

I've been toying with the idea of having Lasik done on my eyes. I'm 52 and it seems like my eyes are in (seemingly) rapid decline. The glasses I spent a fortune on a year ago are no longer any good. I have to take my glasses off now to see up close. I never considered it before because I always felt that wearing glasses worked as a substitute for safety glasses at work. I'm not feeling that way anymore if I could get my eyes fixed. How was your experience with Lasik? And what does it cost? Have your eyes changed since having it done?

I'm 48 and had mine done back in July. My worst eye was 20/300. Now both are 20/15. So far so good. I occasionally get dry eye but a couple of artificial tear drops fixes that right up. Insurance paid 25% and I ended up paying $3300 for whole procedure. Got a 2 year 0% financing through the place that did the work. My last straw was being forced to wear bifocals to read. I just couldn't get used to the no line progressives.

Occasionally I'll reach to my face to adjust the glasses that are no longer there. When I wake up and it's still dark I'll reach for them too. But after 35 years of wearing them that's to be expected. I've always have had star bursts looking at car headlights and that hasn't changed.

You'll never get away from wearing readers unless you get the monovision that corrects one eye for farsightedness and the other for nearsightedness which I didn't want to do.