A message from Phil



Phil is full of shit

You are 2 Ks short fitz 

I sure do love that guy

Muchos Garcias. 

Most people honor immigrants.  This is just setting up a straw man.

It's those who come here illegally that people have a problem with.

A distinction that the left conveniently muddles.

Which begs the questions.....

Should there be any immigration laws in this country at all?  Do you believe that current immigration laws should be enforced?  If you answer "yes" to those questions and you still support allowing people to come here against the current immigration law you are a hypocrite. 

And if the answers to both are "no", then how do you propose to accommodate the the hundreds of millions (perhaps a billion) of people from other countries that would come here if they had the chance to?  Do you really believe that we as a country can afford to absorb all of the people in the world that would like to come to the United States?


Oooof another Liberal setting up A FALSE PREMISE!!! then arguing hte FALSE PREMISE then SITTING ON HIS THROWN OF SANCTIMONY.  gross.  all while living BEHIND the walls of his house, I am SURE Phil has walls/fences around his stately mansion, no?


So sick of this crap.  I am against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, not "immigrants."


Got it?

Phil, Got it?

Here's a CRAZY idea, how about a "Day without TAX PAYERS!!!!"  You know the people who PAY FOR ALL OF THE BENEFITS that the people coming across the border ILLEGALLY GAME THE SYSTEM TO RECEIVE.

Simply DEMONIZING people who stand for the RULE OF LAW, is simplistic, willfully ignorant and ultimatley not very helpful.

Sorry Phil, you are WRONG.


Challenge boldly even those you hold in high esteem.







Phil are you by being closed today, depriving the "right" of some oh so honorable and virtuous "immigrant" from earning his living working in, say, your KITCHEN?!?!?!


Great move, Phil.

Speaking of illegal colonialist hegemony  how about that James Polk rigging a war in order to steal half of Mexico?


That history, it can be a real motherfucker. 

Dang! Posted too soon and ruined Seapup's trifecta.

thom and seadog. 

two peas in a pod. hilarious. 


>> thom and seadog

Always fighting to be first on the "Reach Around"



Hey, it is also International Workers Day when we commies and fellow travelers get our socialist on!

Checked under the bed lately?  Che is under there waiting to getcha!


My favorite Canadian immigrant works there. Glad he got the day off!


>>>>>It's those who come here illegally that people have a problem with.


That's simply not true but apparently whitewashing racism is kind of your thing.


Were the Sikhs that have been shot in the last couple months and told to "go back to their own country" here illegally?





so what, now fucking sourdough now!?


Can somebody photochop one of Liberace's gaudy gleaming white grands piano into that Phil pic? 


I will be WORKING on this Day.  not marching, whining, and COMPLAINING about <<<

Was it not merely an "accident" of where you were born?

lol @ defending happenstance of your situation

Seadog should have been born a goat herder in Somaliland.


Thanks, Timbo.

I do think it's important to make the distinction between illegal/legal immigration to our country.  I support legal means for entering our country and understand why so many people are upset over so many illegal immigrants being here.  Painting with a broad brush is a little short-sighted in my opinion.

I also think it's time we do overhaul our immigration policies to pave the way for easier legal entry into our country.

Good for Phil, though, doing what he sees is best for him and his business.

>>>>>>and understand why so many people are upset over so many illegal immigrants being here


Why?  Are they stealing our jobs or using all the welfare?

This reminds me of the Sopranos when Tony brings Italian hit-man Furio Giunta over to New Jersey to join his crew. Artie Bucco gives him a BS job to help out with his visa situation but it's obvious that this guy is here illegally. If it was some Somalian dude, Tony and Pauly and Sil would ALL be up in arms because he's a "moolie" but if it's one of their own? It's ok

Such fucking hypocrisy

I think your outrage regarding the Soprano family is a bit misguided.

I wonder if Phil will open up his books so we can find out if he's paying the help above board or under the table.......

Don't forget that 45 proclaims this day as "Loyalty Day,"  We are all supposed to recite the Pledge of Allegiance:


"...with Liberty and Justice for All..."

Christie was loyal.

lots of people are upset over illegal immigrants living in the Us? 


seadog is probably eating a lunch prepared by an illegal immigrant as we post...

>>Why?  Are they stealing our jobs or using all the welfare?

Not stealing my job NOW as I've moved up the "societal ladder" a bit.

As an example:

When I was in high school and college I worked at Applebee's as a line cook.  I made $11.00/hour and worked my ass off.  There were 3 Africans working in the kitchen who entered the country illegally; they had fake social security numbers and used fake names that were not given to them at birth.  I loved these guys (well, two of them.. one was an asshole) and they were hardworking guys.  My qualm with the situation was that I was refused a decent raise on several ocassions while two of them made $16.00/hour.  They wired about 2/3 of their paychecks home to their family's in Senegal.  While this may be a mundane example, it's an example of how illegal immigration took earning potential away from me and also demonstrates the outward flowing of money from our economy.  These illegal immigrants were savvy enough to obtain fake social security numbers and collected SNAP benefits from the government as well.    

Just my .02 from my experiences.



In answering your question, one additional note comes to mind.  It's expensive for our government to educate children.  Generally speaking, most towns/cities enjoy having taxpaying married couples wiithout children as A.  their paid taxes are an important revenue source B. they don't have children to deplete that revenue source.  Children of illegal immigrants utilize valuable resources while, often times, their parents do not contribute to the tax fund.

The Day Without Immigrants was a protest on February 16, 2017.  I'm not sure what the May 1st connection is?

May 1, May Day, is the International Workers' Day.  It's not normally about illegal immigration issues. 

Jay, why did your boss give those guys raises and not you?

>>>Jay, why did your boss give those guys raises and not you?

Their argument was that they were full-time employees and management relied on them more when, in reality, I worked the same number of hours as them and we worked all the same stations.  In my opinion, it was because I was a teenage high school student and they valued me less.  Rather than working a traditional 9-5 shift, I was working Mon-Fri night shifts and doubles on weekends.

>>>>>They wired about 2/3 of their paychecks home to their family's in Senegal.  While this may be a mundane example, it's an example of how illegal immigration took earning potential away from me and also demonstrates the outward flowing of money from our economy. 


Didn't they have taxes taken out of their checks to those SS numbers that weren't theirs?  They also pay sales taxes and don't file and get a refund like most people making $15 per hour.


Doesn't seem like a drain on the economy to me.

Just my .02 cents.  Look, I'm not incredibly passionate about immigration reform and figured I'd offer my input.

I think your outrage regarding the Soprano family is a bit misguided.<<<<

What I'm curious about is whether all members the "false outrage police" are now wearing body cams?

Might be beneficial - even the dance police have recently adopted said protocols.

Just pointing out they do pay taxes.  

I do hope that all employees who were scheduled to work today at TXR were paid their anticipated wages.  Otherwise, it would be a one-day layoff (we've had those when there was not enough money in our annual budget - AKA "unpaid leave").  Also, I imagine that the workers lose what would've been gained in tips.


It's a Monday evening.  Bars/Restaurants are always slow on Mondays. Most restaurant workers prefer to not work Monday shifts.

So really, a brilliant PR strategy smiley

Monday is the Mexican day of rest in the food industry.  Good on you Phil. Fight that fight.


I appreciate Phil and Jill's sentiment, and they're right, without immigrants most agriculture, service and low-paying jobs would not be done in many places in the U.S. - actually, we're almost all descended from immigrants - this is how this country has been populated. Take over, kill the original people, after a couple of generations say that we're the ones who should determine everything for everyone else...

I'm thankful that people from wherever can find jobs and a day without them results in big shutdowns.



Let's play a game of throwns.


I threw a box into the recycling bin.

Also, what Johnny D said at 2:45

Slightly better than signing an online petition. Meh.

A few years back the white plantation owners in Alabama got all uppity and had the legislature pass the toughest illegal immigrant laws in the country. Dumbass mofos they were. The migrants all left the state, and they had to hire white people who wanted to work 15 minutes on the hour and make $15 p/h. 

Crops literally rotted on the vines and the plantation owners went broke.

They ain't taking any jobs away from citizens or legal immigrants.




I don't have any particular stance on immigration other than compassion (my great and great-great grandparents were immigrants, like most of us) ; but I honestly do find it kind of patronizing that folks take the "but who's going to do the shit jobs?!?" position when advocating for their place in our society.

Yeah, I get it- illegal immigrants pick our crops, make our food, and build our houses. Got it. That's a pretty convenient way to rationalize a permanent underclass, isn't it?

i think there is a tv show about this. Maybe 45 will watch it?

>> Their argument was that they were full-time employees and management relied on them more when, in reality, I worked the same number of hours as them and we worked all the same stations.  In my opinion, it was because I was a teenage high school student and they valued me less.  Rather than working a traditional 9-5 shift, I was working Mon-Fri night shifts and doubles on weekends.

What does any of that have to do with them being undocumented? Sounds like you got a bit of a raw deal but that it didn't have anything to do with their immigration status, but rather the fact that you were a kid.

>> That's a pretty convenient way to rationalize a permanent underclass, isn't it?

So is advocating against a pathway to citizenship, isn't it? Wouldn't legalizing them open up more opportunities for advancement for them and their kids?

They're stealing all the affordable housing!

What happens if the minimum wage goes up? 

>>They're stealing all the affordable housing!

no. They live on camps by the fields. It's like a third world trailer park setting. Saw that on the TV show.

>>What happens if the minimum wage goes up? 


People lose jobs

>>>So is advocating against a pathway to citizenship, isn't it? Wouldn't legalizing them open up more opportunities for advancement for them and their kids?

I believe so, yeah. What does that look like in practical terms? Is it a matter of illegal immigrants engaging with and moving through the current immigration process; or is the process as it currently exists not equipped to manage something on that scale? 

Not rationalizing, Mark. It's reality. This nation was built on underclasses. You can probably make a case that every great empire in history also was. Fuck, most great business empires are also built on underclasses. McDonalds hasn't made billions by paying their workers livable wages.

I just think it's stupid when people rant and rave about keeping out illegals, but they don't offer up any sort of viable solution or infrastructure to take over the shit jobs that come open. The fact is, the only way to do it is through some sort of Socialist scheme, and I sure as hell don't see the Republicans advocating for that.

For the most part, for an illegal immigrant to navigate the process legally they have to go back to their country of origin, go to the US Embassy or Consulate and start the process there. If they get a Green Card at all, they are looking at a process that lasts anywhere from 3-36 months.

Now, a fair number of these illegals have children who are citizens. They either have to move their kids, or they have to be apart from their kids. It's not a viable situation.

That Pic of Phil SUCKS ! Fuck Noble Phil = HA HA ! no

Well, from my perspective, we essentially have one side advocating for the mass deportation of illegal immigrants (which is insane), and another side advocating for an acceptance of the status quo and therefore an indirect endorsement for a permanent underclass in our society (which is also insane).

I realize I'm painting with a really broad brush on an incredibly complex issue, but that's essentially the long and short of it, isn't it?


Now's as good a time as any to note that many many LEGAL immigrants are discriminated against and treated poorly related to skin color, how they speak, what they wear, and other ways that they appear not to fit some people's definition of what a REAL American is supposed to look like, worship, etc.


Some celebrate, some hate (or at least get angry and offended).

Not The Cause Just THE STUPID Fucking Pic !

I thought adding Liberace's sparkly piano to that pic really spruced it up.

What are you thoughts on that, PLF?


Now's as good a time as any to note that many many LEGAL immigrants are discriminated against and treated poorly related to skin color, how they speak, what they wear, and other ways that they appear not to fit some people's definition of what a REAL American is supposed to look like, worship, etc.

That's sums up perfectly the area where I live and how the natives feel about the recent population boom. 100%


st mark TH did a great job ! i still may Puke though.


and TH Scores again !

Lol Oh shit.

Hoover from downtown.


^^^^ (((TXR without immigrants)))

More Downtown From Hoover........

>>I realize I'm painting with a really broad brush on an incredibly complex issue, but that's essentially the long and short of it, isn't it?

There are people who are seeking solutions, but you're pretty much correct. Most react to the broad issue, and the only answers they have are completely polarized. Neither side wants to deal with the realities.

On another note, last week I met with a woman who was overseeing a program to educate migrant workers, fully funded by the Division of Migrant Labor, Department of Education. It's a 5 year grant that requires ridiculously low outcomes to maintain funding. I asked if the program was open to undocumented aliens, and the answer was a resounding "yes." There are no specifications on illegal vs. legal.

All I could do was scratch my head on that one. Under the current administration, there are programs that benefit undocumented aliens? Maybe DeVos hasn't yet learned of them and told her boss?

^^^Phil's lineups just aren't what they used to be.  Damn!

>Challenge boldly even those you hold in high esteem.


Name one thing you've challenged Trump on. 



Without Thom or seadog this thread would've been a dud.


Their posts belong in the comic/satire folder ;)


Beltane (/ˈbɛl.teɪn/)is the anglicised name for the Gaelic May Day festival. Most commonly it is held on 1 May, or about halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Historically, it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. In Irish the name for the festival day is Lá Bealtaine, in Scottish Gaelic Là Bealltainn and in Manx Gaelic Laa Boaltinn/Boaldyn. It is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals—along with Samhain, Imbolc and Lughnasadh—and is similar to the Welsh Calan Mai.

Beltane is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and it is associated with important events in Irish mythology. It marked the beginning of summer and was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures. Rituals were performed to protect the cattle, crops and people, and to encourage growth. Special bonfires were kindled, and their flames, smoke and ashes were deemed to have protective powers. The people and their cattle would walk around the bonfire or between two bonfires, and sometimes leap over the flames or embers. All household fires would be doused and then re-lit from the Beltane bonfire. These gatherings would be accompanied by a feast, and some of the food and drink would be offered to the aos sí. Doors, windows, byres and the cattle themselves would be decorated with yellow May flowers, perhaps because they evoked fire. In parts of Ireland, people would make a May Bush: a thorn bush decorated with flowers, ribbons and bright shells. Holy wells were also visited, while Beltane dew was thought to bring beauty and maintain youthfulness. Many of these customs were part of May Day or Midsummer festivals in other parts of Great Britain and Europe.

Beltane celebrations had largely died out by the mid-20th century, although some of its customs continued and in some places it has been revived as a cultural event. Since the late 20th century, Celtic neopagans and Wiccans have observed Beltane, or something based on it, as a religious holiday. Neopagans in the Southern Hemisphere often celebrate Beltane at the other end of the year (around 1 November).

Lolol @ Hoover

So Liberace preferred Baldwin to Steinway?


Why does normalization of illegal immigrants require them to become citizens? Isn't a green card good enough?

Although our country was built by immigrants, that doesn't mean we still need more people to come here. I have nothing against any ethnic group or any immigrants already here but I'm kinda against most future immigration from anywhere, legal or not. I'm not worried about jobs being taken, just space - farmland and wild land being taken for housing. Traffic. Air pollution. Water issues.

We may need more seasonal workers - this should be allowed and facilitated. We may have to take in some refugees, especially if they're partly our fault. Other than that, no mas. We have enough people here - the lifeboat is full.

I'm not in favor of any deportations at all, but if you want to have different rules from other folks you need countries. If you want to have a country you need a controllable border. Doesn't mean a "wall", but a combination of physical and electronic measures to make crossing more difficult, and more monitoring of visa holders.

Sounds like Jay could have used a good union organizer.

Hoov's photo-chops saved the day in this thread, IMO yes

Hahah, awesome. Did they do a lil photo shoot just for the message?

I think Surfdead hit the nail on the head. Give them green cards and tax them like everyone else then most people will realize that what they were really pissed off with is not the fact that they immigirigant but the fact hat they are Mexican immigrants because they are racist. 

So it is Tuesday Morning, 

and all of the Trinidadians, Senegalese, Myanmarians, and Albertans must show up promptly to repair the damages from the Marxist-Leninist day of Sloth.

I sure hope they are getting Double-Time + 1/2 to repair the Communist-Reaganist debacle which has slowed down the Kitchen, Kegs and Amplifiers.


I am worried that if I show up at opening time Tuesday Afternoon, my cocktails might be shaken, not stirred, and the Flatbreads could be round.

TXR Staff, both Kitchen, Bar & Waitrons, I'm always on your side. Fight The Power !! Demand your Tips !! Don't take 'no' for an Answer.


" ... not the fact that they immigirigant but the fact hat they are Mexican immigrants because they are racist...."

And for me that addresses most of the valid concerns upon the themes of racism, multiculturalism and adaptation towards an English-speaking lifestyle in the USA.  Mr. Timpane expresses rather eloquently (elegantly?) that the vast majority of us speak English as a  "Third Language", so why even bother.(?)


New trailer, Stu?

Mr. Timpane,

That one is just Hüsky's 'Chill-Out' space when he is upset, or can't get his hairstyle perfect, or needs to take some personal time.

It is on loan from Peter Frampton's touring Company while they are raising Tour funds.

Just between you & me, a Huge comeback tour is in the works, USA & Canada for starters.


bus pic.jpg

This one is just for the Lighting Rig.



That's^ a contender.

The U.S. takes in 1 million legal immigrants per year, more legal immigrants than any other country in the world, and some contend more legal immigrants than the rest of the world combined. It’s probably not quite that high, probably about one-third of the rest of the world’s total, but that’s still pretty high.From this figure, we can pretty much dismiss anyone claiming that America is a “xenophobic” country or doesn’t welcome immigrants. Someone making that assertion wants to argue feelings instead of numbers because they don’t like doing math.

>>>>>we can pretty much dismiss anyone claiming that America is a “xenophobic” country 


Are you seriously saying xenophobia doesn't exist in America?

Sure we take in tons of immigrants.  The current white House wants to change our current immigration policy.  Also our country is populated by about 30% xenophobic like Seadog and 20% passively xenophobic folks like you, Thom.

Thom living in a dream land. The US advertises themselves as "The Land of Free". Just not for Mexicans or Muslims, right Thom?

Burn on Thom. 

D2515FC0-81F9-4D32-84FB-07B6D90EFFCE-3120-000002D950EAD492.png100 years ago, at the height of immigration, many of the immigrants knew the saying, "America beckons; Americans repel." Things haven't changed much.



This reminds me of that episode of Jersey Shore where everybody was pretending like they liked Angeline but really everybody wanted her out of the house.