the making of a Trump supporter


get it?

I used to think I was a democrat but here at viva I realize I am way out of touch with some of the changes the party has made as of late many of you support things/ideas that I'm just not down with. And now with that bumbling idiot Biden up there embarrassing himself and everyone else every time he opens his mouth they gotta keep him in hiding and the country in lock down, and mail In ballots for there to be any chance for them in november. So they are moving forward with It anyway. their socialist pinko nazi agenda shoving absurd policy changes down everyones throat because there is no way they could pass the bullshit legislation they propose.  If it weren't for these late responding blue state governors abusing their emergency powers they would have no chance.  And now the commie nazis don't want to give up their power lust blaming everything on trump while they cry for money..and give it to them they need it..  it doesn't excuse how cuomo whitmer and the rest have acted calling anyone that questions them a science denier.openly taking advantage of the crisis due to the overblown pandemic fears that they themselves created.all so they can roll out their agenda unchecked. Just like how trudeau banned assault rifles in Canada last month while the legislature was dispersed due to covid and couldn't vote on it.

Top that with the constant barrage of insults hurled attacking me and others when I write something they don't like. I've never read an insult from thom and bryen, as annoying as he can be (sorry dude) I rarely ever see him really fight back with insults of his own.  but the wild pack of sniveling dogs here on viva never let an opportunity to insult pass an often pile on accusing me and others of shit that is waaay out of line and you assholes telling me over and over and over again about how much I love trump.

Well, I'm here to tell you that you got your wish. 

Furthermore, Biden openly believes marijuana is still a 'gateway drug' and I just can't support that.  He and his son are corrupt as shit. They are both in chinas pocket. 

I think Trump is more likely to legalize it and although it might not look how some of you want..e.g there won't be a dispensary on every corner. least no one would get in trouble for it anymore and nonviolent pot convictions could be expunged and the prisoners let free. hopefully anyway.

After all trump was the one that legalized industrial hemp production. 

so you lost a lifelong democrat vote. Keep up the good work because the democratic party is the laughing stock of radical left terrorists that would rather see the country burn than another 4 years of trump.

Real proud of you

lol no thanks buddy


russian bot thread

Got Meth?

Dave you pansy do you need me to hold you when the music gets scary? 

You had too much too fast

I am The Original G


So, is this like, a goodbye cruel zone thread?

Or not?

Let's hope.

Who's next? 

Your all worthless compared to Ras. 

Ras knows how to bring the heat..and my only formidable opponent

The rest of you brain dead 'yes men' are cupcakes compared to ras

Guess not.



>Top that with the constant barrage of insults hurled attacking me and others when I write something they don't like<


I've asked you several questions,  but you refuse to answer any of them. Nor have you replied when I've provided facts which contradict your assertions.


>I've never read an insult from thom and bryen, as annoying as he can be (sorry dude) I rarely ever see him really fight back with insults of his own<


I guess their condescending, passive aggressive insults go over your head?



He's not gonna get that, Lumber. are so entangled you've lost all perspective.

Ignore the media. Ignore the "rabid" zoners. Simply clear your mind and look at the platforms of both Biden and Trump, and ask yourself which better represents your values. And, I wouldn't put too much weight on the legal weed thing since that horse is already out of the barn.

Bueno suerte.

G-reg.  Take a step away from the computer and go outside.  Try to enjoy yourself.

>>>    many of you support things/ideas that I'm just not down with


like thinking?

Might want to take a day off the zone.

I mean this if I weren't so busy I'd hang out all day slapping you all around here on the black screen.  And Ras if you do ever wanna go im your huckleberry. Ill get around to you when I do. But if that ever happens it will come from a place of respect on my part . You truly are the best ive read here and that's all there is to it. I don't care what side you're on.

Now it's back to work 2004 Detroit Pistons style

You cry babies can sort it out

You dullards need me anyway if anything im keeping you've become complacent . Unnecessary exaggeration making you look stupid. The truth speaks for itself 

 >>>And now with that bumbling idiot Biden up there embarrassing himself and everyone else every time he opens his mouth

The fact that people can write a sentence like that in support of Trump is mind blowing.

I just went for a bike ride. Clears the cobwebs. 


I’ve always been a Republican 


fuck trump


Running away again, Greg?

No confidence in your ability to defend your bullshit?


My questions are still posted, if you ever develop the intellectual capacity to respond. 

that thinking thing again

4.9, check

Heavy mouth breathing, check

Meth fumes, check


Who said arguing on the zone would never change minds?

Unnecessary exaggeration making you look stupid. <<

We now witness a new standard for lack of self-awareness.

Well done, sir!

Greg, seek out a good therapist in your area.  It would be good for you to talk to someone, so as to advert a complete mental breakdown.  No shame in seeing a therapist.  I do and he helps me out a lot. 

Brains are like eggs, sometimes sunnyside up sometimes scrambled. gregs ok just mostly scrambled.

I'm OK, you're OK. That there's what it is. ~

is greg an ogkb sock?

greg, I've seen you refer to people as nazi's and would appreciate your definition of nazi. And also, how it actually applies in the ways you used it.

I'm surprised that you say your ideology has changed in part due to arguments/ideas proffered on Viva. You are certainly zoning about things you didn't used to. Interesting to watch, though concerning. Be good to yourself, these are strange times.


>>> I mean this if I weren't so busy I'd hang out all day slapping you all around here on the black screen. <<<

Probably not, greg.

Good points, judit.

>> socialist pinko nazi agenda <<

That's quite a hybrid there, g-reg.

It's astounding watching the red hatters melt over not being able to get their nails done and not being beaten by police.

>>socialist pinko nazi<<


stupid or ignorant?

you should maybe smoke bud without chemicals



Your first sentence is reasonable 

then hingeless Greg appears 

self awareness ?

I admit that I insult folks

interesting ras love fest 

I observe ras glowing back and forth.perhaps independent  Sometimes on point sometimes not

thom and Bry very often insult.   Thom Think vs feel being my favorite.
And Bry the you are morons  / namaste / Worlds  biggest deadhead posting technique 

I am very impressed with bry's writing style perfect sentence structure and grammar. And the there is the whacked out content.  A bit puzzling ..

Oh and this  trump lovers Obama haters with no grey allowed  only complete polarization

....trump is  so very lost and cruel and stupid

he does not like people and insults all comers. Can not speak cogently coherently and without drama an insult

support who you must.   But you will be for the darkness and division

Love that lltd, cool minded.

 I believe most of us try to be the shepherd, but with some of the screwball lost sheep around here its hard to maintain the proper light shedding equilibrium. Sometimes briefly forcing us to stoop to a lower level before regaining our customary mojo altitude. 


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never really questioned what it meant. I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin' made me think twice. Now I'm thinkin': it could mean you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr. .45 here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could be you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin, Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.

The best way to make a republican is to eat more fiber.

<<<>>>is greg an ogkb sock?



"I mean this if I weren't so busy I'd hang out all day slapping you all around here on the black screen." - Greg


Anyone supporting Trump is supporting a killer
who wants to use state, local and federal military to kill his/our American brothers and sisters.  (I'm not saying it's okay to kill people who are not Americans, I'm saying he's actually fucked up enough to call out people with guns to shoot at their fellow citizens.)

Donald Nixon that's who...


eat more fiber ....

then when you rub your face in your recently filled diaper and swallow, it will be a bit less messy


Lol, Bless your heart Greggy.


Who signs up to jump on the Titanic ::after:: it clearly hit the iceberg?


You're a special sort.

Weird time to be throwing your mark down on the wrong side of history, but this place never ceases to amaze me.


What kind of rootless tumbleweed blames anonymous DBMB users for pushing him to the dark side?  


The months long melt down continues apace.

Take a breath or a step back or change your strain. Youre a wreck, buddy.


>>> What kind of rootless tumbleweed blames anonymous DBMB users for pushing him to the dark side?  <<<

somebody who took the week off?


Oooooo look, Judit's got her hackles up. Trump pisses off even the nicest, level headed, sweet people.

im glad the build the wall, gun lover, can't help a neighbor, mean people, are in the minority or we'd really be screwed.

They sure are good at talking shit though.

Dump the chump Trump.


Rough week for Trump all around.

Looking weak, scared and stupid.


Everyone is leaving him, but OP is proudly proclaiming his newly minted "supporter" status with this thread



...and we drove him to it apparently.



What a putz.

Oh yes, and he's just slappin' us left and right. LOL.

Of course Dems are corrupt as well, but it's "mom and pop" vs. Big Box wholesale treason with Trump.  Even if the proof isn't there, simply the possibility ought to be sufficient to at least approach it from a risk management perspective to ensure the worst isn't actually the case.  To not do so is a gross dereliction of duty, if not an outright "manslaughter" assault upon the Republic from your role as a citizen. 

If you can't see this, you ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know.

You sound completely barking mad,"



you  ARE

being shamed for liking vince era dead was the final straw that pushed the gregulator to start to question the media..


Actually the furthur era media might have been the reason they shelved Blues for Allah after the Mann shows in Philly2010 ..played only once after In Indy fall 2011. I remember reading an interview of johnk and they were asking him what happened in philly in regards to the song...

It was put... ',  john, Brooklyn blues for allah went over really well then not so much in philly..what happened? ' or something like that...

fuckin liberal media

..funny thing is I was at both and I liked the Philly one better.I liked them both.  I was shocked in Brooklyn and even more excited in philly. (the indy one in 2011 was the best one the band played) that I think about it Obama was in office. .when the media first started to sink its teeth into the seeing it all now.  First they took down furthur..

thanks obama


Wow it's so clear now..furthur was the first target and the last real hope humanity had with phil bob and the apt, capable john kadlecik..and after the band broke up after Intense online scrutiny..gods children then dispersed ..ran and hid swore we'd never show our face again. ..

And taking down further was the first step for the evil media/china cabal in their plan for world domination. Once they succeeded their sights set on the United States and democracy ..the free world. .they saw how easy it was and knew the power they had stumbled upon with online shaming and thought manipulation


Wwooooooo Hoooooo!

someone should be writing this stuff down in case there's a blackout

Im sure the ccp knows who I am by now and I don't think they'll be too happy with me revealing the whole'take down furthur' world take-over plot...they might choose to turn it up and take out the power grid.

they're still cyber-attacking  USA infrastructure,  right?


bottle in front of you?

or frontal lobotomy...

cut -n- paste ..zington..



G-Reg ..

The Bandit

straight gangsta rap


Druba you got that on a tshirt yet?

if you sell enough of them on lot you can make your money back bro.  maybe even get a free one out of it. 

get crackin'



real bright people.  Takes alot of mentality to cut and paste someone elses joke. Ha ha ha barf..soo funny.

Fuckin lame


No im seious though they have these screenprint shops you can pick out different color T's.

You make a buck. that there is one United States Dollar you have, son. You put that dollar in your pocket for a rainy day then when that day comes there you'll have it.. youll have something to show for your work..

now you run along young fella 

go and play with your friends




No comments 

For accuracy, I think you mean copy/paste. Bright people, lol


     ...first off, if your "bright people" point of contention is "copy/paste" rather than "copy -n- paste", or "copy & paste" for that matter, that's a rather pathetic reach.  Secondly, what Greg was accurately pointing out was the "one trick pony" aspect of Druba's modus operandi of simply going to his Facebook group du jour and transferring whatever Trump memes or disgusting images attacking Christianity that happen to be trending, there's rarely an original thought or idea involved.

He said "cut" and paste.

No matter what lies between, what it isn’t is cut/paste

     Got it...thanks for the clarification.

How is that image attacking Christianity, lol

     ^ I'd draw your attention to the word "or"

 's one of Druba's signature moves

What Christian ministers R pointing out is that instead of doing a photo op with an upside down Bible, 

the leader of the free world might want to read the Bible. Even if he enjoys watching Fox, Joe & Mika more. 

     Druba's attacks on Christianity predate Trump standing in front of St. John's on Monday.  He seems to gain some twisted satisfaction out of mocking people's religious beliefs, it's rather disgusting, albeit fashionable in certain circles...we'll likely see an increased amount of that sort of belligerence between now and November.

<<<<circles...we'll likely see an increased amount of that sort of belligerence between now and November.



Well, if evangelicals continue to be abject hypocrites and support a man who co-opts Christian symbols for political gain while living the complete opposite of Jesus' example, then yes, of course there will be attacks on that.


Druba's Trump's attacks on Christianity predate Trump standing in front of St. John's on Monday.  He seems to gain some twisted satisfaction out of mocking people's religious beliefs, it's rather disgusting, albeit fashionable in certain circles...we'll likely see an increased amount of that sort of belligerence between now and November.





The tricky thing about religious "beliefs" is what you do with them, and how you view and treat people with different beliefs. I respect people's beliefs as long as they respect other's religious beliefs. If you think one must accept your god in order to lead a righteous life, you're heading down the wrong path.

The "Word of God" has been twisted and misinterpreted for personal gain and mistreatment of others for thousands of years. I understand why many reject it.

I do recall trying to get Bryen to denounce the rampant pedophilia within the catholic church to no avail, as most of my posts were attacking pedophilia, or the hypocrisy of the religious wrong...  ya know, those folks that have devoted their lives to shitting on Christs teachings...    kind of like trying to get these cultist to denounce racism, homophobia, or any other blatant misuse of religious dogma for politcal gain...    

     I long ago referred to Pope Francis' statement in regards to the controversy, but for the sake of the discussion...    

to no avail<<<

The real question is how will he / they ultimately be "dislodged"?

Even if the most damming evidence of the most heinous form of treason were to be uncovered, it's going to be more of the same "to no avail's".

There might be some Bryen lite's who might concede to reality, but that 36% block only shrinks to about 25-30% in my estimation 

Massive smoking gun aside, let's say Trump loses in the election ... that 36% will believe Trump that the election was fixed, "to no avail".

An Island of Elba will do no good with Twitter.

It's "heads I win, tails you lose" to no avail ...

to more blood

more blood on  your hands

     FOM...are you finally willing to concede you were wrong about the Russia Scam?  



     It may be the first step towards restoring sanity.





     ...on that note I'll bid you adieu, I have some things to attend to, I'll check in later.



     Enjoy the day, it is a gift!

not so fast bryen...


What do you think of your president making a mockery of your religion with his blasphemous display

of idiocracy on sacred ground?


Tear gassing priests for a photo op?

even you gotta admit that's low rent



workable link:



nice link

but I'm asking you.


What do you think of your president making a mockery of your religion with his blasphemous display

of idiocracy on sacred ground?

Tear gassing priests for a photo op?



I predict Bry is gonna look pretty silly at best when we end up seeing the FBI counterintelligence report.


Barr and Trump are freaking out that Burr finished it before they sidelined him.  They wont be able to put this toothpaste back in the tube. 

>> ...are you finally willing to concede you were wrong about the Russia Scam?   <<


Yes, it's was proven that TrumpCo was incapable of actually masterminding such a scam. However, it was also proven how they were Useful Idiots, and to this day are still covering for their incompetence.

Ahhh Byren playing the Christianity card......which version of Christianity are you referring to? (Oh, I forgot, you never cared to learn history.)

"From the fifteenth to the early nineteenth century, inquisitorial tribunals in Spain and Portugal persecuted a wide range of people whose heretical religious beliefs were deemed to represent an existential threat to the Church and State. The legal procedures of the Inquisition, carefully detailed in books of rules and regulations, allowed inquisitors to use torture when they suspected that a stubborn prisoner was withholding evidence. ..

The archives of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions contain many distressing transcripts of torture sessions, in which inquisitorial scribes dutifully recorded even the screams of agony of the prisoners....

The use of torture by the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions generated ‘evidence’ used to convict thousands of men and woman, some of whom were handed over to the secular authorities to be burned as relapsed heretics, sometimes on the basis of absurd allegations.

The inquisitors themselves were nevertheless perfectly aware that prisoners could give false evidence under torture and prisoners were supposed to ratify or retract their testimony after the torture session had ended. Yet most torture sessions were only suspended until the prisoner’s ratification of the testimony, and a failure to ratify testimony would lead to further torture. The use of torture by the inquisitors was accordingly characterized by a vicious circular logic: Torture was flawed but necessary as it yielded the desired ‘results’. "

Francois Soyer is Associate Professor in Late Medieval and Early Modern History in Southampton.

How Byren imagines himself:


How I imagine him when I read his uneducated drivel:

unnamed (1)_5.jpg

What he probably looks like in reality:


Oh shit.... I might have mixed the last two up... sorry. I can't tell anymore...

I need a break....anyone want an onion roll?

Pope Francis wrote a letter about the Inquisition, too, Alan. All is forgiven.

The irony is that Evangelicals flock to Trump even though he was banging strippers when his wife (#3!) was home with their newborn baby. The whole "forgiveness" thing is very convenient, and necessary. Of course, Mr. Trump has never admitted his failures, nor asked for forgiveness. shit Bryn.

B - I know Alan can be spelled many different ways, but I can't seem to get Brian right with the "y".  (I didn't think they did that in your generation but maybe you are younger than I think.)  Sorry. I missed the edit window to correct it. I know that can be annoying.

But... in all can you.

I know ned that whole church thing is a scam. ..but it's an effective scam look how much money they're drumming up and that's a long term grift thing too

Those tv evangelicals are the worst too. Talk about rehearsing in front of a mirror. 

Tod I thought it was a meaningful gesture. 

I'm glad he said nothing in that moment and did what he did. 


P.s dude that slap contest pic still might be the best one. Good work for reals

Alan you are hardcore, man, I gotta respect that. 


Yes, after he kept extolling all of the wonderful virtues of his religion, a few of us asked "Bryen" to just come out

and say that what the Catholic church did by covering up and allowing systemic rape of children was a horrible,

horrendous stain on that religion.


He wouldn't, or couldn't, do it.

So yeah, fuck you "Bryen".

It's true dude those cover ups all that shit was/is horrible.  There's no denying or arguing that..'s like weird because with me my family,  we never went to church growing up but did the Christmas and Easter thing basically raised Christian without going to church. And in a weird twist my psychedelic experience pushed me in that direction too. Just a personal reflection.  

and aside from all the 'systematic molestation' which I never new of or heard of back then in the 80s...growing up, I was always kinda jealous of my friends and kids that went to church because I felt like I missed out and even joined my aunt and cousins a few times to sunday school because I wanted to go. i always loved the smell of the church when I was a kid. It was the 'community church of christ' ..Im not sure If It was protestant or lutheran. There was some divorce in my family so I think there were like 3 different ones I went to. and went to episcopol church with an older couple I did yard work for...when in college..they bought me a bible and sent me a 'daily foward', when I went to school, that had daily readings they were both retired public school teachers and both republican..but they used to get the ny times delivered I remember that so maybe nytimes used to be more conservative? It was early 90s.Anyway It was really Important to them that I read scripture , preaced the Importance of christ basically all the time. They would pray before every meal holding hands at the table.I still remember It. Im glad too. I still dont know the 'lords prayer' I sprobably should learn that. they were supportive of me going to college I wad the first in my family to graduate highschool... they gave me pretty easy work paid like 15/hr and that was good extra cash..working at a house on lake huron. Hung Christmas lights ,cleaned , yardwork etc petty sweetextra cash I spent on bud or xl2's,  And I didnt really mind the bible stuff because I wanted to learn and liked the structure.


Hey Alan...

 big fan here..I love what you do. You're very informative with cool threads and posts and you've even gone out of your way to answer some of my dumb questions when I reached out to you (never heard back about kimock merl 'sky band)..that's neither here nor there.  You know todd and lynnette I don't.  I knew a friend of theirs years back a friend of a friend her name was jana brown maybe janis? She made one of the only kimock stickers I ever saw and I still have It. Made me the tapes and sent them to me back in Michigan.    I said we stayed in Sebastopol in Aug 99 but actually I remember she lived in santa rosa thats where we stayed and she had a friend in Sebastopol who we visited,  that had the racks of kimock tapes ..and who knows maybe it was you. We also visited some wineries out there and went to the coast instead of going to Santa Barbara for the last show.


The reason I'm writing you is because after some thought and I've discussed this pretty thoroughly with a friend who was really into phish in those days, but I made the assertion that Kimock was relatively unknown, in relation to Trey. And you were quick to dismiss my claim..noting the presence of many in the audience were already familiar with kimock/zero and knew what he could do.

..but, be that as it may, I still contend Trey was way more famous,  nationally,  and alot of phish heads dreamed of the day that Trey would ever play with Phil or maybe step in after Jerry died, at some point.  by April 99 Jerry had been gone for a few years and people,alot of people were paying attention. And knew phil was playing again. .other ones talking nationwide. many went to other one's98 but didn't know who was playing Karan was also there so kimock wasn't really featured in other ones 98  not like he could have been.  I saw deer creek 98 but didn't know who either kimock or karan were and neither did alot of people not tuned into the bay area.

Plus trey/phish, by then had already been touring nationally, for years and years, and not like zero toured...they were selling out hockey arenas and putting on huge festivals..playing all the sheds ..multi-night runs at venues that the gratful dead made famous. .deer creek alpine shoreline etc ..not just basically playing  bars and small theaters and shit mainly on the east coast...expanding their fanbase reaching way further Into america than zero, in comparison. there is no comparison.  Trey takes it all day back in 99 and still today as far as basic popularity coast to coast.

And those phil n phish shows were widely known about was a tough ticket. Maybe amany zero heads wouldn't have wanted to hassle with the extra effort. .they are typically way laid back. I wasn't into phish but plenty of my friends were and a few of them landed tickets and flew out from mich. for the shows and they basically didn't really know who kimock was. You know phish was raging in 97-98 when phil/ otherones still didnt come close to phish. Not even the same level. Phish was pushing it while otherones were kinda just celebrating the GD and the scene 96-98..when the phish were on fire.   It took over as the real 'tour' after jerry died.

So to assert that the Warfield was filled with bay area Zero heads, id like to disagree with you on that one, bro.   Im pretty sure the water wheel foundation (could be wrong) worked those shows and the phish fanbase many who didnt pay attention to any of the post Jerry furthur festival stuff 96-98..they made up at least half and, even though I wasn't there,  I'll think if there was a way to go back and count, more phish heads were present than the zero fanbase. ..

which leads me to re assert that, by the 3rd night, 4-17-99..if there were still kimock doubters, then after the third show there weren't any more.  Because kimock proved himself on that stage over those 3 shows in many people's eyes and played circles around trey, at times, and basically by the 3rd night, trey had been sort of forced into a supporting rhythm guitar player role.

So chew on that. .


..and one more thing. ..big boy... seems like you have some tag-along tendencies of your own..

So I'm gonna check you. I was gonna let it slide..but I just can't let you're tag-along tendencies go un-checked. So

here you go, friend...hang on to something...


And on bryens behalf...


... and how you get away with posting a naked penis image, In here, without getting a public 'talking to' is beyond me.

It's classless.  It lowers the bar.

You Fuckball.

Double SLAP..front and backhand. fact...

Open handed SMACK!

..thats for good measure. 


do the right thing you bully


you like that ateix? 

..that's the good stuff.  The Chali


fuckin' high test


I'm the Roto-Rooter Trouble shoota 

I come to boogie down



Wwwwwwwwiiiiiiiind Me Up-a!

I think you are Russian bot programmed from the memories of some dead guy.

You give me the warm and fuzzy feeling of talking to a bot on AIM.

Enjoy your shitposting.

holy adderall

I don't care what you think latex. I think you're a total pompous douche

You're lower than me..



Get the fuck outta here you dummy

People wonder why I goof on em

..I back the mentally challenged.  I back 'em with my act


You can't get me, ateix...

I'm too good

I'm too fast

I'm too sharp. is what it is, you can't help it when you're me. when you're good and you know it,  why hide it shut you're trap when I'm rapping.



Did you like all that mouthbreather slap comedy I threw your way?

..boy, did you have a stick up your ass. Am I right?

Oh yeah I forgot to add 'sniveling' the snorting spitting coughing bacteria waste you spew and because of people like know, mouthbreathers? we have to wear was 'sniveling' that I left out. .

because God knows that is what you are. Sniveling. 


fuckin tag-along.

You are one for sure.  Not just tag -along 'tendencies'.

You are full on tag-along


now go hide in you're vinyl,  coward.


yes, monkey, yes

Did the Russian bot get special forces training in grateful dead fact checking skills or plq..

Wanna go toe to toe on plq?


I bet I can prove,  publicly,  that I know more shit about that this day and I haven't listened to the q ..its been a few years. Seriously dude a russia bot?

That's what you're goin with? 

you are a total and complete dum dum


.and it didn't land...the joke..what was that,  racist?

More like tasteless


There are many reputable hotlines you can contact for answers to questions about mental health or mental illness, including:

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 1-800-950-6264, [email protected]. NAMI operates an emergency mental health hotline Monday–Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST. Operators can provide information about mental illness and refer callers to treatment, support groups, family support, and legal support, if needed.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): (800) 662-4357. SAMHSA runs a 24-hour mental health hotline that provides education, support, and connections to treatment. It also offers an online Behavioral Health Treatment Locatorto help you find suitable behavioral health treatment programs.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): (866) 615-6464. This organization has a variety of methods for you to communicate with knowledgeable people about mental health issues. In addition to the phone line, there is a live online chat option. These resources are available Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.

Some of the reputable 24-hour mental health hotlines that can provide you with support, education, and resources include:

Mental Health America Hotline: Text MHA to 741741. Mental Health America is a nationwide organization that provides assistance through this text line. You will be linked to someone who can guide you through a crisis or just provide information.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. Crisis intervention and free emotional support are available, which is helpful when you need confidential assistance during a time of emotional distress for you or a loved one. The helpline is open 24/7, and a live online chat is available as well.

Crisis Text Line: Text CONNECT to 741741. Specialized crisis counselors are just a text message away on this free, confidential 24-hour support line. To further protect your privacy, these messages do not appear on a phone bill. The text line also provides services and support if you are upset, scared, hurt, frustrated, or distressed.

The Samaritans: 1-212-673-3000. This is a New York–based organization operates a 24-hour crisis hotline for anyone in the area. Even if you’re not in crisis but feel like you need emotional support, this hotline can help.

Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255. Text a message to 838255. Operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs, these services aid veterans and their families who may be in crisis by connecting them with VA responders.

Good resource, Noodler. Thanks.

Is deader than thou a specific illness?

Greg, Greg, Greg....

How am I supposed to react to all that?  I could talk Kimock all day, but let's shelve that for now.

I'm not usually serious around here but I was serious that talking to a grief counselor may be beneficial. Your mood swings are evident if you are in fact a real person.

Personally, I'd lay off the Zone and the am radio for a while. Take a walk. Make some art. Hang out with 3D people.

Once a guy shaves his dying dad's face or wipes the Ensure dibbling down his mom's chin -- or gives the doc the ok to to give his sister the final injection -- everything on the black screen becomes much less important. Capiche?

PS I'm not really down with the slapping metaphor. It's one of those if-we-ever-meet-in-person sort of things it could spoil a potentially pleasant time.

See ya.


Greg, please send me an email at [email protected]. Thank you.

Check it out ,bro. Its beautiful.  Everything is just a thing.

Wanna go toe to toe on plq>>>>>

I laughed out loud when I read that. Lots of drinks for the G man tonight. Hopefully, he's quietly passed out on his couch right now. 

A Peaceful Place, Or So It Looks From Space...

Right arm, sister. 

Realization of insignificance is truly a virtue.


Im just messing with you jr.

lighten up dude.

You know what,  I have some advice for you..

pay attention. 

My kind message to you..'Hang Tough'

Give your best every day.

You don't have to know all the answers. 

You do your best and at the end of the day after you brush your teeth,  you look at yourself in the mirror,  right into your own eyes, and you know that you did your very best to be good.


And I mean that, brother. 

Take care


^I just realized I put this in the wrong thread oh well I hope he reads it. 

JR youre alright. 

But truthfully

It's sound advice for anyone. 

Believe it if you need it.


and Bryen, good eye. 

.old eagle eye. .



Thanks bud.

A closer look reveals the human race
Full of hope, full of grace, is the human face
But afraid we may lay our home to waste


Wow. All these threads with the same uneducated, manipulative, negative, nasty, name calling bullshit from one guy.

Get your lips off the crack pipe, take the meds the Dr. prescribed and your mommy should take away your device privileges.


Your Zoning has shades of Psycho Kirley. Get a grip Greggie. You are a prime example of what is wrong with this world.