Let them eat cake


Senator Sinema voting against the $15 Min Wage

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Its pragmatic, dawg. 15$/hr too ideal.

let's get the apologists up in here. 

hello and fuck you. 

I'd prefer a Twinkie or a Ding-Dong.

If $15 an hour passes will other wages increase?

> Its pragmatic, dawg. 15$/hr too ideal.

That took a minute to sink in. Good one, Timpane. lol

At a glance it looks like she is pragmatically balancing books on her head.

While dangling a $1000 Coach backpack from her shoulder...

How much does she make an hour of actual work, not counting all her time on self-serving fundraising? $250 p/h?

If im getting less than $15 hour I would not afford no cake

Is there pie on the menu? I could eat a slice.

It's a big real world out there, Mikey boy. What are these crumbstealers gonna want next, eh? Fucking free bus passes? Can't be having that shit son

I'll wait to hear what Rachel Maddow has to say before giving my opinion. Thanks. 

I'll give them my bong when they pry it out of my cold, dead hands, Timpane.

Base salary


pretty damn good for all that hard work, with work being a relative term. Federal and State congressional members should make a salary of 40K/yr. That puts them at around $15/hr with some overtime. But that's my simple-minded idea of how things should work.  Guessing not as many fine, upstanding patriots would be willing to "work hard for the American people" at that pay scale.


Week off for Presidents Day, diddley brah 

You know what would be good? Peach cobbler, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

How many times have you been rich, Racket?

Duche in Coach backpack is epic 

trump probably having a party tonight. 

we're watching the dems fall apart in real time. 


little pat on her good friend's back, shitty mitch. 

sinema is a disgusting human. 

The still photo doesn't show her bitchy little curtsey 



A lot of them are scum, and then some. Have I mentioned that my congressional representative is Kevin McCarthy?

now do the M4A vote. that'll be fantastic. 

more than 8 that's for sure. 

fuck em all. 

show us who the scum of the earth is on record.

thank you.

biden lol. dude has no idea what's going on.  



blue maga official sign

who has one? 

well, we def know nanc had her neighbor pick her up one and install it. 

lumber probably got em for the neighborhood -- same w/ mikeedwards. 

i just don't see BK having one of these, but it's not too late man! 


I'm all set, but thanks. My neighbors have one. They didn't pull it up and it's covered in snow, which will hopefully wash all the dog piss off it.

By the way, ogkb, I didn't vote for Sinema or Manchin, nor would I. The people I voted for are in the Senate and House, and they would all vote for universal healthcare if it came to a vote. 

would leahy vote for m4a? 

Oh, and lol at you not knowing that he co-sponsored Sanders' bill.


from 2017? of course i did. 

not sure that guy will vote for it. i don't believe him. 

that's why we need a vote. 

you know, kinda like yas queen kamala. 

Stay alone, Racket. You're too rich to trust friends. 

He cosponsored the bill. Of course he'd vote for it. Stop being such a doorknob.

Racket, please explain how trickle-down economics helps the poor.

> who has one?

First I'm seeing that sign. Most of my neighbors are Trump-loving rednecks, so I don't think they'll need one.

so did kamala lol. 

Here's your civics lesson for the day: the Veep works for POTUS. Although the Veep can often work to shift their boss' policies, they don't set the policies, and can't go rogue. This holds true for Democrats and Republicans alike.

Think of it this way: when you hire a manager, they are there to follow your recipes, use your choice of ingredients, and follow your policies and procedures. That person may have more experience and even make better pizza. When they took the job to be your manager, it was with the express understanding that you are the boss and what you say goes. They may offer awesome advice, which you have the right to accept or decline. It's the same for the Veep.

That's not apologizing, it's simply stating reality.

kamala was senator running for president and backed away from m4a. 


this is now an apology free thread, bk.

take note and thank you. 

Anyway, Leahy co-signed the bill and has stated over and over that he wants universal health. You have no reason not to believe him except that you live to hate. Honestly, it has nothing to do with Kamala, other than some false equivalency.

“Never apologize, mister, it's a sign of weakness.”


if i live to hate, you live to apologize for corporatists. 

Ur like the veruca salt of the zone

you're just a fucking idiot lol. 

You sound hangry, ogkb. Maybe you should have a piece of cake or something. Perhaps some cream-filled long johns?

An angry elf

true, i don't have patience for blue maga. 

fishcane voted for W tho. nurse. strange. 

^^^ believes anything 

C'mon man, you don't have to be a doorknob all the time.

I can see that it's triggering for you when you're faced with differing opinions, and when reality doesn't meet up to your ideals. Is there anything that I can do to help you cope in more positive ways?

Not gonna help he has one gear

bk, i pointed out the exact same scenario, that's all. will leahy vote yes in 2021? maybe. 

kamala was also a sponsor. she doesn't support m4a any longer (as a vp and as a senator running in 2020). 

sorry you can't accept that. 

leahy is corporate. not kamala corporate, but enough to question him on this. 


fish, so you're not a W voting nurse? 

strange lie. 

> Is there anything that I can do to help you cope in more positive ways?

Maybe if we all serenaded ogkb with a couple of verses of Kumbaya?

mike, that typically works. 

i'm eating now. chicken cacciatore. 

i'm just getting more angry tho. 

please help





Roll yourself a fat doob, but stay away from the sativas.

I really don't give too many shits about Kamala. Like virtually everyone else, including Bernie, as soon as they run for President they've sold their souls. Nobody in their right mind would want that position, so you get what you get.

Both Bernie and Leahy need to retire. It's time for some new blood. Vermont is the only state to have never elected a female to Congress. That said, both of them have done amazing jobs of serving the people of Vermont. I don't think that's debatable. Let's hope the new blood, whenever that comes, can keep up the progress.

Would you like to engage in therapeutic deescalation, ogkb?

I think this is just ogkb's misguided way of saying he needs a hug.


ok ok ok. 

i am now happy. 

let's get high guys 

BK i'm waiting for you. 

One of the lesser known provisions of the $1.9 trillion coronavirus bill is a "temporary" expansion of Obamacare subsidies: 

Subsidies would be increased for the poor and working class...This change has spawned surprisingly little pushback from conservatives...On the other side of the aisle progressives are naturally disappointed that we aren't getting Medicare for All...

...what's likely to happen to Obamacare is the same thing that happened throughout Europe over the last century. Very few countries introduced full-on national health care in a single swoop. Instead, they passed limited programs and then expanded them steadily until, eventually, they were all but universal...

...Most likely, we'll eventually end up like Switzerland, which relies mostly on subsidies for private insurance, rather than, say, the system used in Sweden or France.Is this the most efficient way of doing things? Nope

The big question now is whether Democrats will brag loudly about this. They should! It's a big new benefit for a lot of middle-class families.

Alternatively, centrists will be too timid to talk about something that costs a lot of money, and progressives will sulk in their tents because it isn't Medicare for All. It would be nice to avoid that this time around.



Who knows, you might actually get along with me in person.

When GOP had Congress & White House in 2017, they passed a $2 trillion tax cut for Billionaires and corporations.

When the Democrats had Congress & the WH in 2021, they passed a $2 trillion relief bill for the poor & middle class.

^That's the long and short of it right there.

Sinema and Manchin voted for it.

Not one GOP senator voted for it.

Yes, Sinema & Manchin are not ideal, but they are better than Republicans.

We could return to indentured servitude. It's not the worst. 

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It's sad to see what happens when most of the live Music goes away.

Then again,  it's probable that you politics groupies never went to any shows even back then,  before the Disease Outbreak.

How come politicians are still 'On Tour' while actual Musicians can't do it ??

Nice, it's the famous Stu Shamey Finger.

He's better than everyone else because he doesn't care.

I saw a killer set last night from Rempis/Ra at the Constellation in Chicago.

when the republicans set the bar sooooo low, it's easy for the dems to look nice to republicans like weird steve and apologists alike. easy. 

i will say, people not having to pay taxes on their UI, even tho it's only up to 10K, is way better than nothing. lots of people were gonna get fucked on that, and some still will. 


saying manchin is better than republicans means nothing. that's apologizing for corporate politicians. 

What are you doing in Chi-town, Slack?

You could look at it this way, ogkb: Manchin is shit, but he's breaded, deep fried and doused in General Tso's sauce. He's still shit, but at least he tastes better than a plain turd.

I watched on the youtubes. 

this is all so confusing, i am only able to learn and express my views via memes.

i have 9,876 of them saved to my hard disk drive.


Have a piece of cake, Turtle. Or maybe a crumpet.

1.9 trillion, yet nothing for slacker, or turtle.  Stay miserable pals.

Racket, do kids like you?

I'm still waiting to hear how trickle down economics lifts people out of poverty.

remember how awesome things were under pete wilson!? i mean the avg worker really benefited...

we just have to keep giving rich people more tax breaks and they will MAGICALLY flow the benjamins to the people!!

let's make some more toll roads while we're at it!




Melted lava remains hilarious


Can you imagine what a great effective president he would be?


it just boggles the mind

The joker



"...Nice, it's the famous Stu Shamey Finger.

He's better than everyone else because he doesn't care..."

Hey BrianK --

Don't try to Bully me in your usual "Passive-Aggresive" style. I really don't tolerate that sort of bullshit.
Confront me in person,  and I will explain how being a Bully is not beneficial toward your future.

Anyway,  go back to your 'Trump-Weekly' fan site or Magazine.

Do you get a pretty good pension from the State job that fired you for sexual harassment ?  Not envious,  but people like me still have to work for a living.

What's passive-aggressive? You once again waved the shamey finger and I called you out on it. You're the one who willingly comes on these threads and does that.

You'd kick my ass for saying that you waved the shamey finger? You might want to get some help for that.

Never worked for the State, never fired, worked my ass off since I was 13, and you're just a sad sack hermit.

Never said I'd kick your ass.  Again, the bullying techniques, putting words in other people's mouth.

Just stick with your Trump Fan Club magazines and don't try to be a armchair psychologist.
Bullies like you are just bad people.

Stu's rants on these threads are so repetitive. 

he claims that he doesn't care about politics and yet he keeps returning to tilt at windmills, poor fellow.  

If this post by me is "bullying," you really need to grow a skin:

Nice, it's the famous Stu Shamey Finger.

He's better than everyone else because he doesn't care.

>>Confront me in person,  and I will explain how being a Bully is not beneficial toward your future.

Gaslight much? That statement is bullying.

Let's get this straight: you inserted yourself into a conversation and waved the holier than thou shamey finger. I called you out on it, no more or less. You then implied that it would be harmful to my future if I did so in person, and then went on with a slanderous personal attack and such.

How about if you stop your gaslighting and tell us more about your in-depth knowledge of medicine and virology. That's always fun.



Confront me in person,  and I will explain how being a Bully is not beneficial toward your future.


What he really meant:

Confront me in person,  and I will explain how calling me out on my shit is not beneficial toward your future.

He's been Guido Sarducci as long as I've been here. Has he ever been Don Novello?

More like his sister, former Surgeon General, Antonia Novello.

Stu is more like a cross between Roseanne Roseannadanna and the Church lady 

or maybe I'm thinking of the other Derp..


People still read stu's posts?  Wow!

> He's been Guido Sarducci as long as I've been here.

That's darn near sacrilegious, Slacker. Father Guido Sarducci is a holy man. I know this to be true because I saw it on TV.

Look there's the resident hep c guy!



actually, mikeedwards, here's the real long and short of it. systemic racism. 

people should be embarrassed to cheer this shit on. 


Such an embarrassment to be an American 

 we support it just by living here, no?

you even sound like a stupid fucking W supporter lol. 

"you don't like it, leave!". 

"speak american!" 

Honestly, I'd never really heard of Sinema before all this, when all of a sudden she became one of the 2 most powerful politicians in the country. I don't know if she's a cunt, but that courtesy with thumbs-down was a cunt-ass move.

^same and agreed. 

president manchin is very happy. now the companies he's invested in can continue paying slave wages. 

the other arizona senator voted yes. 

sinema gonna get replaced by a republican lol. 

good times. 

That seems to be your impression, not mine.

nah, you've attempted this argument months ago. 

try harder. 

 Until we have sweeping campaign finance reform, it will remain very hard for a non millionaire to become a Senator. White, out of touch millionaires will always vote for their own best interests.

No trying anything, it's effortless. U have one gear so the same schtick applies time and time again.  It's like the Pennsylvania polka

^thank you. 

>>>president manchin is very happy. now the companies he's invested in can continue paying slave wages. 
Says the guy that doesn't provide healthcare to his employees.

^very stupid. 

what happened to your trump memes? daddy's gone so no more fun? 

what other countries leave it up to pizza joints to give access to health care?


As Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, I am proud that we passed the American Rescue Plan, which, in my view, is the most significant piece of legislation to benefit working families in the modern history of this country.

After their provisions to the bill it still has to get passed in the house again so until then nothing really has happened. That will be Tuesday. 

Bernie is not stupid. He has gone all in for the Democratic Party and there are many Congress seats up for grabs in 2022 which is why he will try to use as much positive reenforcement as possible and spread it to his large social media audience but likely the dems will get destroyed in up coming congressional elections.

>>> Look there's the resident hep c guy! <<<

Rackethead, that's how you think of Mark? What the fuck? What kind of identifier is that? And, by the way, he no longer has Hep C - he's cured.

Is there anyone here who knows Disco Stu that could do a wellness check for him today? 

<<Rackethead, that's how you think of Mark? 

racket owns the libs. 

JR, I was in the Hep C folder for a couple of years before I came over to O.S. because Greg had Hep C and it's where I got info and support. It's a personal, not political, thing to me. You're referring to me as a libtard? (nice edit) What the fuck is that?

The people in the Hep C folder were warriors, taking on both the disease and the brutal toxic treatment that so often failed. Those were shitty times.

Racket follows "republicans for Biden" on Twitter 

Thanks Judit.

Racket, sure, I had hepC for 40 yrs. Been clear for 6 or 7.  You have been a piece of shit since you got here and that will never change.

JR, keep showing your ignorance it suits you well.  One of the dumbest fucks here.

You guys took my comment all wrong and need to chill.  Racket thinks that by making comments like that one,  it pisses off zoners who he assumes are 99% progressive. So in his mind he is owning the libs and laughs. 

In no way do I agree with him, just stating the psychology driving it.  

I picked up on the sarcasm.

Until Racket can explain how trickle down economics have historically  brought the masses out of poverty, he's a persona non grata.

i like markD. 

racket is a stupid mother fucker. 

Mark d is all good

I think I have a present for him when we finally get to commence music again

here is an article for the Biden hater (s)




Did someone say voodoo economics?

More  opinions or observations for you to argue about


)yes facts (   https://apple.news/A-t-e2HaaQLyPDlbyS_WKpw