LLTD to the White Courtesy Phone






     I think you mentioned attending this show the other day, I stumbled upon this...I think Garcia was playing a black Gibson that day












Good luck with this.


     This may have been another show that year, but this was the black Gibson he was playing that summer


I'm sorry CHECKMATE,

LLTD is currently CHECKMATE unavailable CHECKMATE because he is CHECKMATE celebrating CHECKMATE a free, fair, and honest election CHECKMATE that newly elected Joe Biden won CHECKMATE by a sizable margin of the voting population. 

And by the way CHECKMATE, fuck you CHECKMATE and all your seditious loser friends CHECKMATE. Children in the future will read about your treasonous acts. CHECKMATE.

PS. You suck as a political operative CHECKMATE. I hope your dreams are full of Hillary and Hunter laughing at you. CHECKMATE.





     ...take deep breaths, it's going to be alright 



     LLTD mentioned he attended and I stumbled onto the blog site.

     Enjoy the day :)


Oh it's def gonna be alright





     The Ministry of Plenty should be increasing Alan's chocolate ration any moment now

^ I eat chocolate while you eat crow. Ha. 

I usually don't take glee in any else's loss but for you, I'll make an exception. You can take your pious bullshit to the clubhouse and cry about how life is so much better in Russia. Better yet, move there. 



I think I might post this picture after all your posts for the next four years. CHECKMATE. Dig in.





     It's nice to see you basking in the legitimacy of your victory...it seems to have brought you such joy.

Oh it does. But let's be clear, I'm not talking bout politics - I'm talking about you being a smug dick on a dbmb. You sure look like a fool now, huh? Ha. 



You know you would be doing the same if your false idol hadn't been given his walking papers. You can't say your holier then thou approach to your neighbors hasn't deserved a lil come uppins 





     If you're experiencing something approaching honor from a stolen election I certainly find that interesting...kind of a psychological phenomena of sorts, it will take some getting used to, but it is fascinating.


     It seems like a good time was had by all at the El Camino Ballpark on 7.2.67

I find it amusing that you would tout something that has less evidence then the "perfect phone call" impeachment you were so against last year. The hypocrisy lives on





     Find a quiet room, light a candle, maybe light some Nag Champa, sit cross legged on the floor, alow your breathing pattern to slow a bit, clear your mind of all distractions...and then imagine Joe Biden having won the presidency legitimately.

     What would that feel like?

     What would that look like?

     Compare and contrast those thoughts with what you'll witness these next few days.



     You're welcome.

     * allow 




     Anyways...I couldn't find that recording on the archive, not sure one exists, from the article it sounds like maybe they played Dancin' in the Streets for a half hour, curious to get LLTD's take on the afternoon 

Eat a bag of dicks, Bry, you hippie poseur.

B-ry, please provide one credible iota of proof that the election was "stolen."

If you are unable to do so, please shut the fuck up, accept the fact that your schmuck of a POTUS lost, and move on.

Oh poor baby....are you a rich white guy who probably never worked and who's upset your daddy's tax dollars are going to be redistributed to the undeserving poor?  That's not very Christian of you.

At least you have time to read a new book about your favorite sport --- oh I forgot you don't read -- maybe you can find a podcast you can listen to while you are sucking Tucker Carlson's dick:

Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump

[Everything about Trump the golfer is a lie, from his handicap and the number of club championships he has won to the scores he posts (known as the “Trump Bump”) and the national ranking of the many golf courses he owns. Even his etiquette is bad. Trump routinely drives his golf cart (he never walks) right on the green, a golfing no-no.

At Winged Foot, a famous U.S. Open site in Mamaroneck, N.Y., where Trump is a member, the caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fairway “they came up with a crazy nickname for him — Pele.” 

right down to Trump telling an employee to take down the plaque of the winner and put up his name, even though he never competed in the championship. Trump’s reasoning: “I beat that constantly. I would’ve beaten him.”]

A recent video on the Golf Gods Instagram page ...shows Trump quickly walking up to a short putt and tapping it using only one hand, whilst bending down to confidently get his ball out the hole. It was an extremely sneaky move from the President and he clearly was trying to be as clever as possible in making sure no one saw his blatant act of cheating, but thankfully someone filming was able to get a clear view.





    The evidence that doesn't exist:


 Enjoy your fetal position tomorrow, maybe thom or Greg can come play tummy sticks during the eviction. You guys can take turns hugging your My Pillow 


On reasons for optimism

We're beginning to have a racial reckoning. More people voted than ever before. ... Poll workers defied the coronavirus, voters defied the coronavirus and held the safest and most accurate vote in our history. Courts upheld every challenge to that. We have a woman as a vice president — we have a woman of color as a vice president — this is a time not for rejoicing, but to remember that in order to gather strength to deal with these dark moments, we have to actually remember to let in the light that is right in front of us.

Ken Burns

Lol at ur evidence link

do you cheat in golf, too?

What was your favorite drug to sell in the lot? Did you always rip people off? Were you ok with that?





     Your thoughts are definitely deserving of increased chocolate rations, I'll put in a good word with the Ministry of Plenty




'Stolen election' is the rallying cry of white nationalists, traitors, racists, losers, conspiracy nuts, domestic terrorists, NeoNazis and.. Bryen.

He's in 'good' company. 


Bless his heart 



White chocolate only in Bry's house!

So how many nugs did you take out of the bag before you sold your lot eights? Or were you one of those guys who cut up the Sunday comics in little squares to sell to to suburban kids? 

Bry likes reading the script from his Q card. Sheep would of course only use a white courtesy phone 

"Credible evidence" that was thrown out of 60+ courts, by over 90 judges, for being crap?

The real credible evidence shows that this was the most scrutinized and secure election in history. Trump lost both the popular and EC votes. A bunch of his sore loser minions are the ones who wanted to steal the election through lies, faulty legal challenges, and ultimately an unAmerican, fascist, overthrow of the legitimate government.

I never once said 2016 was rigged. That was mainly a gop claim outside a few random comments from some democrats




Yeah, I also never said that 2016 was rigged, nor did I, in my own mind or otherwise, convict Trump of Russia collusion. Trump won 2016 fair and square, for better or worse.

Try again, Bry.





     Enjoy the day beautiful people, it is a gift!  

Ha...it is a beautiful day ---- Trump's last day in office. (I hope.)

And knowing Hillary will live in your head forever. CHECKMATE

to be fair, he did make this post with a garcia question...


Ban this cuck then send his IP address to the FBI. 

Enough of that Bryen nonsense... (that was some good coffee)... now for the serious stuff:

Has anyone had to replace their facia and gutters?

A gutter cleaning project reveals a lot of rotten wood and everything needs to be replaced. Front and back.

Gutters are apparently 6 inches wide now instead of 5. 

I know my downspouts aren't in the best shape. Do rainchains really work?

Painted facia or wrapped? 

These are the important issues of the day.


^ fascia

I learn something new everyday

Well, Alan, there are plenty of times that I wish I lived in a brand new double-wide, rather than a 125-150 year old house. It just never ends!

I've always been AntiFascia.

^ That's hilarious Surf

Yep Brian, my house is only 60 and it has had a new roof put on before I bought it, but those gutters look pretty beat up. I never really paid attention to them before.

I was up the ladder and saw the problem myself. I was hoping it would only be one section, but the fascia is rotted all around. I guess it's time to replace it.

I'm just hoping they don't find any other damage up there. 

House built in 2002 so no help here.

I have been wondering if those gutter screens are any good.


Just replace the fascia with azek board if you can. With most standard size fascia you shouldn't have any issues replacing it. Just caulk it and throw a couple coats of paint on it. Better than just telling it with pine with will eventually just rot out and get ticked up again. Not sure how good you are with your saws but gutters aren't all too hard to it on if they aren't very high up, you just need the right blade. 

gutter screens>>

The regular mesh screen is trash but the aluminum guards with holes work very well. They are like 5$/ ft but it's worth the money if your gutters are super high up and a pain in the ass to clean out. Actually, might be doing that this spring as my house is sideways on a steep pitched hill and the gutters in the front are over 30 ft high





     The leafguard system is the genuine article [free advice]




     First of all, I love you each unconditionally, I've found that to be best way to go about it...we are all Children of God, with faults and idiosyncrasies, and that ok.


     I'd like to pose a legitimate question to aiq:  If my belief is the election was as blatantly stolen in broad daylight as any stolen election in the history of democracy...is it not my inalienable right to state that?


     Namaste, it's kind of funny...I get the feeling that some of you don't believe that I have love in my heart for each and every one of you unconditionally, but I truly do.




     I'm not sure if I posted my original tune "Unconditional Love" here before, too lazy to check if I did maybe, but here's the chorus:


     There's no love like unconditional love

     There's no beauty greater than the beauty of

     There's no love like unconditional love

     ...and that's the way that I love you




<azek board>

Thanks Timpane - that's what a builder friend of mine said, too.

I'm comfortable with power tools and basic carpentry, but since it is very cold, ladders are involved, and I don't have access to helpers due to covid - I think I'm going to throw money at this problem and hire a local small company. I've used them before for some other stuff and their rates are reasonable. This wasn't on my home improvement list, but water diversion projects take precedence over landscaping and deck work.

They recommended wrapped pine and told me it would last 20 years -- which is in my budget and timeline for this place, knowing it might not the most "permanent" solution.

Bryen, I'm not denying your First Amendment rights, but I do have to ask what is it that you're trying to accomplish here? It seems to me that you're just trying to stir up shit and nothing else. I wouldn't say you've been successful in that regard, but I would add that dropping in a namaste, a link that nobody clicks, or some drivel about unconditional love does nothing to mask the shit stirring.

I, for one, would like to see you give it a rest. This time of transition is a time of change. Try playing nice, and contributing to this community instead of just trying to harvest other people's attention from it. Or don't. It really doesn't matter. But I wanted to contribute something more than just a Fuck off, troll to one of your threads for a change,

Thanks Timpane.



You're quite welcome. I hear ya about working on ladders in the cold. Not all that fun.  

They really don't make paint of the same quality like they used to so I think wrapping the pine will definitely get you more lifespan out of it. The azek can probably get up there in price depending on the sq footage, for sure. Good luck with your projects.