
Commemorating the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King. He changed our (USA) world, and the thinking and actions of millions. Love.




USA and more...


Our reform...(or beginning of reform...seems to still be work in progress , unfortunatly) spurred beginnings of reform across the globe


And it pains us all to wonder just what would have occurred if MLK, and Bobby Kennedy had lived to see another day....

True, I shouldn't have contained it to the USA,

love and justice ripple.

a true global hero and icon...


(((Ripple effect)))

The "I Have A Dream" speech.  

I stood on those steps wondering what it might have been like.

>> And it pains us all to wonder just what would have occurred if MLK, and Bobby Kennedy had lived to see another day....

On October 10, 1963, U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy committed what is widely viewed as one of the most ignominious acts in modern American history: he authorized the Federal Bureau of Investigation to begin wiretapping the telephones of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Kennedy believed that one of King's closest advisers was a top-level member of the American Communist Party, and that King had repeatedly misled Administration officials about his ongoing close ties with the man. Kennedy acted reluctantly, and his order remained secret until May of 1968, just a few weeks after King's assassination and a few days before Kennedy's own. But the FBI onslaught against King that followed Kennedy's authorization remains notorious, and the stains on the reputations of everyone involved are indelible.

Dr. King called my hometown of St. Augustine, FLA "the most lawless city in America" after he visited there in 1964 as part of a movement to desegregate the beaches and hotel swimming pools.   He was arrested there and his fellow protestors were beaten by the cops and the KKK (who happened to be one in the same) during a march to the old slave market in the town plaza.  When black protestors waded into the whites only swimming pool at the Monson Motor Lodge, the rednecks threw alligators and acid into the pool with them.  The house Dr. King was staying in was also shot up by gunfire and the town even convened a grand jury that ordered him and the other protesters out of town.


J. Edgar Hoover did not wait on anyone's authorization to be a shithead.

One of the greatest Americans ever.


Is ignorant

I can't stand it!

MLK was a great man.



 I love those, lava


Great quote, Nancy.

A true American icon

He paved the way for what is right, educated us, and set the moral standards for equality In our beloved country

the rest is STILL up to us

Thanks for not moving this to the politics folder, Judit. 


And just FYI, I believe Brett just personally didn't like discussing politics. Admin here doesn't have to be the same, just saying. 
