Michael Bloomberg to enter Democratic primary?


That is what the press is saying.  Will this shake things up?   Maybe split the moderate vote and help ensure the Warren/Bernie wing gets the nomination?   I think the guy probably will be a little more coherent than Biden.

I will vote for the working class.

Just what politics needs

another New Yorker 

A billionaire New Yorker at that.

Bernie’s a Millionaire.  Obama just bought a $15 million house and is worth 40 million.  Bill Clinton worth 75 million.  What’s the difference, a zero?


What’s the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire? $999 Million.

bernie will fully dismantle Michael Bloomberg, piece by piece. I actually feel bad for him already, a little.

Funny Bernie changed his rants against millionaires to billionaires when he recently became a millionaire from book sales.  No I’m not a republican and no I didn’t vote for Trump.

F that guy and anyone who supported his third term.

Christine Quinn! I'm looking at you!

<<<>>>bernie will fully dismantle Michael Bloomberg, piece by piece. I actually feel bad for him already, a little.

this is truth.

lol racket pushing msm and republican talking points from earlier in 2019. 


You need a tissue?

Nothing can stop them from self-destruction!



Finally a ny tough formidable adversary who knows the slippery ways of our scumbag in chief better than any other candidate, and would smoke the don in the debates. I could look forward to that.

Ferret boy Sessions looking to regain his senate seat in Alabama, and chump promises to campaign against him - can't make this shit up

^^^nah but you def need some common sense. 

Ok pyramid, in what way ? I know you're all in on bernie,  but do you really think he has a chance against clump ? Because although he has by far the best ideas for where the country must go, he cannot win a general election. Too much resistance has been built up to his social reforms in the medua, 40% at least. People are still frightened by the term, socialism.  Bernie's the best, but he'll be ripped up and spit out by the right. I know it, and deep down I think you know it too. Who better to do battle with a soul less rich ny prick, than a rich ny'r with a conscience who knows the enemy well. 2024 amerika might be ready for a bernie type socialist 

yeah Berrnie's net worth is 2.2 million, not exactly the same, he has been a senator for what 30 years, jesus some of you lefties are ridiculous, like he can't understand the plight of the poor. He has 3 houses, fuck if anyone made 200k a year for 30 years they would be in the same position. He has fought for the working class and underpriviledged his whole career but that is now going to change, just ridiculous


rich ny prick


Bloomberg helped out a friend of mine whose daughter had ALS. He did a lot for the family. 


bernie is the only one that beats trump. 

he's the only dem that will crush the rust belt and get voted from that region that are desperately needed. and he wins michigan, wisconsin, and PA  

otherwise trump get the electoral and popular -- imo. 

bernie is surging right now, can't be stopped. about to dump 30mil into TV to get that old ass vote too. hear that surf? 


Bernie wants to help everyone with ALS. 

def does. 

not just his friends. 

rasmataz i can't tell if you're joking or not? my guess is you are serious. 

you know we're brainwashed as a society when we have everyday americans defending billionaires -- and saying that the only thing that can take down a billionaire, is a billionaire !!! bwahahahahahha. 

who was it jonas talking about taking the pulse of the nation...bloomberg should've run 10 years ago -- bernie is going to destroy the guy if he ever makes it to the debate stage -- which he should, he's a billionaire. 

yeah man, like bernie is a poser if he doesn't live in a teepee maaannnn....

why Is being successful and making money some kind of mark on your back?  Just makes you look like whiney jealous bitches, that the world has never been fair to.

Every worker needs a home. 

And on the flip side pyramid, why not a billionaire ? Are dems so brainwashed to think that one can't possibly help the poor and middle class ?  Bloomberg's already said the tax breaks for the wealthy was a huge mistake that he would rectify. Said he'd rebuild NATO alliances, and get back onboard the Paris Climate Treaty. I like all that shit, and he's the only candidate that can go toe to toe with repub super pac bucks, which is huge. Gotta remember where we live bro,  this is still amerika where money still wins elections.


Middle class always needs more

Billionaires ask for donations

Middle class needs to stop being taxed into poverty.

Earn more

Go back to school


Bloomberg earned his fortune by providing Wall Street with financial data and trading systems to help rich people get richer!

Free education, free healthcare

Pyramid doesn’t care how he made his money, it’s just because he’s a billionaire.

Nothings free dumbass.  Who do you think will pay?  The middle class.

Labor is free to the middle class

Money is free to the central bankers. So you're wrong when you say nothing is free. It just depends on who you are.

Yes I suppose you’re right, just like the hipster non profits pretending to help the homeless tax free, while lining their pockets and living fat, under the guise of operating costs.

Nothing's free, but rich people have figured out how to get the rest of us to pay for it all.


>Bernie wants to help everyone with ALS.<


I know, Slack, just pointing out that Bloomberg might not be the prick you believe him to be. 



>>def does. 

not just his friends<<


Pyramid, my friend, Alfred, did not know Bloomberg, they were not friends. 

>>>Nothing's free, but rich people have figured out how to get the rest of us to pay for it all.

OPM - Other People's Money.   That is one skill I have to give Trump credit for mastering.   That and the ability to win elections with free publicity




Bernie has no chance against Trump and is unlikely to even get the Democratic nomination. Bloomberg running is welcome news if you want to see Trump booted from office.

I agree with Woz and am hopeful he throws his hat in. He would be the first candidate I could support w out puking and I am referring to who The Dems have to offer. 

Trump and family broke laws and Democrats said they are not above the law but here they are running again. 

One more time:  Fuck Mike Bloomberg and anyone else who considers themself so indispensable as to need a third term.


well, here is a national poll for all the "bernie can't win, we need a corporate donkey" people....



Heard on Morning Joe today that Hillary might be eyeing another run. 

I'm still astounded that so many people think that President Sanders would have the capacity to do 1/20 of the stuff he says he will.

I still contend that he'd get less accomplished than most of the other candidates, only because of the "Socialist" pushback he'd get.

There will be no revolution. Changes will come slowly.  Vote Progressive on the local level, and do whatever it takes to ensure that Trump doesn't get any more SCOTUS picks.

Those Trump vs Bernie polls have as little meaning as the Trump vs Hillary polls.

oh golly dad, we can't have nice things....

you're right, we shouldn't even try.

be happy with the status quo.


at least we can smoke tainted carts and do another load of tide pods..



I am anxious to see how this Bloomber thing plays out.

i mean mlk and rosa parks should have just stfu and waited their uppity turns....

This is all like in 2016 with the Bernie people claiming there was no difference between Hillary and Trump.......

Look, Elizabeth Sanders have about a zero chance of advancing the legislative agenda they are running on. Maybe they get some bills through the house where they will then go and die in the Senate.  On the other hand, what they represent scares the shit out of Red State/Republican voters and is too radical for enough in the middle that the tables tilt toward Trump. So again, where this all leads to is either another 4 years of Trump completely gutting our governmental institutions, gutting the middle class and doing widespread damage to democracies around the world, or as a country we consider getting behind an electable candidate. I think Biden is getting a little too senile to carry that mantle and Warren/Sanders are unelectable. Bring on Bloomberg......he'll get the Florida vote!

But what kind of example does it set if the Dem nominee is chosen only for their ability to outspend the Republican Party? 

Some of his quotes are wacky: https://www.ontheissues.org/Mike_Bloomberg.htm


After the last Republican tax cuts there is no money to spend. The first order of business is going to have to be reversing those cuts.

The middle class is doing better than the working class. 

Maybe you should stop zoning all day, we all know you don’t work at a desk.

BK.  Bernie is your states Senator, correct?

How did single payer healthcare work for Vermont?

A desk would make my job difficult. 


I’d figure working with your hands would make zoning difficult.

You make zoning sound difficult. 


I make any job look easy.

little donnie(trump) using the nickname Andrew Dice Clay gave him a few years ago against Bloomberg, only instead of little donnie he rips off Dice again!..."little Michael"


...more evidence of  trump copying the Diceman...not to mention his watered down comedy tour he calls his 2020 re-election campaign. 

You make living sound difficult.


>This is all like in 2016<

totally. like when the dnc and self-defeating dems forced hillary on a country that didn't fucking want her. get a clue.

Might post that poll a few more times, turtle. 

Let it all sink in

we don't even have to worry about beating republicans or winning moderates/independents when self-defeating "we can't do this" dems torpedo their own best interests. 

"maybe next time"....



Bernie is the reason the Democratic Party is divided.  



Can't imagine why the Russians supported Bernie in 2016.

Why was that?



It would be useful if people could accept reality.

Reality is Trump is gonna get re-elected, because 60% of the country does not want to eliminate private health insurance.

Thus, running on elimination of private health insurance is suicidal.


Bernie= suicidal platform.

Liz = suicidal platform.

Biden = her emails*

*Ukraine  (plus, he might just be a little demented)






welcome to Trumplandia.

are you guys fucking high or stupid?

can't tell, asking for a friend....



we have the HIGHEST cost of health care in the WORLD....

it's ok, do nothing.


Elizabeth Sanders is unelectable that much is clear, but any centrist with a functional brain can beat Trump.

That's a fact, Turtle.

But our doctors, nurses, and pill merchants make way more.

And people are scared of change.


So...60% are scared silly of losing private health insurance.


deal with reality.

California, New York and Illinois voted for Hillary. 

good job doing corporate america's bidding....

you're right, he wouldn't win with people like zoners.


you all know, we just fucking did the whole fucking same scenario with hillary....right?

so go ahead, pick your loser corporate dem and reap the rewards. 

your masta's are grinning.

Moderates are afraid of minorities.

so, don't try to do anything. accept that we can only have the status quo or worse.

too bad those people fighting for 40hr work weeks never spoke up or tried....


what is cumberland blues for 300 million alex?

I wonder how much out of pocket old Bern payed for his Heart Attack?

I do agree that Medicare should be able to negotiate drug costs, as this will bring down the cost for all.

>>mean mlk and rosa parks should have just stfu and waited their uppity turns..

C'mon, Turts, context is everything. The Civil Rights movement was a cultural revolution that drove political change. In spite of Bernie's support, it isn't a cultural revolution. What he's seeking is a political revolution, and the majority of the country isn't yet ready for it. The mass cultural shift hasn't yet happened.

>>How did single payer healthcare work for Vermont?

Hate to say it, but this is one of the silliest arguments out there. The push for single payer in VT had nothing to do with Bernie, nor did the fact that it didn't happen. 
Vermont is a strange state. We are very liberal, but only to a point. We were the first to have civil unions, but in the middle of the pack for same sex marriage. Recreational pot is legal, but we don't have retail.

Take that in to account, coupled with the reality that single payer requires bypassing insurance companies, something a small state can't do alone, it was a non-starter.


BK, I know single payer wasn’t linked to Bernie in Vermont.  Just asking why it didn’t work out?  

It didn't even get to the starting gates. It's not like it failed, it just wasn't the right time.

Call me all the names you like.

But I'm gonna keep shoving reality up your nostrils*:




*ps, I like Amy Klobuchar a lot. 

You're a moderate racist. 

racist? Ok.  cool. why?

Right because the math didn’t work.

You don't want working minorities to have healthcare. 

You like seeing ice round up working people. 

There's nothing fucking wrong with being a moderate. Why the hell do you keep vilifying them? They aren't the problem or the enemy. In fact, they are the majority and should be allies.

Signed, a far left liberal.

They're home flippers. Scum.

It's okay, Slack. You're an anti Semite who spreads blood libel propaganda. I'm surprised you don't blame Jews for the fact that you can't afford a house.

>>>>You're an anti Semite 


Cite an example of my antisemitism.

Whomever you prefer in the primary, vote BLUE no matter who in the general; in numbers that can overwhelm repub fuckery.



remember. the centrists caused this, weird steve. you're a bad man, weird steve. you keep saying sanders is connected to russia or whatever. i'm sorry, you're a fucking moron. go cry to judit or lava or whoever -- you post like trump tweets. get the fuck outta here. 


racket -- middles class taxes go up and healthcare cost drastically decrease -- so you end up saving money. pretty cool and simple right? you're so caught up on bernie having like 2mil, lol -- dudes almost 80 w/ 2mil, wtf? you're comparing him to obama and clinton? and billionaires? shit -- maybe you don't understand that under M4A you'll be paying less. 

bernie is the only candidate that beats trump. this is so obvious. the centrists just won't get the support from the working class -- 2016 anybody? 

people like woz and weird steve think the country should make the same mistake again, by pushing msm talking points and republican talking points. crazy times. we got you tho -- try not to fuck this up, it'd be easier if you were on our side tho. 

the youth vote is huge. no candidate has that other than bernie. he's the most popular politician in the country. the world wants bernie. the world knows we need bernie -- he's going up against the GOP, the DNC, the establishment, and is still the front runner. we're going to win. no doubt. 

then woz racket and weird steve can thank us. 

most diverse base. most donations out of any candidate, even trump. fastest ever to over 1mil individual donations. has the most money on hand. 

fueld by american teachers and nurses, amazon workers, wal mart, etc. we're finding a revolution and y'all are clapping about a billionaire bernie will destroy once he buys his way onto the stage. sad shit. wake the fuck up. the eite are actually scared this time b/c they know shits gonna change. 

bk you keep saying bernie doesn't have some magic wand how will he get his policy implemented -- of course. it's his influence. it's his ideas. pushing for policy that works for the middle class -- nobody else will do that, keep their word. he'll hold rally's in states where the politician doesn't represent what the people want. that's massively powerful. 

he'll federally legalize cannabis via executive order in first 100 days. no other candidate will do that. massive win for social justice. 

have you read his new immigration plan? it abolishes ICE. huge. halts deportations. citizenship. workers rights. all bernie. we have to vote out pelosi and really start pushing for change that we're all screaming for. 

or run a centrist and cry for another 4 years -- or go insane like weird steve has lol. 


 But Pyramid, at the end of the day the youth don't get off their asses to vote.

Will you please answer the question I've asked multiple times? What would President Sanders get pushed through Congress that none of the others would?

dude the biggest one -- M4A 

historically, sure. times are different man. 





bernie's campaign is funded by women and the diverse working class. 

he's absolutely surging right now -- i loved it when the centrists and msm said AOC and the squad's endorsement meant nothing. that was funny. 

Do you really, truly believe that he'd get M4A signed into law?

I wish he could, but I just don't see it happening...yet.

When more municipalities and states have Progressive representation, then it will happen. It's a revolution that we aren't quite ready for. Plus, big pharma and the insurance lobby won't let it happen. When there's more progressives in Congress, they won't have the power to stop it.

>>>   remember. the centrists caused this, weird steve. you're a bad man, weird steve. you keep saying sanders is connected to russia or whatever. i'm sorry, you're a fucking moron. go cry to judit or lava or whoever -- you post like trump tweets. get the fuck outta here. 


maybe you should try anger management techniques, sock.

oh i truly believe it. the midterms will be historic if they try to obstruct bernie’s M4A. this isn't about republican vs dem. he's respecting us. there is no more time for compromise. 

<<<>>>After the last Republican tax cuts there is no money to spend. The first order of business is going to have to be reversing those cuts

and you think a centrist will do this? completely out of touch/in denial. 

<<<>>>Bernie has no chance against Trump and is unlikely to even get the Democratic nomination. Bloomberg running is welcome news if you want to see Trump booted from office.

awesome. this is so wrong. literally the exact opposite. everything points to that being truth. you're extremely out of touch my man -- what you posted got us into this mess, and billionaire vs billionaire will never happen -- but keep wishing the billionaires help you out, jesus christ. 

can you imagine bloomberg running vs trump. it'll never happen, but let's play. 

the people who voted for trump but are now looking to vote for somebody else in 2020 b/c of all the shit that's gone down, but mostly b/c it's painfully obvious trump fucked em over -- you think those people will vote for a billionaire dem opportunist, somebody who's entering the race just to boost their own brand, make even more money, and stroke their ego? fuck no. trump would have 500 electoral votes and the popular vote, and you'd be too depressed to hit TXR for the family bland the next night. 



weird steve you've proven yourself to be a little russian troll spitting misinformation any chance you get. 

sit the fuck down little man. 

Let me throw this out there: the precursor to pretty much anything is campaign finance reform. The special interests have to lose their clout at every level of government.

Once that happens, a full senatorial election cycle has to occur, so that no reps or senators are in the pockets of douchebags who are out to fuck us. Now there's a clear path to M4A, and a whole bunch of other cool  things. M4A can't be the starting point though.

Of course, if Trump gets to stack the SC, none of it will matter. A few minority assholes will overturn anything and everything, for the next 30 years.

agreed. it's the most important just about. 

that why bernie wants to abolish super pacs and overturn citizens united. 

many other candidate calling for those two things? p

Well, on the upside, I can vote for my left but in the VT primary, and Bernie will still win here. 

I guess I should read up on campaign finance stances. It's another hard sell in Congress, seeing as how 75% of their time is spent sucking special interest cock, and there's an entire economy built around it.

largest rally in Iowa this cycle -- bernie last night. 

surging and can't be stopped. 

> surging and can't be stopped. 

He is no electable, he doesn't have a chance in the general election. And LOL, Iowa means so much.........

Whichever moderate Democrat gets elected will spend the first 4 years rebuilding the core of government dismantled by Trump and trying to rebuild the reputation of the US in the international community. Bold Domestic initiatives will have no chance given a Senate that will be close to 50-50 or at best, mildly in favor of thr Dems. Progressive policies are a long ball game at this point, 10 plus years, in the immediate term we need the damage wrought by Trump un-done. His tax cuts are going to tank the economy in the next few years and you can kiss any large spending initiatives good-bye,

>>>>>Whichever moderate Democrat gets elected will spend the first 4 years rebuilding the core of government dismantled by Trump and trying to rebuild the reputation of the US in the international community. 




> you all know, we just fucking did the whole fucking same scenario with hillary....right?

Hillary? You mean the candidate that won the Democratic primary and  won the general election despite massive interference by the Russian government which by the way, the current administration is T-ing up again? Bernie would have been way easier to take down on social media attacks by Russian BOT farms. This is the naivete to which I refer when I mention 2016 and the Bernie's all scream "what about Hillary" LOL.


> Lame. 

You may think so but that is the order of importance of what needs to be fixed after the wreckage and destruction caused by Trump.


Woz exploits Mexicans.

Slacker is an antisemite.

woz trying to hold the country back. not gonna work this time. 

and lol at thinking biden or bloomberg will reverse the tax cuts. that's hilarious. 

stop looking at polls, they mean shit, how do you think we got into this mess? 

If taxes aren't increased you can toss away your entire progressive agenda. And the Wealth tax is unworkable bullshit. Corporate taxes, Capital gains and the upper end of the progressive tax code all have to be increased. As it stands now the increasing budget deficit and plunging interest rates are going to cause a recession and market crash unlike anything we've seen in our lifetimes.

All these popularity polls mean diddly-squat. 270 is the only number that counts.

check this out -- warren just isn't electable. trump will trounce her:


amy goodman = legend 


<<For one thing, Bloomberg remains vociferously opposed to weed, appearing to tie drug overdose deaths to marijuana legalization. "Last year, in 2017, 72,000 Americans OD'd on drugs," he said, according to CNN's Donald Judd. "In 2018, more people than that are ODing on drugs, have OD'd on drugs, and today incidentally, we are trying to legalize another addictive narcotic, which is perhaps the stupidest thing we've ever done," he declared, presumably talking about marijuana. "We've got to fight that," Bloomberg added.

Bloomberg was likely referencing Centers for Disease Control statistics showing that 72,000 people died of drug overdoses in 2017. But it's hard to see how that relates to marijuana legalization. As I pointed out in December, the Drug Enforcement Agency did not report any deaths from marijuana in 2017. According to David Schmader, author of Weed: The User's Guide, you'd need to consume 1,500 pounds of the stuff within 15 minutes to fatally overdose.

Moreover, numerous studies (six of which Reason's C.J. Ciaramella rounded up last February), show that opioid addiction does not start with marijuana. For more on the "gateway drug" myth, you can read Jacob Sullum's comprehensive dive into the subject here.

But Bloomberg has long been ignorant when it comes to weed. In 2013, he calledmedical marijuana "one of the greatest hoaxes of all time," despite endless evidence to the contrary. And in 2015, he said marijuana legalization is "one of the stupider things that's happening across our country." >>

All these popularity polls mean diddly-squat. 270 is the only number that counts.

Exactly, and hopefully anyone but Trump gets there!

^ Exactly. Anybody. I'd vote for you if you were in the race.

I'd vote for anyone on this list, except for our half dozen lost boys.

Anyone who runs these days is going to be at the least a millionaire, so take that 'never voting for a rich person' pov and flush it. Bloomberg don't like weed is a non issue to me, he ain't stopping that train.

Bloomy probably aint even gonna run, I just wanted to see him take chump to the cleaners in a debate. He knows more about stumps shady ny dealings than anyone else running.

I still love Bernie but he ain't got a shot in hell of beating dump, especially aftet he almost blew a gasket (stent) raving on about bloomy entering the race. He went off the rails, he's all done. Like it ir not, America wants a Biden. And he can take down clump. 


^so off base it's hilarious. 

We will see who is laughing come election time.

^ Not gonna argue with you brother pyramid since we both want the same thing - even if in my eyes i see the country not ready for the scale of social change Bernie's calling for.  So let me ask you this, if bernie fades,  will you support the dem candidate whomever it may be, or will you bernieites stay home cuz you didn't get your way, refusing to vote, and hand the country back to satan  ? Like a lot of bernieites did last presidential election 



the centrists support this?C3021B93-E1D3-4C2B-9381-689F2F5E31DD.jpeg

the question is : will you support bernie sanders in the primary? 

see the difference? 3DDA44E4-4C02-4D29-8576-FE7BFA462F54.jpeg

I disagree with your premise that Bernie is the only candidate that can beat tRump. There's so much resistance to trump in the middle it's palpable. Many voters in the middle voted for him in 2016 and said 'what the heck...why not'. Many of those same voters will vote for anyone that isn't trump in 2020. This election isn't about Bernie and his policies, this election is a mandate on trump.

^that's the narrative they were pushing in 2016 -- anybody can beat trump, hrc will absolutely destroy trump. obviously that wasn't the case. 

to think now, that the people will just vote for anybody over trump, is reckless. as is to think this is about bernie? this is about the vast majority of americans finally getting the representation they deserve. this election is about defeating the establishment, that trump and all the other dems represent. 

the question is : will you support bernie sanders in the primary?

No. The Dems needs run a strong centrist 


the question is : will you support bernie sanders in the primary?

No. The Dems needs run a strong centrist 


^ ironically, maga hat Q-pids think a vote for trump is about defeating the establishment.

Now you're the one barking out talking points instead of looking at this thing objectively.

Again, trump won because many voters in the middle thought they would 'defeat the establishment' when many simply just didn't like Hillary (and the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton cycle). I think (my opinion) that many of those same voters now have equal distaste for trump, and will vote against him.

Props to Rep. Omar for telling like it is.

^^^ Indeed. King is an prejudiced asshat.

<< will you support bernie sanders in the primary? >>

I supported him last time around, for all the good that fucking did. Lots of time to decide before we cast again. But I'll be voting more with my head than my heart this time around. My vote will go to whoever's got the best shot to defeat stump. And because of the complete saturation dumbing down of the 40-45% the past few years, it would be much much harder for Bernie to pull off victory in 2020 than it would have been in 2016. Deck stacked way too far right now. How can you not see this ?  

Y'all are a bunch of Bryens.

ned, correct. they were fooled. some still may think that but they belong to the trump cult -- no changing their mind -- 2016 was about voting in a populist. we failed. we voted in the fake populist. 

same thing in 2020. that's why bernie is THE candidate. he will get rust belt independent votes and republicans who are disgusted w/ trump yet would never vote for a biden or warren. 

and i agree -- many people who voted trump aren't satisfied --  but to think they'll vote for an establishment dem is naive at best. why would that work now and not in 2016 -- just b/c trump's had one term? 

bernie is our best shot at defeating trump. you're completely off base, ras. how do you not see bernie is running the absolute best and most informative campaign. by far. he has the largest following, he's the front runner. he has the largest, most diverse base -- funded mostly by woman of color. more donations than even trump. most cash on hand. he's trying to return the democratic party home -- nobody else is trying to change everything for us. 


largest nurses union in the country just endorsed the man. bernie surge continues. we are going to win this thing. 

<<<>>>No. The Dems needs run a strong centrist 

haha. you and weird steve always good for a laugh. 

but HRC was the strongest centrist the world has ever known -- she was even meant to be president and lost, to donald trump. 

>>>>>nobody else is trying to change everything for us. 

Sorry - this is not the election to change everything. This is the election ro dump Trump.


For us?


Sure you're not just looking for your mama's teat?

>>>>>Sorry - this is not the election to change anything


The Democrats didn't offer to change anything last time. 

Reading comprehension, Slack.

I said "everything".

surfs mad b/c he's old. be like bernie, he's old and is trying to help strangers. 

this election is about so much than just beating trump. keep thinking that tho, and give us 4 more years of the guy. but also, if that's your logic -- bernie is your guy. 

yeah us. the 99%? the regular working people. is that not you? you rich? that's cool. 

< he's the front runner >

Yeah, in Vermont and your head. Even with the money coming in, Bernie's currently running 3rd, and in swing states he's pulling half the numbers Biden's got. How old are you bro ?  You must be a young man to have such youthful blind exuberance. I commend you for your hopefulness, but you have to look at the bigger picture - the whole country votes, not just Vt.

Bloomberg will draw attention to billionaires who don't pay their fair share of taxes, Warren will surge because she has a plan for them.



Some billionaires seem confused about how much they would pay under Elizabeth’s Ultra-Millionaire Tax. Don’t worry, now we have a calculator for that too.






is bernie leading in vermont? that's cool.

no blind exuberance my man -- the political revolution is real. don't get stuck behind. don't let trump scare you into thinking only a biden can beat him -- the facts say otherwise. 

bernie is surging right now -- partly b/c his wealth tax, which warren copied, is more progressive and taxes the billionaire even

more than warren's plan. 

biden has been sinking ever since he announced -- he can't even campaign b/c he'll crash and burn lol. the dnc pushes him through we're done. 

warren has been sinking as well actually.

this is part of why bernie will win:CA31BFC2-6DAD-44DF-B624-2F34D08D94F0.jpeg





November 11, 2019 - Biden Holds Slight Lead In New Hampshire Dem Primary, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; 54 Percent Definitely Wouldn't Vote For Bloomberg In Primary




P-nutz - 

Do you think maybe you're going a smidge too hard for bernie here on the viva?

Do you work for his campaign? (without pay of course)

Do you like Twiddle? (big bernie supporters)

Oh, one more thing...

If bernie asked you to shovel his driveway, you down? 



Slack - arf arf arf



Looks good for Bernie there pyramid, if those groups actually turned that support into votes. But sadly they don't. All those groups you list, don't fucking show up at the polls. If they did the bern would have scorched 2016. 

Now I answered your question, but you still haven't answered mine - will you bernites vote for the dem nominee, or will you stay home and pout - again ?

sorry guys i'm just snowed in atm haha. but no, not really thod. as long as woz and weird steve keep spreading misinformation, i'll be here annoying y'all. 

no i don't work for bernie, in any capacity.

never even heard of twiddle until i moved to vermont -- bad stuff. 

ras -- ive answered that dumb ass question like 5 times. go search for it. 

and the question king never disappoints. good stuff thod. 

and ras -- i wrote bernie in on the 2016 ballot, in south philly. that just makes your blood boil, doesn't it? 

if the dnc pulls what they did in 2016, there will be an issue again -- bernie can stump for the corporate dem and tell us to

vote for him or her all he wants -- that doesn't change a thing (like he did for hrc in 2016). 


>wrote bernie in on the 2016 ballot, in south philly. that just makes your blood boil, doesn't it<


No. Just think you are a fool.


Sanders is in 4th place in NH. Where's the surge at?


Third in Iowa...


< twiddle -- bad stuff >

Probably don't like river pumpkin races or maple syrup either 

we know, lumber. you think i'm an idiot. that's fine. i think you're jersey trash. 

the msm isn't reporting the surge, so why would a mouth breather like you know of it?

^^  Well I'm glad you'll vote for a Warren when bernie doesn't make it, gonna hold you to it for sure, ad naseum. 


if bernie doesn't make it and it is warren, i'll vote for the fake progressive -- yes thod. 

but not voting bernie in the primary is holding our country back. remember that, lumber. 


Mouth breather?

Jersey trash?


Always a prick when confronted with facts.


I'm from Philly, asshole.


And regarding the 2016 general election, I think it was foolish to vote for someone who had no chance of winning.


Where's the surge at?

Fourth in NH

Third in Iowa


you're just a bitch, lumber. 


No facts to back up your surge claim?


That's ok, being a sanctimonious prick suits you. You seem to come by it honestly. 

oh the facts are out there. you refusing the acknowledge them is fine. remember, you always start w/ the name calling -- which is why you are a little bitch. 


Should I go with passive aggressive douche, like you, Pyramid?


Post some facts backing up your surge claim.

where's keyshawn?


whatever you like man, you just always start w/ the name calling. all good. but you are a bitch. 



bernie won NH in 2016 w/ over 60% 

>> this election is about so much than just beating trump. <<

This is where your credibility ends. This election is about one thing.



That pole homegirl is working has more integrity than the polls you just cited.


"Time's a stripper, doing it just for you"





>bernie won NH in 2016 w/ over 60% 


That's why the new numbers surprise me. 

Is it an outlier? 


> you just always start w/ the name calling. all good. but you are a bitch<


No, I respond. Sorry if you don't like being called out for your passive aggressive attacks.  


I understand your pov...

 Whoever doesn't support Sanders is holding the country back.  And they don't care about other people.

And they are just parroting msm talking points. 



the trifecta of viva centrists. nice. 

i guess we'll just keep going in circles until the voting starts. 

only 3 more months, not bad. 


Let's hit up the barrel or the wobbly before da club


oh well. we can't have nice things. 


warren isn't electable in the general ::


Never seen a pyramidheat poll that doesn't have Bernie on top. 

So - as goes GA, so goes the rest of the US?


 Centrists unite!

that's all that says to you, surf? 

bernies down in iowa and california, according to the polls -- just like he was in 2016 when he crushed iowa. time will tell. warren sliding 9 points in CA and bernie surging 6. awesome CA votes on March 3rd. 

also bernie has the Latino vote in CA -- by a large margin. there's 7.7m eligible Latino voters in CA, 5mil registered. 31% bernie, 22% biden, 11% warren. 

Bros before hos

brought to you by...

Willy Makeit and Betty Won't 


you better hope he does and vote for him in the primary. 

your girl warren isn't electable. 

btw those CA #s are part of the surge that people like lumber refuse to acknowledge. 

40% of the state is latino. 435 delegates. votes on super tuesday. huge. 

also bernie rallying over 7k in iowa last wknd -- sounds small but in iowa that's massive. largest crowds out of any candidate there (or anywhere) -- and they expect us to believe he's polling in 3rd or 4th. no way.

bernie still surging. 



bernie's just on a different level, altogether. his green new deal public housing plan, co-sponsored by warren. 

250k good paying union jobs/yr. 



Good stuff Surf, I remember reading that.

People still can't wrap their head around the Russia thing.

Ignorance is bliss, I guess.


LA teachers unions endorses bernoe sanders -- teaches and nurses are in the correct side of history. 


bernie sanders surge continues. 9C5B5209-2CDB-4E22-A62C-22EC3BBC0FDF.jpeg

To Surf's point....


Has anybody bothered to google:


"Tad Devine Bernie Sanders Russia"


Go ahead and google it and make up your own mind.


P-nutz will be here shortly foaming at the mouth, enjoy.


not sure what this is about, but bernie and russia? come on man, you're better than that. 





why does bernie winning make you so mad? 

If ol' bern was winning... why the constant poll update?

    Seems almost desperate, definitely not confident.

                                   Jus' sayin'


haha you're funny man. sad, but funny.