Mike Pompeo is a dick


Don't know if any else caught this, but NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly interviewed Pompeo the other day and thing went from bad to truly ugly and bizarre when she pressed the Secretary of State on some questions.   Pompeo cut the interview short and then summoned her into his private chambers to cuss her out and make her point out Ukraine on an unmarked map.  Completely inappropriate and childish antics even by this administration's already low standard for conduct and civility.   



Something is not right with that dude.

Guaran fucking teed trump doesn't find Ukraine on a map WITH borders and names. 

I Just said that Earlier today to myself ! Pompeo = Dick !

I hope she told him to fuck off.

Mary Louise has more class in her baby toenail than Pompeo could ever dream.  More repugnant mendacity from the mobsters who've hijacked our government.  I fear that if the Senate majority gets what they want the creation of a new form of American government, where the executive branch is permanently and utterly above the law, oversight, and accountability is upon us.

Bryen and Thom must be elated and slapping high 5's to their 'pizza gate' buddies.  

It gets even worse.

If the whole "point out Ukraine on an unlabeled map" incident isn't fucked up enough, Pompeo has doubled down on that bizarre incident and put out an official statement which includes the line "It is worth noting that Bangladesh is NOT Ukraine," implying that this stupid media woman doesn't know shit. 

The thing is, she does know shit. Mike Pompeo on the other hand, the head of the "West Point Mafia" is melting down in a most undignified fashion. It's sad that Mike went from top of his class at West Point to being a Trump/Deep State boot licker. 

Here's a small part of Mary Louise Kelly's background. Her career experience on her wiki is pretty amazing too:

"Kelly was graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1993, with degrees in Government and French Literature. In 1995 she completed her masters in European Studies at Cambridge University (Emmanuel College) in England."


God he's a puss


They all are.

U and a picture of a crane

unbridled laughter can't stop

but the story is still so sad



I bet no one sees this coming:

The Mike Pompeo explosive scandal.

I personally can't wait, there will be so many people thrown under the bus that the bus itself will flip over.

how are these people made?

I only know where


In hell


where r they will return to 


god bless the gop.  And Zoner supporters 



They are made when they get paid to be loyal.


Never forget the current Pres is like an old school Massa' - he wants obediance from his minions.



< how are these people made?

Right out of the mud - then they kill the first thing they see. They only get worse from there.

The creation of the first Uruk-hai, Lurtz

I like Thomas Friedman's ( NY Times opinion writer) take on it:

It is impressive that Mike Pompeo graduated first in his class at West Point.  Even more so when he failed all of the ethics classes.

Trump legal team

These people lowered the collective IQ, not only of America, but of the Western world, by at least 24 points every hour they spoke on the Senate floor,” Scarborough concluded.


 CHICKEN KIEV deserves accolades too

the Trump regime hates the press, but makes exceptions for NeoNazis reporters:



douche bag.jpg!