Majorie Taylor Greene


I know we reached out yesterday, but this is too important not to share. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene launched her career by attacking me and my classmates. She called to EXECUTE lawmakers and cheered on armed white supremacists at the Capitol. A resolution to expel her from the House is being introduced today - ask your Rep. to support it: 1-804-373-2724
-David, March For Our Lives

P.S. If you can't call but want to help out, reply RESIGN to sign the petition.

Thanks so much for calling! Take the next step and sign our petition to demand she resign:


fuck this bitch






No Thanks  laugh But she's gotta Go 


Resign? Sorry I'm gonna pass.

I want to see this woman dragged, publicly, for as long as possible.





That would be pilloried and tarred.

Who's got the feathers?

Here's one of her constituents. Caution - language.

If anyone knows  the folks with the space lasers please ask them to hit GA 14th.

>We want to take a moment to thank YOU for showing up for March For Our Lives. We are so grateful you’re in this together with us -- we know with you on our team, our voices will be heard. 

It’s time to tell our elected officials to put an end to gun violence and hateful rhetoric. We have NO tolerance for bigoted conspiracy theorists like Marjorie Taylor Greene, and, over the past few days, we showed Congress that our movement and our power is growing stronger by the day. We’ve already delivered over 110,000 signatures to Greene’s office in Georgia. Send our petition to your friends and so we can deliver the next batch!

So thank you for joining the fight -- we need you now more than ever. We’ll follow up about more ways to get involved soon. We're getting more and more support to expel Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House of Representatives, so follow us on Twitter and Instagram for important updates (and some fun memes) from our team. 

Thank you for joining the movement!

Matthew Hogenmiller
Digital Manager
March For Our Lives 

Setting aside for a moment the fact that Marjorie Taylor Greene is insane, how can she claim she won her Congressional district when GA elections were supposedly riddled with fraud and other irregularities?

These far right nut jobs are convinced that they can't lose in fair elections. It's as simple as that. They are also convinced that overturning democracy is the American thing to do.

Given a chance, they would literally turn this country into some fucked up, conspiracy theory driven theocracy.

>>> how can she claim she won her Congressional district when GA elections were supposedly riddled with fraud and other irregularities? <<<

the dem dropped out after being threatened by q-nuts and it was too late for another candidate to enter the race.



the dem never had a chance

Greene is in a Trump +27 district, a Klan leader would have won.

dem cuck

fo sho



>a Klan leader would have won.

a NeoNazi won instead


>>> These far right nut jobs are convinced that they can't lose in fair elections. It's as simple as that. They are also convinced that overturning democracy is the American thing to do. <<<

"I've never thought there was any russian collusion"


of course not 


If you admitted early on that you voted for jill stein like slack and willows

getting trounced daily for weeks


you would've lost your voice on viva




Are you talking to me?

Did I vote for Jill Stein?

its relevant 



worst viva-er since tulsa.

 big al franken fan


lets talk 


Tells Romney to "grow a pair or a spine".

Let's see if McCarthy grows a pair before he "has a talk with her" next week.


Is it true her PAC gave McCarthy $175K?  Might explain how she gets a committee appointment instead of expulsion.

"We could have been something,,, but you one crazy ass bitch"

You know yer bat shit crazy when mc conn ill calls you out in today's repub party. Go get er mitch

Sen. McConnell blasts Rep. Greene's 'loony lies'


I hope this means the FBI are about to arrest the traitor, seems the only likely scenario that would get Mitch to distance himself

look at the neolibs lap of mcconnell's vomit and pretend it's gold. 


raz is very stupid. 

"He's a one-trick pony, one trick is all that horse can do...."    Tired "neo-millennial" diarrhea. LOL

Nixon's the one 

Let's update that


Nixon's the two 

There are 74 million people who think she's great.

All those people and people like her aren't going anywhere.

Trump was just the beginning.

Things are going to get stranger.

That makes it official The Republican Party is the Greene Party now.

McCarthy announces no disciplinary actions against Greene

I fully expect to see her in action at the next WWE Battle Royale.

Pretty wild ^^^

Maybe space lasers can be focused on said douche nozzle. 

Meanwhile her followers:

I can’t believe I’m saying this... a mask-less customer was turned away at Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles in Pasadena tonight. So he came back with a GUN, held up kitchen staff and robbed fried chicken, waffles and syrup. This is per the manager & police. Surveillance video coming!

No actual woman can be so foul.

Anyone ever check her gender ? She talks like a Stephen Miller.  Her face looks flattened out like she's into boxing or mma. Check out that schnaazz,, broken flat, just like a boxer. It's no wonder she never takes a mask off.

Mitch Green in drag ? They can do a lot with plastic surgery these days.


Well, I'm not dumb but I can't understand
Why she walked like a woman but talked like a man

This morning on C-span a supporter of Ms Greene called in

John, a Republican from Delaware says "We need women like her in there otherwise these Democrats are going to keep eating the babies and cutting faces off of them. We need President Trump, we elected him and it's time he get back in there and do his job."  

Greene > Swawell

Gag Regular.  Lost in space is no longer on TV....

Greg, buddy, do you really think that Swawell was compromised? I have a hard time believing that you can say that he was compromised, but that Trump wasn't.

Do you know how ignorant you are?

The guy preferred '93 GD.  Lets stop putting any shine on the morons of the world.  Yes Greg, you're a moron. 

Typical that he's an EMT.  Take a good look at any emergency personnel that comes your way. A few months back I revived a guy with CPR -- the ambulance driver casually walked up to the guy , made the call that he couldn't be saved and non chalantely got the defib and pump arm.    After a half hour of CPR and taking years off my own life the Greg strolled up.....Eh, yeah this guy isnt going to make it.   NO FUCKING SHIT!!! you tossed me to the side - he was dead when I found him on the side of the road, and I brouhgt him back!!!    

The helpers don't have any sort of badge.......   






Why his personal brand of white trash garbage gaslighting shit clown show is allowed free reign here on viva is absolutely beyond my comprehension.

Bss, I think it's one of those things where you don't want to become the thing you despise.