Message from my doctor about Covid.


I really like my doc. Read the whole thing. He's a mensch.



As of August 10 because of the new mutations in COVID-19,  infectious cases in Lane County are 10 times higher than they were just four weeks ago. There are more infectious cases in Lane County than there ever has been. The hospital is more full of Covid patients than it ever has been. This is not fear mongering. This is just reality that everyone's going to get exposed to COVID-19 now.  If you are more than two weeks out from your vaccine then rest assured you are protected from getting hospitalized or dying. Of course you can still get the infection but it will seem like a mild To moderate cold.  

I will run a pfizer vaccine clinic in mid August with limited supply. If you have not been vaccinated do not delay at this point - every day and every week that goes by puts you at higher risk.

My message to all my patients is that COVID-19 now will be unavoidable. Everyone will be exposed perhaps in the short term rather than the long term. Think of it like the chickenpox. Everybody got chickenpox because it was highly contagious. COVID-19 is appearing to be almost as contagious now.

The vaccine has been out for eight months with more than 1 billion vaccines given.  There are Close to 200 million people in the United States who have gotten the vaccine. If it had any major risks that you should be concerned about, you would already know about it.  There is no question the benefits of the vaccine far outweigh the risks. There's no longer any good reason to delay getting vaccinated based on the risk versus benefit analysis.  No one should believe they can avoid getting exposed to COVID-19, if you choose not to get vaccinated at this point then you are quite simply choosing to get immunity by natural infection.  If you do not get vaccinated and you are the lucky 95% who survive COVID-19 infection (you would be lucky as there is no other dependable protection aside from the vaccine)  you could suffer from long-term fatigue, kidney damage, lung damage, brain damage, vascular damage including erectile dysfunction, loss of IQ due to brain damage.  The treatment for Long Covid syndrome is actually the vaccine.

If I have convinced you that it's time to get the vaccine, please call the office and schedule as the supply will not last for very long.

Thanks for  posting this , Judit. I am starting to wonder about a booster. I hear talk of a Pfizer. 


I got my first Moderna back in January. 

What a cool Dr! 
Hope he adapts it for social media. 



Meanwhile, the COVID rally in Sturgis continues.

Are there any never vaxxers in the zone ? 


Last weekend, we went to sparsely attended Cris Jacobs-does-Jerry outdoor show at he BChord Brewery in Leesburg VA.

Maybe a couple hundred people spread out over a hillside. Felt safe at the time, but I'm not going back for a while.

Thanks for posting this, Judit.  Is it Dr. Pilar Bradshaw?  We have a friend in Eugene who said Dr. Bradshaw has been posting similar letters on Facebook.  She is the family doctor of most of her students.  And some of those students come from anti-vax families. It's a very challenging time to be a teacher!

Hi Davesnothere. No, it's not Pilar Bradshaw but she is another sane doc. She's a pediatrician, and from what I've heard and seen, a very good one and also has a good sane approach to Covid and human rights.

My doctor is Board certified in Family Practice but also Hospice and Palliative Care. I first met him as a hospice doctor for Greg and I really respected his clear and kind communication with Greg (and me) even though Greg was unable to communicate back. He came to be my PCP through recommendations of two of my closest friends when I needed a new doc. 

I love how he brought erectile dysfunction and lowering IQ into his argument as possible long-term consequences of Covid. If those don't get some people, what would?

But if we are all doomed to get covid as he suggests, should we just embrace it and bail on masks and staying home if we're vaccinated?   Only half-serious about the question.  

But if we are all doomed to get covid as he suggests, should we just embrace it and bail on masks and staying home if we're vaccinated? 

thats about where im at with it tbh. the tools exist for people to take responsibility for their own health - vaccines are free and widely available, and n95 masks are once again widely available and relatively cheap. i think there is a good case for masking/distancing until the vaccines are fully approved and under 12's can get it and have had a reasonable amount of time to get both shots, but afaik n95 masks are still considered to be very very effective at preventing not only the wearer from spreading covid, but preventing the wearer from contracting covid.

if everyone can get vaxxed, and those who cannot/are still concerned with breakthru transmission can use n95 masks to protect themselves, it does not make sense to me to mandate the entire population wear masks. those who want extra protection beyond the vaccine can take responsibility for themselves and use n95 masks in public, and those who choose to accept the small risk of breakthru infection can go without, and accept the consequences of their actions.

i find it really confusing that public health messaging does not focus more on n95 masks, it seems like a great solution for people to take responsibility for themselves rather than relying on the rest of society changing their lives around.

My understanding is that wearing a mask is very effective for preventing transmission of Covid, but not nearly as effective for preventing contracting it. I don't remember the numbers but they were significantly different.

that was also my understanding for surgical masks, cloth masks etc but not n95 masks - afaik n95 or kn94 or whatever protects the wearer to a pretty high degree. its tough to stay up to date on all the latest info, but i have not heard anything so far that would cast doubt on the effectiveness of n95 masks in protecting the wearer. totally open to changing my views if they turn out not to be as effective as originally thought, but afaik it offers very good protection, not 100% but very few things in life are 100%.

Yeah no 

Masks work to keep you protected and to protect others. Have you ever seen a Doctor or nurse wear a mask? Jeez

Thanks, daylight, I had never seen afaik before. Google is my friend.

If there was a policy: "you chose not to get vaccinated, you chose not to get treated", then I suspect vaccination rates would soar.

Thanks for posting this Judit, I hope it changes some minds, but I'm not holding my breath.


>>>But if we are all doomed to get covid as he suggests, should we just embrace it and bail on masks and staying home if we're vaccinated? 

A fully vaxxed friend of ours caught it a week or so ago.  He thinks he got it a house party he attended (in the Felton area) because at least two others in attendance also tested positive.  He and one of the other people just got mild symptoms, but one guy, who has gotten both Pfizer shots and has no underlying health issues (other than perhaps a touch of alcohol/weed use disorder), is still very ill and has been in ICU now for over a week. 

At this point I feel more comfortable avoiding such scenes and wearing my KN95 around others until we know more or something changes. 

>>> At this point I feel more comfortable avoiding such scenes and wearing my KN95 around others until we know more or something changes. <<<

I'm with you, Hall. Not a big change for me, but I actually went into a couple of stores a few weeks ago for the first times, so I've been in maybe 5 stores in 18 months, and outdoor dancing listening to music a few times.

The people I'm worried about are the kids; they're getting sick from exposure to the virus's and have no possible mitigation from being vaccinated. So all of the people (let's call them motherfuckers) who aren't getting vaccinated are not working to protect the kids. Even if those adults choose not to be treated by being unvaccinated, they're abandoning the health and well-being of the kids because most of them are not the types to wear masks, either. Spread as they go, and all that.

Severe disease from covid in children is extremely rare.

^ hospitals are getting increasingly packed with kids across the country but particularly in states like FL, TX, MS, LA, and N.C., which has seen a 40% spike over the last 2 weeks. While it is possible that many more kids are infected yet asymptomatic, you are OK with simply letting that run wild and leaving it unchecked, having potentially said asymptomatic kids spread it around and likely leading to exponentially more infection?

It is not extremely rare in this current Delta wave.

It's apparently becoming more common, Racket, and it seems that the consequences are not fully known, right? And if they get it, they can pass it on to others which among other things can lead to long-haul disease.. Its a spiral.


edit: I was typing as Strawbud was posting. Thanks for more detail.