Mattis Out


Resigned.   Guess the Syria withdrawal was the last straw.

"Because you have the right to have a secretary of defense whose views are better aligned on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position"

The Great Day Will Be When Trump Is Out ____ As In 6 Feet Under ! = WHAT A BOZO !

His resignation is a pretty artful fuck you to that stupid boob. The adults have all left the room and it seems Drumpster fire is content to let it all burn to the ground. Really have to take your hats off to the Russians and Chinese. They got us good..

Congrats to Mick Mulvaney on his new position as secretary of defense


What are the Russians and Chinese getting from us that we wouldn't give them under a different President? 

All the winning?

Full reach around?

How is that, Thod? 



I ask tough questions. 

Who let the Seadog out? WHO, WHO?!

You guys are good thread. 


>>>What are the Russians and Chinese getting from us that we wouldn't give them under a different President? 

They are growing stronger on the world stage because Trump is tearing down the alliances that has helped keep them in check, but don't take my word for it just read General Mattis's resignation letter.

“My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear-eyed about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues,” Mattis wrote in his resignation letter. “We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.”

General Mattis

Great letter.

As much not said, but inferred. Also, tees up 45 to measure his reaction appropriately. If he gets pissy about it and wants Mattis out before the February date Mattis gave, 45 will look the fool. Suspect 45 and many of his fans will not pick up on that.

Seriously though, it appears that virtually every human in the WH, government (Congress, military, etc.) and US were caught unawares by 45's decision to pull out of Syria. This is not like a "surprise attack" on a foreign enemy that you needed secrecy on. Leads to natural questions of what drove this decision and there are possible answers that play right into the various 45 issues (kompromat, dirty dealings, etc.). 

Tired of winning

Trump's giving Syria to Putin and the Kurds to Erdogan. Putin suggested we also get out of Afghanistan and, what go you know, Trump said "Sure, why not?" Putin will also get sanctions removed and a free hand in Ukraine. Iran is happy too.


New World Odor - It Stinks!

They're now using a brain control paint developed by Trumpsanto



What do we need from Russia and China? 

Try to at least make an effort to find the answer yourself slacker -before barking. Adults don't like helping other adults who dont at least try to help themselves first.  


I know you don't like being called a sea lion, but you bring it on yourself. 



Trump's giving Syria to Putin and the Kurds to Erdogan. <<

Murder Tape and Pee Tape stay under wraps (for now) as well.

End of thread.

Here's a bizarre take on the decision to pull out of Syria:

Her opinion is that it isn't a rash move, but rather one that is completely in line with Trump's rollbacks of any and all Obama-era policies regarding Israel: (she's as batshit crazy as Trump!)

First, by leaving Syria, the US is abandoning Obama’s pro-Iranian policy once and for all. Further indication that this is part of a far-reaching strategic shift rather than a dangerous move by an impulsive president came with a Hadashot News report Wednesday night that senior US officials told Israel this week that Washington will align its policy towards Lebanon and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) with Israel’s position if Hezbollah receives a larger role in the next Lebanese government than it enjoyed in the previous one.

Hezbollah and its allies won a majority of the seats in May’s parliamentary elections. Negotiations towards a new government have been deadlocked over Hezbollah’s demands for expanded portfolios.

Obama’s Lebanon policy – to support the Hezbollah-controlled Lebanese government and the LAF – was part of his overall policy to empower Iran at the expense of Israel and the Sunni Arab states. Until now, guided by the Pentagon, the Trump administration has maintained this policy, much to Israel’s distress.

The advantage Israel gains from US abandonment of the Hezbollah-controlled Lebanese government and the LAF far outweighs the blow it takes from the withdrawal of US forces from Syria. If the US abandons its support for the LAF and the Lebanese government, Israel will be able to defeat Hezbollah in war.

PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement Thursday morning revealed the second upside of Trump’s decision.

Netanyahu said: “We will continue to act in Syria to prevent Iran’s effort to militarily entrench itself against us. We are not reducing our efforts; we will increase our efforts.”

He added that, “I know that we do so with the full support and backing of the US.”

If the US backs Israel in war against Iran and Hezbollah by, among other things, deterring Russia and Turkey from getting involved; defending Israel at the UN; and supplying it with the weapons and other indirect support it needs to succeed – and it gives Israel a green light to attack the Hezbollah-controlled Lebanese government and military – then Trump’s move represents a full abandonment of Obama’s anti-Israel, pro-Iranian policies.

Haley explained on Tuesday that, “The world must know that America will remain steadfast in our support of Israel, its people and its security. That is an unshakable bond between our two peoples. And it is that bond – more than anything else – that makes peace possible.”

By abandoning the anti-Israel fake “peace process” and striking out on a new path based on reality, and by walking away from Obama’s pro-Iran policies in Syria and Lebanon and backing Israel in its efforts to defeat its enemies, the Trump administration is demonstrating what pro-Israel really means. So long as it is true to its word, Israel is safer and stronger for it.





Do you want it?  Interesting paradox...I thought that's what we all wanted, I guess the neocons in sheep's clothing are coming out of the woodwork, we live in interesting times.


Naive, plain old stupid or just an evil person?  

Take your pick.  


Yeah Bryen, let's make all regions unstable under the guise of ending wars. "Mission Accomplished"


That definitely doesn't play into Putin's plan...


It's also a really good that Putin has Nuclear ships in a warm water port in Syria with a 40 year tax free lease.


You're Putin's bitch, you do know that right?

I never thought I'd see the day when the peace movement wanted war, I only hope, and am increasingly convinced that the handful of people that post in the political threads on this message board [the Viva 7] are not a true representation of the Grateful Dead Community.  Let me get this're against pulling out of Afghanistan & Syria?



Thod and Jonas are Putin's bitches. 

B-ry, stop being like that. Your shtick is stale.


Make sure when your boy Putin is done cleaning house he takes his "Vacuum" with him.

As if the US pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan will stop wars and lead to fewer deaths. Sure...

Sure, let's allow Putin, Assad, and Erdogan to have free reign in the middle east. I'm sure they wouldn't do anything we wouldn't like.

What are they going to do? 

Assad's been killing Syrian opposition folks for a while; look to see Erdogan move against the Kurds once we are out of the picture.

Should we kill anyone? 

Slack, did you read the opinion piece I linked to above? The woman is batshit crazy, but I agree that the move is probably centered more around some fucked up Israel policy than anything else. Based on that, and what your views on Israel are, perhaps you could use some critical thinking.

>>> Should we kill anyone? <<<

>>> B-ry  Slack, stop being like that. Your shtick is stale. <<<



I'm in a drug band message board thread learning about global issues. 

I know you guys are familiar with my academic background so I don't see why my questions don't seem genuine. 

I try and engage and get shut down by Thod because he wants to do his chest pounding shtick. 

I'm not asking FOM questions. 

What have you learned?

Bullshit, you know damn well what you're doing.

>>>>>I'm in a drug band message board thread learning about global issues. 


That was your first mistake.



I've learned that the sky is falling because of everything going down and the Russians and Chinese are our mortal enemies. 


Damn, where did you learn that?

From Thod. 

Did you learn anything from B-ry? He's very insightful.

Just to be clear I’m all for pulling troops out of Syria and Afghanistan, but not like this. If you are driving the biggest vehicle on the road you don’t just whip the wheel from one side to the other, and that is what Trump and all the complicit Republicans are doing. Let’s take a look at what happened just yesterday.

Withdrew troops from Syria against the advice of everyone in his party and the Defense secretary.

Defense Secretary resigned in protest which in the history of the US has never happened before. That leaves five cabinet offices open.

Shut down the government over a petty political squabble, after the agreeing to a deal with his own party, because Rush and Coulter got mad at him, sending the stock market even further down.

Trumps incompetent acting AG is refusing to listen to his own ethics panel that said he needs to recuse himself on all things Russia.

And while this dumpster fire was going on Trump tweeted a video of himself singing Green Acers because he signed the farm bill.

These are not the actions of a stable genius. The emperor has no clothes and it is time for the Republicans to stand up for their country and do something about it.

I'm not asking FOM questions<<<

What would be the answer to the answer man?

Slack, I know this might be off-putting, but give this book a try.

It might help.


>>>>>Just to be clear I’m all for pulling troops out of Syria and Afghanistan, but not like this.

That's how I see it.   We really don't have any business being over there and if anything the last half a century has taught us, nation building doesn't work.   But if you are going to get the hell out of dodge, you have to do it with some thought, planning, and consultation with those involved, including the French who have a sizable contingent in northeast Syria as well.

As for giving Putin a free hand in Syria, if the Russians want to get drawn into a quagmire like the Syrian Civil War, let them have at it.   Besides, the Russians and Syrians have been close allies for decades and Russia gave considerable material support, including military advisors, equipment, and even air support and Cuban ground troops, to Syria during the Arab-Israeli Wars of the 60s and 70s.   Nothing new there.   

I do have a soft spot for the Kurds and an independent Kurdistan is long overdue, but sacrificing American blood and treasure to achieve that goal is probably not in our best interests.

Current status report from the WH: 

No defense secretary

No chief of staff

No Attorney General 

Government shutting down

stock market tanking 

Unindicted Co-conspirator #1 is in charge 



How many troops are in Syria? 


The US has about 4,000 troops in northeast Syria.   There many more thousands stationed in neighboring Iraq involved in the same operation.   By comparison, there were 100,000+ American service members fighting in Iraq and in Afghanistan during the heights of the wars in those respective countries.  So its a relatively small operation that has resulted in relatively few American casualties with the Americans mostly providing air and artillery support, logistics, and intelligence for the SDF - a largely Kurdish army. 

Slack - how many drugs do you have?   Seeing that this is a drug band message board and all.  


>>>>>>Current status report from the WH: 

No defense secretary

No chief of staff

No Attorney General 

Government shutting down

stock market tanking 

Unindicted Co-conspirator #1 is in charge <<<<<









What episode of the Sopranos would you suggest pairing this with?

I got some weed. 

>>>>What episode of the Sopranos would you suggest pairing this with?

its gotta be anything involving the Esplanade. 

Huge government construction job. Required many many builders, plumbers, plasterers, joiners, carpenters, electricians whatever. All of these guys are in different unions etc. They bid money to get these jobs. Zellman who I guess decides which unions etc get the contracts is in Tony and the Lupertazzis back pockets. The crime families accept bribes or whatever to gurantee certain unions the jobs. They probably get big paydays up front and get to skim and cherry pick off of all the money the unions make on the job too. They also get no show/no work jobs i.e sit on their asses all day and get paid by these electrical unions plumber unions etc. 

Then they also get to steal all the fibre optic cable and tiles lying around the place.



Yeah I'm not down with Genocide Ken. 

If we pull those 4,000 troops out, Erdogan will slaughter all the Kurds in Northern Syria.

All the while screwing our Allies.

ISIS is defeated. The Kurds no longer have use to us.

Mattis told gop and democratic senators that he had put himself between trump and nuclear football. Now that should give us all some Christmas cheer.

Mattis Out Is TERRIBLE for Our Country ! He IS Bad Ass !!!!!  But Even James Knows An IDIOT When He Encounters An IOC Idiot In Chief ! STAY STRONG AMERICA - We WILL Get Through This.

"Bryen" must have been absolutely horrified when founding members of the Grateful Dead

went to visit that warmonger Obama in the White House.

 Co-conspirator #1 is in charge <<<

ALSO Known AS Individual 1 ..


Rumpers Needs To Go = FAILURE


So...because Hillary espoused perpetual war, her supporters feel obliged to support war in perpetuity 2 years after her failed presidential run?  That's more or less exactly what I'm reading on this thread.  Care to make the argument we should be in Afghanistan another 17 years?  Is this what this community believes now?  I don't think so, I think that's what roughly 7 people on this message board foolishly support.


Also, Obama was disappointedly a continuation of the Bush foreign policy, I doubt the band realized that during the inauguration festivities.  If there's a silver lining it's that the false dichotomy between the neoconservative republicans and the neoconservative democrats was finally exposed to those with cognitive ability.









So...because Hillary espoused perpetual war, her supporters feel obliged to support war in perpetuity 2 years after her failed presidential run?<<

So...I'm seeing a bullsh*t troll with a bullsh*t premise.

^ brilliant

Bryen, did you know a kitten dies every time a lonely middle aged white guy brings Hillary's name up?



The intellectual heavyweights are out in force this's humbling.

Isn't it sweet that the incompetent, in over his head former reality tv show star is giving the nation a shutdown for Christmas. After he's done blowing up the economy, the only thing he  have left to do is to start a war. Merry Christmas!


^ ?

He's the disrupter in charge, people sent him there to stir up trouble, just ask rush and Ann coulter. No one's talking about him having to shut down his charity for being a crook.


As an intended or unintended consequence of the decision, it's been enlightening watching his political rivals fall over themselves advocating for continued bloodshed for the sake of a failed neoconservative foreign policy.  No one on this or any forum can make the argument we should be in Afghanistan...go ahead, attempt to do so.  

He's essentially drawn a line in the sand on foreign policy that everyone of consequence is forced to either stand on one side or the other...that may or may not have been deliberate, but the line is drawn. 

I dare anybody to say that ISIS-K is defeated in Afghanistan," Graham said, referring to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province, a branch of Islamic State, active in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The group "is a bigger threat this year than they were last year. It is clear to me that ISIS-K is plotting to hit America," Graham said.

Graham said cutting U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan would leave "too few to accomplish the mission of holding Afghanistan together and protecting America from another attack and it's too many to be hostages and sitting ducks" there.



Lindsey Graham is a dyed-in-the-wool military industrial complex neoconservative, every neoconservative democrat and every neoconservative republican will say the exact same thing.

Who are the hippies that you voted for?


I vote Bluelight Rain ZOTY...I owe him $10

When it comes to global-geopolitics, history has shown that lines in the sand don’t tend to yield peaceful results. Your analysis, B-ry, is either naive or just plain stupid spin.


How about the 1776 line in the sand?

You’re comparing apples and horses.

I also said “peaceful results,” and the Revolutionary war was hardly peaceful. You’re the one inferring that the line is the sand is a better pathway to peace, and that the current system is the same okd hawkish policy.


"Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or caprice?" --Geo. Washington's farewell address (Sept. 19, 1796) 

WWI ended 100 years ago. It’s a bit late to go back to pre-war isolationism.


>>"I also said “peaceful results,” and the Revolutionary war was hardly peaceful. You’re the one inferring that the line is the sand is a better pathway to peace, and that the current system is the same okd hawkish policy."


• If it weren't for the line in the sand of 1776, we wouldn't have left England, and we wouldn't be on an internet message board having been connected through our affinity for Garcia's musicianship.


• The "line in the sand" I was discussing wasn't in the context of a particular military action, but rather the support or lack thereof of continued bloodshed for failed policy.  Politics make strange bedfellows...who'd a thunk democrats would be pro-war, "deadheads" even...that SHOULDN'T make sense, I don't even think it's actually the case, but rather a handful of Clinton apologists on a message board.


"How many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?"

    -Robert Zimmerman 



Who the hell is pro war? I really don’t think that rapid withdrawal of troops, from a region that is totally destabilized and has multiple foreign powers and multiple terrorist groups at play, is a policy that’s worth a damn. You do. I guess we’ll see soon enough, won’t we.


You're brainwashed...please expand on your theory that we should be in Afghanistan.

Stop trolling for a minute, would you? I never said that we should be there, did I? 

The US is great at getting out asses into other nations. We are terrible at withdrawal policies that have the intended results.

Where’s the humanity in going into a country that had already regressed to the 17th century, bombing it back to the 12th century, killing tens of thousands with drones (under Obama), tens of thousands with massive bombings (under Trump), and then leaving the shitshow, but still bombing the fuck out of it?

And yeah, we will continue to bomb them back to oblivion, probably even more so. So much for peace...

When asked about the recent deaths, Trump expressed his condolences but also defended the ongoing mission there.

“We’re there because virtually every expert that I have and speak to say if we don’t go there, they’re going to be fighting over here,” Trump told the newspaper. “And I’ve heard it over and over again.”



Stop trolling for a minute, would you?

Dude.  Ass-Glitter Troll is here to troll.


^ again, brilliant





>>When asked about the recent deaths, Trump expressed his condolences but also defended the ongoing mission there.

“We’re there because virtually every expert that I have and speak to say if we don’t go there, they’re going to be fighting over here,” Trump told the newspaper. “And I’ve heard it over and over again.”



I think there's probably a learning curve, at some point you realize it's all a scam, that epiphany happens sooner with some and later with others, as evidenced in some of the posts in this thread...and so it goes.


B-ry, what are the intended results that you desire in Afghanistan and Syria? And please, don’t give me the shit answer of, “I want them to take care of their problems themselves,” or something similar. 



Love most truly does, I remember playing the song "If I had the world to give" as my friends walked down the aisle...LOVE IS THE BEST!!!!!

namaste beautiful people 


keep it real


play more golf









Hoffman's Potion

>> "B-ry, what are the intended results that you desire in Afghanistan and Syria? And please, don’t give me the shit answer of, “I want them to take care of their problems themselves,” or something similar."


How would that question be any different after another 17 years?

Cut and run on our Allies Bryen?


Taliban greets Pentagon's withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan with cries of victory

“The 17-year-long struggle and sacrifices of thousands of our people finally yielded fruit," said a senior Taliban commander from Afghanistan’s Helmand province. "We proved it to the entire world that we defeated the self-proclaimed world’s lone super power."

...I'm sure your precious corporate media will seek out whatever "quote" they can find to fit the narrative of their military industrial complex overlords.  Lester Holt is probably tearing his hair out at this very moment.

Bryen, corporations are people.

I can only imagine Chuck Todd tomorrow morning...ever notice the advertisers that sponsor Meet the Press?  It's basically the entire defense industry..."Boycott GE, leave the bombs to Phil".



Supporting Trump and acting like you give a shit about people is rich.

I suggest you keep it up, it appears to be working well for you.

I give a shit about ending pointless wars, which is more than I can say for you and your candidate/hero/idol



A candidate is neither my hero or idol Bryen.


But again this just gets more rich coming from a guy whose a proud follower of the "Cult of Trump".

If Trump ends the war in Afghanistan then yes, I absolutely support that decision...that you and a handful of idiots want to continue that absurdity is both disgusting and revealing.

I can't hear you man...

The "Vacuum" is too loud.

Is your Cult of Trump tired of all the winning yet?


GOP Jesus 



have a wonderful day


The Democrat whiplash over war policy

Bryen is just the most saccharine sanctimonious sockpuppet. Gotta give him props for sticking with it and only breaking character a few times. Keep up the good wook, hippie Blert. 

Blare, Blurt, and Brayin- the axis of irrelevance.


...warmongering from the anti-war party will take some getting used to, we're approaching Alice in Wonderland territory.  





More Cult of Trump winning.



You’re delusional if you think that he’s going to end the war. He’ll pull out US troops, put in paid contractors, and step up the already criminal bombing campaigns that are killing senselessly and fomenting more hate towards us.

You’re not so good at critical thinking, are you?

Stop trolling for a minute, would you?<<<<

For the time being, I've stopped giving him the benefit of the doubt ... it's just not worth the time to attempt a constructive discourse.

The Meathead would try and try to get through to Archie; and while he would typically become exasperated and shout "How can you say that Arch?!?", at least Archie had some element of "internal consistency" that was genuine - warts and all.

The whole, “real Deadheads should support Trump,” thing is rich.

Don't order the "Border Wall Banger" you'll never get it.


>> "The whole, “real Deadheads should support Trump,” thing is rich."

There was a time not that long ago in the grand scheme of things that the vast majority of the Grateful Dead Community supported a non-interventionist foreign policy...before the rise of neoconservative democrats, that's true whether or not you choose to acknowledge it.

taking LSD at Winterland

dreaming of HILLARY

Dark Star

>>>>There was a time not that long ago in the grand scheme of things that the vast majority of the Grateful Dead Community supported a non-interventionist foreign policy...

i know that’s what brought me into the scene

well that and the community views on the politics of the Balkans, naturally. 

>>>>>>>>>the vast majority of the Grateful Dead Community


Are jort wearing, mouth breathing, burnouts.

Hyperbole is grand, isn’t it?

When Heads (or anyone, for that matter) were 16 -20 yeas old, most had little understanding of global geopolitics. Therefore, it was easy to believe in strict non-interventionism. With age comes wisdom. We have NEVER been non-interventionist, and over the last 18 years we have had fucked up foreign policies. Wisdom dictates that we can’t just leave. It also dictates that we won’t be leaving. If you think that this new policy will lead to peace, or even fewer deaths, well, have at it.


^ ...then explain to the group why we should be in Afghanistan another 17 years.

We shouldn’t be there. We should have an exit strategy with benchmarks along the way.

You keep preaching peace, but your strategy is hardly a pathway to that goal. Do you really think that we’ll stop bombing, or that we won’t pay contractors?



I'm honestly encouraged that you realize we shouldn't be there.  We should leave immediately, we don't need to drop bombs or hire contractors.  There's nothing that can truly be accomplished there with or without a) military presence, b) bombs or c) one on this or any other message board can legitimately explain in any detail what we are currently accomplishing.  

>>>>we don't need to drop bombs

Trump Drops the Mother of All Bombs on Afghanistan

That’s why we need an exit strategy with benchmarks and full transparency. Trump isn’t increasing the military budget to not drop bombs.


Our exit strategy should be to immediately exit, there will not be one additional accomplishment by staying 17 more days or 17 more years.

b ryen


b    ryen



b        r    yen


braying at the moon


Feel free to describe in detail the additional accomplishments that are within reach.

We need a true patriot to put a bullet in Trump’s head already....this country can’t survive another two years of this shit.

"Mattis out" used to be a verb.

It's said some troops used to Mattis out on Iraqi civilians.


Some of you are deeply disturbed, as evidenced in several threads lately...I would caution anyone reading this in the future to realize this collective is not so much an accurate representation of the community of Garcia aficionados, but rather a group of disproportionately negative Clintonites that happen to have an internet connection enraged at the prospect of the end of their neocon vision of endless war because their corporate media overlords told them that's how they should think.





tedious gasbags suck mental energy.


This is the fucking zone. No more no less. No labels needed,Bro.


Edit, @ Bryen not Steve.


It is what it is


^ There's "fake news", and then there's truly fake news...this is laughably fake news, the "Democratic Coalition" is a political action committee.  You may want to stick to posting pictures, try to make them less offensive.

 "the Democratic Coalition has opened an investigation"

Well, B-ry, if you’re offended by Druba’s pics, at least the 1st Amendment is working. As Americans, we have a responsibility to be offended, and to not censor what is subjectively offensive.


It's a suggestion, I'm pretty sure that's also covered by the 1st Amendment.

No worries, Brayin', the popular image of "Garcia aficionados" is well established, little that is written here will change that.  

I do believe that you are reinforcing this image with your acid casualty drivel about "the scene."

But you keep doing you, it serves as a warning to the youngsters...




























































Be careful with that acid, kids.






Lumber, just because you weren't allowed out of the house doesn't mean you have to cast aspersions on those who followed their bliss.


First Amendment only covers the gov't infringing on your speech.


How about Woz's that covered?

Deaths Jeopardize Future Grateful Dead Shows

Police made 24 arrests, most of them drug related, during the three-day concert.

"You've got several hundred people on hallucinogenic drugs at the same time," Sgt. Harold Moret said. "There are all kinds of bizarre things happening. People are running around naked. There are four or five incidents happening at one time. Officers are running from one wrestling match to another wrestling match.

"In these wild fights, the officers were using whatever force was necessary with these guys that were blasted out of their minds on hallucinogenic drugs."

I saw it all first hand, Brayin'. Remember,  you thought we may have met because I've been to 70ish shows.  I've seen plenty of blissed ninnies, such as yourself.



Remember this joke, Brayin'?


How do you get a bunch of deadheads out of your backyard?






Move the nitrous tank out front.


Curious...did these 70 shows happen to be in a 100 mile radius along the northeast corridor of I-95?

Many of them, yes, they played lots of shows here. I lived in California for a little bit too.  And Alpine Valley was only a 24 hour drive from philly.


That's cool...have a Merry Christmas Lumber, Peace on Earth, good will towards men.  Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me, I sincerely wish you and your family a merry & blessed Christmas.


     backatcha :)


Hopefully you can say a prayer for the parents and children who've been put in cages due to the draconian 

Trump policy that YOU support, at this very special time of year.


I'll leave you with this...


’Twas the night before Christmas
When in the White House
The President tweeted,
Ignoring his spouse.

“No leader ever
has been so first rate. 
I’m better than Santa
And America’s great!”

He decided to nestle
All snug in his bed
While border wall visions
danced in his head.

When on the South Lawn
There arose such a clatter
He turned on Fox News to see
What was the matter.

When what to his wondering
Eyes in a daze
Came all his “best people” 
In three different sleighs.

Now Tillerson, Mattis
Now Kelly, McMaster,
Now Preibus and Sessions!
Trump said, “A disaster.”

Now Flynn, Porter, Pruitt,
Hicks, Bannon, and Price,
Omarosa and Zinke!
Trump said, “They were nice.”

Then a grand golden sleigh
It flew ’round the bend
Now Vladimir Putin . . . 
Trump said, “My best friend.”

Trump called Kellyanne,
She told him a rumor:
A fourth sleigh was coming,
Pelosi and Schumer.

Trump drew in his head
And was turning around,
When right down the chimney
Someone came with a bound.
Not Chuck and not Nancy
His nose like a cherry
A stranger appeared
A man legendary.

“My name’s Robert Mueller
I’m hardly an elf.”
A prosecutor, special
In spite of himself.

And out of his bundle
A present appeared.
The label said “Report,”
And Trump he just sneered.

“A witch hunt!” Trump yelled
As he came to the brink.
“Bah teetotaling — 
Give me a drink!”

He looked at the gift card,
Holding his beer.
The message said, “Open this
Sometime next year.”

And so we will wait
To find what is inside
We’ll know who was good and
We’ll know who has lied.

The three Christmas sleighs
At once gave a whistle,
And away they all flew, like
The down of a thistle.

“The year’s almost over,”
Trump said with a frown.
“It’s 2018 —
It’s time to shut down.”

The stock market falters
The world’s in a tizzy,
Meanwhile back home
We shop ’til we’re dizzy.

We fret and we worry,
We question the wall —
Now dash away, dash away,
Dash away all!

We hope that the future
Is joyous and bright,
Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night.

- The Boston Globe




^ from the guy who's opposed to bringing the troops home...Merry Christmas TOD


By the way, I don't support every administration policy, I don't think you'll read an immigration post of mine...nor do I support a 

coup d'état of a duly elected president.  

Sorry brother bear, you've once again conveniently missed my point about the troops.

Just to be crystal clear, my position aligns with BrianK.

Are we clear now?


Merry Christmas!

Eric Idle


You're a deeply disturbed individual, I hope the beauty of Christmas for you sometime in your lifetime.

Merry Christmas

Deeply disturbed? Nah...

Think you're a douchebag Trumpbot? 


I think you'd have to be fairly disturbed to post that's a nicer one, peace!


Yeah, Eric Idle from Monty Python isn't funny.

Whatever bot.

Are the kids who were separated from their parents at the border going to get like a toy drive or something for Christmas?

I donated all the cooked meat in my freezer to one of my homeless friends, happy to say one homeless camp is enjoying turkey today, the other roast beast...  


What the hell is this coup that you keep talking about, B-ry?  Nobody is usurping Trumpks power, let alone unconstitutionally.

Ass-Glitter Troll wallows in bullshit.

>>Are the kids who were separated from their parents at the border going to get like a toy drive or something for Christmas?

Even better, they each get a T shirt that says, “Be Best.”

Ironically, they are made in Honduras.

>>>>I donated all the cooked meat in my freezer to one of my homeless friends,

way to go Druba, well done 

That was good of you Druba, Merry Christmas


Vince Guaraldi Trio - The Charlie Brown Christmas Songs


* Vince was good friends with Garcia

That's Vince back by the horse...   think he sat in at a Jerry Show(s) circa 70 / 71
