Listen to Radio stations from around the world!!!


Thought this was cool enough it deserved it's own thread!  Radio stations from around the world, in an easy to use format, currently listening from Kampala Uganda (was at Entebbe airport 3 weeks before the famous raid back in 75)

Cool beans, thanks!

I stream  It's free and has stations from all over the world as well.

Thanks for the reminder. Used to listen to a page the had many international and musical style stations across the globe. It's been years. I totally forgot about it.. Will try and find it.

Not quite near as diverse, but I can usually find a song I want to listen to on this site...

Thanks for the link.  Listening to a station from Freetown in Sierra Leone with groovy beats.   

The commercials and public service announcements are interesting too.  

I'll have to check that one out Ken, FYI, tonights GFS computer model runs has a total snowmaggedon in Portland, starting on thursday (later tonight the Euro model will likely poo poo that), but we're going coastal this weekend, so decided to leave a day early (it gave Cornholio 2" of ice in one run, and 8" of snow in another, doubt either will happen, but...)

Wait a minute ,Noodler, did I read this right? You were at the Entebbi Airport 3 weeks before Israel rescued Idee  Amine Dada's(sp) hostages back in 75?


What was that like?

My brother was a pre-med student at Stanford.  Jane Goodall was one of his teachers, and he was working for her doing research in East Africa.  Some Zaire nationalists crossed lake Tanganyika and kidnapped several in the group.  My brother escaped into the jungle and was safe.  Later hostages were returned for $, nobody was hurt...   if I recall, Jane freaked out a bit, and her telegraphs to the family were nonsensical, so he ended up rewriting them and sending them out.  

My brothers hut mate had his corduroy coat on when he was kidnapped.  The following year he got it back just before the Olympics,turns out there was a tiny deck of playing cards made out of a ransom note in one of the pockets (the family put it together like a jigsaw puzzle during the games).  

Meanwhile, the family freaked a little bit during the time where we didn't know what was going on.  Turns out flying to Europe was quite expensive back then, but once there, you could go anywhere for dirt cheap.  My brother had bicycled across Europe in 72, and had made several friends, plus we had family friends in Paris from my dads days working in Viet Nam (we lived in Hong Kong in 67 / 68).  So off to Europe we went (mom, sis, myself), then to Africa.  Spent some time in Nairobi and Mombasa, along with doing a week(?) long safari, checking out all the great places in the Serengeti, meeting Masai Indians, etc.  Many stories from our time there! 

Entebbe happened to be our first plane stop when we left, then another week in Europe visiting friends and seeing the sights (primarily Paris and London).  Got to see President Kenyattas waving arm while in Mombasa (the motorcyclists kicked all the bicyclists off their bikes that didn't stand at attention to the motorcade), and Queen Elizabeths waving arm while in London (our friend took us to a lunch spot there that had the prime minister and several heads of state eating there).  Again, many stories!

The Sierra Leone station has songs in English, but after a while, it was song after song with a good afro-pop groove, but Covid inspired PSA lyrics reminding people to wash their hands and don't touch your face.

Like most radio, a lot of the popular music from around the globe sucks, so jumping around a bit..

Heard a great acoustic "Going Down the Road Feeling Bad" from some station out in sticks of the Scottish Highlands.

A few years ago someone posted a site it was countries/decades

Example:  Cuba 1940's

I had it on a computer but I don't now


Thanks for sharing.  Quite a bit of traveling.