Marijuana use raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke, studies say

What about alcohol?

So people who use herb have a greater chance of a heart event while hospitalized.
Perhaps that's because they aren't able to use their herb in the hospital?

Thought the same Cam.  

CNN. Yeah. They aren't bought and paid for

And post covid vax heartattacks? That is backed up by stats.

I wouldn't be surprised if flying and driving over 70mph have the same side-effects.

This just in: Life itself can cause heart attacks, heart failure and strokes.

At my age, this will not change one damn thing. 

So are we sure it's the weed and not the donuts eaten after ingesting.



I saw somewhere that IPA's, tequila chasers and organic weed neutralizes all potential risks. 

Now that I think about it, it was tequila shots, organic buds and the IPA's. The order matters.

Donuts were not included in this study. (should have been)

Hey man , gotta light.

More reefer madness. They never give up, do they?

Its weird they forgot to mention it also kills cancer.