lithium mining


Electric car manfacturing/lithium battery production will have huge consequenses and negative impact on the environment...

g-reg would likely benefit from a lithium prescription. 

He opens his mouth and removes all doubt 

where's my biodiesel?

Where's my Sour Diesel?

Is Greggy proposing environmental regulations?

g-reg is melting down like Chernobyl.

>>>>where’s my biodiesel<<<<<

That would allow you to produce your own fuel. That’s like a sin you have to pay someone 

lithium brining a turkey is not good, g-reg.

The goofiness of the OP aside, it is important to be mindful of the social and environmental consequences of any natural resource extraction.   Morales was run out of Bolivia in a CIA backed coup when he proposed nationalizing that country's lithium production.

I recall when the word was Afghanistan has/had the richest lithium deposits in the world. 

Posted from your laptop or smartphone containing a lithium battery, no doubt. Well done again, genius.

From Kevin Drum Today on a different topic but it applies to this thread:

But this is the world we live in. It's full of bad faith arguments like this, designed solely to produce a plausible explanation for the rubes and to waste everyone else's time. And it works. The rubes obediently parrot it back and the rest of the world earnestly explains why the argument is wrong. Nobody really cares, though. And then we move on.

Yes Lithium mining is bad and it would be great to find a better way to store electricity, but that doesn't change the fact that it took us about 200 years to get the planet to 1C above normal and in another 20 years we will be at 2C above normal heading for 3C. Any damage caused by lithium mining is dwarfed by the shit show of planet this will be at 3C above normal. Of course the people who put out the lithium mining is bad meme know all this, but they want cash in on the trillions of dollars of fossil fuels that are sitting in the ground, so they give the rubes something to own the libs with. 

Meanwhile the world burns. 

Electric cars are nonsense.  

can't charge a car during blackouts...among other 'flaws'.




lol  greg posts   lol