Melania Flees Washington (exclusive pics)


The First Lady takes one last look around. DC was never right for her -- the town and the weather just didn't match her wardrobe. 


She’s sure going to miss all the trappings of office, especially the lush rugs in the White House -- Donald is way too cheap to have such good carpet installed in Mar-a-Lago. But he sure did love curling up on the floor in the Oval office and bawling his eyes out during all those temper tantrums.


She makes a quick departure to avoid the press (and multiple folks trying to serve her with subpoenas).


First thing she counts the loot to make sure her husband kept his end of the deal. “You just keep quiet and look pretty for 4 years and you get a briefcase full of diamond jewelry.”


Now she can relax and reflect on her odyssey from Eastern European Sugar Baby to Escort for Rich Westerners to Russian Spy to First Lady of the United States. Unbelievable how the KGB can recruit and train and place their operatives, she thought.


When Donald builds Trump Tower Moscow she will finally be able to return home to Putty. A guy with some real money and balls. He kills people in broad daylight on city streets and gets away with it all the time!


Well, time to fly away from this cold place. Good thing I was trained as pilot,she thought, as all of the Air Force pilots called in sick with Covid today.


We're gonna miss her -- (not too much).


These pics will line the walls of the Donald J Trump Presidential Library.

Bryen is right...schoolboys will be closely studying (this part of) the Trump Presidency for years in the future.

I wonder if she was staring deeply into Bryens eyes from Fox(y) news


Those are all her? Boy, she does just about nothing for me. (please don't take that as a challenge to find someone who does do something for me, thank you.)

maybe so judit

but that was your first ahem lady, ugly or not...


thanks for the reminder al


Only certain people are attracted to mail-order whores from Eastern Europe. You know, the types that put up walls and want to make America great.

LOL Judit

That second image with the pseudo POTUS seal really speaks of possible intention depending on when the photo was taken. 

Her story is an inspiration for little girls across Eastern Europe.

I hear that White supremacy is a big thing in Eastern Europe.

Even if she were on the rail ROCKING  out

she wouldn't do it for me  I would accept a cold beer if offered, and I would say thank you  

 No, NOT the stripper pole/ rail


God help us all


melania's fleas




Did you see what I found under our Son's mattress while cleaning today?


Pictures of our first lady!

and tissues

Those photos were from her British GQ photo shoot.  Trump's plane.

When she applied for the rare EB1 visa, 3,000 given annually for exceptional achievement, she listed the shoot on her application.

She also used that visa to get residency for her parents.  Anchor daughter!

Build that wall!

Joke's on her.  The pre-nup check's gonna bounce.

I hope rump appreciates this thread.  Now he can see her naked again.


Interesting orange tint on that one, BK. Foreshadowing? Or Cheetos dust?