More Stupidity


"I think if this -- the debate is really for them about police brutality they should probably protest the officers on the field who are protecting them instead of the American flag," Sanders said.

Asked to clarify, Sanders said: "No, no that's not what I'm saying. I was kind of pointing out the hypocrisy of the fact that if the goal is and the message is one of police brutality, then that doesn't seem very appropriate to protest the American flag. I'm not sure how those two things would be, uh, combined." (CNN)


That dumbass twat can figure out how widespread police brutality towards blacks, in a society that has a nasty, nasty history of ingrained and codified racism, is about the country itself? Jesus!

Yeah, Bernie dropped it big time there.  No-one perfect. Maybe his age?

^^^ Well - you would perhaps think that - but there is more than one Sanders in this world.

That quote is not from BERNIE Sanders - it's from Trumpette Sarah Huckabee Sanders! lol

That's Sarah Sanders, Dork House Spokesperson.

Mark, what about Bernie's age? He's only 76, 8 years older than I am. Are you thinking he may have age-related dementia? It's not about the age.


It's not about age - it's about idiocy. Bernie does not suffer from that either. It was NOT Bernie who said that quote above - it was Sarah Sanders, WH spokesperson..



You cry out about racism, but you still call a woman a twat.

Wow I had never heard about the Bernie Sanders dementia angle before but now I believe it! TY VLZ 


Her father is a twat.

It's just amazing how idiocy spreads. lol

RIP Bernie.


I didn't even know he was sick.

I hadn't no idea that calling a dumbass twat a dumbass twat was sexist.

Would it be less sexist if I called her a dumbass douche nozzle?

<<<but you still call a woman a twat


eh, the shoe fits.

this is no time for pussyfooting.

It took me three reads to realize it wasn't Bernie.  

I would never accuse you of being an idiot, alias


BK is rarely wrong with facts. Is he getting old too? ;)

What is this thread about ?    Old Twats?



Douche nozzle would be more appropriate

Hey now! If there's a thread about stupidity...I want in! Cha-Ching, I am here!