israel by the US, and basically having to court and woo the military/Israel lobby to get into power and stay firmly there.

So now Javs is promoting anti Semitic tropes. Why is this not a surprise. 
Let me guess. The zero dimensional tic tax toe player will now say that he's not anti Semitic just anti Zionist.

hating is "free"  free to hate and pontificated but not free to vote  


what and where did he use a trope?


So, front page of the BBC today has this article:


Israel and UAE strike historic deal to normalise relations

The tag under the title says "Trump Peace Plan"

The second paragraph of the article:

"In a surprise statement by US President Donald Trump, who helped broker it, the countries called the accord "historic" and a breakthrough toward peace."


So yes, Donnie is involved. This is not my guess work, this is the BBC reporting. The pro-Israel lobby is strong, not small. And yes, in that is included the entire Evangelical wing which has a good bit of power among the Christian right these days. Add that to the members of the Jewish community in the US who strongly support a pro-Zionist policy from the US, and you have yourself a powerful lobby. So yeah, Biden now has to prove to that lobby that he's going to do for them like Trump has. If the lobby was insignificant changing an embassy to Jerusalem would be insignificant, but it's not. So Biden pulls further right: of course we are going to keep on approving and supplying military aid to Israel, and don't worry, of course we'll get our party on board.

Is it really that hard to see how that plays out?

Oh, and now I'm anti-semitic? Awesome. I'm going to have to start another list for Dave and his man-crush on me...

And Bibi made quite clear:

""There is no change in my plan to apply our sovereignty to Judea and Samaria [West Bank] in full co-ordination with the US. I'm committed to it. That hasn't changed. I remind you that I was the one who put the issue of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria on the table. This issue remains on the table," he said.2

I don't think the US position on Israel is a sit you issue at all in this election.

And again: military economy. Why is it so hard to realize the direct correlation there? When more than 50% of the world's largest economy goes to military spending, that machine is sooooo powerful that it literally forms the foundation of the entire economy and therefore the functioning of the nation. The people with money know this and are vested in this. 

Woz, I don't know what you mean about a "sit you" position, but I just don't know. But I can see how it would be one way in which a President like Biden and his VP Harris would want to move their actual policies in line with current military spending and more.

Stupid phone:

I don't think the US position on Israel is much of an issue at all in this election.



Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 8.10.47 PM.png


I know, it's wikipedia, but the money is huge. Try to fathom the reality behind that number. Think about all the industries that are involved in creating that 3.8 billion in foreign military aid. Who makes all the planes, and bombs, and guns, etc? How many factory workers? How many plastic cup companies provide plastic cups for factory workers in factories creating military gear destined for Israel?

3.8 billion smackers worth.


Javs is currently penning a 6 paragraph essay on why it is an issue, and how anyone who doesn't see it that way is stupid and/or ignorant.


flounc'n 'round the room 



> Oh, and now I'm anti-semitic? Awesome. I'm going to have to start another list for Dave and his man-crush on me...

So U think it's awesome that U R anti-Semitec. Swell. 

Far from having a man crush on someone who takes pride in using Anti Semitic tropes. 
It's just sad. 

Is this a trope?

“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community"


what is the trope!?

israel gets tax payer $ to buy our military industrial complex's goods?

is that an anti-semetic statement ?




whose got my heady trope...


Javs and trump are on the same team


no voting allowed

both are in.   ..teretesting.   ....sane


just kidding javs boy.  No insults allowed    Put downs are though 

what is this thread even about?<<<


Billy Carter's brother, Jimmy , Turtle.

Knowing  better and willfully abdicating one's responsibility as an American is different then being a fox news zombie idiot. 

The anti Semitism of the far left is real, well documented, insidious and extremely dangerous.

I'm going to suggest, Turtle, that you do some real research into what it looks like and how it plays itself out. Then, go back and read Jav's first few posts about the subject, and even question why exactly he brought it in to this discussion. The intent and verbiage meet every definition of anti Semitism. As Woz said, Israel isn't even an issue here. However, in comes a dude with some shit about Jewish power and money, and how politicians pander to it. Deny it all you want, but that's exactly what he was saying. It's so fucking insidious and accepted, and it's disgusting.

bk, did you call omar an anti semite? 

i think lltd is too stupid to know he's kinda racist. 

It’s like Roger Waters thread 2.0

I said that Omar has had to apologize for using very similar tropes, which is 100% factual.

Meanwhile, in other news, Trump has started birtherism on Harris.

Jesus, BK, you really do have such a hard-on for me it's starting to get pretty gross. So now I wake up and check this thread to find you calling me an anti-semite, and yet you never insult anyone. Do you realize that the long list of bullshit tags you've tried to stick on me just make you look like a grumpy, white, entitled American male? You kinda sound, well, you kinda sound like your average Trumper, honestly.

I laid out the facts clearly. There is such a thing as a Pro-Israel Lobby. Christians United For Israel is an organization with 7.1 million members, according to wikipedia. The American Israel Public Affairs Committe has 100,000 members and is directly listed as a lobby group. So there are religious organizations fighting for a pro-Israel military stance, and then the military industry I'm sure is keen to keep on banking those almost 4 billion a year.

Yesterday I opened the BBC and the first thing I saw was an article about how DJT brokered this deal between Israel and the UAE, giving him credence among the Pro-Israel lobby, meaning that for Joe to convince that lobby that he's there guy, he has to be willing to match Trumps anti, and commit to at least what Trump is doing right now. Ergo, he has to slide his position to the right to accomodate them. 

The 4 billion is a drop in the bucket of the American military budget and it represents a gigantic industry which forms the entire foundation of the American economy and therefore the American project. I have suggested repeatedly that this factoid is enough to sway any politician who has their hands mixed into the corporate world, as there is basically no industry that is not somehow affected by this.

So now I'm an anti-semite. Brian, please, just stop fucking talking to me, or about me, or what you think of me. It's creepy as shit, you're totally wrong and ultimately you're just showing what an asshole you really are. 



a brief or trivial item of news or information.

an assumption or speculation that is reported and repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact.

only b/c corporate media and the establishment dems forced her to. 

they hate her, for many reasons -- bs anti semitic rhetoric is what msnbc and fox pushed, and pelosi regurgitated. 

this is really funny tho, b/c i brought up the anti semitic attacks the corporate media carried out against bernie in the primary, and bk said he didn't notice any -- legit anti semitic attacks. 


That's not how it works, Javs. You post on. Message board and you get responses.

Turts asked what was anti Semitic. I answered. Maybe you too should do some research. It's so normalized that you don't even see it.

No, ogkb, I did the research and found one example, which wasn't at all. I asked you for more examples and you didn't give any, telling me to look, which I had already done.

this is great. 

you spoke about the omar piece b/c it was covered on corporate media, endlessly.  

you didn't recognize the bernie attacks b/c the corporate media didn't cover it. 

Selective outrage against anti Semitism, to meet your political needs...

It's real, and shouldn't be politicized.

i totally agree. 

so why aren't you acknowledging the blatant anti semitic attacks that were lobbied against bernie? 

strange. is it b/c you think he'd make a shitty president? 

Jesus, because I looked and looked and couldn't find more than that one. I'd speak out against it even if it was against some right wing person. Why? Because it needs to be pointed out at all levels and from wherever it's coming from.

If you don't think there's deep anti Semitism from the far left, you're blind. Again, it's real and well documented.

The far left doesn’t exist in America 

Ilhan Omar responded to a tweet from journalist Glenn Greenwald by saying  "It's all about the Benjamins baby,"

Meanwhile a Zoner wrote "he chooses to take a stronger pro-Israel stance, then that implies continuing the insane amounts of military aid given every year to Israel by the US, and basically having to court and woo the military/Israel lobby to get into power and stay firmly there."

In her defense, after people expressed concern about the original tweet, Ilhan Omar tweeted the following:

Anti-Semitism is real and I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes. My intention is never to offend my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole,  That is why I unequivocally apologize,"


i agree man -- of course it should be called out, always, no matter who is the recipient. 

and establishment dems and the corporate media played that angle for months, trashing bernie, just saying. 

it's well documented -- can't believe you can't find any of it. 


just that omar was forced to apologize. 

3.9 billion dollars in military supplies a year is not insane? That's not an insane amount of money?

BK, you are the only person on this board who goes out of his way to try to stick some label on me every single day. The funny thing is, every label you try to stick on me is the same tired shit that American conservatives always try to stick on people when they want to discredit them and ignore their arguments. So I get it now: you're an angry old closet-conservative. It's all starting to make sense to me now... 

The only label I'll stick you, and that matters, is your anti Semitism.

"if you understand what I wrote"



  Saying "3.9 billion dollars in military supplies a year is not insane? That's not an insane amount of money?" Sure sounds a lot like "It's all about the Benjamins baby,"

As to whether Omar was forced to apologize or did so sincerely is a up for discussion.  That said, at least she didn't respond by saying "now I'm anti-semitic? Awesome."



You can be for ALL people of the planet and not be anti Semitic, contrary to those who throw the term around as if people are actually sitting at home hating 


Duplicate post.


> You can be for ALL people of the planet and not be anti Semitic.

Absolutely. Some people can even engage in political disagreements without being disagreeable.  

On the other hand, by introducing anti-Semitic tropes into a discussion about American politics, perhaps expressing some concern is legitimate. 

Just saying.  

ALL people. 

I love that the PC line has now been pushed to "if you dare question the fact that the US sends 3.9 billion in military hardware to Israel you are an anti-semite". Super. 

Yes ALL people.  Including Palestinians, Israelis, people of all faiths, atheists and agnostics.  

I'm not sure about cannibals, but as long as they stay away from me, I guess that's cool.

Its a buzz word really 

"Anti semitism" is a buzz word?

If one want's to discuss US military support for any other country, have at it.

Saying It's all about the Benjamins baby, or introducing other anti-Semitic tropes is not super.  

If that concept is to difficult for anyone to grok, perhaps they need to try a little harder.



In military context, $3.9B isn't that much, at all.

A google search found: "More than two hundred countries receive U.S. aid. It disproportionately goes to a few, however, with the top five all receiving over $1 billion per year as of 2016: Iraq ($5.3 billion), Afghanistan ($5.1 billion), Israel ($3.1 billion), Egypt ($1.2 billion), and Jordan ($1.2 billion)..."

Israel is as much a strategic investment (for US interests) in the region as it is "support" for Israel.

It is indeed these days

Well Fish, when documented acts of overt anti semitism have rapidly increased in the US (double digits year after year), and around the world there's a massive uptick, including the takeover of England's Labour Party, it's pretty fucked up to reduce it to a buzz word.

thanks for the reply bk.

however i don't agree.

yes israel is a strategic investment.

also, their foreign and domestic policies exacerbate  global tensions and is a real problem.

the tax payers continuing to give them $3billion IS an issue. you know how they use it?

nobody here is claiming that they have all the $$ and influence and are trying to take over the world. nobody.

this is a real question: How are you to scrutinize the foreign and domestic polices of Israel and our continued support for a regional govt. that openly causes world wide tension? If just by brining the topic up, one is considered anti-semetic? look this is a big problem, how do we discuss it respectufully?

in my experience ANY criticism of israeli POLICIES....is akin to saying they shouldn't even exist. I get the sensitivity but shit man...

I’m not saying it doesn’t exist but it’s definitely part of the narrative these days and folks think it’s indefensible once the accusation is levied

You missed what I've said, Turts. I criticize Israel as much as anyone. They deserve a lot. It's the deep seeded implications of Jewish power brokers, that need to be courted and drive policy, that is anti Semitic. It goes back 1,500 years. Please, do some research into what anti Semitism is. Although there are varying views, virtually every one would point to that comment (inference), and even question why it was brought up in the first place.

>> How are you to scrutinize the foreign and domestic polices of Israel and our continued support for a regional govt. that openly causes world wide tension? <<

YES. One would hope the US could leverage their influence on Israel. Sometimes it seems like its the other way around (mostly due to pro-Israel US lobby).

It appears the freeze on annexation in the West Bank IS an un-official condition to the UAE agreement.

"deep seeded implications of Jewish power brokers"

You keep on reading all your weirdest conservative old man projections at me. I listed two very specific examples of large, powerful lobby groups that directly influence policy on Israel. Further, I explicitly stated that there are interests here from multiple parties, not from some secret Jewish cabal. But again, you and your weird projections...

And the term is "deep-seated" btw...

Here's the fucked up thing: the mere existence of Israel will always cause world-wide tension. How do we move past that, with the understanding that Israel ain't going anywhere?

i dunno bk, that's true. they should start by changing their behavior, that would help.

>  I’m not saying it doesn’t exist but it’s definitely part of the narrative these days and folks think it’s indefensible once the accusation is levied

Sometimes anti-Semitism is ingrained while other times it is perpetuated with full knowledge and intent.
When an accusation of anti-Semitic behavior is made, of course one can dispute it's veracity.   
I guess U feel that the person making the claim is acting as judge, jury & executioner.  
How others perceive the accusation makes a difference. Like it ain't necessarily so.
On the other hand...

What one says and the context it is said in matters. At least to some. 

Yes, they have to. Annexations have to stop, and a whole bunch of other things need to change. Let me ask you this: what do the Palestinians and the rest of the Arabian Peninsula need to do differently? Don't forget, the total destruction of Israel is still in the Palestinian Constitution. 


Imagine what some former nations people’s would say about the very existence of our own constitution

i don't know about the rest of the arabian peninsula, but the pals can accept the state of isarael and not lob rockets? its the only thing they can do...the situation they live under is like a giant prison state.


Israel is just a fucked up nation. The USA is directly responsible for that. We just use them as our little dog and give them 4 Bil a year to do some dirty work for us. Then all the old racist white men involved in industrial business and government can say "We support Jewish people". It's pretty sad. If they didn't serve a purpose for oil interests and buy a lot of guns then we wouldn't give a fuck about them at all. Now Israel gets to wake up and fight Palestine everyday for the rest of their existence. Your welcome isreal 

^ circle jerker

Lol. This conversation was about how voting for Biden/Harris is ultimately a vote for perpetuating the war machine and neolib economies, but in true diversionary tactics worthy of Fox News, the "you're an anti-semite" crowd have veered the conversation towards a straw man that they can tear down without actually dealing with the original question of the ultimate and underlying allegiance of neolibs to a war economy. 

Oh well.

This conversation? Maybe look at the top. Viva threads meander like the Amazon River.

>>I'm here, Numero 6. It just hit me that way.

Oh, I see you. That's very disappointing that it hit you that way.

it's pretty fucked up to reduce it to a buzz word.

so then dont reduce it to a buzzword by implying that being wholly opposed to a fundamentalist, nationalist terrorist ethnostate government and religious extremism in general is in any way equivalent to discrimination against jews as a people

A lot of experts on anti Semitism here, who have clearly not done any research on the subject. Par for the course.

>>>dont reduce it to a buzzword by implying that being wholly opposed to a fundamentalist, nationalist terrorist ethnostate government and religious extremism in general is in any way equivalent to discrimination against jews as a people


bears repeating...clearly sometimes researching a subject doesn’t enlighten as much as ones perception would lead you to believe 

please educate briank - how is being critical of a government or religious extremists acting with government support equivalent to discrimination against an entire varied and intellectually diverse ethnic diaspora? 

i understand the trope of "powerful international bankers" and the jewish elite and all that silly stuff - how would you recommend referring to groups associated with isreal that hold positions of power in the world and/or offer large scale financial support for controversial military action or annexation, and how would you reccomend being critical of their policies and actions without being anti semetic?

That’s the trick, you can’t in their mind  - its the official talking point so don’t blame them they are just following the narrative 

that point would have been made much more eloquently by a nice big nothingburger of a response that consists of mild insults and tired political tropes, or just outright having the question ignored in favor of insulting javs or pheat...the same kind of response i usually get when asking questions like this or things like "what specific policies or parts of her political record make you exited about susan rice as VP?"

thats why i asked the question - i was walking up to the counter to order an extra large #2 - double nothingburger with fries

FWIW if there is a way i can single out these groups and criticize their policies/actions while eliminating any possible references to anti semetic tropes that have no basis in reality, id be all for it, and im open to suggestions and change. it would not only reduce the chance that i could hurt someone's feelings with my political bloviating, it would also increase the chances the ideas im talking about would be seriously considered by a wider audience. win/win. 

apparently there is not an answer...

this is why this is an issue for our country and the world...


lltd wonders: Are you smart enough to know that you are an asshole?

a stupid asshole with a tight sphincter     Insult away



lltd wonders: Are you smart enough to know that you are an asshole?

a stupid asshole with a tight sphincter     Insult away


And all lives don't matter

is racist.   Get over yourself little boy

'sup lltd?

hope you are well.

It’s much the same scenario here as the dept store thief who screams racism when accused of stealing. It’s a bully tactic used to try to intimidate one into submission but has nothing to do with the topic at hand, the actual theft

Case in point...


Certainly no one here would resort to such lowly tactics 

Calling out anti Semitism is now a "tactic?"


"Socialism as the final concept of duty, the ethical duty of work, not just for oneself but also for one’s fellow man’s sake, and above all the principle: Common good before own good, a struggle against all parasitism and especially against easy and unearned income.
The Jews have shown real genius in profiting by politics. Since we are socialists, we must necessarily also be antisemites because we want to fight against the very opposite: materialism and mammonism… How can you not be an antisemite, being a socialist!"

Anyone care to guess who's words these are?

When they aren’t demonstrating actual anti Semite behaviors, then yes it’s a bully tactic. 

Well Fish, based on generally accepted definitions of anti Semitism, he sure as hell was. Whether you choose to agree is inconsequential.

Focus/obsession  with Israel, while ignoring or downplaying other analogous countries/situations, is at least an example of systemic anti-semitism, regardless of the critic's personal intent.  This is especially true when combined, for example, with tropes about purported Jewish control over governments.  

Who gets the most foreign aid?

Afghanistan ($4.89 billion)

Iraq ($3.36 billion)

Israel ($3.18 billion)

Jordan ($1.38 billion)

Ethiopia ($943 million)

South Sudan ($922 million)

Kenya ($899 million)

Pakistan ($892 million)

on and on.



Thought some of you all could benefit from reviewing these:


remember when the neoliberals here and everywhere called bernie the old and angry man. that shit is rooted in anti semitism. 

mother fuckers been troping around here -- even still. 

lol lltd. pz is really tough on you man. can't even post w/o doubling down on your racist lingo, and always double posting. 

are you shaking while posting? 

why do neoliberals not care about Palestinians? 


>>>>> bernie the old and angry man. that shit is rooted in anti semitism.

How so? If he wasn't Jewish and you called him an angry old man would it still be anti-semitic? Is it anti-semitic when I call Trump an angry old man?

Not that I've called him an "angry old man," but please explain how it is rooted in anti Semitism. Is it any different than calling Biden an "old man with dimentia?" In your response, please address historic ant Semitism, and how it fits in with it.


Thanks for that list of foreign funding. Anybody see the links between all those countries? Oil and guns. That's why they get the funding. Iraq and Afghanistan were completely obliterated and we set up shop there so that makes sense that they would be the top two. Obviously Israel was created after World War II where the UN decided against the will of the local people to that region to create it there. Was that not the start of the Palestinian/Israeli "conflict"? We decided to run them out of town and set up our little puppet there. We like being able to control countries wth out money and guns. We love their oil. We kill innocent people to obtain it. 

Ogkb, check out this article. It's an opinion piece, but brings up some very interesting points. https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/11/18/corbyn-antisemitism-left-is-hurting...

As stated earlier in the thread Israel actually received 3.8 Bil foreign aid 2019. Almost all was military aid

is biden jewish? lol. 

this is one example of how the corporate media depicted bernie. 

he was an animated piece several times this primary season, which is fine of course -- but the way he was depicted is rooted in anti semitism. msnbc was guilty of this many times. they even had a "body language expert" on live tv espousing such anti semitic nonsense. 


I'm confused. Did the mainstream media depict Bernie as the "Happy Merchant?" It so, where? If they did, no, it's not okay.

Funny how some are so quick to maintain transgressions against one group, perceived or otherwise, while living in and paying taxes to a country that exists solely due to its own genocidal conquest. Guess I’m not surprised 

So anti-Semitism is aimed at Bernie.  Is that a surprise?

There is anti-Semitism clearly being  displayed by some people on this thread. 

Some here not only justify it, they seem proud of it. 


Say what you want to say in clear words, Fish.

Which word would you like a definition provided for?

I've said over and over that we'd have a Black male president, Black female president, Asian-American president, etc long before we'll have a Jewish President. Anti-semitism is so deep and ingrained in our culture, and there's a different sort of fear of Jews.

I found this article on Sanders and the media. It's pretty interesting. It sort of says that although there was some anti Semitism, on the larger scale his Jewishness was weaponized against him. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/12/bernie-sanders-jewish-corporate-media


Fish, which do you advocate, refuse to pay taxes, or become an expat?

I will be fined, and/or jailed if I refuse to pay taxes.

I'm not ready, nor am I  able to move my family to another country.  

Who are the people maintaining transgressions, and against which group?

-Who are the people maintaining transgressions, and against which group?


-Anti-semitism is so deep and ingrained in our culture, and there's a different sort of fear of Jews.


Maintain- to affirm in or as if in argument

transgression-an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offense.





The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political efforts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.

Disagreement  over policy toward the State of Israel has created opportunities in which the expression "Zionist" — support for Israel as the Jewish homeland — is often used as an antisemitic code word for "Jew" in mainstream debate.  The Middle East is home to the harshest antisemitism in the world today. Nazi-like language is regularly expressed by the media and governments in the countries that oppose Israel and the West. And as dozens of terrorist incidents have demonstrated, there are many in Middle Eastern countries willing to act on these beliefs.

Someone say cool socks?


I've seen/heard/read more people call Bernie a communist, than a Jew.


>> I've said over and over that we'd have a Black male president, Black female president, Asian-American president, etc long before we'll have a Jewish President. <<

^ Is this statement observational, or anti-semitic? Does it matter if the person saying it is Jewish? How about 1/4 Jewish?



Maybe Israel should annex Chile -- I mean really, what have they given the world besides a hot pepper and a bean dish?



Andean Flight

 Javs Corner on Thursday, August 13, 2020 – 06:01 pm 

"So Harris has a Jewish husband, is certainly a hard pro-Israel person, and now her and Biden have to wrestle away that particular voting block from Trump by ratcheting up their support for hard core militarism in Israel and the West Bank, etc. How is that not veering to the right? You might want to question why you think it's not."


Words matter. You are antisemitic, whether you realize or will admit it. 





Double post


Judah...that is a political observation.

You want some of this Mr Sea Bass? The Israeli army is used to running skinny colonialist countries. I think at one point Chile tried to round up all the brown people an shove them in the desert, so things will be very similar.


And they got plenty of kabutz over there for all you commie socialists to live happily ever after in.  And lots of expats named Bernie shouting about things - you'll feel right at home.





It was observational, Ned.

I've learned a lot in this thread. "Some people" have turned anti Semitism to to a buzzword, and use it to manipulate the conversation and/or quell the free speech of others. Those who are accused of anti Semitism are the ones who actually get to define what it is, on their terms. Some people (probably Jews?) are just too sensitive about it to actually know what it is. And I'm still confused about this one, so correct me if I'm wrong. Calling out anti Semitism and not backing down on it is a transgression, one that a Jewish taxpayer in America has no right to make???

Oh, the irony. L-O-fucking-L!

And what the fuck is wrong with being pro-Israel? There's nothing wrong with believing that the nation has the right to exist. It doesn't mean "anti" anything.

Sounds like nyc Dave has an issue with Muslims but thinks everyone is anti Semitic

Those Israeli (?) soldiers sure have nice A.......




Oh, another question, because I'm not one of the smart ones: Calling Bernie an "angry old man" is anti Semitic and not a buzzword, while calling out the use of a centuries old anti Semitic trope is a foul?

Please, help me to learn as well as to see.

Because Islam and Judaism share a common origin in the Middle East through Abraham, both are

considered Abrahamic religions. There are many shared aspects between Judaism and Islam.

Meanwhile back on Viva, trollers gonna troll & haters gonna hate. 

Defund IDF!

nycdave, it seems you are a person of jewish faith/heritage.

can you please answer the question of how one can critique Israel's policies and or the USA's support and funding of such? How can we discuss this without being called anti-semetic?

i don't get it. i guess for many, you simply cannot.

is that correct?

so unconditional financial and political support withour comment or discussion is the only way?

no wonder there's no peace in the middle east.



If I ever have kids, I'm telling them that this was Joe and Kamala.


Israeli policies can be critiqued without using anti-Semitic tropes. Allow me to give an example. 
Israel is wrong to annex all of the West Bank. 

How about the critiquing of USA support and funding. 
Are you against all US funding of foreign countries, inluding Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,

 Ethiopia, South Sudan, Kenya, Pakistan, etc?

Or perhaps you are against funding of one or three countries.  As an example let's say Kenya. Explain why.

Or how about Israel?  Can an explanation be given (as to why) without using anti-Semitic tropes or outright antisemitism?

IMHO many Israeli political decisions are far from ideal, yet I don't consider myself anti-Semitic for feeling that way.  

I've said this before; please allow me to reiterate. 

How others perceive any statement or accusation makes a difference.

What one says and the context it is said in matters.

If only, Bss.


So I get confused by the way people are determining who's anti what.

My family is Jewish, I haven't participated in any religion including Judaism, except the occasional family holiday (like Pesach) dinner when I was a kid, oh, and Chanukah. The things about Judaism that mean something to me have nothing to do with Israel. I value the idea that we should all live being the best person we can be (there's no heaven or hell in Judaism), that family is important, learn what we can, things like that. While I have feelings for the people of Israel, I also have feelings for the Palestinian people and others in the region and I can't support the government of Israel's militaristic way of dealing with their neighbors nor discriminatory laws.

So, it's clear to me that I'm anti-Israeli government. I know who I am (not anti-Jewish or anti-Muslim or anti-people) but I wonder how any of you would see me, what you'd call me according to your determinations and designations.

generally speaking...i am not a big fan of how we spend our money internationally. 

iraq and afhanistan, i mean i don't know what to say? we royally fucked both places so do have some financial responsibilities...

but, you see how the $ is used.

why do we need to subsidize israel's armed forces? 

i see you are against the annexation of the west bank. are you also against settlement expansions?

all this being said...you cannot refute the influence and importance of us/israeli relations, the effect on us presidential/congressional races, and international relations worldwide.







>>no wonder there's no peace in the middle east.

It's statements like this, Turts, that are not helpful. The vast majority of ME conflicts, right now, have nothing to do with Israel. The Suuni and Shia have been at conflict for 1,300 years, and that's the cause of most of the conflicts. So, as you're asking how to criticize Israel, and at the same time you're demonizing the country and placing undue blame, that starts playing in to classic anti Semitism.

Over 100 nations were created within a 40 year period, from colonial rule. Israel was but one of them. Many, many of them have had major conflicts that eclipse anything that has happened in Israel: Yugoslavia, Iraq, Rwanda, Syria, etc. In spite of this, Israel is the only country that commonly gets said that has no right to exist. That is also problematic. If one says that none of those countries have a right to exist, fair enough. I rarely have heard that, it's always focused on Israel.

Pick a specific policy and do some unbiased research before criticizing it. There's plenty to criticize. There's also some stuff that you may find has been unduly criticized.

>>>>commonly gets said that has no right to exist. 


How many people do you think believe this and act on it daily?

Well said, NY Dave. 

What is the fixation on Israel in a thread about Kamala Harris being selected as Biden's running mate?  We have a presidential election in about 2 1/2 months.  The current administration is busy defunding the post office and removing mail boxes to prevent people from voting.  We are in the throes of a worldwide pandemic, which disproportionately impacts poor people.  Poor, working, and middle class people are struggling in a recession that does not negatively impacting the wealthy and upper middle class anywhere close to the same extent, at least not yet.  

I am excited that Senator Harris is Biden's running mate.  Hopefully, we will have our first woman VP of Black and Indian descent.  That is something to celebrate, in my opinion.  Anyone is better than Trump and the ultraconservatives that control the GOP.  

We have had 44 white, Christian male presidents, but yah, the Jews have too  much power.   Do you assume/"observe" that all Muslim politicians, or Muslim spouses of politicians, unduly control US policy to give billions of dollars in foreign aid to Pakistan, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, etc?  Do you study and comment on those recipient countries' politics?  

For non-Jews to decide what is anti-semitic is like white people deciding what is racist.  


Religion in 2020.  So progressive.

ok bk...you are proving my point for me.

you say demonize. that RIGHT there is the fucking problem. trying to discuss it. nycdave is trying to discuss it.

of course there are other forces at odds in the middle east...jesus christo...






Judit, please be aware that Israel's discriminatory laws are being challenged and overturned. For instance, there's mandatory military conscription in Israel, and once someone has served in the military they get other benefits of citizenship. Until relatively recently, Israeli citizen Palestinians were excluded from the military, which meant that they never had a chance to have full citizenship rights. The Supreme Court overturned this, and Palestinians can now serve.

It's one of hundreds laws that need to change, and they are. It was a big and important change, and should be recognized as such.

I was talking to an Israeli who made an incredibly poignant observation: the biggest changes occur extremely rarely, when there's an Israeli leader, Palestinian leader and American leader who are all willing to get on the same page. We sure as hell haven't had that trifecta in a long time. Trump and Bibi are threats to everyone, and neither care to find honest and lasting solutions and peace. 

Yes, I am against any further settlement expansion.  Or (or the most part most) past settlement expansion.  The hope here is that one day (hopefully sooner rather then later) the Palestinians and Israelis can sit down, agree on borders, then implement a two state solution which would lead to peace.  Obviously that would be difficult to achieve with current Palestinian and Israeli leadership.  

The influence and importance of US / Israeli relations has an effect on presidential and congressional races, and on US relations worldwide.  The US (both dems and republicans) have supported Israel since the Israeli nation was founded. The hope here is that this support continues.  Some American citizens disagree.  While political disagreements can happen without antisemitism, to believe that antisemitism does not at all factor into this discussion would be naive.  

As for any determinations and designations, people who want peace seem kind to me.  Folks who support hatred of anyone, for whatever reason are of concern.  But that's just how I feel.




thanks for the discussion dave.

what are the dems/dnc doing about the post office/election tampering??




Oh Turts, I was trying to discuss it. It goes both ways. It very much seemed that you were placing undue blame and demonizing. You didn't want to hear that, and bam, end of discussion. What about all the other stuff I said? Is it invalid?

It's not just religion, Racket.  It's spirituality, ethnicity and "race" too.  Politics are separate and can be progressive.  You can be progressive and religious.   

Turtle, I think the House introduced legislation to delay Trump's defunding of the post office from taking effect until 2021.

Why aren't there more threads about how awful Netenyahu is?

Let's get another stupid trump thread of unfunny nicknames. 

Does Jerusalem belong to the Jews, or to the Arabs? 




Do Trump/Pence belong in the White House, or do Biden/Harris? 

Better question, Bss, is why the fuck did Trump move our Embassy there? As soon as it was announced is caused deaths on both sides. Fuck that stupid symbolism.

Should 7 million displaced Palestinians have the right to return to their homelands in Israel or not?

How would/could Jerusalem be divided between Israelis and Palestinians?

thanks lion. 

are those pics of drop boxes being scooped up real?


bk the suni/shea deal is terrible. yes, that is a large part of the problem in the ME.

i am not demonizing israel. 

by stating that i am not supportive of their policies is not demonizing. this is the whole point. oh and netanyahu is a nutbag dick as well.


Why does the US provide the Palestinian Authority only a fractional amount of the financial and military support it provides Israel?

I wish I had answers to your questions, Bss. If I did, I'd win a Nobel Prize. I can tell you that Kushner's "solutions" sure as hell aren't helping.

No argument there Brian.

Is Kushner a token?

He's as big an SOB as his father in law, and it has nothing to do with his religion. He's just a fucked up piece of shit.

Yes, Turtle, the boxes were being removed. Or at least in Eugene and Portland. It sounds like that has stopped, but...

I was disgusted when Trump announced his "peace plan" as some crowning glory. The far right in both Israel and the US clapped and cheered in glory, while the Palestinians weren't even invited to the table. What the fuck kind of peace plan is that?

>>> are those pics of drop boxes being scooped up real? <<<


here's some data on usps sorting machine destruction and the 2016 electoral map


The post office has been reducing services in a major way since at least 2011


thanks in part to the 2006 pae act, but the post office has lost billions since 1960 except for 10 years in the 90s.


and y'all want the govt to run your healthcare.  Hahaha

Government services exist to promote the general welfare, racket. Not to turn a profit.

Yes, it's a little different than the capitalism for all healthcare model we currently have...

I wish I could live to see peace between Israel and Palestine but unfortunately it's not that simple and it has much more to do with the almighty coin than just religious beliefs and border battles. Like most of the age of mankind religion has been used as a catalyst to manipulate people into hate and and destruction for power and greed. History is what it is and yes Israel will have to reconcile with that fact at some point. Palestine will have to forgive them as well. With the unfortunate circumstances of the USA being involved means that they are protecting an interest. We don't give countries billions of dollars out of the kindness of our governmental heart. We want oil investments and weapons trading and peace in the Middle East is not profitable. 

Well, it's a damn good thing that Trump removed the Postmaster General, with an MBA from MIT, and replaced her with a million dollar donor with a degree from Stetson University. That seems like a sound move, huh?


republicans have been trying to destroy the usps for 50 years.

trump/repugs just said fuck it, with no reason given, pulled sorting machines

in districts that clinton one big in 2016 and destroyed them.


they've been doing it since june.

these machines cost taxpayers millions of dollars and we're all in working order.



Let's try to break even at the post office Bs.  Is that to much to ask?

If my math is correct 2011 Barry was the Chief.  There was over 400 sorting facilities closed that year.

TOD the biggest hit to the PO was in 2006 when the paeact was introduced by repub and co sponsored by dems.  Yes it was signed by bush.  The unions had a lot of play in it also.

this required the post office to fund pensions for 75 years .

totally fucked and both sides of aisle responsible.

Can we all agree that whatever we do with the USPS, we should ensure that it is fully funded at least up until November, so that we can have a fair election?

We waste billions and billions on stupid shit. A few billion to ensure democracy seems like a good investment.

Fully funded compared to what?  The PO has had major cuts since 2006.

or you can put on your big boy pants and drop your mail in ballot to a non Usps voting drop box like most states are setting up.

The house tried to repeal the 75 yr pension deal this February.  It passed.  I think it's still sitting on Moscow mitches desk.

Relax, Racket. Funded enough so that the millions of ballots that get put in the mail will get to wherever the hell they need to go in the time they need to be there.

The drop boxes won't work so well in the states that are disallowing them, or that are refusing to add more. Who do you think is going to get screwed out of their votes in those places?

I'm relaxed.  At least I got you off Israel.  That was a supreme troll by javs.

around here the post office is running at 65% not because of sorting machines but due to covid sick calls.


the fact that republicans are giving covid relief money to big business and nothing 

to the usps, is pretty telling.


I don't know what states are offering drop boxes, but I know even in rural California they're being set up.

and around here you can drop your mail in ballot at your polling place without standing in line.

It's telling tod that congress doesn't get along, for sure.  Usps has to get funds from congress because like bs told us, it's not a business.

Been happening a long time tod.  At least three Usps drop boxes have been removed over the last 10 years near me.  Now I just go to the office.


I hear ya racket, but they've been doing it like "my ass is going to prison speed" now.


Could be, or it could be over sensationalized like everything else these days.

maybe we shouldn't have ripped off the Usps when BnPs came back with live postage and we sent out again?

>>> maybe we shouldn't have ripped off the Usps when BnPs came back with live postage and we sent out again? <<<




 >>>>>don't know what states are offering drop boxes

Mostly Blue states.

This thread is all over the place. Unfortunately, topic of the USPS is a sad one and will decline our country as a whole if the corporate lobbyists get what they want. There are 700k union members whose careers are on the line. Not just jobs but actual careers with benefits, retirement packages and livable wages. Non union companies like Amazon are trying as hard as they can to wipe out one of the oldest federal institutions in the country. USPS is the corner stone of public infrastructure built to benefit the entire country and together the Dems and Republicans are working hard to destroy it and pave way for low wages and poor benefits. 

how are the dems working hard to destroy it?



is this another one of your lazy attempts to troll?


It's so perfectly lazy to call out both parties without really backing it up. 


the trump regime is now locking the boxes.


still media sensationalism?



What more can Democrats in congress do?

The House has introduced legislation to try to delay Trump's funding cuts to the Post Office from taking further effect until after the election.  Lawsuits have been filed in almost every state in which voter suppression and disenfranchisement are serious problems.  As individuals,  we can support and contribute to groups that are leading this fight, such as the ACLU and NLG.  I'm kinda of old to take to the streets, but I  suspect that we, as citizens, may need to do just that, as Trump appears ready to try to  "steal" the election and/or deny the results, if he (hopefully) loses.

Maybe his actions will, eventually, lead to a constitutional crisis and a constitutional convention.  I know it's unlikely, but the electoral college is so out of date and limiting that it needs to go.  

So when the busser and the prosecutor lose, is it going to be Russia, Usps, or gods fault?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the House on hiatus, or break, or whatever they call it at the moment? And in a recent interview, didn't Nancy Pelosi discuss how they were considering returning on the week of August 24th? She doesn't seem like she's in a big rush to get back and stop these injustices against the USPS that present this grave threat to the American democracy. From what I can tell, she may not be actively dismantling it, but it sure seems like they're not in any rush to stop it. I wonder why?

>> but it sure seems like they're not in any rush to stop it. I wonder why?

Um...maybe because keeping the House open when Moscow Mitch and the Senate won't even consider the bills they pass is a waste of time? Not to mention that the Senate is also on Haitus - so re-opening the House right now is POINTLESS?

You know, Javs - hitting your head against a brick wall can make you pause eventually. 

So, perhaps it is better for House Reps to go home and talk with their constituents and re-charge up for a the big fights that lay ahead?

Just a thought. A simple one. One that everyone might be able to grasp.

No, not trolling. As already stated above, during the Obama administration hundreds of postal offices were forced to close because of lack of funding. Their funding comes from the federal government. Obviously, our foreign aid spending for military and oil outweighed the careers of hard working Americans at that time. Obama set into place many outlines for large business to get a large stronghold for the next decade and Trump picked up where he left off, at least that's how it seems to me.

i know criticism of democrats is met with crying and bickering but I'm ok with calling Dems on their bullshit 

The house finds themselves in a position to pretend like they are doing something. It's quite great for them because they can say "we tried" but in reality they know that whatever they do will be shit down by the senate. So for them it's a win win either way. 

>>The house finds themselves in a position to pretend like they are doing something. It's quite great for them because they can say "we tried" but in reality they know that whatever they do will be shit down by the senate. So for them it's a win win either way. 

It seems like you might understand how our Congress works, but at the same time it seems like you don't. Hmm...

Robert Reich has a keen understanding and a succinct message. Listen.


The Speaker has called the House back for a special session.  Robert Reich is wise. 

At this point, the Congress  should only address funding for USPS (universal vote by mail) and election security. 

No need to give into any demands or compromise on anything to ensure  the very basic tenets of our democracy 



Besides, Donnie already signed an executive order on economic stimulus/unemployment and bypassed Congress. He can own it now


I'd vote for them if I lived in a swing state. I don't.


^^^^^  "I hope they win but I won't vote for them."  

It's my vote, not yours. 

>>> It's my vote, not yours. <<<

are you voting for you or your family?


My family did everything Democrats said to do. Why hasn't anything worked?


if you're wife votes dem

and you vote Jill Stein 

you literally negate your families vote.


that's progeressive af right?


"It's my vote, not theirs"


establishment dems and the GOP are the same fucking thing. 


I've never asked my wife to vote for anyone. It's her vote. 

You seem incapable of loving people who don't do what you tell them to do. 

>>> establishment dems and the GOP are the same fucking thing. <<<

everybody has heard your ideology p-heat.

and most would agree you've got a lot of good points...


but, equating 2016 or earlier politics isn't the same game as playing against covid 

and authoritarianism.


why is that so hard for you?


i'm very stupid. 

And the politicians throwin' stones,
So the kids they dance
And shake their bones,
And it's all too clear we're on our own.
Singing ashes, ashes, all fall down.
Ashes, ashes, all fall down.



>>i'm very stupid. 

Hey. You said it, pal.

But what do I know - I'm the worst zoner of all time! 



happy monday, folks. 

6, you catch any of those meteors past few weeks? 

they've been hitting grand salami's over the green mountains. stunning. 

Fuck yes. What a show! And the slackers are still passing by - I even saw a couple last night..The Milky Way was big and beautiful last night.

Everyone wants you to chose unless it's for someone that they're not voting for. You have the right to choice of a vote unless you don't vote, then everybody cries themselves to death 

Congratulations Kamala!!! You have the full support of Bernie and AOC, as well as millions of normal civilians like myself. Sending good energy out to you and Joe!

Timpy...please choice to review/edit your posts before posting. Thanks, pal.

SANDERS: Well, I would say that the overwhelming majority of progressives understand that it is absolutely imperative that Donald Trump be defeated, that we have a president who is trying to undermine American democracy, a president who has turned his back on the working families of this country, a president who has done a horrible job in terms of the pandemic, does not believe in science, is not dealing with the existential threat of climate change.

So obviously there may be disagreements. A lot of my supporters are not enthusiastic about Joe Biden, you know why? I ran against Joe Biden. But I think there is overwhelming understanding that Donald Trump must be defeated, Biden must be elected, and that the day after he is elected we're going to do everything we can to create a government that works for all of us and not just the 1 percent and wealthy campaign contributors.


Bernie gets' it, and also said if elected, Biden will be the most progressive president in the history of our nation.  

Bernie is trash. What's your point? He's just an old shell of what he used to be. Just another politician who is full of shit. 

Hey Ned, quit acting like such a jerk off will ya. 




at least i have 1 friend in wv who is a republican and will be voting for the blue team...



The Democratic National Convention starts tonight.   We can all stream it for free online.  It starts in about 1/2 hour. Bernie is speaking at it (virtually), as is Michelle Obama.  I think there's music too.  I saw Leon Bridges' name mentioned, although not sure if that's for tonight or later in the week.  

It's time that all Americans rally around Biden, as unexciting and unappealing as that may be for some, to defeat Trump and his fascist experiment in this great country!  Long live Jerry, freedom, and democracy in the USA!