LSD produces a new type of ‘harmonic’ order in the brain


It also makes 80's dead enjoyable.

I just came across this image yesterday and it sang a special song from my past

birds_fractals marijeberting.jpg

“In summary, we found that what LSD does to your brain seems to be similar to jazz improvisation; just like improvising jazz musicians use many more musical notes in a spontaneous and non-random fashion, your brain combines many more of the harmonic waves (connectome harmonics) spontaneously yet in a structured way.”

Right on.

I listen to a lot of 80s Dead and enjoy it immensely. I also did a ton of acid back then, so maybe it’s “state learning.”

((fractals))  ((blue birds))

I learned what a fractal was at an 80's dead show. 85 Jerryweather I think. Some heads from MIT were handing them out.

what is a fractal fly?

fly eye.jpg

Want me to google for you? or are you testing me to be a jerk?

In my mind I would say they are computer-generated images of the same shape being used repeatedly and adjacent. I think I read that they occur everywhere in nature if you look close enough. Think snowflakes under microscope. But I didnt go to MIT, nor did I google.  I did find it cool when these guys were handing the colorful images out to everyone having a good time. You should try it.

or are you testing me to be a jerk?

just passing time 


"Blazing lace filling every frame"


Nice Fly shot surf

Fractal Food


El nino wins

The farm across the bridge in PA always have those fractal jawns. Always fun cutting  Owe fuckwrs up and cooking em. 

I could have testified to this after August (I think) of 87 during and forever after Telluride/Harmonic Convergence. I/we came away Harmonicly Converged.

Didn't read the article.