March Pics



It was last week. Down south we're headed back into winter this week.


Towards the end of a Mapacho dieta ceremony. My teacher and I are required to drink a small cup of tobacco tea, then immediately smoke 21 Mapacho cigars, 3 at a time until we consumed 18 in rapid fire succession, then the last three separately with deep inhales. First ceremony I've ever puked. 

3525569335738004716_1.jpgMapacho is pure Amazonian tobacco with up to 18% nicotine content. It makes your heart race, feel very dizzy and very hot. The Shipibo consider Mapacho in the top 3 of the strongest plants to be dieted, next to Tohé - which is Datura ( Angel's Trumpet) - and Ayahuma. We are required to do 3 of these ceremonies in a 14 day span, and not on the days we drink Ayahuasca. The second ceremony is with 11 Mapacho cigars, and the 3rd with 4. Each ceremony we have to drink the tea. I thought Aya tasted bad until I had this.


Shroom Moon tonight


Never seen a jackalope with antlers  like that.

It wasn't the jackalope that caught my attention.

^^^ as a kid, one nite while down the shore,I entered my bedroom, & looking back at me through the window, were a similar set of eyes...surprise

One week till spring.



"Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it." -George Orwell, 1984

Had the unfortunate experience to have to be up at the legislature a few times this session. If there's a more ignorant group of assholes......

But on the last day of the session after lobbying republicans for hours, I went out to a nice sunset. 

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gainsville,, the bat, you'd think this would be a poor choice for a business name.  Personally, I'd like to see them open another restaurant and call it Fuku II


I love that gorgeous picture of Phil. Do you know whose photo it is, Mike?


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You know better but I know him


I took this picture at the Friday show a few hundred feet from the venue 


love that gorgeous picture of Phil.

^^proving once again he has the best hair <3



The artwork of Nature.


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