Mike Edwards


Got busted being involved in the sock game over on the dark side. Pointing shamey finger at you



Nobody cares Kirley., or OG or whatever tard you are.

Point the finger at all of them. 

Yeah, who gives a shit.

Mike Edwards is way cool. 

None of thee above Timmy, great try though

Yeah I'm sure you're just some rando that's totally caught up in old PZ drama

Oh, so he's definitely Kirley.  Funny link Slack.

bye kirly..... bye!!!!!


I want this T Shirt 

This is MY sandbox

I am a Reluctant Dragon

Don't piss me off...

Try a better back story.  Really get it down.  Parents names, schools you went too etc.  Then don't just talk about how lame this place is. Maybe your marriage could be on the rocks and you need advice.  At that point nobody here would care who you are. 


Espionage 101 man.  The way you go about it is so boring.  You seem to get a kick out of it but you're really just one note.  Work on that.

Is there any truth to this, Mike Edwards caught socking snagged in a troll trap at ,net.?

Any proof of this or is this a blind allegation?

He's owned it, yes Fog. No harm done though, by any of the quartet of sock masters revealed on that site that Slacker can't stop watching and reporting on every single day here. 

Mike's a funny guy, it was all just good clean fun while it lasted.

The allegation is true, Fog. I launched a sock over there to stir the pot about 24 hours before admin did an IP check. Whoops. Timing, of course, is an essential element of all comedy.

I wasn't surprised at all that Kirley had a few socks going over there, but did find it interesting that Eddiefrog turns out to be dot net's sock king, with no less than four handles in the mix.


Reviewing the IP addresses..one of kirleys came from inside eddies house(actually traced to his couch)....eddie, he s in the house! Get out now!!!


His others are from a library, an unknown state owned building, and a mens room at a chinese buffett (must be cell phone, unless that's his office)

My god Jambone, that guy sure did a number on you. What's it been 3 years and you still can't stop talking about him.

Lol, imitation is greatest form of flattery, special k...keep on nettin on

Looks like we'll be having a Kirley melt for lunch today. If I was motivated, I'd walk down to the market for some popcorn.

Hey, Mike! Good to see ya round ~

I'm glad the callout thread gave me a chance to say hi (:

Next time; I'll bring the popcorn

But, whatsay we watch something that's actually entertaining?


lots of sockery on .net

guilty as charged

i just looked out the window and the world still appears to be in 1 piece

Mike is way cool and a fungi.

Enjoy the day.


You gotta love it when a lame ass call out thread gets all mucked up with freakery.

((((( PZ Friends )))))

Mike, i'm proud of you for socking it up over there, great job.

Good stuff.

Yeah, great to see you around, Mike! Great thread! Best of 2017!!!

I will never forget the time Mike got the boot from the zone, cause he posted some info that Bret told him on the down low and then Mike posted it on the zone. A true classic.

I thought all he did was accidentally post Bret's email address in a copy/paste? Not that any of that matters anymore.

No Gravy, that is not how that went down. I merley pointed it out cause he took a victory lap on his 4:18 pm post. You are correct though it really doesn't matter. Plus a man that claims to be living a sober life, doesn't smoke the w$$d everyday

phishnphreak seems like he may be suffering from wet brain.

Cheeks, that's coming from the guy that goes to his first zoner gather, gets all spun out on A, pukes all over the place, then digs a hole on someone's private property and takes a dump in it. 

Sweet edit cheeks

look at this guy rehashing tired old trolls.

maybe he doesn't suffer from wet brain, then.

Rehashing? You should be ashamed of yourself. Did you ever tell Mrs. cheeks that story?

no, he's definitely got the wet brain.


Definitely, definitely wet brain........yaa





K Mart sux...

Jambone, i would like to meet you for lunch before the Phil shows in March. You are still going to ALL 3 right?

Unable to get a rise out of mikee, and with Bill and Robin not around to torment, Kirley pivoted to another of his favorite targets--Jambone, the perpetually confused--and cast his well worn little troll line into the brackish waters of the Vivala estuary.

hi cheeks


Not him Mike. I just would like to have lunch with Jambone. Mike have you ever met someone with wet brain.? Do you find it funny to make jokes about wet brain? Jambone did you send you're donation in the first week of January, just wondering

how's it hanging candyfrog. I see all the cool dudes are having some fun over on derpzone.net.

enjoy yourselves over there, bud.

speaks like 'ulsa

Do you guys think OG is mota? 


 I see all the cool dudes are having some fun over on derpzone<<<



I always pictured the spiral kind of notebook. Lots of them.

what happened to you mikee? you used to not be wrapped up in dbmb derpiness.

Time's have changed, Divide. We're living in the age of Trump. Or maybe it's just cabin fever.

that was just a play on your last question sent my way in some other thread. it's interesting how much I seem to bother some people online.

btw, I think I was working somewhere up your way a few weeks ago.


i was working a little outside of Frazier Park, stayed in Lebec a few nights.

a lot of good zoners...and AssCheeks...on this thread

Dude, you should have let me know. Lebec's like 4 miles from me. So what was the gig? A Tejon Ranch thing?

I forgot what happens when you type derp three times in one thread.

lol, good one, 'Cheeks

no, in the Los Padres. Chances are I'll be up that way again at some point.

Let me know. We're long overdue on a blaze session.

Yeah, I lost all my pz contact info after hastily getting rid of the yahoo account without saving anything after the hacking episodes.

give me a shout at helpslip66atgmail at some point.

and fuck right off phishinfreak for the next idiotic 5th grade type email you send my way, lol.

Hacking episodes? Email sent.

Hey Across!


I may just send you a quick email as well, just so we have each other's contact info.  I owe you a beer if you ever land in the Greater Berkeley area.



Johnny D


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 Knotesau on Saturday, January 21, 2017 – 10:16 pm 

Do you guys think OG is mota? 




Who was the zoner posting travel pics a few weeks ago who got his knickers in a twist?

Coolio.  He went on a sweet antisemitic rant and got the boot. 

Mota posted a pic from Coolio's photobucket on dotnet yesterday. It could be OG who posted it, but I kinda doubt it.

Is this true, Mike? Is it ALL true? EVERYTHING?!! Wow. YOU...SON...OF...A...

I was using alternative facts long before it was fashionable, Roland.