Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Idaho, ND & Washington



Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) on Wednesday endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden.

Granholm told CNN’s “New Day” that it was “no surprise” that she was endorsing Biden. The CNN contributor commended the former vice president for being an advocate for the auto industry within former President Obama’s administration during the Great Recession, which she said was crucial for Michigan and Detroit.

“Who was the person inside the Obama administration to champion saving the auto industry and the million jobs that are attached to it in the industrial Midwest? It was Joe Biden,” she said. ... The former governor also praised Biden for his work on the Recovery Act, bringing money to the state to broaden the economy into electric vehicles, sending money to ensure teachers were not laid off and setting up a task force in the White House focused on Detroit and issues the city experienced.

“Michigan is not going to forget,” she told CNN. “We were on our knees and Joe Biden picked us up and carried us on his shoulders. We came back just like Joe Biden came back over the past few days.”...

Michigan is the battlefield, looks like a toss-up to me.

I assume the Bern gets Washington, what about the others?

I'm guessing Biden gets Missouri, Mississippi and North Dakota.....does Idaho join the other Mountain states for Bernie?

Do you people think Donald Trump will wear his own made up military uniform in his second term?
Do you think it will look more like the one Ghadafi wore or Mugabe's?

Washington, Idaho, and ND go to Bernie

Mississippi and Missouri go to Biden

Michigan a toss up.

Big question is whether they will have finished counting California by then?   Last I checked, they were 90% reporting with Bernie leading by over 250,000 votes, but a big chunk of the delegates had not been awarded.

Meanwhile, the narrative in the corporate media is that somehow Biden has this big lead.

Biden has a 433 to 388 lead, and he flipped two states that Bernie won over Hillary. That is a pretty big story particularly because the corporate media had written him off. As a matter of fact they wrote him off so badly that one of the corporate media moguls entered the race and spent half a billion dollars because they thought he couldn't win. 



>>>  the narrative in the corporate media is that somehow Biden has this big lead.


What's Biden's lead in the non-corporate media?

Or is Bernie leading in the non-corporate media?

I could see Washington flipping to Biden, especially if Warren stays in and siphons off a chunk of the Progressive vote.  Lots of moderate Democrats in these parts who will vote with their wallets.

Who won California? It's almost super Thursday. 

You won, Slack, you won California.

How many delegates did Bernie and Biden get from California? We don't get to know until the other primaries are over?

Biden is definitely surging- no doubt.  I personally want Bernie but my pragmatic self understands the politics of the situation with Biden.  I will say that Biden's crushes were mostly down in the deep south which are gauranteed red states anyway.

And Bernie just flipped one rather large state that went for Hillary.

In the non-corporate media, the narrative is "neck and neck."

Agreed there are about 200 CA delegates that are still up for grabs and the majority will go to Bernie and I could see him pulling ahead in delegate count, but I guess where we differ is that I just see that crappy media 24 hour news cycle thing. When you are written off and come roaring back that is going to be the story. Doesn't help that all the Bernie supporters online are measuring for the new red drapes in the white house. 

This race ain't over, but when your strategy depends on turning out young first time voters maybe you shouldn't be saying the whole system is rigged by corporate media and the DNC. 

Latinos, not necessarily young people, will be the secret of Tio Bernie's success.  That's who propelled him to victory in California and a virtual tie in Texas.

weird steve -- you should read/listen/watch some democracy now. it's real news. i know, so is cnn and msnbc and fox! but this news has no bias and just reports facts. 

maybe try it. or whatever. 

Why are the far left the first to scream racism about anything but think terms like people of color, the black vote, etc... is Just fine.  Fucking hypocrites.

I mean it is cute that Kenny here knows how to say uncle in a different language and also his use of POC.  If you don’t spell it out, then it must not be racist?

Kenny will feed him & Ronnie will watch
And enter the world
Of liars & cheaters & people like you
Who smile & think you know
What this is about

Michigan is the bellwether.

Well, Warren is out.

Bye, bye, Warren. Glad she did the right thing. I sincerely hope her and Bernie made up and have decided to team up. If he offered her VP I think they would make a formidable team...

And Racket calling Ken racist is, well, it's just Zoner Gold. My goodness, where else can you find these nuggets?...

wait, why would saying "people of color" be racist?

weird to see the older mainstream dems drinking the identity politics koolaid

The lanes are clear....no more blame games.

Warren's dropping out makes the Progressive/Moderate choice that much clearer for Democratic voters.  The #1 concern seems to be electability.  Bernie seems more charismatic and capable of firing up the electorate, but also carries the baggage of the "Socialist" tag and fears he will alienate swing voters in key battleground states, while Joe seems safer yet less dynamic.   

It's an interesting referendum.  I'm still waiting to mark my ballot until Monday, to see if there are any more curveballs.  

I see Steve Bullock is now running (after dropping out of the presidential race earlier) for senate in Montana, which now puts another senate seat on the table. This widens the Democrats chances of retaking the senate by a little, or maybe better to say provides them a larger margin of error for winning than they had yesterday. 

A warren endorsement for Bernie would be huge heading into next Tuesday's election. Michigan is really a momentum builder for either candidate. Whoever takes Michigan and can even walk away with 10 more delegates than the other candidate will be in very good shape.

oprah and the obama's endorsements cant be too far off now



centrists and neocons unite! 

oh wait, they have always been united. 

this is what democrats support? 


front runner sanders vs senile republican lite biden. 

gonna be good. 

biden should declare that the corona virus makes it too dangerous to debate any more and head into his bunker in DE.  let the establishment do its thing 

the one thing I am sure of is that Sanders will mop the floor with Biden in debate.  no matter what your politics are, Biden's debate game flat out sucks in 2020

and Sanders aint sara palin


     You make a good point, candidly one I hadn't thought of, but a "one on one" debate may indeed be Biden's undoing, no one takes any pleasure watching stages of senility in real-time, but sadly it is what it is, flipping through the channels someone made the comment yesterday how it's noticeably worse now than a few months ago, if that trend continues it could really be untenable by this summer.  It's something that could happen to any of us, it's sad to watch, but it begs the question why are these decisions being made at the highest level of the party, and what is the possible endgame?

I really wish Bernie would drop the whole Socialism shtick and just call it Social Democracy.  That's what the nordic countries he references call it.

He'd really look better shaming the dems if he didn't run under the dem banner.

But Bernie's no dummy, he knows there's not much campaign money available for socialists in the US these days.

Current count:  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/elections/delegate-count-primary-results.html

Bernie 531, Biden 596

166 still to be awarded in California, so based on the current allocation (155/93) it would go Bernie +101, Biden +55.

Based on the above, the projected totals after California is final:

Bernie 632, Biden  651

(caveat:  still about 120 delegates to be awarded from the other states, my eyeballs tell me probably not a big swing from those other delegates....by the time they all figure all of that out we will probably be seeing March 10 electoral results)


So I agree with Ken that Biden does not have a big lead.

^Norhing to agree or disagree about. It's a fact that the race is tight and this upcoming vote in Michigan will be huge for whoever wins it. Warren dropping out is big for Bernie and if she endorsed him that would be big as well, but who knows if that will happen.

Warren is gonna endorse Biden.  I would be shocked if she actually endorsed Sanders.  she endorsed clinton in 16

^Rumor has it that it will be Sanders but you may be right. Although Biden's policies are completely opposite of her progressive agenda that she has pushed every since she became a democrat

there is a thought she would have a space to push Biden left.  as you say, who the fuck knows yet.  but I do believe the tension is real between Sanders and Warren.  They may agree on most things politics but I have a feeling they truly do not like one another 

My theory is that they always liked each other until the "a woman can't be president" incident. My conjecture on that is that Bernie DID say the quote, but within a context that would make sense. It's obvious that he's a die-hard feminist and that he doesn't believe women shouldn't run for President. He probably said something like "because of the Donal Trump a women couldn't be elected President right now" or something along those lines. 

She leaked a line from their private conversation for her political gain, he lied about it to look good, friendship over. Now, they're both pissed off at each other. Kiss and make up, says I. They have much more in common than differences.


 ^I agree, Javs

i'll take a case of budlight...

Dig up some nugs for jav

Warren gets shit done, has a brain.  Bernie professional megafon bullshitter.  

Hey, if ANYBODY wants to send me nugs then by all means, please do. I would not say no. Well, maybe I'd say no to you, Racket. Probably get some ddt sprayed Mexican shit.

As for Warren or Bernie, it's undeniable that Warren has serious intellectual cred. I think Bernie's track record speaks for itself as to him being a bullshitter or not, but he is a populist so megaPHones aren't out of his style, but hey, that's what it's going to take to beat Trump. Like I've said before, I hope Warren and Bernie team up, but I guess time will tell...

A Warren Sanders team ?


Oh mah God don't bother sending any weed to javs, he's obviously already smokin the best shit out there.

What fucking kind of country do you people think we live in ? I'll give you a hint, it ain't incense and peppermints. Its half asshole. Everything is a compromise with shitbirds, been this way since 68 RFK was taken out. Woodstock was our Swan Song.  That dream is over. 

Learn to deal


What's the penalty for sending buds across international borders? If I got popped, would my Senator from Vermont, Bernie, go to bat for me?

I have Scooby Snacks and Sour Bubble, grown by me and Mother Nature in the idyllic foothills of the Green Mountains.

warren endorses bernie. 

wont be VP, but will be in the cabinet. 

that's my guess. 

Everything is a compromise with shitbirds.>>>>

Some really brilliant wisdom being given in this thread.

>> wont be VP, but will be in the cabinet. <<

Yep, Biden will find her a nice cabinet position.

BK don't tease me like that! :)

>(S) New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders, said she would back Joe Biden if he wins the nomination and wants others to do the same regardless of who wins.

So where are they with finishing up counting those votes from California?

^^^   Good question, Ken.

Yesterday: :  >>>  166 still to be awarded in California, so based on the current allocation (155/93) it would go Bernie +101, Biden +55.

This morning:   112 still to be awarded in California.  Current Allocation is 167 for Bernie, 116 for Biden.  That's +12 for Bernie, +23 for Biden.

So yesterday, Bernie had 155 out of 248 (62.5%), Biden had 93 of 248, or 37.5%.

This morning, Bernie has 167 out of 283 (59%), Biden had 116 of 283, or 41%.


Current count is Bernie 551, Biden 627.

If Bernie gets 60% of the remaining 112 California delegates, that give him 67 more, Joe gets 45 more.

That would give us Bernie 551+67 = 618, Biden at 627 + 45 = 672.

(caveat, there are 49 delegates from other states still not awarded, I bet Bernie get 75% of those (lots in Colorado & Utah).

If so, I'd add 37 to Bernie, 12 to Biden, leaving us with this guess:

Bernie = 618 + 37 = 655, Biden = 672 + 12 = 684.


655 to 684.   Huh.

Imagine what the narrative would have been back in 2016 if it had been such a razor thin margin.  

In 2016, California did not vote until June.  Worth noting.

Why am I still getting Bloomberg junk mail?

With Warren out, I'm leaning Sanders this morning.  See how the weekend develops.

45026428-8E2E-4130-A289-2DC92FE584F9.jpegsorry, ned. old senile joe won't ever be in the position, him and trump want to cut SS, bernie doesnt. 

not a good message. 






Biden does not want to cut SS, he wants to expand it. So much for honesty.
You might be better off promoting your candidate's platform instead of falsely stating others. Dirty business :(

you're lying or just stupid. facts hurt ned. 




Social Security is the bedrock of American retirement. Roughly 90% of retirement-age Americans receive Social Security benefits, and one-in-four rely on Social Security for all, or almost all, of their income. The program has not only ensured that middle-class workers can enjoy the sound and secure retirement they worked so hard for, it also lifted over 17 million older Americans out of poverty in 2017 alone. 

The Biden Plan will protect Social Security for the millions of Americans who depend on the program. With Social Security’s Trust Fund already in deficit and expected to be exhausted in 2035, we urgently need action to make the program solvent and prevent cuts to American retirees. 

But the Biden Plan doesn’t stop there. As president, Joe Biden will strengthen benefits for the most vulnerable older Americans – including widows and widowers, lifelong workers with low monthly benefits, and old-age beneficiaries who may have exhausted their other savings. Specifically, the Biden Plan will:

Put Social Security on a path to long-run solvency. The impending exhaustion of the Social Security Trust fund imperils American retirement as we know it. Waiting to act only jeopardizes the program further, and will make an eventual solution that much more difficult. The Biden Plan will put the program on a path to long-term solvency by asking Americans with especially high wages to pay the same taxes on those earnings that middle-class families pay.

Preserve the nature of Social Security. Social Security is one of our nation’s great public policy successes, in large part due to the fact that participation in the program is shared across almost all workers. Efforts to privatize the program – such as an approach suggested under the Bush Administration – will undermine the program’s solvency, while putting at risk individuals’ income in retirement. Similarly, proposals to make the program “means-tested” – so that only low-income retirees workers receive benefits – jeopardizes the program’s universal nature and key role as the bedrock of American retirement. Ultimately, the success of Social Security is largely due to the fact that almost all Americans can rely on the program to make their retirement more secure. 

Provide a higher benefit for the oldest Americans. At advanced ages, Americans become more vulnerable to exhausting their savings, sometimes falling into poverty and living a life of hardship. The Biden Plan will provide the oldest beneficiaries – those who have been receiving retirement benefits for at least 20 years – with a higher monthly check to help protect retirees from the pain of dwindling retirement savings. 

Implement a true minimum benefit for lifelong workers. No one who has worked for decades and paid into Social Security should have to spend their retirement in poverty. The Biden Plan will revolutionize the Social Security’s minimum benefit, which has deteriorated over time to the point of being entirely ineffective. Under the Biden Plan, workers who spent 30 years working will get a benefit of at least 125% of the poverty level. 

Protect widows and widowers from steep cuts in benefits. For many couples, the death of a spouse means that Social Security benefits will be cut in half – putting pressure on the surviving spouse who still needs to make the mortgage payment and handle other bills. The Biden Plan will allow surviving spouse to keep a higher share of the benefits. This will make an appreciable difference in the finances of older Americans, especially women (who live longer on average than men), raising the monthly payment by about 20% for affected beneficiaries. 

Eliminate penalties for teachers and other public-sector workers. Current rules penalize teachers and other public sector workers who either switch jobs or who have earned retirement benefits from various sources. The Biden Plan would eliminate these penalties by ensuring that teachers not eligible for Social Security will begin receiving benefits sooner – rather than the current ten-year period for many teachers. The Biden Plan will also get rid of the benefit cuts for workers and surviving beneficiaries who happen to be covered by both Social Security and another pension. These workers deserve the benefits they earned. 

^ you wanted facts, right?

now biden wants to expand it. 

lol. man he's just hoping sorry ass fucks like yourself eat that shit up. 


Right, you say I'm lying or stupid. I (smartly) did my research and posted my sourced findings. I'd say his policy is more reasonable and practical compared to:

Free tuition, free health care, all student debt eliminated.

Maybe Bernie's "just hoping sorry ass fucks like yourself eat that shit up".


Will Barisma play  A part in this process,,,again?

>>>>Will Barisma play  A part in this process,,,again?

According to Fox News, the investigation is just getting started,

My son is actually in Kiev right now for spring break.   He is trying to track down the missing server and getting to the bottom of the mystery.  I will let you know what he finds out. 

< According to Fox News

Please don't tell us that's your news drug of choice Ken. Say it ain't so

Fox News is one of about seven or eight news outlets I check out daily.  Interesting to see how the media on different ends of the political spectrum spin the news of the day.

Biden spent most of his career as a politician trying to cut SS but now he wants to example it all of a sudden right, Ned? The word gullible comes to mind.

So now Ned is gullible? You Bernie bro's with all your insults. No wonder so many people are being turned off to his movement. 


The Washington primary is in a few days and am not surprised by many on the fence voters who have moves to Biden. I am one of them.


ned hates facts like biden hates SS. funny how that works. 



jr don't eat too much xanax and forget to vote. 

I never knew you older guys were such soft little babies. "Someone made fun of me on the Internet so I'm gonna vote for Biden." Bunch of fucking Criers and whiners.

Trump will win Michigan so the dems will have to work on something a little more attainable like Ohio or Pennsylvania. 

^If Trump wins Michigan it's over for anyone. It's has become more important than Ohio.  That's why I believe who ever wins Michigan in the primary will ultimately win the primary. Being able to say that they have Michigan's support will be a huge testament for being able to defeat Trump in the general. It's going to be extremely difficult for either candidate to beat Trump. I think Bernie is correct when he says we need a mass movement to win.

California update:

two days ago it was Bernie 155, Biden 93

yesterday Bernie +12, Biden +23...leaving it at 167 to 116

today Bernie +19, Biden +32, leaving it at Bernie 186, Biden 148.

still 61 to be awarded in Cali, Biden seems to be getting 60% of the late deciders.

still 40 delegates to be awarded in Colorado & Utah...no updates from either state over past two days.


overall total is currently Bernie 573, Biden 664      


all trump is gonna have to do is play the clip from this campaign where biden is telling his corporate masters that "nothing will fundamentally change" for them. 

trump gets to play the fake populist against the corporate dem. really bad. 

trump will run away w/ it. 

combined w/ biden's senile, crazy talk -- he'll be viewed as unfit to serve. trump will really destroy biden's credibility. it's pretty easy w/ a record like biden's tho. 

a way more risky candidate than even HRC. the dems, and their sheeple like ned/jr/ras/etc haven't learned a thing. 

biden wants to cut SS. 

biden on record in 2006 saying he doesn't view abortion as a choice or a right, and that we should focus on limiting the # of abortions. 

this guy is a terrible candidate and will lose to trump. there can't be two republicans running, trump gets those votes, biden won't. 


Interesting that in two small states like Colorado and Utah. Two states that Bernie won have still yet to be fully accounted for. The. California which Bernie won has still yet to be accounted for. Oldest trick in the book to directly influence nation wide voting. Making it look like Biden has a larger lead than he does. 

Ogkb, you are so out of touch that it's becoming sad.

I know that this is going to kill you to hear, but there are millions and millions of people, Dem, Rep and Ind, who are "anyone but Trump, as long as it's not Bernie." Yes, plenty of people, on all sides, think that Bernie would be a bigger disaster than Trump. Tell them they are wrong; berate them. It doesn't matter - that's their belief, and that's how they will vote.

Then there's that simple math. If over 50% are going to the polls undecided, and 66% of them are picking Biden because they see him as "more electable," and he's winning states and delegates because of that, it makes him electable.

Of course, your whole argument is based on the false narrative that Biden is the same as Trump, and he's a Republican. You are categorically wrong. You can post memes from Bernie's website all you want, it's a bullshit premise.

And yes, there are also millions of older (and younger) people who are scared shitless of the tactics of a certain faction of Bernie supporters, who come off as fascists. They are truly afraid of what would happen if Bernie was elected. "Fall in line," right?

Own your shit, Bro. Chill the fuck out, stop berating people, stop with the false narratives. 

^Whats the false narrative? Biden votes to cut SS many time is his career. That is a fact. What false narrative are you talking about, exactly?

lol bk. stop berating people? grow up man. people been slingin' shit in every thread. every time you post berniebro you're slingin shit. 

so save that bs man, you sound absurd posting that. 

what's out of touch is thinking biden will beat trump. bernie may not, but he gives us the best shot b/c he's about more than just beating trump. we all know this, it's what his campaign is about. moving the country forward -- deagearong teump, and reversing all of his evil shit, but also moving the country forward in a way that centrists and the GOP don't offer. 

centrism vs fake populist. we saw what happened in 2016. 

biden and trump aren't the same. lol. 

trump is actually much smarter at playing this game than biden, unfortunately. 

he will run circles around the old senile man. 

>>>>>this guy is a terrible candidate and will lose to trump. there can't be two republicans running, trump gets those votes, biden won't. 



Uh, I think those are usually called "opinions".

He's not a Republican.

He didn't vote to cut SS. He voted to balance a budget, which would have meant temporary cuts to EVERY government program. That is very, very different than the BS scare tactic and lie that he "voted to cut SS."

Although he isn't for legalizing nationally, he wants pot criminals released, he's all for states legalizing, and more studies. Had he not said "gateway drug" in his statement, nobody would have a problem.

And then, and I know that this is a tough one, people change and grow over time. Political views and policies change. Just because Bernie has been steadfast for 40 years doesn't mean that others can't evolve. Who fucking cares if Warren was one Republican? Only Bernie supporters berate her for that. 

Have at it. It's become a broken record of flat out lies, arguments that are so unnuanced that they are ridiculous. It's a world of grays, not black and white.

The term "Bernie Bro" is neither sexist nor racist. It refers to a very small and vocal segment of Bernie supporters, mostly Millennial males who berate people on the Innerwebs.

The only reason you pull out the "sexist and racist" card is to support a false narrative that somehow justifies the behaviors of that small segment. "Bernie Bro's" are a thing. Even Bernie has acknowledged it. It's hey make the millions of others of his supporters, and Bernie himself, look bad.

>>>He votes to balance the budget>>>

Exactly! Instead of pulling money away from things like notary spending and gov subsidies for oil and banks he sided with taking money away from working class citizens who paid into that program there whole lives hoping one day to retire. That is the problem.

It's a shame that people can't read between the lines and see what's really happening sometimes. If you think that cutting gov programs  that are paid into every single day of your working careeer like SS and Medicaid will help balance a budget where billions are wasted in on military budgets and private company subsidies for companies which make billions every year than you may want to take a look at the money coming in out of your pocket and the money going out to places that you receive no benefit from.

No to dividing the Democrats - we need to unite behind whoever is the nominee. Period. And both Bernie and Biden need to focus their attacks on TRUMP. and Trump only. And working to flip the Senate. Remember SCOTUS needs you to vote Blue or Grey,  no matter who.



No, I'm not talking to Timpane or Pyrmaid.  They are in the minority and we can defeat Trump without them. Their rants are meaningless, no use in engaging with any of the BernieBros. 



Best we can do now is to actually help get people to the polls to vote. 

you all solve the worlds problems yet?  


Weird that we are being attacked when we point out facts. If you read what I posted it's not meaningless and it directly effects every working American. I have no reason to attack anyone but I'm not afraid to point out those things you may be too uncomfortable to talk about. Have a good weekend.

“Safe” presidential nominees

John Kerry

Howard Dean

Hillary Clinton

John McCain

Joe Biden


”Unsafe” presidential nominees

Donald Trump

Barack Obama

Bernie Sanders

>>>   Interesting that in two small states like Colorado and Utah. Two states that Bernie won have still yet to be fully accounted for. The. California which Bernie won has still yet to be accounted for. Oldest trick in the book to directly influence nation wide voting. Making it look like Biden has a larger lead than he does. 


1)   All three states allow mail-in voting, it takes a while to get the mail delivered and counted.

2)  The mail in votes could be mailed right up through election day, and late-breaking voters broke big for Biden.  The early voting favored Sanders, as Amy & Pete were still in it. 

3)  As I reported above, the California updates heavily favor Biden.

yesterday Bernie +12, Biden +23...leaving it at 167 to 116

today Bernie +19, Biden +32, leaving it at Bernie 186, Biden 148.

The numbers above mean that Biden is getting 64% of the California delegates over the past two days, so the delay in counting votes made Bernie's california victory look bigger than it will end up being.   If Colorado and Utah have similar results from the mail-in votes, Biden's lead will grow as they report results.


^If Trump wins Michigan it's over for anyone. It's has become more important than Ohio.  That's why I believe who ever wins Michigan in the primary will ultimately win the primary. Being able to say that they have Michigan's support will be a huge testament for being able to defeat Trump in the general.


I disagree, if the Democrat gets Pennsylvania and Florida, they almost certainly win.  For example:



Now think about who does better in Florida?


Who does better in Pennsylvania?



1 Maine 44.9

5 Florida 42.2

9 Pennsylvania 40.8

— United States 38.2

42 Colorado 36.9

45 California 36.8

50 Texas 34.8

54 Utah 31.0

joe biden has advocated for SS cuts for 40 years. 

these facts matter and will decode who the nominee is. 

both trump and biden want to cut SS. fact. 

only bernie doesn't want to, in fact, he wants to expand it. 

your safe (risky and dangerous) centrist will get blown out by trump. biden won't motivate the electorate to defeat trump. 



surf, it's a fact that biden made those comment on abortion in 2006. 

It ain't happening in Michigan.  Trump supporters are too dug in.

It's like being a Lions fan. Rooting for the dems and hoping for a candidate to win when you know they just wont. It feels exactly the same. I know because i'm a life long Detroit Lions fan and watching this shit slowly unfold and watching the democratic party implode gives me that exact feeling. 


     Saw the Lions once as a kid play the Dolphins pre-season in Pontiac at the Silverdome.  Were you at the Grateful Dead at Pine Knob in '91?

for our favorite centrists: 


its just too easy for trump w/ biden.

make it stop. 

Saw the Lions lose to the Jaguars in 2005.

Jesse Jackson just endorsed Sanders.

Biden getting FL in the general lol. Keep dreaming. Ain't gonna happen

trump is more mentally fit than biden to serve. 

this is fucked up. 

even booker and other centrists are wondering what's going on. 


trump will literally eat this guy for breakfast. 

suuuuuuuper risky and the most dangerous pick of all. 


Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. 

State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Joe Biden’s win in South Carolina gave those Russian media pause, but his buoyant resurgence on Super Tuesday left the Kremlin’s mouthpieces nearly speechless. 

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

The pro-Kremlin newspaper Vzglyad complained that Biden “rose from the ashes like a phoenix,” prevailing “in spite of the corruption scandals” that have long been alleged and cultivated by the Russians—and the Republicans—concerning his son, Hunter, and his own activities in Ukraine.

With notable irritation, Vzglyad griped about Joe Biden’s state primary victories in North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Alabama, claiming that the pro-Biden votes in rural states were secured by “rednecks, who shoot skunks for fun, bowl, beat their wives and associate the word ‘socialist’ with the communist threat.” The newspaper bitterly surmised that through Biden’s anticipated nomination, the U.S. elites won yet another Cold War against socialism.


Moscow's repeated pitch on Russian-language state media for domestic consumption and for the sizable community of Russian speakers in the United States is that Joe Biden is damaged goods and Donald Trump is inevitably going to be re-elected. But the messaging doesn't stop there. The Kremlin's English-language media aim to influence Americans on their home turf. RT actively promotes conspiracy theories targeting Biden while lauding Trump’s efforts to “investigate” his leading political opponent. RT predicted that Trump will win a second term, claimed that Biden is “cognitively unraveling” and surmised that “allegations of corruption… are doing real damage to his presidential bid.”


^haha jesus. 

correct, weird steve -- bernie better crush it on tuesday. 

it's unfortunate that "dems" cheer for a senile old man who has a record of trying to cut SS, limit women's abortion rights, is owned by the major banks/credit card companies, oil, pharmaceutical, prison industries. 

again; really speaks volumes about you, as a person, for choosing corporate welfare over actually helping americans and saving our planet. lol sounds funny to say huh. 

 just as bad as the diehard trumpers. 

I'm going to point something out to you, ogkb, and I hope you take it to heart. Biden has had a stutter since childhood. As a result, he fumbles words and sentences. It does not mean he's senile. It means he has a disability.

I would hope that, as a progressive, you do some fucking research in to disability and act like a goddamn progressive, not like Trump. As of now you're hardly progressive.

If you want to misrepresent his policy and rag on that, fair game, but for Christ sakes, stop being a damn bigot about disability. His stuttering has nothing to do with his ability to govern.

And if you come back with a snarky "ha ha," about this, you can go fuck yourself. You are judging and categorizing based on disability, and it's wrong. Be a damn progressive.

>>>   again; really speaks volumes about you, as a person, for choosing corporate welfare over actually helping americans and saving our planet. lol sounds funny to say huh.

No, it means I thought Biden had the best chance of:   1) beating the lying orange scumbag; and 2) Helping the Dems win the Senate.  In my opinion, a Sanders nomination puts the Senate out of reach, and puts the House at risk.  I think most Democratic voters have made the same calculation. 


>>>  Biden getting FL in the general lol. Keep dreaming. Ain't gonna happen

Based on history and polling, I disagree:




Trump isn't leaving. The Democrats don't have the power to remove him. Game over. 


Unfuck America.jpg

Mannfredd, you forget this isn't Mitt Romney who was a nobody compared to Trump. Biden has no pull in FL at all. Trump owns it. To win democrats need Wisconsin, Michigan ,  PA and possibly Ohio. Biden is not Obama lol. Soon unfortunately we might find that out.

I've got to say, I'm pretty sick of getting talked down to by a couple of 30-something wannabe progressives. They are punks who give Bernie a couple of bucks a month and think that it gives them credibility.  Meanwhile, they can't hold a coherent argument, they call names, lie, put people down and make fun of disability. Who the fuck are they to say shit about progressivism?

I've been a progressive my whole life, and I live it. I give of my time, money and life, every day. I treat people with respect. I fight for those with disabilities and differences. It's what I do. I've raised 3 kids to adulthood, who give a fuck and are also progressive (well, 2/3). Being progressive is a way of thinking, a lifestyle. It's not voting for Bernie and giving him an allowance.

Other than blathering about how they are progressive, while at the same time acting like goddamn Republicans, neither Timpane nor OGKB have shown any sense of progressivism in their lives or way of being. They are just internet punks who don't know shit, and surely don't do shit.

It's crazy that this is what it has come down to, fake progressives judging and putting down those who have truly lived it. 

who the fuck is talking about stuttering, bk? 

bk is kinda melting right now haha. nice. 

I didn't call anybody names. It's you only who has called names recently. How does that make you feel? What are you gonna do about it Brian K? What have you "truly lived"? You haven't done shit man. Stop trying to act like your vote is somehow more important because you're old. You are just turning into another sour geezer. Now I'm name calling. Go cry yourself to sleep yoy soft little baby. You and the rest of the punk ass baby boomers can mind fuck yourselves to another Trump term. Enjoy. I'll stay here talking down to you like the little baby you are. Deal with it.

bk didn't vote for obama hahahaha

BK took too many of the pharmies they gave him at the hospital.

I'm Gen X.

Now what?

Sweet melt, Timpane. I clearly got to the heart of it. You're not progressive.

i'd say bk is at a full 5.0. 

good stuff man. a bit angry today, i see. 

entertaining nonetheless, you're just typing words. hahaha they mean nothing, and so very off base it's hilarious. 

keep going. 

^^My melt was nearly as great as yours. I don't need a title to go along with my views. Keep seeking validation you whining ass motherfucker. We know how much you've "lived it". Funny how pyramid and I are in your feeble little head though. You're weak man. You need someone who loves you. Hope you find it 

Hardly a melt, just disappointed. 

You called Biden senile because he stutters. Deal with it, fake progressive.

now you're just making shit up tho. 

^^Take your meds guy



weird you're so protective of biden. he's obviously deteriorating. 

im not talking about stuttering, wtf? 

i'm talking about all the recent clips of the man not being able to compete a sentence, a thought, him speaking complete nonsense. 



I think BK is trying to spell *posers. 

I spelled it the classy way.

>>>  weird you're so protective of biden. he's obviously deteriorating. 

Ok, let's take a look.

Here's a 13-minute Biden CBS interview this week.

Why don't you point out where you observe a lack of mental facilities.  Should be easy enough, if he is obviously deteriorating.

You can point us to the precise timestamp and we can all see it for ourselves.





Nothing needs to be pointed out. There have been multiple media articles and even statements made by his campaign saying there will be moments of "aging". 

Yeah sorry that's not a stutter, it's half gibberish, half him forgetting what he was just talking about, and half him not being able to hear or understand what in the hell he is being told to say through his earpiece in order to tapdance and backpedal.

Biden's campaign events are limiting his speaking time for a reason.    And yes, this is not a "stutter" and guy is showing more and more moments of confusion that is indicative of a declining mental state.  Not trying to be mean and actually feel bad for the guy.  But hey, at least he is not a scary socialist.

The right wing media is going to have a field day with Biden.   Saw an opinion piece from Tucker Carlson the other day (boo, hiss) and he was going on about how the Democratic establishment is rallying behind Biden not because he is strong, but because he is weak and feeble minded, allowing him to be easily manipulated by the sinister forces of the Deep State.  Consider the source of course but that is the narrative Joe is going to face if he ends up being the nominee.

>>Jesse Jackson just endorsed Sanders.<<

oof, he's a schmuck.

couldn't do it, huh.

I'm the new president
And I grew and I bent
Don't you know, don't it show?
I'm the punk with the stutter

Biden’s speech: Embrace the stutter, and move on

Thanks for the insight, Ken. You've laid out the groundwork. The far right is going to go off on some deep state shit about Biden's mental capacity and him being a puppet, and the far left will take it and run with it. They are going to besmirch him to living hell, and it will be their calling to never vote for him.

Just like Pizzagate...

tough look here, bk. 

you're just way off base, made up a bunch of shit....kinda embarrassing. 


weird steve thinks that since biden did *13* min straight w/o saying complete nonsense/non english he's mentally sound. 

you just pointed out the length of his interview, which was short -- but we're now talking about how many minutes his interviews are, and how long he's gone w/o speaking gibberish. that says it all. there's a serious issue. 


bk, you melted down about biden's stuttering issue, accusing me of making fun of people w/ disabilities, called me a bigot, lol, all while i never once mentioned anything about his stuttering. 

you're an idiot man. 

Know a lot of people who are now switching to Biden for the WA primary on the 10th.  While most of it has to do with general electability, another has to do with the amount of vitriol coming from Sanders supporters. Moderate Democrats who are on the fence don't want to be talked down to and ridiculed for having differing views. 

You're not a progressive, and I hardly melted. That's your strategy when called out on shit, go as low as possible.

you're just lying. 

and you melted, twice actually. but whatever. 

you're not calling me out on anything -- you're supposed call out is about something you made up. 

you ok man? this is crazy. 

Actually, you melted pretty hard BK. It was like four paragraphs about how you're practically obsessed with pyramid and I. Maybe go for a walk or something? Get off your phone man? Anything at this point. Might as well just call a spade a spade, BK. You melted all over the place so just own it:

You too, Timpane, you always stoop to the lowest. Look at your rant about me up there. Jesus, what is wrong with you? Who says shit like that? 

I haven't addressed either of you in 4 hours. Ogkb brought it back up. Who's obsessed.

has thod taken over bk's account? lol. 

wtf is going on? 

The irony, boys, is that I have barely been participating in these threads. You two are at least 100:1 over me. When I do post, I try to make a statement. It seems to be working. Lol

This shit is way too far up in your domes. Maybe tone down the harsh personal attacks a bit?

Some, not all, Sanders supporters should hear Bernie at the 29:29 mark.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmWNR9zXrls

It'll be cool to see it all mellow out a bit. 

Liddle, thanks for that post of the NJ article up above at 3:05.  

bk -- why did you lie and make this up ?

: <<<>>>If you want to misrepresent his policy and rag on that, fair game, but for Christ sakes, stop being a damn bigot about disability. His stuttering has nothing to do with his ability to govern.<<<<>>>>

then you continued to melt and type paragraphs about this concocted story of yours, and then you double down on your lie. 

funny shit.  


Buddy, you called him senile. There is absolutely no factual or medical backing to that. What we do know is that he has had a lifelong disability, and that the behaviors he exhibited are 100% in line with that disability.

What the hell have I lied about or made up? Lol

Show some humanity. It'll be good for you.

I'm an evidence-based kind of guy. I find it kind of hard to believe that Joe has been in politics for like 40 years and no one once has ever noticed that he has a stutter until now. Ergo, it should be pretty easy to prove that he has a stutter - simply find videos of him speaking throughout his career where this is evident. If, as many of the moderate-defender talking heads are saying now, he has had a stutter since childhood, there should be bountiful videos of him stuttering in the 80's, 90's, 00's, etc...I'm not gonna look for them, seeing as how the people making the case that he stutters have the onus of presenting that evidence. So....post 'em if you got 'em...

When I looked briefly for said evidence I found this video of Joe denying that he still stutters:


That's weird.

I don't know, Javs. I first learned of his stutter early in his Vice Presidency. I hadn't really heard much about him before that,  it it seems like it has been common knowledge for a long time.

Ok, fair enough. I imagine there must be tons of videos of him stuttering throughout his career, then, at least when he was VP. He spoke a lot in front of cameras, right?


Trump stutters and slurs more than Biden. Bernie has a cardiac. They're a bunch of dudes in their 70s. We get what we get.

I'll pull a Mannfred: Here's a video of a Vice-Presidential debate in 2012. Please, go through it and point out the exact time stamp where Biden shows evidence of a stutter:


Now here's a video of Biden talking today (recently). Can you please explain how a stutter accounts for his total inability to string a coherent thought together?


You, BK, keep on saying people are making fun of a disability, and now you're saying "Hey, he's an old guy, what do you want?" So which one is it? Does he stutter? Or is it age? Bernie doesn't talk like that? And please, don't bring Trump into it, my 99 year old grandma was more coherent than Trump even on her deathbed as she was calling out to her mother...

Where are the videos of Bernie 'stuttering' or being completely incoherent? Despite being the same age and having a cardiac condition...

This talking point the dem talking heads are wheeling out now is pathetic and is a slap in the face to people who actually have a stutter and have to deal with it on a regular basis. Covering up Biden's mental decay as he potentially slides into the most powerful job on the planet and using a real disability to cover it up is about as low as it gets.

So yeah, I'll just check back in tomorrow morning to see all the evidence you guys have found of Biden stuttering back in the 80's or 90's or 00s. Alongside the evidence of Bernie being incoherent, oops, I mean stuttering. Should be bountiful if argument a) he always stuttered or argument b) it's a matter of age turn out to be true.


>>Covering up Biden's mental decay as he potentially slides into the most powerful job on the planet and using a real disability to cover it up is about as low as it gets.

That's a hell of an unfounded indictment. I guess you've watched some videos, so you know. Let's leave it at that.

You win, Javs, you've proven that he is senile. Sleep well.

You're the one who keeps on making the argument that he has a stutter, ergo, the onus of proof is on you, amigo. Can you prove it? Like I said, should be easy enough to find videos of him stuttering throughout time. But oddly enough, when you look at videos of him from 8, 10 years ago, he's pretty darn coherent and only has the very occassional slip-up (well within what's normal for anyone). 

I did show some pretty clear evidence that could be interpreted as mental decay. I posted a video from 2012 of him being totally coherent and one of him now totally rambling under pressure. Show me the equivalent of him stuttering 10 years ago and another one of the same comparable level of stutter today. Weird how this only became a talking point in like the last two weeks, no?

Biden's own camp practically called him senile, BK. And yeah I go at with you mostly because you come out of left field and attack me. 


The onus is on me? Good Christ.

Yeah, make a claim and then leave it up to the other person to prove it's not true. That's not how it works.

Here's how it really works. You made the claim, so you prove that he is senile. A few clips of stuttering and slurring is not definitive proof.

Fuck it, Javs, just don't vote for him if you're convinced he's mentally unfit. It wouldn't matter. The only one you like is Bernie. It's 

^The melt continues

Rest easy, BK - I'm not an American citizen. Neither Biden nor Bernie will be getting my vote. It's just that for a brief moment I dared hope that you and your compatriots would have the good sense to elect a President that didn't wage secret wars on countries like mine. It gets old being treated like pieces on some one else's chessboard...

I know you're not a citizen, Javs.

Look man, I understand. The US does fucked up shit all over the world. Remember, though, it's Congress that continues to enable and fund. That's where the big changes have to come from. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or Deep State guy, but I really don't think that one president can make that many changes to the juggernaut known as "US foreign policy."

Long story short, I don't think our drone wars would come to a stop under Bernie, or even Tulsi. The best they could do would be to back it off to Obama numbers.

rough day for bk in here. 

accusing people of making fun of a disability, then providing no evidence of such, just making wild accusations. 

melting all over the place. 

doubling down. 

trying to then pass it off as "meh they're all old", when called out by others on his bs. 


haha fucking moron. liar. 

You are one triggered mofo. Chill the fuck out.

yeah man, you got called out on your insane bs today. 

just sayin. 

Dude, stop. I haven't addressed you in hours. You are so far off base that it's fucked up.

ok, well now i have time to address your nonsense. 

but we've all seen this for what it is. no apology necessary. 

i thought you were better, apparently not. 

What the fuck. You call him senile, you prove it. That's not on me. Otherwise, he acts just like a guy with a stutter. You don't care because you're a hater. Have fun with that.

you're crazy man. what happened? 


this is stuttering? 



First off, I just want to clarify that I am so not down with all the juvenile name-calling by anybody on this thread or anywhere else. I don't see how anyone is supposed to create any kind of unity with another human being if all they do is call them names. I'm of the idea that if you have a solid argument to make, that you can do so without calling other people names. Overall, I've almost always seen BK present his case in a respectful and well thought out manner, and I've always respected him for that. Same with Mannfred. I don't agree with either of them, but both attempt to present ideas and sources, not just name calling. 

Second, just to clarify, there's many more forms of violence than just drone bombing or hard-power in general. If anyone here is not familiar with the concept of soft-power I highly recommend researching it. The amount of pressure that the US exerts on countries like Chile, primarily economic pressure, is ridiculous. TPP being a good example. I remember when Obama came to visit Chile during Piñera's first presidency and then a week later Piñera was announcing all these hard-core neoliberal policies and trade partnerships. Pressure is real. And networks are long. Chile just spend several hundred million dollars on "sand-cat"s, vehicles designed to violently suppress street protests, which we bought from Israel who happens to receive billions in aid from the US. So you know, it's just one big economic circle-jerk between economic "partners". Have you all read about the recent coup d'etat in Bolivia? You should. There's no way in hell you're going to convince me that didn't happen with support or flat-out push from the US. How about American support of Guaido in Venezuela? Maduro may be a turd, but last I checked you can't just declare yourself President of a country and then have the most powerful nation in the planet express support for you. Like I said, soft power.

Third, plenty evidence has been presented of Biden showing signs that could be interpreted as senility. It's a genuine concern, something that can happen to any old person, technically called dementia. Hell, I'm pretty concerned my dad may be showing signs of it as well. But there's certain elements, like memory lapses, that lost-puppy look, that Biden shows which are very characteristic. Finding videos of Biden showing this is not at all difficult and I even posted a very clear example. Now, I'm asking for one, just one example of Joe Biden from 2008-2010 in which he shows this same degree of bumbling and fumbling that he shows under pressure today. Hell, I'm tempted to watch the entire VP debate from 2008 against Paul Ryan just to see if he slips up in that way. The segments I saw showed no evidence of that. So, since videos have already been posted of potential signs of senility, it stands to reason that the counter-argument would have to show evidence that Biden has always "stuttered" this way. If I see that and it shows the degree seen in the videos today, I may be willing to reconsider my opinion on the matter.


Apparently it was the 2012 debate against Ryan, 2008 was against Palin. 


Watch from the 18 minute mark. Sharp as a tack...

And maybe congress has more power than I'm aware of in terms of waging war against other countries, but my understanding is that the President sets forth the foreign policy and Bernie has spent his entire career railing against American interventionism. 

It's a moot point by now. Before I let myself be swept away by my naive hope I was 99% sure the dems would nominate some random corporate "moderate" and lose to Trump. I'm back to feeling that way again. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted...

I saw Biden on his book tour a few years ago and he talked about struggling with a stutter when he was growing up, so there is little question that he did have that condition at one point.  But he was clearly using that as an example of how he had overcome adversity and, although he seemed a bit tired, there was no suggestion he was still having problems speaking. 

I am sure that someone will correct me if I am wrong, but was told that dude has spent a grand total of seven minutes speaking in public since Super Tuesday and still managed to fuck that up saying the country "had no choice but to reelect Trump."   Of course, Trump seized on that mocking the former VP in a tweet repeating the slip up.



chili Dawg

Ken doll


Y'all might wanna step away from the black screen...

some next level derp going on here.





thod thinks warren still has a chance. 


looks like ol bern is gonna get rolled.



I called out bigotry and called them punks yesterday. Here's what I got in return:

Sour geezer, baby, took too many pharmies, seeking validation, whining ass motherfucker, feeble little head, weak, needs someone to love me, idiot, liar, fucking moron, insane, crazy

This is what we're dealing with. It's not a bad look for me, in the least. I'm not the one calling names in post after post. It's amazing that they don't even see it as poor behavior. If they disagree with someone, it's okay to go on long and ranting personal attacks. Fucked up.

bk called out imaginary bigotry. 

you're tough. 

yeah it is sad, thod. i'm a realist, not looking good for bernie. 

you held on to warren's zero chance of winning this entire time tho.....

and the cheering against the only candidate that wants to help insure all americans, says more about you than anything. 


after bernie is done have you thought about what's next in life P-nutz?


food truck?



^how does that make sense? Now you're attacking my profession? nice. 

is a food truck not a respectable job in your opinion, thod? 

you look down on people who own food trucks? 


nah, but I figured with all your bernie bro-ing coming to a grinding halt after all the time you spent

humping the old guys leg.

you could put it to something that actually produces results.

sorry if that stings.


I live in the most progressive liberal county in all of NC.

It went 42% for biden even with 2 weeks early voting before the SC vote.


don't believe the hype 

- Public Enemy


what's w/ centrists attacking peoples' professions? 

strange attack, thod. 

You are a bigot, ogkb. I mean, it's not out of line with your standard behaviors here. I wouldn't sweat it.

that's like me saying you're a sexual molester. 

so i guess i'm a bigot, and you touch and abuse woman, mentally and physically. 


p-nutz, why don't you go smoke some of them purdy flowers you like to show here.

maybe you can find your chill...




Not to toot my own horn but everything I predicted has come to fruition: swing voters and moderate Dems aren't looking for a revolution, only a return to normalcy.  young people didn't turn out as expected, and black people cant relate to Bernie. 

Biden will be the nominee and Sanders supporters lose their shit, and lean in on DNC conspiracy theories. 

Next prediction? Russian disinformation (see Biden senility rhetoric that has picked up from troll farms) once again convinces  the Bernie bro's to stay home, just like 2016. 


strange you guys are happy to be nominating a centrist, one that says nothing will fundamentally change, one that is borderline senile (bk there's many examples in this thread for you, take a look buddy -- no stuttering), one that's in the pockets of pharma, oil, prisons, banks. risky stuff, centrists. 

i hope your plan works. 

looks like bernie needed those "centrist" dems.

but he decided to burn it to the ground.







but will the centrists need the progressives to defeat trump? 

yeah, i think so. 

too bad the centrists and corporate media destroyed that bridge of unity. 

oh they'll come out.

question is will you?


that was rhetorical... 

I know you won't.


of course i won't vote for biden. 

he doesn't stand for anything i believe in, and is more closely aligned w/ the GOP and corporations than the democrats. 

thod you believed in somebody that was only in it for herself, yet proclaimed the opposite.

then, after her abysmal super tuesday showing, not to mention her other awful showings previously, she announced she's truckin through, lol, to today -- all while you're posting about her 31 state strategy or whatever the fuck you called it, ripping bernie for not crushing super tuesday, and saying warren has a chance and is the person to beat trump -- even tho every poll showed her losing to trump (biden and bernie pilled way better of course).  

talk about a sucker. you're too funny man, very stupid, but also quite funny. 


>>>>Jesse Jackson just endorsed Sanders.

>>>>oof, he's a schmuck.

Jesse Jackson.jpg

"Kiss my black ass.  Kiss it."


p-nutz, earth 2 livin' has really taken a toll on your mental psyche.

come back home brother bear.

we need you.




Lol, ogkb, you and your pals have called me a molester/abuser hundreds of times in the last 5 years. Just a few months ago you said my opinion on anything is worthless because of my past. It's how you roll.

I called you a bigot because you are clearly acting like one, in the here and now. And then there was your barrage of posts to me yesterday calling me names, continuing for 4 hours after I posted to you.

Honestly, what is wrong with you? I don't understand why you are so rude, mean, angry and hateful.

Brian K is just a little 50 something year old white boy.


Pyramid isn't in Michigan, Wisconsin or Ohio so it doesn't really matters if he votes or not. People on the East and west coast are getting all hyped about Biden when people in the Midwest (who will determine the election) are pretty much set with Trump if Biden gets the nod.

Enjoy your little Biden high now cause a bunch of hillbillies in Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio are gonna go for Trump...... again. 

The self absorbed West coast and east coast people will be left wondering wtf happened..... again

We called you a molester because you are one BK. 

>>>>white boy.



How has pyramid acted like a bigot? Are you sure you know what that word means, BK? 

 lol ^^^Slack what's up?

guys i'm laughing. 

>>> thod you believed in somebody that was only in it for herself, yet proclaimed the opposite. <<<


Weak, Shitstain. 

maybe 6 was right -- gen X is a bunch of baby bitches and trash whores. 

Is this site even moderated anymore?

Lots of disgraceful posturing on this thread.


Who will win the Michigan primary?

Michigan will vote on March 10th.

Bidenis forecasted to win an average of 59% of the vote in Michigan. In 80% of simulations, he wins between 52% and 66% of the vote. He has a 99 in 100 (99%) chance of winning the most votes, much better than the second most likely winner, Sanders, who has a 1 in 100 (1%) chance.



>>>    I am sure that someone will correct me if I am wrong, but was told that dude has spent a grand total of seven minutes speaking in public since Super Tuesday and still managed to fuck that up saying the country "had no choice but to reelect Trump."   Of course, Trump seized on that mocking the former VP in a tweet repeating the slip up.


"I ...was told..."  

How can you be wrong if you were just told something? 

But you might want to have a chat with the person who told you that, because they are spreading lies started by Trump.   







Is there a snowball's chance in freakin' hell that we could have a little bit more civility in these discussions?  

Wanna debate something? Great. How about some civil discourse? The name calling does absolutely nothing to convince anybody of anything. If anything, it closes ears and heart to the flamethrower. 

Nothing will be decided on the Zone. All the huffing and puffing is a waste. Opinions are like belly buttons, everybody's got one. Some folks are innies, some are outies. Can ya chill a bit?

Looks like I a got a warning. Not sure what for. I guess some people can only dish out and not take in. I'm prob gonna get banned soon but it's been a good run

Don't worry, kid, I sure as hell didn't narc on you.

Why does it seem like peeps are always attacking Brian K? This has been going on for years; dogman on the original zone, harassment on garbage zone, and now the two Bernie bro's mercilessly mocking him. Does Brian have a musky online scent that attracts the trolls?

<<Looks like I a got a warning. Not sure what for. I guess some people can only dish out and not take in. I'm prob gonna get banned soon but it's been a good run



jr -- tomorrow is the day you vote, don't forget. 

>>>>>and is more closely aligned w/ the GOP and corporations than the democrats. 


But not more closely than Trump is!


Lol, BK. We know you're the one who spilt the beans. You went crying like a little baby. Might have been JR too. For such an old internet tough guy I'd have expected more from you, Bk.

BK also got Ateix banned not too long ago. Not a new thing for him.

Jeez Timpane, am I the grenade you're going to throw yourself on? I'm hardly worth it.

Sorry, Bro, never narced on anyone. I also got a warning.

<<jr -- tomorrow is the day you vote, don't forget. 

still on the fence...biden talking like a guy in a bathrobe at an old folks home isn't making this easy. however, bernie not expanding his base and making moderates comfortable with him will probably make it even harder to vote for. 

<<Might have been JR too. 

you will never know the truth, Timpane.  staring at the ceiling thinking of me at 4 am won't help you get to the bottom of it either.  

Ain't your bro, guy. All good man. I know you can't own up to it.

I'm sure your pal Java can clear it all up for you.

my guess is it was one of the trash whores who's always lurking these threads, but complains they exist, has no self control over which threads they open. lol. 

Dear folks,

I read Viva.

No one reported anything, and no one "spilt the beans". It's a waste of your time thinking anyone narced on you, that's your fantasy....

Reminder: this type of community involves tolerance for one another, civility ... If you don't like an opinion or post, discuss the topic, don't belittle or berate someone on a personal level. Simple enough.

~ judit/admin

judit/admin -- please join our discussion more often. 


^^Lol! You missed a lot of bad stuff Judit. Actually this thread has been pretty tame compared to some of the other.


-JR. admin/Timpane

You clearly crossed a line when you called me white. That was the final straw.

I'll join in more often, but as me, not admin.

I will say this, I want change and have worked for it for the last 65 years (yes, I started as a kid with my left-wing progressive parents). I believe it's possible, but only if we work together. You've heard me say all this before, like I've heard you say your opinions and feelings before. Unfortunately (?), voting on a national level in Oregon is almost meaningless except for the number of delegates, since the state votes blue. We do have kick-ass senators and I have a good congressman. My plan has been to vote for Bernie, and I hope he and his team choose a wise woman as his VP.

I laughed, BK. Good one, seriously.

Mr. timpane, as I said, I read Viva.

I didn't write based on posts in a specific thread.

Do you read every post of every thread?

hey judit, thanks for your help.  sorry i didn't get to it earlier.  i know some of these guys can be exhausting. sheeesh!

Btw everyone, i have big news.  Voting for Bernie in the primary. 


Looks like I a got a warning. Not sure what for<<





^You can stop lurking whenever you want and join in the conversation when you're ready.