Let's not start a gofundme for everything.


Why do you need a gofundme because someone close to you died?  It's out of control.  There are things like family planning.

Personally I have no issues helping someone out that doesn't have the funds to bury a family member. Why would you have an issue with that?

Sending someone on a dream trip to Hawaii is another animal. 


I need a water filtration system for my house. About 4,000.00. 


sends 50 bit coins to markd

sends 50 bit coins to markd



That’s pretty generous Turtle you just sent him over $250,000.00

He's a good friend.

People on the old zone used to send zippy money.  He had a gofundme at one point.

I got a rock.

I heard there was a person on here that had one.

Some sad story.

Used the money to hit all these shows at txr.

Hope it's not true......but who knows????

I donate sometimes.  If I donated to that person I hope they had a blast. 

It costs a lot of money to bury a loved one.  



It was good enough for Donny, it'll be good enough for me.