a mere eight years


many zoners have long term love with their mate from a young age. others did not get enough time, even after a quarter century (((Judit)))

when i met Alex and proclaimed here that i had finally met my perfect match, a bunch of folks here had a "get back to me after you made it some measure of time" attitude lol

next tuesday will be 8 years since we met. at a Phil show, natch, in Philly

my son was with me, along with disco stu, and the day even included a cameo from young Rosnata <3 <3 <3

we planned to meet at the show, without having any idea as to where or when

he says it was 2nd set. i thought it was earlier but i surely do recall him basically walking right up to me and asking if i was Jill

as my heart skipped several beats, i asked if he was Alex. lol. he proceeded to hang out pretty much next to us, yet, with utter respect, until the end when i nearly knocked his skinny ass over by aggressively hugging him, only to be met by the gentlest kisses ever known to me ~

fast forward, and many details, adventures, life and death ups and downs, our love is stronger than ever. every day my heart still skips a beat when i see him come home from work, or whatever we have been doing to be parted all day.

for awhile we were both doing instacart, shopping for folks via app, and if he turned up at the same store as me it was beyond thrillingheart

we did not get together until i was 46, which is my only regret, as it were. it is one reason i wanna live to a heathy 100 (;

i am still fucked up in ways(!) but he has most definitely made me a better person in so many other ways just by being his moonchild self

so, you tell me if it has been long enough to pass the mockery test?devilwinkangel

yay for love!!!



That's beautiful, Jill... it's a blessing to be in love like that. Run with that ball, girl! 

There ain't a damned thing to mock in that story, Jill. Love on, lucky girl! 

What Earl and Slickrock said.

from a friend's kayak, seemed appropriate, and Congratulations!




Nice story.

>>>until i was 46, which is my only regret<<<

Whatya' mean? Regret??

46 is GREAT! 46 is PERFECT!! 46 IS YOUNG!!!

46 is YOUR number, and a great number it is.

Think about it... you might not have met until you were 56, or 86, or never!

46 rocks.

No regrets.

Sweet story, Jill. Happy anniversary.

So happy for you!   You were generous enough to offer me a tarot reading years ago- prescient and kind!

Keep on keepin' on.... you deserve love!

Hi Jilly, Congrats!!!!!


...and leave it on.

Good stuff in here zone