Netflix Favs??





Making a Murderer

Bob's Burgers

Grey's Anatomy

Mad Men


watched in real time but on Netflix and worth if you haven't seen


Breaking Bad

Sons of Anarchy

Walking Dead


what are some of your favs?? Suggestions?

We got a disk in the mail today! Homeland season 5 disk 3

House of cards...kevin spacey is one sick congressman...great show, but im only late in season two, and just started to get a lil bored after loving first season and a half..hoping it picks up

Thanks for starting this thread, I like hearing what other people have liked. Here are a few that I've seen and really liked or loved. (I haven't seen History of the Eagles yet, which I've heard is really good).

Grace and Frankie (esp. first season)
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (so good!)

West Wing
Doc Martin

The Commitments

The Other One (Bob Weir)
Keith Richards, Under the Influence
Ain't in it for My Health (Levon Helm)
History of the Eagles


Narcos 2

Judit, you know that the Eagles don't get a ton of respect around here.  wink

The crown is fantastic. It's the best acting and writing I've seen in years. The woman who plays Elizabeth is amazing, and Lithgow, as Churchill, knocks it out of the park.

Johnny D, I'm a risk taker.  wink

I've heard from a few people I trust that it's really good.

Some random stuff from our list:

Orange Is the New Black
Frankie and Grace
Trailer Park Boys
The Ranch
Stranger Things
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown
Chef's Table


Mike, if you like Orange is the New Black, check out Wentworth (Aussie version but much darker than OITNB). Great story lines!  I actually think I like it better than OITNB.

great suggestions everyone!! Keep em coming!

new trailer park boys or old trailer park boys?

we don't do netflix.

Yes, Chef's Table.

Checked out The Crown tonite...episode one...agreed , brian, lithgow is great...cant wait to have time to watch more

"Happy Tree Friends" the animated series.

It is uplifting, multicultural and filled wit Hilarious gore & mayhem angel

Keep going, Jambone. The way that she plays her ascent from person to monarch is really amazing. It's a psychological shift, and you can literally see and feel it.

Lithgow gets better, too.

Speaking of happy trees, Bob Ross is now on Netflix.

Just started the OU it seems like it's interesting


Watched 'Don't Think Twice' the other night. it was great and Gillian Jacobs was tremendous in it.


'Kubo & the Two Strings' is very much worth the watch. Beautiful stop-motion animation that rivals most cgi films.


waiting on the 2nd disc of 'Preacher'. i've read the whole comic series and feel it's a little 'cheap' seemimg, but otherwise a fun show so far.


started 'Daria: the complete series' and love it more than when we first watched it 15 years ago taped off of some obscure kids station out of canada. more character development than i remembered.


"Over the Edge'.  if you haven't seen it already, you don't know what you're missing.  quintessential late 70s juvenile delinquent film.  when it's over, watch it again with the commentary.

Brian the series is called OU

You mean The OA?

I watched the first episode of that one.

Black mirror,OA,crown ,narcos

Original X-Files series. 

Mad Men.

Got into House of Cards for a while..pretty good.

CNN-The 80's

All music docs. The Other One, 

                       Beware of Mr. Baker

                       Levon Helm-Ain't in it for my Health

                       Pearl Jam 20 

Watched the first two installments of A Series of Unfortunate Events. It's very well done, but after seeing the movie years ago there aren't many surprises. Neal Patrick Harris is so fantastic in this that I'm willing to let that go. 



Dise, I need to check that one out. I was looking forward to it. 

I finished The Crown last weekend and it was fantastic. 

One I haven't seen listed yet for documentaries is Michael Pollan's, Cooked. It's a good one. 

agggh yes OA

Not netflix, but Prime tv series..(i watch via firestick) new series called Sneaky Pete w Giovanni Ribsi and Bryan Cranston started w one premiere episode in was fantastic...great premise...great acting, cool show...


Last night, like a lot of new series' seem to be doing, they released ten episodes (all of season one, basically same thing The Crown and others have done)


I highly reccomend Sneaky Pete...not to be confused w Peaky Blinders...english gangs in 1920-30 s...which is also fantastic...


Too many good ones!!

I'm a Netflix junkie. I am going to start The Crown tonight after football. I'm off work for the next 3 days.

Some of the shows I watch or have watched have already been mentioned but here's my list:

House of Cards
Stranger Things
Anything Marvel puts out: Daredevil Seasons 1 and 2, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage
The Fall with Gillian Anderson and the dude from Fifty Shades of Grey
Crossing Lines season 1 and 2 (if you like international crime stories)  Season 3 was terrible.
The West Wing
Narcos 1 and 2
The Blacklist
Californication with David Duchovny
Bloodline is a must watch.
Halt and Catch Fire
Mad Men

Theres also a ton of great documentaries on Netflix as well.

If you have Amazon Prime there are some good shows on there too.

Goliath with Billy Bob Thorton is great
Sneaky Pete
The Man in High Castle
Mr Robot
The Americans

Those are my suggestions anyway. Happy binge streaming! 


hell on wheels

Second on Longmire.  Good stuff. 

Broadchurch is another great one.  Absolutely fantastic.  David Tenant is brilliant.  

Amazon Prime- Alpha House with John Goodman.  Only two seasons but it's pretty funny.  

"hell on wheels" Loved it!

Stranger Things

Daredevil Seasons 1 and 2

How I Met Your Mother


My name is Earl

The League

Jimi All Is By My Side

Marco Polo seasons 1 & 2 now canceled :(

White Collar

Burn Notice




Brain Games

The Almighty Johnsons

Kid Cannabis




Doc on the Carter family is excellent

I'm on shameless season 3.

And super love it.