Meltdown Level Check-in


Where's everybody clocking in today?

Im riding a smooth 1.7

Hi Timmy...:)

I'm at zero, doing chores and some crafting for an upcoming show...

My latest thing ((( Wine Corks )))


i'm either 0 or 1, which ever is the lowest recordable level.  this can change at anytime.


is 5 the highest?  i've always assumed it was.

yes, 5 is the highest, unless you're from Vermont (then it's 6).

 Cute Lynn.  I'm making vegan potato and cauliflower soup.

Liquid Monkey, you're probably a 1.  0 is like unconscious.

Thanks and lol...i'm at zero ( see I can take a joke ;) )

...soup sounds yummy !

2.4 - I Had A Nice Lunch


home w tummy.

chillin'. its a nice day.


Gorgeous outside...

TH- That soup sounds right in my family's wheelhouse.


Saute an onion and a bunch of garlic in olive oil in a soup pan.

Add some cubed boiled potatoes and a baked cauliflower head and cook for a couple minutes.  Add 3-5 cups of vegetable stock and 2 bay leaves, salt and pepper to taste.  Cook an hour or two.  Cool and blend for a smoother consistency or eat it straight for some texture.

I've been up for 3 days smoking crack, so my scale goes to 25. I'm only at 18, but it should shoot through the roof when I go dry.

Thanks man, gonna give it a try tomorrow night.



Crack or the soup? I'd hit the crack if I was you, then you can blow off food altogether.

I'm riding a 2.67


Just a little tense at work, but manageable.


Enjoy youir day, people.

I actually believe BrainK w/  the Crack story.

Calm down Pal.

Personally I'm at .003 and torn between mowing,  Dawg - Trot or Both.

I already worked hard all Day,  and accomplished Things.

I'm a calm 18.

I.d drop to 1.7 If i had some Green herb  - Completely dry here sad 

Oakster is at 3 and if you ask him a question about one of his threads he goes to 5. 

How can you be dry? Aren't there shops on every corner?

>> Crack or the soup?

I don't mix business with pleasure.

closest disp is about 45 mins aWay Too Busy and Lazy to make a Run - i'll be alright

That, PLF, is why god invented resin!

i'm making breakfast potatoes for dinner.

Fighting off a vicious stomach bug since last night. I actually got so dehydrated my legs and toes cramped up last night.

Easily pushing a 2.7, maybe even a solid 3.



>>>yes, 5 is the highest, unless you're from Vermont (then it's 6)




no "curve" on this test, you don't get "extra" points

me, i'm 1.27  right now :)


& yeah lol at post above


I'm about a 1... feelin pretty good.. doc appointment followed by a few beers with my mom at the brewery across the street from her place, 3 hour break from my kids - happy mama, makes for happy kids!

went to a funeral...i guess we really ride the full scale at a comfortably numb 1....cant really feel much now after a pretty emotional day....another one saturday....


not the way to start and end weeks....


and, now...back to your soup and crack channel

The pace of Russia investigation is slowly melting the staunchest blue doggers. 

Only a one today. The hangover guy showed up at noon and told me how broke he was , as usual. Easy Monday(my Monday is Tuesday).

I’m drunk like usual so it can be anywhere from a 2-3.50 so WATCH OUT

Happy Wednesday Zoners.


What's the groups temperature like today?  I'm at a 1.5 for now.


At idle I'm a solid 3 1/2

where it should be for hump day.....2.5

Level Orange.

Hang in there Nedb.  We'll send St Mark over to do a wellness check.

In the meantime I'd advise some smooth tunes (maybe Sade) and avoiding FaceOnMars threads.

Thanks Timmy.

I have a nice ambient soundtrack going now. (whales)

Whales in Colorado? That could take a person to new places...


OK...down to Level Chartreuse. 

from Orange to Chartreuse???



ill have what he s havin....

Whales are powerful.

about an hour ago my levels spiked hard, but they are steadily settling back down to 'normal'.


so right now about 2.75 and dropping by increments of aprox .25 every half hour of so.

Thanks for checking in gang.  It's important for our community that we have this kind of space and support system.

wtf is that wine cork thing?

It's art, Turtle.


It's a centerpiece to alcoholism.


It's art, Turtle.

Art! >>>

lol...I wouldn't call it art, but it passes the time when you are retired and have the luxury of doing whatever the hell you want to....all day :)

It's a centerpiece to alcoholism.>>>

that is actually funny  !



plus, it's a recycle project ( Wino from old zone would of liked it i bet, he was so nice and posted the best pics).

That is very funny.

How’s this week going for everybody?

I took the family to Yosemite’s high country and back to the Hetch Hetchy resivoir last weekend.  The mountains really bring my meltdown level to almost zero.  This week has been pretty smooth.  I’ve done a little volunteer work and have a function tomorrow.  All in all I’m pretty much running on auto pilot at a cool 0.8.


How are the rest of you wonderful people?

I'm dealing with a lot of shit at work, so I'd say I'm a "healthy" 4.47


Just typing this brings me back down to 4.25.



Happy to be here to help Johnny.


On behalf of the Viva Crisis Meltdown Help Line (VCMHL) we appreciate you checking in.

Big whales seek big bobbers, maybe.

Anti Meltdown supporter here, unless I'm really hungry. 

I'd say I'm at about .5.

troubador, when my blood sugar gets low I get a little iffy.

Yep. I am finding my starvation feelings have me solely focused on eating protein, for the most part. Maybe it's a part of getting older. I don't know, but the sweet stuff tends to not get my attention these days.

Interesting, isn't it. I am almost all protein (with some veggies) until late at night when I want almost anything. I should just go to bed earlier, but it doesn't happen.

ohh, I'm in full blown meltdown mode !!  Just got a call earlier that mom fell again in rehab for 2nd time in one week !!  WTF !!  She has signs and bracelets, bells and whistles all the hell over the place...:( 

I gave them an earful and insisted she go to the hospital ( they were not going to send her ) ! 


When my Irish AND Italian come is a very scary and loud happening !!!

I hope there aren't any injuries from your mom's fall, lyn. Good wishes.

Thanks Judit :)  Her eye was all bruised from Sat, and now maybe her hip...some bruising. She is dehydrated I believe , they have a one on one sitting with her tonight, so I can rest now. It has been really rough, but you totally understand.  Thanks again for thoughts ~

not melty at all, like a cool .002

however, not sure which Oct WTF are you listening thread to post in

im at a 4.5 w a a sox fan, so this time of year, i live at 4.1

I'm my usual lovable self.

Holding steady @ 2.1

I am replacing a garage door motor right now & should be more pissed. But whatever.


Ned is having the standard Ticket Master melt & bought a thread for it.

Other side of the pillow cool here

So long as i don't read the news

however, not sure which Oct WTF are you listening thread to post in <<


ha ha either one is fine...not sure why i got Melty over that - i'm dumb

My normal, since the divorce, 4.5 simmer. 

Eat it. 

Is that on the metric scale Floeps?

Well, I generally always try to stay cool man, but I've been more on edge than usual the past couple of weeks.

Still, I still try to keep my meltdowns to myself, but I think I just had a small melty in the God damn Ticketbastard thread.

Could someone give me a score on that please?

Haven't read the thread, Lance.

Let's just call it 3.5

I'd give you a 4 for that Lance, but it's just a guess. I'm no melty expert.

I'd give Nuclear ned's reaction a solid 6 on the 1-5 scale. It must mean a lot to him.


Fuck metric. Fuck Nederlands. Fuck this fucking system.


Judit, NNed called Lance a 'dickweed' in the other thread.  Wonder where this term comes from?  Is it a dick in the weeds? A guy that needs severe manscaping?  Who would put dick and weed together in a sentence?

Curious like you.

00.1 - Fresh Harvest OG Kush = Incredible....

The first beer I had in 7 years taste like piss & it's warm.

Hardly worth the long wait.

Back up to 5.2.

Bad calls on good pitches against the NY Yankees in the 13th inning. 5 hours so far.


6.0 we lost.

Moses (a solid Yankees fan) was here listening to the Yankees game - he was not enjoying it. He managed to maintain.

My mom hit 5.5 because I was late to the airport but after a burger and a beer it's all good. 

Once my friend was having a keg party & his father (widower..looked like Walter Mathau) was out of town. the phone rang and someone said your father is at the airport & go & pick him up.

So Dan split to JFK airport to get him. An hour later his old man calls me "where is my bastard son Dan? I said he went to JFK to pick you up. "That bastard, I'm at LaGuardia Airport!!!"




On the other hand, I realized that "sugar" only rhymes with "booger," giving us the neat couplings "sugar booger" - a particularly sweet booger - and "booger sugar"  - sugar made from sugar boogers. 

Anyone up for either "bugar" or "shooger“? 



working w ppl under say, 25 years any of them have any "commen sense" ?


up to a solid 4 at midnight....ahhh, its a new

day...make that a  3.9 and falling





I let it ALL go for a bit tonight, no melts ( at least not that kind..;) ) as The Chris Robinson Brotherhood  jammmed out the Ardmore !!

What a blast, sold out both nites !!

New week.  How’s everybody doing?


I’m at a calm 1.2. Spent yesterday in the mountains.  That always gives me a good refresh.  I expect to hit a 3.5 by the end of the night since I’ll be watching twin 3 year olds and a 7 year old for some friends for the next few days.

You're a good, experienced babysitter. You'll manage. Keep your apron strings secure.

Thanks Gravy.  Good luck on your recent/current counter-trolling operations.

I was at a 1.9, I made my month's nut.

But I will be full throttle tomorrow when I am at my local police department, pressing charges against some out of state fool trying to extort $ from elderly father.

I will do the paper work today.

I was simmering at about 2.8 most of the day traveling dealing with airports and rain but Costa Rica does wonders for one's meltdown levels.


Cruising at about a  .73 right now, only concern is dinner reservations.

today had an unusual self-pity meltdown level at a whiny 4.2


gonna see David Saturday, now a 1.0 max (for now)


peace out

2.5 now...later.....always




Here’s a couple pics from the top of Sentinel Dome to help calm those who need it.

Nice shots, Tim.

You are so lucky to live close enough that that is your weekend spot!


When we lived in CA we spent a few thanksgivings ice skating under half dome.

something about that cave in first pic...idk what it is,  i just know i wanna get inside....


1.0.....thanks, TH

If anybody is experiencing any meltdown symptoms this is a safe place for you.

No melt here, TH, but I sure love it when you post pics from your scenic excursions.

Admin got a little melty in that other thread.

Maybe they're Astros fans.

Big announcement about the meltdown scale coming up Friday.  Stay tuned, and melt responsibly.

Currently at a cool 1.8.

Last week I had a "3 Mile Island" level poor wife.

My brother and I have an appointment with a lawyer this afternoon to finalize the splitting up & passing around of our mother's estate.

I'm not worried that my brother will try to screw me, I'm just a bit on edge about the whole thing in general and I was a bit short with my students earlier today.

I think I'm simmering around 2.9 right now.

We're here for your Thursday meltdown needs, Zoners.

Been riding up from around 2.5 this morning, simmering somewhere around 2.8 right now.

It's gonna be a long evening.

Finally hitting that cool 2.7 stride: got some new age guitar shit on the radio, and drinking too much coffee. Aw yeah.

change your station?


enjoyin day off...levels are barely readable.....


.08 ....maybe



That's the phrase I'm looking for new age.  You could be listening to the new Steve Kimock  track "Variations". It was just released today. Tamped me down to a 1.9


New 9 minute music video from Steve Kimock - Variations


Bluelight's music suggestions > Attixx's


^That calms me to a 1.8 and I'm rarely below a 2.0

I'm still waiting on that list of your favorite Desert Daze performers, G'Stain. 

I'll continue to hold, though. No pressure. While you're thinking of one or two, maybe you can go back over to .net so they can lampoon you some more.

2.6, grabbing another mug while I wait.

There wasn't a bad act at that festival. It was the coolest, most psychedelic and interesting festival I've been to in some time. The size was right and the setting in Joshua Tree at a Frank Lloyd Wright designed Buddhist retreat center couldn't be better.

You should check out Ty Segall, if you haven't yet. Also, Boris, from Japan was cool. Iggy was the highlight for many, but I'm more into the young and hungry artists. Spiritualized fit the vibe perfectly, and Kurt/Courtney rocked most of their new album, which was fun.

It was apparent that, as was said by somebody after The National's GD tribute project, that the worlds of hardcore and indie music have found peaceful coexistence with Deadheads and psychedelic music. It's nice to see respect given where it's due--try it some time ateix.


Nobody's lampooning me over there, kid.

Yup, totally agree. Feel free to go on, though? I mean let me know a few of those "young and hungry artists" that you're into.

If Variation can't chill you you can't be chilled. 

Ty Segall fucking rocks.

Ty puts on a great live show, haven't seen him in years though.

Chemically-induced 2.2 (and enjoying it).

Current touring band is Ty's best yet. 

im really melting over the lack of a big friday announcement from TH....


im up to almost 1.3....


did i miss something? wouldnt be first time...

Blink and you'll miss it.

1.5, so refreshing to move deftly in and out and between the layers of the beautiful neighborhood I live in at this time of year.

The kids around here are getting really creative, though its a little weird to see some of the adults getting into it vis a vis Pokémon Go scavenger hunts with Halloween themes. Not bad, just different.

I've got that pma. 

1.27 (easy)

I sure would love to be listening to my very own purchased copy of the Dave's Pick's 24 this lazy Sunday.

It sold out before I received an email on it (again)


Riding a 2.0 this morning.  Should probably be closer to 3 but I’m trying to pet the sweaty things and not sweat the petty things.


How’s everybody else doing?


Listening to the new Parliament single. Good shit, other than the kinda unfortunate rap verse.

2.1 +/-  Got some Zappa a streamin'.

Hoping we get some rain today.

Living in a house while trying to keep it ready to be shown by realtors within 24 hour notice.  That adds a little edginess, but I still feel good at about a .420

Moving sucks.  I hope it goes as smooth as possible for you guys.

Thanks.  Just waitin' for the first domino to fall to set the rest of it in motion.  Sittin here in limbo...

Good luck, Schwadude.


Been busy as hell and where I had those spinal fusions Fuggin ache had made me irate lately.

Trying Mobic,, yeah seems to help with a microhit .

i was posting while admin was locking the hey admin thread....

was just saying rrg was at an easy 4.5 and climbing w/ the multiple lols in a single post. 

Schwa, selling a house is one of the most stressful things I've ever had to deal with.

But taking a little less for a quick sale may save you money in the long run (assuming you're going to buy, not rent here)...

"Bay Area homes have gained value year-over-year for a record 70 straight months... The Bay Area median price for a resold home rose to $712,000 in January, an 11.8 percent gain from a year ago..."

Best of luck on a quick easy transaction!

and I'm riding a steady 1.9 in anticipation of seeing the Sless/Molo/Sears/Headband/Skeen band tonight at Moldy 'ole Flynn's in Felton.

You really think that RRG is riding higher than Ateix? Christ, he’s nearing China Syndrome.

Lowish. Will rise.

Sell > Rent > Market Adjustment > BUY BUY BUY

Yeah, BrianK, he has been on very very slow simmer for quite the while.








 Briank on Thursday, March 15, 2018 – 03:10 pm

You really think that RRG is riding higher than Ateix? Christ, he’s nearing China Syndrome.



True Story.

Melt full-tile or not at all, Rr6

This sad 4.1 – 4.7 thing you got going on literally all. the. time. is so... drole.

Melting down is for weak minds and those with zero emotional intelligence. The end effect of melts are bannings and then the ensuing sock puppet charades. It's a hamster wheel I've never got on but have watched for years.


Stay strong my friends. Ha ha :)

PLF has an insurmountable lead in the meltiest zoner of the year award.


back feels better.

solved shitty work problems.


going to the p.port.

my 4 beer a day avg is now about 1.375....


bought tix for:


Del McCoury

Dale Watson




 Plf9905 on Thursday, March 22, 2018 – 04:51 pm

SEX Is Completely OverRated and Dangerous ! Fact !!

this post is just about the best thing ever

feel better, plf

<<SEX Is Completely OverRated and Dangerous ! Fact !!

that post made me cry. i feel ya plf. 

Nice that all the tickets you got are for people (groups) whose name starts with the letter "D", Turtle. Sounds like things are going pretty well for you today.