Motivation: Pot For Shots


Pretty good idea for all parties involved. Get your covid shot, get free pot.

Even though I don't indulge, I would love to see this take hold everywhere cannabis is legal. 


I would think that protecting oneself from an easily transmissible and potentially fatal virus would be motivation enough. 



It is for me but I'm amazed on how many people are against getting vaccinated and there seem to be just as many anti-vaccination people within all the political spectrum. I believe the key to putting covid down is chipping away at those who have said they won't get the shot(s). This is one way. Another is making it mandatory at workplaces, just like schools. Yes, you have a choice but if you choose not to get vaccinated, you no longer have a job.  

Yes, you have a choice but if you choose not to get vaccinated, you no longer have a job.  <<<<

So if I'm 23 and perfectly healthy and have almost zero chance of dying from this disease, I'll be fired for not allowing a vaccination? Just want to make sure I understand.

So if I'm 23 and perfectly healthy and have almost zero chance of dying from this disease, I'll be fired for not allowing a vaccination? Just want to make sure I understand.

Yes, you are understanding what I am saying. A child, in almost all cases, can't attend public school unless they have the correct vaccinations. Requiring covid vaccination in order to have an onsite job isn't illegal and it's actually smart business for the employer. 

The 'Messenger RNA' injections aren't actually 'Vaccines' by any traditional definition.  They are an untested experiment with no framework of testing protocol,  and hordes of volunteer guinea pigs,  with a great Ad campaign. Typical vaccines for Influenza,  Tetanus, Chicken Pox go through a decade or so of testing before Ad campaigns and release to the general public.

I'm amazed how many seemingly intelligent individuals volunteer for this experiment,  yet appalled that said individuals demand others jump on the guinea pig train under threat of job-loss,  travel bans,  or worse. You folks should form a Cult or some sort of club.

Then again, a successful TV Ad campaign has created a nurturing environment for Pharmaceutical corporations,  and they aren't legally liable for any illness, Death, or other damage.  You can actually look that up and read about it. Pharma is exempt from legal liability if you get sick or die from a Vaccine or experimental Corona shot.

Oh well, Zombies gonna Zomb.  Enjoy your baggy of pesticide-sprayed Weed.

I think that there are liability issues for an employer to require the vaccine, and most won't.

I think that there are liability issues for an employer to require the vaccine, and most won't.

While an employer could find themselves in litigation, previous case law pretty much shields them from damages if they instituted such a policy. Employers are able to require just about anything that isn't otherwise illegal as a requirement for employment. 

The Republicans are going to own the libs right into the hospital. Hope they have Obama Care:

Will get vaccinated via NPR/PBS/Marist poll:

79% Biden voters

75% Democrats

71% White college

60% White

60% men

58% all Americans

55% women

55% non-White

54% independents

53% White non-college

45% White evangelical Christians

43% Republicans

39% Trump voters

The Patriot Act took the liability away from the drug manufacturers, not employers liability. There's a big difference.   

Workman's comp will be on the hook(basically acting as the 'agent' for the employer).  If getting the vaccine is a requirement for a current employee they are technically on the books when they get the shot.  Any illness that would come from the shot will go to the work comp limits(different in every state).  

SOOooooo.... The long and short of it is that no, employers will not be pushed to rush their employees to get the vaccine.   The situation is a very complex one......

I plan to get vaccinated as soon as I can, but I have to say that one pre-roll doesn't seem like much of an incentive for people who are skeptical.

Waiting to get in line.

No one would work for me without one. When I was teaching on day 6 of the new year any unvaccinated would be sent to the office to be picked up and could not return until the deed was done.

I am so old I was in the first round of polio vaccines. Funny, not too many objected.  Maybe the pictures of children in iron lungs had an effect.


My mother's generation remembers people dying from measles and whooping cough. 

my mom's generation has it even worse, as im sure many here can attest - they have to remember disco

400K and counting, BTW.sad

my employer required the flu shot.

if i objected due to "deeply held religious views", i was to cite the chapter and verse...

While I feel genuine pity for those people getting the lab-rat injections,  it's sad that people are so stupid... volunteering for a Pharma trial experiment with no agreement for compensation if they drop Dead,  or develop Paralytic conditions.

My worries are that they (the Zombies) could actually infect me with their Lab-Rat breath.

I still am amazed that Nazi-era thought-forms are allowed in discussion forums. Most people here disagree with WWII - era Nazi politics,  but then step in with Totalitarian regime stuff such as "Make everyone get the Guinea-Pig injection, or Else !!"
"Hey we must force - inject those that did not Volunteer at first.  It is all for Public Safety !! "

Bunch of Goose - stepping Nazis.

Personally am undecided on COVID vaccine, but definitely think everyone who wants to should.

Why can't I keep from thinking in ten years this is going to end up just like one of those class-action mesothelioma commercials on late night television?

`DS~while I hear what you are saying, some of your "facts" don't hold up anymore. One of the reasons viable vaccines have a shorter time span to maturity is because of past lessons. Scientists have learned better techniques in creating vaccines and are aware of problem areas and avoid them. Add that to today's computer modeling and the time span shortens even more. Almost everyone has more computing power on their cell phones then scientists had available to them in total when developing the vaccines for smallpox, etc. They can crunch numbers and run models so much faster these days. A point of reference when I got my Intel P-90 computer in early 1995, I already had more computational power than NASA did when they put a man on the moon. 

I also find the Nazi analogy rather simplistic at best. As far as I can tell, nobody is rounding people up and jabbing them with needles and there is no plan to do so. Is it possible that those deciding not to be vaccinated may be denied the ability to work in a place with other people, yes. If so, they can still work in places (remotely) that they have no interactions with others. It may play out that those who do not get vaccinated can't enter grocery stores. They can still order remotely and get delivered to. That might be the risks one has to take on if they don't get vaccinated. And, of course, there are risks involved with getting any vaccination. Hell, there are known risks (including possible death) for taking an aspirin. We all take on risks with just about every action we take in life and we all try to mitigate those risks as best as we can. 

Jonas ~ based on case law, there is zero risk to an employer who requires vaccination as a condition to work for them. It has nothing to do with any new legislation or Patriot's Act. An employer can require one to wear only canary yellow shirts as a condition of employment and it's completely legal. As for worker's comp being on the hook...maybe...maybe not. One would first have t prove that the vaccine caused the problem which is easier said than done in the court of law. As for pushing their employees to get vaccinated, many of the large corporations have already purchased the equipment needed to store the vaccine and plan on offering it on site to their employees to speed things along. Chances are that the bigger legal threat to companies is from people infected at the workplace because the company didn't do enough to protect them from infection ie: requiring the wearing of masks, health/temp checks, cleaning procedures and requiring vaccination. 

I'm not saying that requiring vaccination is a perfect answer but to me at this point of time, it may be the best answer. Scientists have been warning of events like this for some time now and we better figure out the best way of protecting ourselves as soon as possible. There will be a next virus and the next after that one and one of those could make Covid-19 look like an 83 degree with gentle breezes day at the beach. 

i've had my first shot (moderna) because i'm a health care worker. it was sore at the injection site for a day and a half. the second shot will be more concentrated, and could have some side effects like fever, etc.

I am getting the shot as soon as it is available to me, but my wife says she is not getting one. She has never been anti vax, hates Trump and voted for Biden. I try talking her into it, but in the end I cannot force her to do it. I will keep trying the talking thing though