Kavanaugh part 2?



Brett catching a whiff of his own lies ^


Plaid shirt guy needed...


Good idea on a new thread.

A lot of crazy photos of raving white guys....

At times during Kav's testimony, I started thinking about this guy:



I've been wondering what has happened to Grahame and Grassley.  They seem to be different people than what I remember from not-too-long ago.


The blackmail thing for Lindsey seem potentially plausible:


Graham: Russians hacked my campaign email account



Authoritarianism Expert Suggests That Lindsey Graham is Compromised by Russia After Being Hacked



Conspiracy theory, I suppose.

Thanks, Weird Steve.

Lindsey running for AG explains it. Mitch made being in the minority party not worth being in congress.

Ralphing, boofing, devil's triangle....

I used to be a puker...

I hope the FBI goes after people making death threats against her family.



Only heard bits and pieces.  While he might not be full on "hot head", he doesn't exactly seem like a cool cumber either ... or at least within the threshold one might like to see in a Justice on the SCOTUS.  Kind of supports the notion of him be more of an ideologue vs. a "detached neutral jurist".

He's a partisan hack, a narcissist, and a drunk - who also blamed the Clintons today. Not fit for the job. 

Same pic as above? 



Looking forward to Senator Collins remarks.

Kav asked a Senator Klobuchar if she has ever been blackout drunk AFTER she just explained that her dad was a recovering alcoholic



 what I saw, was precisely what is wrong with "the right" in the country today.


Don't call yourselves American, because it's shown the lot is nothing more than capatalists/fascists.

Nothing in the Constitutions says the Senate had to have hearings on Merrick Garland.

Nothing in the Constitutions says how many members are in the Supreme Court.


"what goes around, comes around" - Brett Kavanaugh, 9/27/2018

I've seen Phil's "apparent donation" written about in a couple of places lately, but has it been verified that it's real? And no, I don't trust Relix implicitly.

Relix is a known bastion of top rate journalism, Judit. A jamband news outlet you can trust.

Anyway, I'm finally catching up on the thread, haven't seen any of the testimony yet. I heard Kavanaugh was yelling and possibly drunk.

He literally said it couldn’t have been him he has a lady friend that has been sexually abused and she confided in him because he was a big old nerdy virgin.

He cried about weight lifting and yelled I like beer a lot.

I just caught a snippet where he admitted he only played JV ball in high school.

Fuck this guy.

And I don’t want any 40 year old virgins on the Supreme Court; it’s bad enough we tolerate them here.  Goddamned Incels!

Seriously. I wouldn't trust an Incel with my DVD collection; let alone a seat on the SCOTUS.

Not judging, but just reading Mrs. Kavanaugh's body language as she sat slack jawed and apparently incapacitated by anti-depression meds during the hearing today, I think it's obvious they never have sex.

How did you enjoy his ' meltdown ', Mark?




Thank God someone invented beer pong. Frat boys finally have a more constructive way to spend their leisure time.

Top American Jesuit Magazine pulled their endorsement for Bart O' Kavanaugh

The Editors: It is time for the Kavanaugh nomination to be withdrawn

If Dr. Blasey’s allegation is true, the assault and Judge Kavanaugh’s denial of it mean that he should not be seated on the U.S. Supreme Court. But even if the credibility of the allegation has not been established beyond a reasonable doubt and even if further investigation is warranted to determine its validity or clear Judge Kavanaugh’s name, we recognize that this nomination is no longer in the best interests of the country.


Also, this is one Bar that ain't feeling Kav's.

American Bar Association calls for FBI investigation into Kavanaugh allegations, delay in confirmation votes

The American Bar Association called on the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday evening to halt the confirmation vote for Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, saying it should not move forward until an FBI investigation into the sexual assault allegations against him can be completed.


Whether he's guilty or not, his demeanor in the hearing disqualifies him from serving on SCOTUS, IMO.

I've been wondering why associations such as the ABA have been mostly silent during the Trump era?

Likewise, I'm sure there are MANY organizations that could be relevant if they speak up with a unified voice.

Agreed surf.

Totally agree, Surf.

The democrats should say our mishandling of this doesn’t excuse the Republicans mishandling of this. 

Right on, Timmy.

is lindsey grhame upset because he has a female name?

I think that was Lindsay's try-out for replacing Sessions as AG.

so, you are telling me that the current illegitimate, non-popular-vote-winner, foreign influenced shiester con artist has more right to ram through a nominee than a sitting president did?

seems like waiting a year would be fine, no? that's the whole goose and gander thing, right? 

Y'all remember what happened with Denny Hastert?

Longest serving Republican Speaker of the House in history.

He also is the highest ranking politician to serve a prison sentence.


It took DECADES (more than 3) for his crimes to come out and he went to prison.

He was investigated by the FBI for bank fraud, which led to accusations from 3 former students of molestation.


No wonder why the Republicans don't want a FBI Investigation.

Who is telling you that, Turtle?

Ha ha at the pee wee dude and the cat that makes faces  at senators.


Nice comparison there number six.

Thank you, Jaz. Two privileged white boys who are obvious bullies.

The victim blaming won't stop with this bunch. 


they are telling me 6...


The Dean of Yale Law School wants a FBI Investigation before proceeding any further.

The voices in your head, Turtle?

((((((Whether he's guilty or not, his demeanor in the hearing disqualifies him from serving on SCOTUS, IMO.)))))


Seeing is believing.  No biased media source needed to reach that conclusion.


Fucking investigate this shit properly!

Let's see if I have this straight:  If Ford is believed, Kav is lying and unfit to be on SCOTUS = unconfirmed today

If unconfirmed today, guy who is unfit to be on SCOTUS goes back to his old job, judge on the 2nd highest court in the land

He will go back to old job - but his decisions on any matter including sexual assault will open the path to appeals in any future decisions he presides over.

Being a bit melodramatic,  and picking up from yesterday's Melty down ness I have a question and I'm pretty serious what was worse 9/11 or yesterday's shit show

um 3000 people died in 9/11 and led to the longest war in us history causing wide-spread harm, death and misery for thousands....uh so i'll go w/ 9/11...

Go Jeff Flake!

pretty wild video of the two ladies screaming at Jeff Flake in the elevator before he changed his mind.


OK, so Grassley just slammed the door on an apparent attempt at bipartisan cooperation?




JC voted along party lines - Flake wants to delay full Senate vote for a week to allow for investigation.

Yes, I suppose that this opens the door a bit for Collins and others to jump aboard the limited investigation train.

Flake is a wuss.

I don't think an FBI investigation will accomplish anything except to help the GOP justify their vote.  It might show that Kavanaugh lied about some of the tangentials, which should matter but won't.  Just vote no and find someone equally qualified who isn't an ass.

this country is fucking nuts.


This country is fucking nuts that was my point turtle

 There are more then a few in a long-term ramifications of a nation running off the rails which could prove more disastrous


certainly not intending to diminish the pain of loss of human life

Nuts - Thanks to all those who refused to vote for Hillary Clinton for President over Trump- the same fools who claimed that both parties were the same. How you like your greater of two evils now?!

I didn't vote for Clinton or Trump.

are you talking to zoners in ohio or florida specifically nanc?

Anybody who went public on the internet and bashed Hillary owns some of this.

Everybody who bragged on the internet (which reaches Michigan and Florida and Ohio) about not voting for Clinton because she was a corporate warmongerer owns some of this....you got what you wanted and actively encourages:  a Clinton loss, which meant a Trump victory.

The fucking Green candidate bragged about hurting Clinton.

Just like Nader, the greens think that by electing Republicans, things will get so bad that people will turn to the greens.

Be proud, greens.

that's a vast oversimplification.

Oh cool. We're still litigating the 2016 election and blaming people who didn't vote for Hilldog?

The SCOTUS was always at stake. Voters knew that. The DNC knew that. Hillary Clinton knew that. 

But the thing is, Hillary ran a terrible campaign; and the DNC actively conspired to favor her in the Primaries despite that. Turns out, she's the biggest joke in modern American political history.

Everybody should know that. 

<<<Anybody who


Well, you were blaming Bernie Bros in VA for all of this the night of the election precisely as Virginia went blue....so grain of salt and all. 

proud bernie write-in from south philly-i’d do it all over again as well. if we are playing the blame game, we all know what the dnc did (unless you’re still in denial about your neoliberal losing to donald trump, lol). the dems have no spine, they don’t learn, they don’t play the game nearly as well as the republicans-when will they learn that compromising is long gone? the GOp doesn’t give a fuck about what they want, yet the dems cave at every turn. insanity. 

thank you HRC primary voters for destroying our county. 



why is this so hard for people to get?


Sad day for the voice of the people. Every body wants a full investigation of Kavanaugh  except those in the ruling class. The minority gets their way yet  again.


 I would support a full societal strike by the women of our communities until  the injustice of sexual assault, and the treatment of the victims, is fully atoined for.


"I'll do whatever they want me to do!"


1 week delay for fbi investigation


>why is this so hard for people to get?



why is the reality that Hillary would be a way better President than Trump so hard for people to get?


hate on the DNC, Feinstein, and Hillary all you want...but don't fucking complain what the Trump regime is doing to our country.



>..you got what you wanted and actively encourages:  a Clinton loss, which meant a Trump victory.


This ^^^^


Timmy, didn't someone here give you the nickname Tammy Boofer?

Yeah.  Probably the only Zoner that actually has boofed; Zippy.

I've farted.


not to brag.

2018 – 02:27 pm
Anybody who went public on the internet and bashed Hillary owns some of this.

Everybody who bragged on the internet (which reaches Michigan and Florida and Ohio) about not voting for Clinton because she was a corporate warmongerer owns some of this....you got what you wanted and actively encourages:  a Clinton loss, which meant a Trump victory.<<<<<


I didn't do any of that. I doubt that I've ever swayed anything. 



play the blame game all you want. it doesn't fucking matter and makes you look like an idiot.


the DNC really should be your source of outrage because they sold YOU OUT.



and "boofing refers to flatulance"...

think tank schill, please....do not be so obviously disingenuous. 

Hmm, I had no idea the vast influence vivalazone had on presidential elections. It's not like we're the news media...So sorry "weirdsteve"!




Poor Nancy is still playing the "But Hillary would be great! Right guys? Right?!?" game.

It's over, Nancy. Time to move on.

She can join Mike w for a sangria...


Hilldog is a fuckin' loser. Look at her still carrying around that iPhone 4 in 2015. Pathetic.

Not a game, Marky.  Didn’t say she’d be great, not even close to the laughing stock that Donnie is , choices of iphones aside. What kind of phone  do you think Donnie knows how to use?

>>>   thank you HRC primary voters for destroying our county. 


Trump loves you Bernie people.

So does Russia.

>>>What kind of phone  do you think Donnie knows how to use?


I'm visualizing something plastic, with brightly colored buttons, made by Fisher Price.

I think today went better than I expected.  This is truly unprecedented.  Flake, motivated by self or others, did a brave thing. The right thing. Maybe there is a chance for the system to work after all.yes

>>>>Trump loves you Bernie people.


I'm a Bernie Sheeple: I voted for him during the primaries and did what he instructed us to do: Vote for HRC in the general.  And I'm a Californian, so my vote doesn't really count anyway.


And really: Isn't it about time that we stop talking about the past election and start thinking about the upcoming one?


Are all of you people living in Alaska and Maine up to harassing your senators?  (is that the wrong word to use???)

The DNC didn’t sell anyone out. It was their game and they wrote the stupid and annoying rules, long before the 2016 election. If anyone sold anyone out, it was Bernie, jumping into a race that he knew he could never win. It was all about super delegates, and he knew it. His supporters, full of high hopes and idealism, didn’t.

On the upside, everyone now knows about it, and maybe they’ll get rid of the system. If they don’t, and Bernie runs again, people can’t blame the DNC when their man doesn’t win. Only a Democratic stalwart can get win with super delegates, and he’s an Independent.

Either way, it wasn’t the people who voted for Bernie or Trump or Stein. It was the 40+% who didn’t vote at all.

The real wins for the Republicans are a Federalist Supreme Court for the next 30 years, and they have fractured liberals to the point that they are still playing a stupid blame game.


On Thursday, the Los Angeles Times published an interview in which Sanders suggested that superdelegates — the 712 elite party leaders and insiders who can support whichever candidate they want at the Democratic National Convention — should tip the nomination in his favor.

Sanders is being soundly beaten by Clinton among the "pledged" delegates whose support is determined by the popular vote, so turning to superdelegates may be his only option. But it's still a surprising tack to hear him take.

Here's what Sanders told the LA Times:

I would fully concede that we have a narrow path to victory. Your point is well taken. But it is a path. And the only thing that I would add to the arithmetic that we could all agree: Arithmetic is arithmetic, is momentum.

And it is also the fact that many super delegates have not yet declared, that’s number one. Number two, for the super delegates and others who have declared, as I said long ago, the key issue, you know, people like Hillary Clinton more than me. That’s fine. But what people are most concerned of in the world that I live in is that a Republican not get into the White House. I think we can demonstrably make the case, and I say this without one second of hesitation, that I am the stronger candidate.

(Sanders first alluded to a superdelegate strategy last week, but his remarks to the LA Times make those intentions much more explicit.)


There are a number of reasons it's strange to see Sanders turn to the superdelegates to save his candidacy.

The first is that Clinton has had a tremendous advantage among superdelegates since before voting began, and it seems exceedingly unlikely that — barring some unseen event — they'll now suddenly change their minds and back him.

The second reason is that for months leading up to the primary, Sanders's supporters have argued that the superdelegates should be ignored as an undemocratic usurpation of the popular will.

"[The] idea is if you're a super delegate, we want to make sure that you understand that the grassroots base of the Democratic party wants you to support the will of the party electorate," one MoveOn.org official, arguing against superdelegates, told Politico after Sanders won New Hampshire.

That argument makes sense: The superdelegate system really could be used as an unfair way of taking the primary out of the hands of the voters if they supported a candidate other than the one chosen by the democratic primary process. Sanders's supporters had to hope that if the primary electorate spoke clearly for Sanders, the superdelegates would agree to listen.

But just the opposite has happened. Clinton has received over 2 million more votes than Sanders — she's gotten 8.9 million to his 6.3 million. She has a pledged delegate lead of about 300.

Asking the superdelegates to now overturn that verdict because of a shaky argument about Sanders's general election viability seems like a stretch at best. As MSNBC's Steve Benen notes: "The fact that Sanders and his team are thinking along these lines is itself striking – and the sort of strategy his progressive backers may find difficult to explain after months of making the exact opposite argument."


weird steve-we all remember your melts during the 2016 election season. 

Trump loves you Bernie people.



Funny, I can't seem to find any photos of Bernie rubbing shoulders with trump.



what is the context of that picture?  are they out on date? is it an event with many unrelated people who happen to be standing around in the same room while photographs are being taken?

how would you compare it too jill stein in russia, at an event honoring russian state controlled media, sitting at a table with assorted scumbags?

bill and hrc went to trump’s wedding. good friends, same circle of scumbags. 

It's trump's wedding...


Jill Stein was at the 2014 rt event to speak about ending war for profit. Unfortunately, warmongers tend to be scumbags.



That said, Bernie wasn't invited to either event laugh

Right, Hillary is Putin's puppet! Oy. 



Back to Trump's Supreme Court pick. 

  I was thinking about how Brett declared that he was a Virgin,   and it's possible he was telling the truth.

Now, don't get me wrong, he's guilty of sexual assault  and tried to board the Renate train but was so drunk he had limp dick...Brett likely still suffers from erectile dysfunction. Hey, if he doesn't get the job, he could make some commercials for Viagra. 

Kavanaugh is like every 80's movie frat boy douchebag rolled into one shitty ball.

Right, Hillary is Putin's puppet! Oy. 


Who said that, nancy? I posted a photo of Putin whispering something in her ear. Are you saying that photo is damning, or staged? I'd like to know what he was whispering to her. Maybe "The Pied Piper story ends with him stealing all the children of the village and they're never seen again".

Unhinged? Unlikely

Trump is a pathological liar and we now know that Kavanaugh has lied his way through his confirmation hearings for his federal judgeship and now for the Supreme Court

by Peter Dreier


Thanks Dise. Hope you're happy with the results.

The odds are probably slim to none that Mark Judge would suddenly get a moral conscience and confess.  But it sure would suck to be him this week.

Is noodler's re-post of someone's accusation at 4:12am real and verifiable?


By the way, thanks for bringing it Noodler.

Another fiscal conservative Republican with disappearing debt to boot. 

>>>>Another fiscal conservative Republican with disappearing debt to boot. 

Fiscal conservative Republicans no such thing anymore

as for disappearing debt the back story said it was family money which doesn't have to be reported. Then why didn't they retire the debt sooner which would have been more fiscally conservative???

Democrat Diane Feinstein took questions from all republicans on the JC about the leak and who leak it. Dingbat Feinstein said she never asked her staff if they leaked it even though early on they denied it via twitter maybe unbeknownst to rich jetsetter Feinstein. Feinstein took all questions from the GOP on the leak but (R) Grassley ignored a shit tone of democratic senators questions only acknowledging letters entered into the record.

That sirius call in dead show this afternoon stated that Phil donated $10,000 to Ford.

witness tampering

buh bye Brett...

Gotcha, Nugs. I was being sarcastic with the fiscal conservative remark.


There is nothing of the sort on a National level. 

I think he mostly doesn't want his precious daughters to know that he is a lying misogynistic douche. Too late. 

"Loose with the truth baby, it's your fire .." 

Remember that Fox News Interview with Kavanaugh? 

"Brett Kavanaugh’s Fox News Interview Is Now Testimony Under Oath"


Am I the only one who sees Kavanaugh as Trump's "Mini-Me"?

They do have a lot in common - both narcissists, both raised as entitled spoiled brats, both sexual offenders, both immature, both serial liars, both bullies, both cry babies. Only difference is that Kavanaugh is better educated with more degrees.  Probably somewhat more knowledgeable about the law than Trump. Trump is a dry drunk, Kavanaugh is just a drunk. They both have the cocaine sniffles.

Both make a lot of smoke, as well.

.....and/or the Dems/FBI/Media (all enemies of the State) keep fanning the flames.

its a distraction to keep from focusing on a muslim democrat with verifiable evidence & corroboration of assault devil

Well, since POTUS and SCOTUS both are powerful and influential positions it makes sense that people and the media are going to take notice and give them plenty of attention. particularly when they’re unfit for their respective (prospective) jobs, and when one job is a lifetime appointment. 


what we saw was a clear partisan.


hillman, if you are talking about Keith Ellison, I must admit that I hadn't heard about these allegations.  Some famous Minnesotan dems certainly seem to have some problems with alleged sexual abuse scandals.  Non es bueno.

I believe the words we are looking for today are :



Thank you, Bernie !!


$15/ hr minimum.


Now, I seem to remember someone referring to this as "ponies" promised by Bernie. 


Where are the conservatives who said Bernie was too dangerous to business and Corporate Democrats that said he was too extreme and not practical enough now?


Mrs. Clinton has unveiled a raft of policy proposals detailing increased spending on everything from job training and community college education to broadband networks, infrastructure, and clean energy. She has backed efforts to raise the federal minimum wage, to overhaul immigration laws, and to boost women’s workforce participation by backing efforts to improve paid leave and access to child care.

She has also promoted using the tax code to provide breaks for companies that improve employee profit-sharing while raising taxes on upper-income Americans and taxing so-called carried interest earned by investors as regular income.


"President Trump went through a factual rendition that I didn’t particularly like and I would tell him to knock it off," Graham said. "You’re not helping."

He added, "But it can be worse, you can actually kill somebody’s cat and puncture their tires to get them to shut up," a reference, he said, to Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey's past claims that someone killed her cat and slashed her tires.


-Senator Graham, 10/03/18

Nobody is moving to $15 wages because they’ve been watching all the progressive rallies and they’re suddenly getting woke. They’re doing it because it’s the only way to attract workers.


"Brett Kavanaugh boofing" is redundant.

this is awesome:  a list of over 1000 (and counting) Law Professors who don't think Kavanaugh should be appointed. Every big law school seems to be represented. It was 600 names only a few hours ago.


>believe the words we are looking for today are :

Thank you, Bernie !!



I'd take a better look at the Amazon dealio.   Do you think that this will be some sort of catalyst for the feds to increase the minimum wage to $15?  

Bernie lives in a different reality than the rest of us.  I don't think that his head is a great place to reside. 

>I is awesome:  a list of over 1000 (and counting) Law Professors who don't think Kavanaugh should be appointed<


Don't think it matters.

>>.Don't think it matters.


I don't either...By keeping drinking out of this they won't look into whether he lied about it during the hearing.   He's in but his legacy is tarnished.   I've had Kavenough. 

--> dont think it matters

Well I dont think it will impact the outcome. But both the PGOTUS and O'kav are alum of some of these schools.  Many profs are the experts that guide our future leaders and I appreciate the grassroots nature of this effort.   BTW, its up to 1700 names.  They are putting themselves out there and all agree that he does not have the temperament to be on the SCOTUS. I'd also suggest that many of these profs clerked for future Justices or have brought cases before them.  Their opinion SHOULD carry a lot of weight, but I agree it most likely wont.

Sadly, I don't think it will matter either.

If anything the last 24 months has shown, even the pretense of traditional notions of decency, fair play, and ethics simply has no place in modern politics.  Lindsey Graham said it best in his explosive tirade at last week's hearing:

"Boy, you all want power.  God, I hope you never get it." 

That's what it all comes down to folks and the GOP will not give up an opportunity to have a solid conservative majority on the court for the next generation and will spare nothing to keep that from slipping through their hands. 

I don't envy Flake, Collins, and Murkowski.  Fair or not, it all appears to be on each of their shoulders.


I've been using a judicious temperament this morning, pointing out to my children that they are witnessing history in the making, no matter which way this confirmation attempt ends up going.

<<<<Nobody is moving to $15 wages because they’ve been watching all the progressive rallies and they’re suddenly getting woke. They’re doing it because it’s the only way to attract workers.


Richest man in the world and his companies employees sucking up all that government cheese is not a good look for the dashboard plastic Bezus.

Kavanaugh will easily get confirmed and I think he will even get a few Dem votes when it is all said and done. In the end I think it’s a good thing. In my mind the only thing that matters is winning the house. It changes the whole playing field. Kavanaugh getting confirmed will energize dems to vote like nothing else. If Kavanaugh didn’t make it he would have been replaced with someone with the same views. With Kavanaugh on the bench it will focus people’s attention on every 5-4 vote.

Of course there is nothing in the Constitution that says the Supreme Court has to be 9 justices. No reason dems can’t increase it to 11 once they are back in power.

Oh and Bezos cares as much about the optics of his workers collecting government benefits as all of us care about the billion people who walk more than a mile a day for water.

This will energize dems and the #ScotusTermLimits hashtag will be trending leading up to elections. 

>>>>This will energize dems

The dems are already energized.

One thing I didn't see coming is that this whole shit show has also galvanized the right and is getting them all fired up for the mid-terms too:



I wonder if FBI report contained information about witnesses disappearing debt over the last two years with Trump's love of hush money. I guarantee his buddy Mark Judge has been payed hush money for years fueling his addictions.

Agree Ken but SCOTUS term limits will enter the conversation.

- Trump sure has lots of time for campaigning since he's a signing statement & trade negotiator only president

- Klanpaigning going to states with the worst ratings by the Southern Poverty Law Center to do some whispering

Heitkamp a no vote


The Democrats are sweating.

Maybe they can think of another false allegation?

Seems fair to go with the Merrick Garland excuse - too close to an election.




^^Supports Rapey Perjurers?^^

Yeah, the guy is for sure a liar and most likely sexually assaulted multiple women and Republicans don’t care.

Kavanaugh is No superhero. Just an entitled frat boy, pathological liar and unfit to serve



I'm looking forward to his upcoming DWI when he is pulled over with a hooker riding shotgun.  Or....


That’s no hooker, that’s Miss Lindsey

“I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73....it never goes away,” Broaddrick had tweeted on Jan. 6, during the Democratic primary season.

bill clinton is a disgusting human, no doubt. 

how come republicans can’t say that about kavanaugh (not the politicians, we all know why, but the general public republican supporters) ? crazy shit. 

Donald Trump is a disgusting human. 


Huge difference  between an ELECTED position and a LIFETIME appointment. 


Kavanaugh is not fit for the job, and your defense of him getting the job is ..but Clinton?! Damn, that's just so fucking stupid. There's a pizza parlor missing a village idiot. 

>>>>>and a LIFETIME appointment?!


It's always been my position that SCOTUS appointments should be for, say, 16 years - twice a president's two terms, rather than lifetime - that's just too long in today's rapidly changing world.

>>>>Kavanaugh is not fit for the job, and your defense of him getting the job is ..but Clinton?! Damn, that's just so fucking stupid. There's a pizza parlor missing a village idiot. 

Sorry, I don't like to be rude to people but this is right on the money. So Bill Clinton is a disgusting pile of shit. So what? How is that even remotely relevant when discussing whether or not Kavanaugh should be a SCOTUS Justice? 

And like Pyramid said, why is it so hard for Republicans to just come out and say that Kavanaugh is a disgusting piece of shit? If 20 years ago you would have told me that the Repubs are bending over backwards today to defend a nominee who spits in the face of everything that was once considered decency and family values, I would have laughed in your face. Not that any band of political thieves was ever clean or decent, but the Repubs USED to make a big fuss about family values. It's clear now that they only ever cared about power and shoving a biblical agenda down peoples' throats. 

Mind you, I have no greater respect for the Democrats who are just as weasely and disgusting, IMO. It just happens that right now Comrade Trump is shitting all over the decency of modern democracy, ergo, he and his minions are in the spotlight at the moment...

Collins voting Yes can tell by two women behind her instead of Mitch & Orrin


Sen. Elizabeth Warren's new, tantalizing claim about Kavanaugh shows what utter madness this is

Greg Sargent, The Washington Post

Published 10:01 am PDT, Friday, October 5, 2018


And the impeachment proceedings will begin?

Judicial Crisis Network for the win after successful TV commercials campaign

Tax cuts for the win after successful TV commercials campaign

Tom Steyer for the loss after stupid fucking impeachment TV commercials campaign

Tom spend your money opposing these Republican commercial campaigns you rich idiot


Maybe, creepy porn lawyer has another trick up his sleeve.

We shall see.

Well, I used to think that the Supreme Court was a thing.  Now that we've ralphed all over it, I really don't care what happens to this country.  Call all the troops home, disband the military, this place isn't worth defending.  We need to start over and the sooner we stop hanging on to nostalgia the sooner we can get to the next chapter.

We are witnessing the slow death of our country's soul....with a few notable accelerations.



Blasey Ford's story fell apart.. That's why Kavanaugh will get confirmed.

Interesting times we live in - at least were enjoying the ride!


lol, nancy wtf are you blathering about? i’m wasn’t defending kavanaugh getting the job w/ “but clinton”. what? i was reasserting that bill clinton is indeed a piece of shit, in response to what lassen posted-and well, so what? clinton is done. kavanaugh is what we are discussing, and he is obviously a disgusting human and completely not fit to serve. and anyone that doesn’t believe dr. blasey ford, imo, is a fucked up person. 

i was asking why republicans can’t call out sexual predators, kick em to the curb, and do the right fucking thing.

I am sickened, disgusted, sad, infuriated, you name it, at the wanton disregard for all of us, women especially, shown by Kavanaugh and everyone who voted to take his nomination to the full Senate.

We're fucked. 

haz hypocracy. 



like your life depends on it
because it does

>, nancy wtf are you blathering about? i’m wasn’t ..


My remarks were  for Lassen, Pyramid. Defensive much?

ah, i see. my apologies, nancy. 


regardless of how you "feel" about Kavanaugh, the evidence was just not there to substantiate he sexually assaulted Blasey Ford.

however, what really troubles me about the guy is his support for and legal assistance to the W. bush administration's illegal torture program.

dude his testimony was evidence enough he isn’t fit to be on the supreme court-that was disturbingly obvious. 

on top of that he’s w/o a doubt a serial sexual predator. what the fuck is wrong w/ people? 

Let's get back to work making money. 

Chuck Grassley: We Haven't Put Any Women on the Senate Judiciary Committee Because It's Too Much Work for Them

The Senate Judiciary chairman somehow found yet another way to stomp on women.

By Matthew Chapman / AlterNet


Chuck Grassley Says Workload May Deter Women From Joining Judiciary Committee

The chairman quickly walked back his remark by saying women in the Senate work “harder than the average man.”

By Carla Herreria



GOP thanks for the educated women voting Democratic for a generation or two. GOP good luck getting all those MAGA woman who like to snort pills off the back of a bar room toilet to turn out. 

>>> GOP thanks for the educated women voting Democratic for a generation or two.


too bad the majority of (not just) women are uneducated. 

He who smelt it dealt it.


White House Counsel Prevented FBI From Full Kavanaugh Investigation Even After Trump OK'd It: Report

According to a new report by the New York Times, that wasn't Trump's fault.

By Martin Cizmar / Raw Story

October 6, 2018, 2:11 AM GMT



Another investigation of the investigation on the investigation coming soon.


Don't hesitate,,, , investigate!

Now the GOP and pro life terrorists (yes they have bombed American people) can blackmail a SCOTUS judge to control his rulings. Sad!

Trump Seemingly Got His Soros Conspiracy From Fox’s Maria Bartiromo and Chuck Grassley

Little more than an hour before the president tweeted this conspiracy, Sen. Grassley was spreading it on Fox Business with the help of Maria Bartiromo.

Matt Wilstein 10.05.18 11:06 AM ET


like your life depends on it 
because it does<


Yep, would suck if there was 6-3 conservative majority on the court. Not that it makes much difference given there is a 5-4 conservative majority now.




The Senate will never convict him.



like your life depends on it 
because it does<

What practical threats to your life do you think you face? Nazi style gas chambers, nuclear war, Russian takeover, grid shutdown, currency crisis and economic collapse?


The FBI should use the methods of torture Kavanaugh advocated for under Bush to question him about being a sexual predator.

^^yes, but Brett prefers to be beer boarded instead of water boarded

like your life depends on it 
because it does<

>>> What practical threats to your life do you think you face? Nazi style gas chambers, nuclear war, Russian takeover, grid shutdown, currency crisis and economic collapse? <<<

On a purely practical level our children and grandchildren's water and air purity is threatened, women may no longer have safe options for reproductive health care, fewer people eligible to vote through disenfranchising, human rights violations...

It’s on live now, final statements and vote.

Thanks, China > Rider. I think.

<<<Bernie lives in a different reality than the rest of us.  I don't think that his head is a great place to reside



yeah, a screw practical, on the ground results, right?

Corporation's are getting there 2nd Supreme Court Justice

Another round of sweaty Koch money flowing to GOP senators to close there "enthusiasm gap" in the midterms and 2020

Wind Vane Joe Manchin is somewhere with his finger in the air seeing which way the wind is blowing in WV

2/9 of SCOTUS Justices are Bill Clinton type women predators GOP enjoy your winning

Practical, really? I am so ashamed of the majority who voted to approve a lying belligerent bully, a man who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Yet again. I'm so pleased that my Senators, Merkley and Wyden voted no and that Senator Merkley has worked diligently to restore human rights to children seized from their parents, for women and men, for the dignity of all.

Fuck Trump, fuck lying scumbag politicians.

I just need a working class home.

Well then go to work and buy a working class home.

Mitch McConnell abuses filibuster rule while in the minority to block Obama's judges forces Harry Reid to remove filibuster rule for lower court judges and Mitch said, "Don't and that it will come back to haunt you" which was his plan all along. Then when Mitch becomes senate majority head filibuster is gone for SCOTUS and GOP rams judge Kavanaugh through by mob rule.

We work, Jaz. 

Next up....

Amy Coney Barrett

You can accuse her of working in a brothel.

Enjoy Thom, you've been "winning" for quite some time. Are we great again?

thom is trash.