Melanias farewell....


This wonderful woman has touched more Americans than any First Lady before her, and she has inspired our daughters to swallow and endure; that no matter how big or hard the challenge, you can come on top

Such a bummer, having a Doctorate in Education replace a low budget porn star....    (not that resumes matter)

Having a compassionate, kind, sincere  and decent First Lady, who happens to be well educated and intelligent, will be refreshing after Malaria.

Being Best launches Feb. 1 on RT.

#BeBest .... John Stuart was funny his interview with Kelly Ann

This all  seems so OG pre- checkout National Enquireerish. 

The actor Laura Benanti had a better "Melania Farewell" on Colbert.

Adios Euro-trash whore.

Bye Felicia! 

Divorce papers no doubt drawn up and ready to be served 12:01 pm tomorrow.

She didn't renegotiate that prenup for nothing.

Problem is Trump doesn't honor contracts. 

Should be a fun flight down to Mar-a-lago tomorrow.