Light of Day Winterfest stream today


Normally I would be in Asbury Park this weekend for the annual Light of Day Winterfest as I have been for over 20 years now. Light of Day raises funds for Parkinson’s  and related diseases research and theraputic programs. Most years I've shared photos of the weekend (actually it stretches over a week now) but since I can't this year, Light of Day is bringing the performances to you. There are two broadcast times today, 2 PM and 7 PM EST. The latter is a rebroadcast of the former. Some of the acts that I've championed over the years that aren't popular across the globe are performing and I bet anyone watching and listening will get more than their money's worth (it's free.) If you can donate, great. If you can't, sit back and enjoy. 


LOD YouTube page:

LOD website home page

LOD Facebook page:



Some really good performances in this stream. 

good stuff, ALS is tough


good stuff, ALS is tough

Agree on both of those things, Matt. Hopefully with some of the funds raised a cure is just around the corner. One nice thing about this stream is that I can actually sit back and enjoy the performances. Normally during the festival I am running between venues and locations within venues to take my photos. I usually need 3 days of recovery after it's all over. 

Sounds like a lot of work, but must be fun to capture the bands jamming for a good cause.
There is a lot of energy going to ALS research right now. Organizations and events like these provide the funding to give us hope for a cure.

Danielia Cotton rocks! Glad she's still out there.

Danielia Cotton rocks! Glad she's still out there.

I agree. She wasn't even on my radar until 3 years ago when she played my favorite little free festival, Maplewoodstock. It's amazing on the caliber of talent that plays the Light of Day Winterfest each year. Even more impressive is it's roots starting as a surprise birthday party for a pal after he was diagnosed with ALS and is now grown into over a week in Asbury Park in multiple venues, European tours, Canadian events as well as single shows all over tri-state area. 

Didja get the Prince encore?  Or AC/DC?


Just saw her spot.  She looks younger than when I saw her a decade+ ago.

Just letting everyone know that the above shows and all the others are being archived on the Light of Day Foundation YouTube channel so you can watch whenever you can. Lots of great performances live within those streams.