mini-meltdown over packaging


I know material packaging technology has come a long way but fucking , COME ON!


Shits hard to open. Some things you need hedge trimmers to open.


Hope necessary  items sent to third world are easier.

i almost took-off some fingers trying to open-up some blister-packaged highlighters at work, last week, ended-up using a paper cutter. stay safe! :)

I always keep the hedge trimmers handy --on the kitchen counter



Try taking toys out of the packaging for a 3 and 4 year old Christmas morning.  Ridiculous. 

Nothing wrong with a little melty now and then. After trying to manly pull it apart you end up having to grab the scissors.

I've busted at least one pair of fiskars on plastic packaging and lost patience combo. Need to find cheaper, less painful alternatives to scraped knuckles and dulled pruners. The problem with using scissors is they get ruined and then you can't open anything in a sealed bag, like Pretzels.tumblr_mgfwyn1dep1rnz84fo9_250.gif

I am over it now. I got a beard trimmer for xmas. Never used one before. I always use scissors. I am going to cut about three inches of hair off the top and about two off the face.

Hope this goes well..


I am glad I ain't mad any more.


There is no way to open modern packaging with out a cutting device any more.

kitty wait i have thumbs.jpghmm mmmmmmm

None of our stuff required tools this year. 

I fought the tape gun, it won.  Little bleeding dots...the bastard

Larry David  packaging rage


over the counter cold / flu medication - absolutely a BITCH to Open ! have scissors ready

Hand-bleeder ER visits spike on Xmas day.


Or so sez the innerwebz

they should wrap Fort Knox in the same shit they use to wrap cds...



For what it's worth, the opening of the package was successful and the head and  face hair is short and feels great. Now time to get stoned.

Look for the triangles on the packaging before grabbing the scissors. Seriously.

The spiraling red triangles on the packaging are part of the ER doc's and nurses's cabal to keep up their Mercedez paymentz. 

Symbolism for sure.