More misfits than a Shakedown St in Philadelphia...


another American sub-culture of misfits based around music and partying:

The Gathering of the Juggalos Returned to Raise Hell With a Smile


Imagine the smegma in those belly buttons?

case of faygo -$12

tickets to the gathering of the juggalos - $150

three day's supply of hot dogs and buns - $20

three day's supply of methamphetamine, whiskey, and mushrooms - $120

body paint - $10

deadheads making fun of juggalos - priceless

Trailer trash gone wild


This is what happens when the Govt. doesn"t support orphans when they turn 18 and throw them on the streets.sad

Duuuuh clearly they're Phish lot rats,, too much nitrous + acid.

Trailer trash gone wild


This is what happens when the Govt. doesn"t support orphans when they turn 18 and throw them on the streets.

or this is what happens when a large group of people form a fanatical fanbase around a single band, create a culture that is insular yet welcoming and that is heavily influenced by drug use, and follow that band's shows around all over the country, staging large drug and alcohol fueled pre show parties in the parking lot

the "kids these days" vibes in this thread are so thick i can taste it

im sure nobody here has ever had an experience that relates to this

I for one, embrace freak culture of all persuasions. However, I will probably skip Clown and Company tour this year.


Daylight is right. These sub cultures are so similar it might be time to play one of our favorite Zoner games: Deadheads or Juggalos.

You only get one chance to pick and you have to stick with your original answer. You must take a puff before answering each question. No cheating. Whatya think?..

Deadheads or Juggalos?​


Deadhead or Juggalo?


​Deadheads or Juggalos?


​Deadheads or Juggalos?


​Deadhead or Juggalo?


​Deadheads or Juggalos?


​Deadheads or Juggalos?



​(Answers are displayed upside down so you have to turn your phone or computer upside down and do that black-ink-invisible-text-entry-select thing.)

> More misfits than a Shakedown St in Philadelphia

Weir said the GD were misfits playing for misfits on Tom Snyder's show back in the early 80s, but the Juggalo scene just isn't my kinda zoo.