The last four years


feels like the 60's for the right wing with their own cult and everything. Except for the real comparison we would have had to elect Abby Hoffman and his running mate Louis Farrakhan to President and Vice President

Steal This Quadrennium.

That's so awesome how you were alive and taking in the scene back then,  ninno.

What was it like in the trenches of the Revolution ?

Must have been Groovy I bet.

3D printed houses? What'll they think of next?

And people who live in plastic houses should definitely get stoned.

Think atherton will allow any 3D printed houses?

hopefully more cities will permit alternative dwellings....

>>>>Think atherton will allow any 3D printed houses?


It's a Democratic party city so no. 

they should make little 3d cities outside of all the "fulfillment centers" and places where the instacart shoppers can live...

Those places would become hotspots of culture that educated Democratic party members would gentrify and displace so they can say they live in a cool town. 

This upcoming year seems like it's gonna be lit

white people like horizontal fencing

White folks gonna be the first to start wearing full six ft social distance bubble suits. 

Straight fire

>Think atherton will allow any 3D printed houses?

if you can afford to own property in Atherton you can pretty much get away with putting whatever you want on it. 

You would know what white people like.  What's your neighborhood 85%+ white?  Majority Republican?  

i don't get the horiz0ntal fencing craze -- will not age well...

Isn't it all horizontal when one walks alongside it?

the ceiling that is now in my kitchen that I  remodeled came from an estate / demo sale of a house in Atherton 10 years or so back

I was driving home from work on Middlefield  one evening and saw the signs - went in and bought some insane walnut paneling  i noticed this amazing ceiling that was in the kitchen and asked if I could buy it as well  - "sure just Pay for tha labor  to remove it  .....and i forget I paid maybe $900

it sat in my side yard for 6 years under a tarp, and lo and behold on my second kitchen remodel - it all worked out 

even stronger it was in a visioning exercise i did to create a new life 28 years ago - pasting images on a corkboard

everything on the visioning board became reality - life can be amazing at times  --- magic  it was only 2 years ago that i realized that i had imaged that ceiling ( wife, job, more kids, art, and my next salary for a job I was offered 2 weeks later was on the image, also met my wife that was imaged within 2 weeks    power full

Actually, no it's all drunk and methed out Democrats around here, Racket. Used to live in dominately black neighborhoods that were a lot cooler, for sure.

Wasn't talking to you pane.

>What's your neighborhood 85%+ white?  <

i live on the mexi side of the tracks. actually its probably 60% hispanic, 40% white.

10 blocks away is 99% white...

Tryin my best to put it in the rear view

Dig it, LLtD!

racket is so infatuated with my ball sack at 3am lol.

what a sad, angry, creepy fuck.


That's not what the stats say.  Your town is 85% white.  No wonder youre miserable you don't get along with 85% of your neighbors.  You racist fuck.


lol project much?

you seem to be the miserable racist fuck. roughly 1/2 of my neighbors are mexican.

why you care where i live or what i do, i don't get. get your own life and off my jock you shitbag creep.

so much anger from you. sad angry man that is so oppressed. 

go get another meme from your "news" sites, bitch.



I haven't addressed you in weeks.  If you don't want my attention, I advise you not to respond to my posts.  Until then, game on you whiney cunt.  

you responded to my general comment that was in no way directed to you. you angry ball sniffing negative shit dick.

thanks for the free rent in your head!!




Can't resist can you?  Who's in who's head?  I own you bitch.  Keep it coming.  This will be fun.

angry guy that never saw jerry?  been on the zone since he was 18?

never has a kind word or anything positive to do/offer/say here except be a piece of shit little bitch. you're really a sad person.







Hahahahaha.  Started another liquid lunch?

racket is a piece of shit. Always has been. Move on.

Bry polked his head up on here again - talk about POS and move the fuck on.............

have a great thursday and not fade away Mark

the biden presidency is an all star list of neolibs that have spent the last 40 years gutting the working class. 

now biden has added neera tanden to the admin., w/ a senate confirmed position of office of management and budget. 


union busting. 

pushed for social security cuts (just like biden). 

do we still have our BLM signs out front? thod? is it time to go back to brunch? 

y'all voted for GWB 4.0. 

funny and sad. 

^ 4.1



thod you are the problem. 

people like you holding us back from real evolution, actual change, helping people in ways the govt should provide  

you're trash. 

^ 4.3







>y'all voted for GWB 4.0. 

funny and sad. <


So, did you prefer Trump? 

Because it was either Trump or Biden... you do understand that?

Honestly, I'm not sure that you do.


4.0 or trump? 

Heater b melting yet again,

what a fucking derp dingle berry.



look, the republicans are all here. 

rrg, clean tbe vomit off your vest. 

You can take the trash out of Philly...

Still smells like sht in Vermont.




Got it, Pyramid, you prefer Trump... Everybody understood that it was either Biden or Trump, nobody was dumb enough to believe a third candidate had a chance.


If you think it's s funny and sad that people voted for Biden, then you must prefer Trump.






This may be the silliest old man cloud screams yet. 

lumber who'd you support in the primary?

Ogkb, have you considered going into politics? You have a unique ability to use tact to win over hearts and minds. You could go far.


^the nominee was decided before I could vote, so given the covid situation,  I didn't vote in the primary. 

will you answer the question? 


I just answered your question. Sorry if you don't like my answer.  I stayed out of the primary fight, knowing jersey's primary was in june,  I decided to wait to see who would still be standing come June, later changed to july. 



And you likely don't have to worry about neera tanden, Republicans are very much opposed to her. 

> You have a unique ability to use tact to win over hearts and minds.

BK, I know you're being ironic, but I think it needs to be said that ogkb has all of the tact of a bulldozer. He seems to think that ridiculing and alienating people will win them over. Talking down to people is precisely the kind of approach that will doom a truly progressive agenda.

^facts hurt mike edwards. 

and now biden has neera tanden. you can't make this up. 

she is the bernie bro, if there ever was one, but for the eatablishent. 

do you know this, mile edwards? 

I'm sure there is a country that you can be happy living in

So, to clarify, ogkb, Tanden is a neolib fuck and you don't like her?

Facts don't have to hurt, ogkb. It's all in the delivery, and your interpersonal skills are severely lacking, on the black screen at least.

bk, who likes neera besides neolibs? 

mike edwards doesn't get that neera is what he says is an issue. 


You're starting to spew word salad now, ogkb. Maybe you should take some time to regroup.


Mike, allow me to clarify...

Pyramid is saying that Tanden shares pyramid's abrasive approach to those she disagrees with. It seems to be a the heart of Republicans' objection to her.


Did I get that correct, pyramid?

Lotsa common traits in a few of the frequent flyers

Neera Tanden called Mitch McConnell Voldemort in a tweet. ogkb lashes out at everyone who isn't ogkb.

this is great. 

i'll be back shortly, you fucks. 

Try the indica, dude. The sativas don't seem to working for you.

<<<>>>Neera Tanden called Mitch McConnell Voldemort in a tweet.

is that all it takes for a simple minded liberal like yourself? 

I know what I'm getting ogkb for Christmas this year.


^so, yes. haha. yikes. 

Lumber, you never answered the question. You said a whole lot of nothing. Who did you support?


^nobody, if you believe that I said a lot of nothing, then you really do need to work on your reading comprehension. 


Try reading it again...

 I stayed out of the primary fight, knowing jersey's primary was in june,  I decided to wait to see who would still be standing come June, later changed to july.


The nomination was decided before I had to choose.


 As I wrote before,  I did answer, sorry it's not the answer you wanted. 


If you go back and search, you will find that I stated that I was unhappy with all of the choices. I had doubts that any of them could beat Trump. I stated that I wished there was a candidate who was an amalgam of several of the candidates.  

^you supported centrism. 

you are part of the problem, holing us back. 

Pyramid, I agree with most of what you say. But dude, you are hurting our cause by the way you address people. These folks have been brainwashed by the corporate media for yrs. Not going to change that via antagonism.  

It sucked, but biden/trump was our choice this time. We did not do well in educating others about the progressive cause.  We need to show them by example of what we need. Not by ridicule and combativeness.

I voted against trump. biden is almost as bad when it comes to corporate whores. He is a mainstream corporate puppet. And is showing that with his appointments. We needed to do a better job of making people understand what is/was at stake in the primaries. And in the downstream elections. Progressives did well where they were running.  Change will not happen overnight.  We cannot revolt because they own the military and the police and the guns.  So, educating folks and allowing them to see the big picture is the only way. And we will not accomplish that with your harsh tactics. It is not their fault they are brainwashed. Stop attacking them for it. It is doing no good and some harm.

When putting down an appointment, show evidence. Voting records, quotes etc on why that person is not on our(the people's) side.

This division of power has been going on since time began. The rich and powerful have always used their power for their own good. Almost always to our detriment.  Probably never going to change. So we need to educate so that folks understand the real issues. And they are not getting that from the media.


So, your tack is not working here.  Let's try a new one less antagonistic and more educational.



Actually, ideologues, such as yourself, are big part of the problem. 

Folks who wrote in a third party in 2016 pushed the country backwards. By handing the conservatives a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court,  and allowing Trump to appoint over 200 federal judges, progressive policies will face judicial obstacles for the next 20-25 years. 

But we've already established your inability to understand this. 


Stay pure,  Ponyboy



I'm not brainwashed, Mark, I'm a pragmatist. The Supreme Court and the federal judiciary are the prizes of the presidency.  It's going to be a difficult the next 20 years, or more.




To tag on to what Mark said so well here, I think it's important to establish common ground first when you're trying to persuade someone successfully. And the fact is, we're all deadheads and (mostly) stoners here, so there's already a lot we have in common.

i think trying to convince the brainwashed corporate apologists here is a waste of time. i'm not doing that. 

but coming back here and calling out their bs, i'll continue. why not? 

like, does mike edwards even know how shitty tanden is? how toxic she is? how she outed a sexual assault victim? her corporate funded think tank push for SS cuts, just like how biden has a history of that-- nope. just bernie bro. 

if that makes somebody mad and vote for republicans like biden and pelosi, damn -- fuck em. 


lumber, you are brainwashed -- mark stated that perfectly. you are the definition of corporate apologist, who convinced themselves they're pragmatists -- lol. your type has done great harm to the country. forever lasting -- just like the GOP. 

>>These folks have been brainwashed by the corporate media for yrs.

Damn, Mark, that's some pretty condescending shit right there. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is brainwashed, too stupid to know better? You're worse than ogkb.

Maybe they just don't agree with you, and have amazing, fact-based and well thought out reasons for their own opinions.

What you don't understand is that "your cause" is just that. Although you may think that it's the best and only way forward, it's probably not, at least in whole.

The far right and the far left are all the same. They think they are better, smarter and know what's best for everyone.

ogkb, where did you get the idea that I support Tanden, or any of Biden's appointments? I voted for Joe, yes, because the alternative was abhorrent, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna approve of everything he says or does. I voted for Joe because he isn't Donald Trump.

Edit: I'm starting to think that a lot of us here are living rent-free in ogkb's dome, and I have to say that it's getting really crowded in here.

corporate apologists like BK think supporting m4a and gnd is far left. 

liberals are the worst. fucking stand for something. 

bk is very confused. 


I'm far from confused. It's not about what you think is best. It's how you think that you are better and know more.


Pyramid, you helped to hand the GOP 3 Supreme Court justices and over 200 federal judges. Unfortunately, you do not understand the damage you've helped to create. 


Try a civics course, it might help you understand. 

<<These folks have been brainwashed by the corporate media for yrs.

Rachel Maddow has done none such thing. 

The irony, ogkb, is that when I was your age I made a dramatic career change that stands for something, and I live it, every day. In doing so I gave up a shit ton of money for a much higher cause. You think "standing for something" is accosting dudes on a dbmb, and making a few calls for Bernie.

The foibles of youth...

bk, i know that america needs m4a -- people die from going bankrupt over medical bills. i am not better, never said that or implied, get a grip man  -- but fuck the people who don't support m4a and a gnd -- there's no more time to compromise w/ those people -- it's like compromising w/ the neofascist gop. 


lumber -- your dumb ass doesn't understand that this issue isn't of that last 4 or 8 years -- your corporate dems fucked us, over decades long, abandoned their base, and made way for corporate interest and compete wall st takeover. 

you sir, are one dumb mother fucker. you literally said guliani wasn't as bad -- where the fuck you been? you really don't get it. 


With each administration change all that changes is which side bitches more. Vote local if you want to make a difference, bitching about who supports who and what won't change anything 

^voted for GWB. 


I think the Democratic Party loses a vote every time it blames a third party voter instead of saying their own party farts sometimes. Everybody farts. 


Yup. Sure did. Doesn't mean I supported everything he did or stood for or necessarily any of it. Folks aren't guilty of what their votes lead to and also aren't  defined by them although you seem to think it's some kind of status badge. What are you doing to make a difference in what you'd like to see? 

>>there's no more time to compromise w/ those people

lol, because without compromise we ain't even getting close to universal health.

i know we'll never get it -- b/c real progressives (still cracks em up every time) like yourself keep voting for corporate trash. 

fishcane -- wow man, i mean, the entire world saw GWB for what he was. sorry you are stupid? 

also, what about trumpers? you seem to despise them. does your fucked up logic work for them as well? 

You're so small minded, killer. I will only vote for a Congress person who believes in those things, as well as local and State legislators. All you care about is that one vote for president, that can't do shit without a Congress and SCOTUS behind them.

I swear, I think that you've been brainwashed by Socialist media to actually believe that a president has a magic wand.


and you think having a progressive at the top won't help that cause. 

you're a corporate apologist man. straight up. almost like you don't really want any change at all. so strange. 


passed on obama twice, but voted hrc and biden......

All politics is local.

Someone is stupid based on who they vote for? I don't despise trumpies, just the blind support.  Like I said above, if everything is so fucked up here then what are you doing to impart a change? I'm sure there is a country for you, this one clearly doesn't have the structure you need to be happy. 

log off and back in under bry, at least he has a take

^good little republican. 

you don't like it? leave! lol man, grow the fuck up. 

you're an unabashed W supporter. fuck off.

<<<>>> Doesn't mean I supported everything he did or stood for or necessarily any of it.

this is very stupid, especially the last part. 

No, I think having a Progressive as president, right now, won't help. There needs to be more Progressives in Congress for that person to be effective.

Let's talk about your progressive credentials: did you offer health to your employee, or did they have to go through the Exchange? If you did, what percentage did you pay. What was your benefits package? What percent of your profits do you give to direct service non-profits? Do you actively work to feed the poor and homeless?

What percent of the products that you purchase for your business, from food to equipment, comes from non-corporate entities? Who is the importer for your food goods, and have you researched their business practices, including their choice of shippers?

It's time to put up or shut up. For all your talk of Progressivism, and putting others down for not meeting your standards, you better be squeaky clean. I get the impression that you're just a loud-mouthed kid from Jersey who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. Prove me wrong.

hahahaha you know you're triggered when you start asking questions about my workplace. 

nice, bk. 

everything is so black and white w/ you. 

i drive a car that has lots of plastic. i am not a real progressive. 


Unabashed supporter lol. You know nothing about me other then what I've shared. a vote for a candidate doesn't make one a cheerleader. You asked for a voting history, you never asked my thoughts about those votes prior to or following the election. Presumptuous at best

What are you doing to impart change in the country that you seem to have such a problem with? And yes I don't know why anyone would stick around if things are so bad. I'm not telling you to leave but Is just like an abusive relationship that you think you can't escape? You should reach out, it will get better if you take the first step to improving your surroundings. 

did you vote for W? 

"fuck yeah i did". 


Hilarious "quote"

nonetheless, honesty about voting history is far from unabashed support 

I'm asking about the choices you make and your business practices. What gives you the moral higher ground?

It's black and white to you, until you're on the hot seat. Then there's a whole lot of gray. Go figure.

i've given out enough personal info about my work. i don't need to do that any longer. i'll just say i take much less so my two employees can make what the job demands, plus way more. 


your gotcha isn't going to work, sorry. 

That's great. However, you're deflecting. I'm asking about your ethical business and personal practices that allow you to call people names and put you on higher moral ground. As far as I can see, you've got nothing. You pay your employees well. Good for you.

ogkb is quickly approaching Bryen status. Sad.

Here's my guess: Ogkb pays his employees really well, so well that they don't qualify for many subsidies on the health exchange. As a result, a good hunk of that paycheck is going to MVP or BCBSVT. Of course, without the mandate they don't have to get insurance at all. Either way, it's not a good situation for an older employee.

At the same time, he pays himself very little on the books (what business owner doesn't have 2 sets of books?). He therefore qualifies for all sorts of health insurance subsidies. In the end, he nets way more than his employees, and has killer insurance.

yeah, i know, bk -- and i'm saying you can refuse to believe me, i don't care. i know where i stand. i know how unethical the restaurant industry is, and i know that what we do goes above and beyond. i have nothing to hide. 

but i certainly won't play your gotcha games -- you got nothing on me there. 


also, calling somebody a neoliberal for what they state and say they believe, is acceptable. sorry is ruffles your feathers. 


mike edwards, statements like that show how ridiculous you are. you're like the fly that was on pence's head. 


bk -- you're showing your true colors, and tbh man, it's super funny and you're now coming off as the scumbag you are. 

strange but fitting. 


That fly was a hero and true patriot who stole the spotlight and owned a news cycle or two. I can live with that.

^i know. simple minded. 

bk -- thats some maniacal logic/guessing right there. well done. 

To quote Robert Hunter's poem "Dr. Spasmodius", "What's simple to you is subtle to me."

I don't care if you call me a neoliberal, or corporate apologist. My long-term history in life and voting says differently. A couple of POTUS votes, in the last 4 years, don't outweigh all that. If they did, then you'd have to call Mark and Turts neolibs.

they don't stand up for the neoliberals the way you consistently do. non stop  all the time. 

i've voted for neoliberals as well. 

Scumbag? Sounds like I nailed your poser ass. Ha ha.

So how does posting about other Zoners help create a wiser group of Zoner/citizens?

Isn't the crux that most of us feel let down by national politicians? Angry about choices made by the pols? Their focus? That people's medical, housing and food needs are not being met/cared for?  Some of us are fortunate enough to have thoughtful active Nat'l Senators and Reps, as well as state reps, too. They're making change for the better, and not letting things slide backwards. 

Work for those people; there's not one good thing that comes from trying to nail another Zoner, unless it's your ego feeling stroked by your own words. (I'm not coming down on anyone for liking that feeling, it's just that that's all I see from it.)

Peace and love in a real way.

actually the complete opposite. but like i said, you don't have to believe it. i'm laughing at you. 

like what you posted above about the pay/insurance, is insane man. haha. it's very funny. 

It's important to call out hypocrisy, Judit, especially in a person who constantly attacks and calls names.

It's not insane. People do it all the time. All the time.

 If that's what it is, Brian, it's been done.

^^i agree, bk. that's what i've been saying. 

you def fit the bill. 

no shit, bk. scumbags do that. 

you think somebody can't actually do the right thing, b/c humans deserve a quality life. that's super strange and sucks for you, but i do get it. you've been fucked so long you don't think some druggie pizza maker is an honest human and only looks out for their bottom dollar. 

maybe i should tho, like the rest of the fucks. 

im saying you actually posting that about me is insane.

^^they don't stand up for the neoliberals the way you consistently do

Confirming that you understand that voting doesn't make one an unabashed supporter. You talk out of both sides of your mouth

I think it's very fair to ask the guy about the personal and business practices that allow him to talk to others like he does. When I say "nailed," I mean "figured you out," not "nailed to the cross." Those questions have never been answered.

^^pretty sure mark and turtle supported bernie in the primary. 

lumber and bk and the rest of the fucks didn't. 

What do I fit the bill of?


Did you get my emails Judit? I sent like 8 or 9

merry christmas lol

bk, that 4.4 is for you, correct? 

you're a hypocrite. own it. 


>you literally said guliani wasn't as bad<


You're an idiot.

Please show me where I literally wrote this.

You either cannot read, or intentionally misrepresent what I wrote. 


I'm starting to lean towards the former. 



Are you mad Trump lost? 

Or are you just angry because you can't blame neoliberals for 4 more years of Trump?




How am I a hypocrite? Because I didn't vote for Bernie in the primary?

That 4.4 was for you.

By the way, how was your Antiques Roadshow Thanksgiving?

lumber -- you really think i like trump? or that i'm upset he lost? 

why would you think that? what have i ever said that would make you believe i support trump or any gop politician? 

you support politicians that wanted to cut SS. 

My long term history in life>>>

Lol. Dude you're not any kind of political hero, BK. Just be calm, man. Tbh, reading your posts it sounds like you really don't know anything about how a small business operates and or how insurance ties into it all.

^^Please show me where I literally wrote this.

he put some words in quotes earlier and then attributed them to me, he's clearly got comprehension issues or is just a malicious poster who likes attacking others with his own version of who he thinks we are. Windmills 


Pyramid, since you completely misrepresented what I wrote, I figured I'd try it out on you. 


I'm just some dude, Timpy, doing what I can.

If you don't think that small businesses can and sometimes do operate in similar ways as I described, then you have no clue.

^^^do you regret that vote?

lumber -- you've been asking me that trump bs for a long while now.

i asked who you supported in the primary -- nkt who you voted for in june or whatever. who did you support? klobochar? bloomberg? bernie ? biden? who? 

I owned and operated an incorporated contracting business in NJ for around 7 years. What's your experience, BK? It sounds like you have none at all.

Your dick is bigger than mine, Timpy.

My 2004 W vote?

^you know, the one you made for the war criminal.....

wait, you voted for W in 2004?

(((((Love and Light)))))

Clearly comprehension is an issue 

i'm just making sure. 

ok, gotcha. 

yeah, you're a piece of shit, for sure. 

Glad you got it all figured out!

no problem. like i said, unabashed war criminal supporter. 

fuck off man. 


So, you are just kinda of guessing about you think small business owners do? Comparing a small shop to a large scale corporation or company who has more than the means to be able to provide plans for all their employees is just silly.

Ooh your an angry elf!

 You just make up whatever narrative you want and then bulldoze forward with it regardless of the facts. No wonder you have a problem with trump you guys are like 2 caged animals fighting over the same bowl of food. 

^nope, just think war criminal supporting mouth breathers like yourself suck balls. 

fishcane hates trump but voted for W in 2004. 

you can't make this shit up. 

As long as you hold your narrative it will be true eventually!

I managed a small business. I was an employee owner of a small business. I consulted for small businesses. I have many friends who own(ed) small businesses.

Unlike you, I don't speak for all small businesses and their practices. I was merely stating what some small businesses do. Your buddy agreed that those practices are done.

Now, what's your issue?

you said it. 


^^so you guessed that i'm a shithead based off of your friend'a own small businesses practices and your experience w/ shitty small business owners? 

interesting. also, sounds like your friends are the run of the mill jokers who take advantage of their employees. 

Lol, I'm glad that you're not a shithead.

And no, I don't hang with people who use others like that.

I don't speak for all small businesses. If you read your above posts, actually you were. Maybe just take it easy, man. Wusa. Not all people are trying to run some kinda cook your books, cut every corner, trash joint lol. Some people do but there are also others working hard to do the right things and just trying their best with the budget they have.

Go back and read my 7:36 post.

You're ridiculous. 

I think the bulk of Heaters M4A rants are because he feels guilty he doesn't provide his employees healthcare.  Wants someone to bail him out.

you got me, racket. 

somebody please bail me out.


Do the right thing, heater.







So, ridiculous, BK. Almost as rediculous as you trying to ridicule a small business owner when you say you knows the ins and outs of operating and managing. Like I said, man just take a load off. No reason to blow 

I think your buddy can stick up for himself. You jumped in late and have made way more of it than anyone. Take a lap.


>I asked who you supported in the primary -- nkt who you voted for in june or whatever. who did you support? klobochar? bloomberg? bernie ? biden? who<


I told you, nobody.  Go back and search it out.  I wasn't happy with any of them, which is one of the reasons I chose to wait to see who was left standing. 



THE WORST - TRUMP !! Thank GOD He WILL Be GONE On January 20 th - LATER JERK !

Lol, BK. You're like the little engine that could. 

You seem like a big time Bobby guy, tbh


You a Ratdog fan?

I'm still saving my anal cherry for Bobby. A man can only dream...

Maybe send an email with a pic of you in the hospital bed. Title it, "My Last Wish".
