The melting of the ice caps


I just can't believe I happen to be living as we melt the polar ice caps. As it continues to warm where are all the people from Iran and India going to go? Not to mention plenty of other places that are simply going to be too hot for us. 

The Earth, ever changing...

I first learned about anthropogenic global warming in 1970 at age 19.. Did some research - decided there was something to it, scientifically speaking.

I said to myself, "They'll probably have this figured out in 20 or 30 years or so.".

I assumed that climate change would be solved before weed was legalized


Well, at least weed is legal where I live, but we're burning up here, not just burning one.

making greenhouse gasses trying to keep cool

while keeping cool makes more greenhouse gasses 

not a winning formula 

Wait til all that permafrost melts.  I don't believe many predicting models take the melting permafrost into account and all the CO2 locked up in the permafrost.  All these positive feedback loops like the running of more AC units to stay cool that was just mentioned, etc, etc, etc.  I just don't see how we turn this around.

^For sure - all of those little things exponentially factor in and help account for the actual conditions blowing past the modeling and their predictive timelines. Mess. Miami just issued it's first-ever heat warning too as ocean water temps down there are mirroring those of the ambient air.

The best show I have seen on this topic is on NOVA.  I would highly recommend the 2 hour watch. Just go to PBS.ORG and click on the official site for the NOVA series. Once on the homepage click on Topics, then click on Planet Earth from the drop down menu.  Really a fantastic and in depth show on this topic.  Show is hosted by an Paleoanthropologist named Kirk Johnson.  

OH, I forgot to mention the name of the NOVA show.  It is called 'POLAR EXTREMES.' 

As a resident meteorologist / climatologist, we've got 2 other things going on right now immediately effecting our climate;

After a record low solar minimum(s), the sun is now waking back up.  We've now got the most sunspots since 2002.  This warms up the entire column of the atmosphere, which will expand, perhaps take out a few low orbiting satellites (and space junk), let alone warm us up a tad at the surface; 


The other phenomenon I'm less certain about (it's exact effect), was the unprecedented massive Tonga volcano eruption in Jan of 2022, which resulted in up to 150 teragrams, or 150,000,000,000 kilograms of water vapor, shot into Earth’s stratosphere by the eruption.

The rest of it (lost glaciers, warming / disappearing permafrost, and high oceanic temperatures), are also spiraling out of control.  

Another fascinating Nova that goes into detail about the above mentioned Tonga volcano eruption is called 'Hidden Volcano Abyss.'  That can be found again by clicking on 'Topics' and then clicking on 'Planet Earth' from the drop down menu. Another great episode. Nova is such a great show.   

Saw a black spot on the sun today..............

Water's already in downtown Miami at high tide, who said don't trust scientists, trust us?  Same group that was so sure about Atomic Bombs in Iraq?

With all the glacial melt off, how long until Greenland gets developed into the new Riviera?

While some entities seem to enjoy digging in to ignore and deny, wine companies and others have been buying land further north in efforts to keep their (profits and) varietal grapes going strong to wherever the relative favorable climate takes them. Follow the money.

Remember when Dumb Donald said he prefers warm weather?

Not only oil profits driving them, they think Jesus is coming back next week and none of the science matters.

The worrisome thing about Greenland, all the fresh water it's dumping into the ocean is much less dense than oceanic salt water.  The models suggest that if enough fresh water is released, it could cause the gulf stream to dive below the fresh water, cutting off that warm current that goes to Northern Ireland, they'd get their own mini iceage as a result...   almost like the planet has it's own corrective abilities...  curious to see if anything happens with that, and of course, what will hurricanes be like w/ the warmest waters we've got right now in parts of the tropics...    The negative fantasy part of my brain want to see Mar a loco become blasted off the face of the derka derk.    

^I think the movie "the day after tomorrow" is based on that weather model, but it's the Hollywood version, so half the earth freezes solid and many people perish in a dramatic fashion.

When does waterworld start?

me thinks in general it's been tough being a mammal on earth, geologic time speaking

The last ice age ended and gave us a wonderful pallette to thrive, for a bit

but the fossil record shows, change is inevitable

it was a good run

hell we got Elvis, Bob Weir, Bob Marley, Zappa, County Fairs, Surfing, interstate and plane/train travel, internet

homegrown tomatoes!!


Darkstars, Freebirds and Stairways to Heaven

enjoy every sammich

My friend lives in rural CA in the foothills and was talking about how when you live there you have to know and rely on your neighbors even if they don't share your views. They became friends with their neighbor up the hill who lent them a shotgun to take care of the rattle snakes in an old shed on their property when they first moved in, but the one thing she refuses to talk to him about the fact that he has figured out that all the calculations about sea level rise are wrong and according to his research and calculations the oceans will only rise by one inch. 

So nothing to worry about folks. 

On a related note, it was 111 at my house on Saturday.


it's interesting how many ice ages we've had, and how all that ice locked up on the continents caused the oceans to be tens of feet lower than today (not sure what the largest change was, be cool to look up, locally 60' was common, 90' the deepest i've seen).  It's estimated that if all the ice melted (not likely), the oceans would rise 200'...    

I was just recently reading that you could walk from SF out to the Farallon Islands during the last Ice Age. There is also apparently a huge water fall at the mouth of the Golden Gate.

I always wanted to walk to the Farallons.

There is also a huge underwater gorge beneath the GG bridge. Check out the Bay Model in Sausalito.



why's elon not helping?

all these penis rockets don't help either.

If you're walking out to the Farallones, watch out for the radioactive waste!


For thirty years, a 365 square mile area around the Farallon Islands served as the nation's primary nuclear waste dumping ground. From 1945 until 1970, when nuclear dumping at sea was prohibited, an estimated 47,500 barrels of radioactive debris from nuclear labs such as Lawrence Livermore as well as the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, were dumped in the area. Ships irradiated in the Bikini Atoll nuclear bomb tests of the 1940's and '50's were sunk off the islands (including the aircraft carrier Independence), along with numerous undocumented materials. The extent of contamination in the area has not yet been fully investigated.

This is a pretty pathetic historical overview:


The Farallons - cool area. I saw them close up in the late 80s/early 90s while working on an oceanographic research cruise. Ther was a 20 ft. swell running at the time. One of the islands is basically just a giant rock, with a 45 deg. slope up the seaward side. These 20 foot swells were surging up the sloping side of the island AT LEAST one hundred feet!

This was the same expedition where we encountered a series of giant waterspouts. We were sampling and had gear over the side, so we were unable to maneuver. The waterspouts were about 25 feet across and seemed to be at least a thousand feet high. They couls have damaged the ship severely but luckily left us alone - they did get to within a few hundred yards of us.

>>>If you're walking out to the Farallones, watch out for the radioactive waste!

I didn't know that. Someone should tell all those people who think the entire West Coast is irradiated because of the Fukushima release.

That sounds awesome, Surf! I love the wild, untamed nature of the ocean.

This can't be good either.

Disturbing sight washes up on West Coast beaches: ‘The flood gates opened and it just gets worse every day’

Beyond Horrible with far-reaching consequences.

"We have also lost almost all the corals in the Looe Key Nursery in the Lower Keys."

'Extreme heat wipes out coral reef in Florida: "100% coral mortality"

Every once in a while I pull my head out of the sand (I'm an excellent ostrich) and feel so sad and shitty about our planet's deterioration. On a very close personal note, I've got grandkids for whom I wish a safe, good and healthy life. On a larger note, it's all of us who are losing the essence of the planet and life. Shit.

co2 climate change 1912.jpg

The math behind climate change, er global warming, er, greenhouse gases, ahem;   Carbon Dioxide behaves as a blackbody emitter, is from the 1880's.  Republicans have been fighting it for a very long time!  

They just recorded 100 degree water temps 5 feet down in Florida. Just crazy

"Atlantic Ocean current could collapse soon. How you may endure dramatic weather changes."

What SF would look like with 10 foot sea rise. Not as bad as I thought it would be but Giants, Warriors, 49ers, Shoreline Amphitheater, and SFO would have to find a new home.


Looks like Muir Beach would become Muir Bay.

Just downloaded the audiobook Earth Abides. Thanks Turts.

doing the not reading all this reply

watched a movie from the 70s last week on all about the ozone layer thinning to the point of zombie animals

remember when ozone layer depletion was a constant topic? and we did the thing to ban the chemicals destroying it?

now this is happening

and all the scientists are "so shocked that it is happening ahead of the timeline"

we have done fuckall to save anything. destruction is so much more rapid and if we have kids or god forbid grandkids, this is what we have done, and they have little chance for any future on this planet.

i don't even think mainstream media says climate change. because it has officially changed.

i will say:

fingers crossed for palm beach being washed away in the first superhurricane to hit eastern fl this season


There's been a marine heat wave off the Pacific NW coast this last week,  2 - 3 degrees C worth.  (about a 5 degree anomaly). 

366081958_6430625163711738_6081731900470218371_n copy.jpeg

>why's elon not helping?


he is trying to get the fuck off of the planet


highest temperature in the gulf was taken recently in Fla. Went wading out fishing and the water was hotter than my body temp. 

The oceans have been absorbing all that heat and buffering the effects for the past 100 years. We are seeing the end of that cycle. Buckle Up Kids. 

Is Melting Ice Caps going to be a new Ben & Jerry's flavor?

One thing that stands out, the change in monsoonal patterns.  In India, the monsoons have been starting on literally the same weekend for 6,000 years, that ended a decade or 3 ago.  This year we never got a true monsoonal pattern out west.  Lots of small vorticity centers instead.

Its all due to a shift in the "Rossby waves",  which is the gateway concept from meteorology to climatology.  Looking at the large planetary scale features (vs the vorticity centers that go whipping around them).  In VA Beach, for decades as a kid, the weather always came from the SW, and you could watch the storms light up the blacked out military vessels, was cool to see as a kid.  Now the weather is mostly from the NW when i've been out there.  Similar in the PNW.   Now Hawaii is burning, while a hurricane scoots by to the south...    strange weather is the norm.

I used to think one could move somewhere to be safer but Maui on fire really puts the final nail in the coffin of that idea. Thinking of going to the Cook Islands this winter while they are still there.