". . . mushroom character in Mario Kart."


From Stormy Daniels new book detailing her affair with Trump:

"He knows he has an unusual penis,” Daniels writes. “It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool…

“I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart..."

Oh, man. Gross.

I have never played Mario Kart so I had to look up what she was talking about:

Mushroom Man.jpg

>>>>I  have never played Mario Kart.


You should check it out.  Great game, not too complicated.  Direction pad and two buttons.

It may be annoying but it was you that chose this profession, now get on your knees, you have another customer, and pretend you like it , there may be a tip in it for you

(((Yeti pubes)))


HAHA followed by damn, another thing Trump has ruined.  ((mario kart))

FWIW, the character's name is Toad

The Harlot & The Bulbous Little Toad has Disney written all over it.

Hahaha now Melania knows they’ve banged for sure. 

I wonder when the last time Toad got some? Hope Hicks in Air Force One? I can’t imagine the First Lady giving him any. She’s GOTTA be getting some on the side too. 

^are you suggesting a little "secret service " on the side?

She flicks the bean to Obama pics and makes sure Twitler knows it.

Eww,  thanks.  A bunch of us used to get stoned and play Mario Kart.


hahaha.     mmmmm portobello  




My grandpa stopped paying any attention to the news right about my age.

I didn't understand it when I was younger.

Now I think he was very smart.

Gives new meaning to the phrase mushrooming scandal.

Ken, thanks for sharing the image. 

This previously was the image that I had stuck in my head (warts and all):

