Mick Jagger’s 80th Birthday Party



Next Wednesday, July 26th, Mick Jagger is celebrating his 80th birthday with a big party in London.  It should be fun seeing who turns up.  Hopefully the full Stones entourage is in attendance and plays a set of tunes.  Bill Wyman has been invited, and hopefully Mick Taylor as well.  

Mick's 80th. That's pretty good, but i hope they finally sing, "Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime's not on my side. No it's not".  If not now, when????

It's Mick! That should be one heck of a party.  He deserves it

That party will be a blast!

I wanna go

What a drag it is getting old.

What a drag it is getting old.

Indeed, but it beats the alternative.

>>> What a drag it is getting old.

Indeed, but it beats the alternative. <<<

I'm not so sure, depending on how one feels the quality of their life is. Pain, loneliness, abusive circumstances, etc., ... I don't think it's always true that it's better to be alive than dead.

>>>I don't think it's always true that it's better to be alive than dead.

Couldn't agree more. I just wanted to be treated by my doctor like my dog is treated at the vet, and that goes for the end as well.

Anybody get an invite?

My doc is board certified in family practice, as well as hospice and palliative care. He splits his time between hospice and non-hospice patients. When I first started out with him I had to ask about his helping with my exit if/when the time comes. He is willing and comfortable with it, but wouldn't be able to if I'm involved with the hospice affiliated with the local Catholic health system. So, if I'm in hospice care at that time, I'll have chosen the non-restrictive one.

>>>... I don't think it's always true that it's better to be alive than dead.


I see it.  I'm 70 and today i'm good but both my parents passed in the last five years.  My dad was in dementia for about three years and was disoriented and fearful most of the time.  My mother often said she had lived too long and I do have days when I understand that sentiment.

Some days I am just tired of the bullshit around me. 


The thing that has me fearing death less than I did when I was young is the way the world has become more and more unfamiliar. There's less to be attached to than there once was.

It would also be Dick LATVALA’s 80th birthday. Mick and Dick, born on the same day and year, 7/26/43.

Thank you Dick for all the great music on the Picks. Celebrate by pulling one of those DP’s out and crank it up. NFA