New Biden Ad


Not a fan but this is the kind of thing that will be flooding the airwaves once the primaries are over.


"The world is Laughing at Trump"

Man, I wish I had a Russian troll bot to explain the bright side for us. Brybot,,,

Trump tweeted this morning: "Clean the Swamp". He can't even remember he was going to "Drain the Swamp".

Brain Drain...


Sweep the swamp!

Nah, leave the swamp alone, DC can be home for a few gators, now that the Everglades are drowning.

Swamp Sale...only the best swamp.

He actually did clean the swamp

Roger Stone 

Michael Cohen, 

George Papadopoulos

Paul Manafort

Rick Gates, 

Michael Flynn

So his ad is: I'm not Trump.

How sad....

Well, Biden just got John Kerry's formal endorsement today.   Dude is on a roll.

I can just imagine the Trump team's ads (assuming Biden gets the nomination) stringing together a greatest hits collection of Biden babbling on incoherently.   Its going to be ugly.

< I'm not Trump >

I was just thinking the other day, this is exactly what any dem should use for a slogan.

Either that or  -  ' I Won't Blow Putin '

Gotta love , No Malarkey

some guy on my block who cuts people off on the offramp/exit has a biden bumper sticker...

>>So his ad is: I'm not Trump

How sad....


Yeah dude, a sad indictment on the ignorant and politically illiterate American public, not Biden. That's pretty much the state of politics in the US these days, and it's from all sides. Fuck, look at Turtle's last post for a case in point. Everyone is just beating their chests, and there's almost no true debate on policy.

There's this woman who goes 3 mph in her electric peddle Prius on the entrance/exit to the health food store, who always takes up no fewer than two parking spots. She flys a Bernie sticker. 

Yeah, because no one is laughing at Joe Biden.

The entire world is laughing at Donnie. Well, not including Thom and the other Trump cultists..


Kudos to Biden for going after Don the Con instead of his fellow Democrats.

Biden would go far with “Grab him by the balls” as a campaign slogan

The anointed one already tried “At least I’m not trump” last time

Does Biden even have a slogan yet? 

>>>>Does Biden even have a slogan yet?

"No Malarkey" - seriously

Today, Biden got bent out of shape when an 82-year-old guy heckled him at a campaign event in Iowa and challenged the heckler to a push up contest.  You can't make this stuff up:


>>>>Does Biden even have a slogan yet? 

Yes. “No Malarkey”

i hear it tested well with the 90 and older groups. 


>Does Biden even have a slogan yet?<


I thought it was...

Biden 2020...I feel you

doh Ken beat me to it 

>> “No Malarkey”

Bernie gets it.


I would think that slogan was a joke if it weren't so sad.


Sweep the swamp!


I understand raking the swamp would prevent wild fires.

Totally.  Rake the swamp! is on tap for Monday's Tweetstorm.

Thom could not have made that comment with a straight face.

Joe fat shaming guy who went after his son. This guy can't go toe to toe with Trump. Sedentary dig.

Nancy didn't meltdown - she kicked ass. Turn off Fox News, Racket. 

I don’t watch Fox News Nancy.  That link was sent to me via email, but if you think that is kicking ass, that’s pathetic.  She full on cracked and had a meltdown.  That is not how leaders lead, she stooped, like Joe did to trump level.  This presidency  is making them all crazy and true colors are blowing minds on both sides of the aisle.  

>> This guy can't go toe to toe with Trump.

Joe will smack him in the kisser!

Uppityness is banging

Don't mess with me!


Maybe a misogynistic tool would label that melty



Did you watch the whole thing?  Or just the Don’t Mess with me bit they’re playing on the evening news.  The whole thing is in the link I provided.

Nancy on tilt too.  All losing their damn minds,,.,,

cringe worthy stuff from pelosi. terrible speaker and she must be voted out. she's w/o a doubt part of the problem. 


After leaving the podium, she was asked by a reported for the conservative Sinclair network (remember the one who had all their anchors read identical statements - about news presentation, I think) if she "hated the President" . My local Sinclair mouthpiece, who usually does not identify Sinclair in their national reporter's pro-Trump stories, promoted a interview "with the reporter who asked the question" within their newscast. No doubt Nancy was a little pissed, but in my NSHO, I think she just gave the guy a well-deserved beat down. This clown (the occupant) and his minions have done everything they can to obstruct and deflect and attempt to create false narratives or attempt to pump life into officially discredited ones. And totally draw attention away from the fact to be focused on - we're talking about him violating his oath of office as evidenced by his own memos. It was an obvious bait job (we know the reporter's name now - he's happy - will probably be on FOX news soon) and she addressed his assertions about her and her motivation in no uncertain terms.  

In the Biden thing, his campaign is saying he said "fact", not "fat", but it sure sounds like fat. His spokespeople said "To be clear: Any assertion VP Biden said a word about the gentleman's appearance is making this something it is not. In the latter part of the exchange, the VP began to say "Look, facts" then said "here's the deal." If you've been to a Biden event, you've heard this before."

Context and objectivity?

You have some nerve, Maa-aan!

i'm catholic. lol. nobody gives a fuck. 

>>>Yeah dude, a sad indictment on the ignorant and politically illiterate American public, not Biden. That's pretty much the state of politics in the US these days, and it's from all sides. Fuck, look at Turtle's last post for a case in point. Everyone is just beating their chests, and there's almost no true debate on policy.

I don't really think you can separate the two things, BK. You can't say it's a sad indictment on the political illiteracy of the nation and not realize that Biden has been part and parcel of that very same problem for the last 30 or 40 years. He is as establishment as it gets and people like him have been indirectly and directly disempowering people from the democratic process for decades. So yeah, I think it's sad for him, not the American public, that the only thing he has to say is that he's not Trump. He's playing right into the idea that it doesn't matter what your policies are or who's paying for them, so long as you wear a different outwards label. But ultimately, Joe would be feeding into the same corporate machine that Trump is. Maybe in a more subtle, Bill Clinton kind of way, yet still keeping the corporations happy and the war machine rolling.

Truth is, Bernie is the only candidate who offers real hope of something different and that's genuinely built from the ground-up. Yes, even Warren. And what's more, from my little Chilean corner, I feel that Bernie is the only true ray of hope in an entirely dark political world environment. Right now the balance around the globe is dangerously close to the point where all nations with any power will be under the control of the far-right. I don't think this is an accident. The saying is "When the USA catches a cold, the world sneezes". I sure hope Bernie opens the window and lets in some fresh air - we would ALL be able to breathe better after that...

Let me rephrase that for you, Javs: Bernie is the only one who is perfect to you.

There are a dozen other candidates, and they are not all created equally. For some reason, though, Bernie supporters like to lump them all together and paint them as the enemy of the people and progress. 

In my opinion, Biden is a world apart from Mayor Pete or Castro. Although Klobuchar might be more rank and file, she's totally different than Biden. It's total bullshit to put Warren in the same boat as Biden.

It's pretty ironic when Bernie supporters have shit to say about Biden's "I'm not Trump" campaign, when at the same time they are screaming, "they're not Bernie."

The Democratic candidates cover a broad spectrum. Maybe it's time to stop screaming, start listening, and maybe keep minds open. The cold hard fact is that Bernie is not the only one who will set the US on a positive path.

Elizabeth Warren releases physician’s letter attesting to her health

Dec. 6, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. EST

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Friday released a letter from her physician describing her as “very healthy” and issued five pages of supporting medical records, making her the first septuagenarian in the Democratic presidential contest to provide a glimpse at the details of her health.

“There are no medical conditions or health problems that would keep her from fulfilling the duties of the President of the United States,” wrote Dr. Beverly Woo, a physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston who has been seeing Warren for two decades.

^nice. now crawl back to M4A and maybe she'll stop sinking in the polls. 

 bk we've been listening, that's why we're screaming. you just don't get it. you want to paint the picture that the dems have different ideas and policy that all get us to the same place. this is so wrong, and what the political movement that backs bernie had been pointing out, let's just say since 2016 (although we all know decades longer, but bernie as a presidential candidate). 

biden klobuchar booker bloomberg lol, mayor pete (dude is insane) are centrist, and in bloomberg's case, republican to the core. they don't represent anybody except the corporations they're beholden to. they don't care about anything except enriching themselves through public service. this is very easy to see -- warren isn't nearly as bad as them, no doubt -- but the fact that she's backed away/always waffles on M4A, the fact that she's already taken large corporate donations that she moved from her senate campaign to her pres. campaign, the fact that she said she'lltake super pac money in the general b/c trump, the fact that she's voted for all of trumps military budgets, i mean the list goes on -- only one candidate is not like all the others. only one candidate is 100% grassroots funded by the people. only one candidate will stay true to their word and work for us, represent us, rally for us, strike for us. 

one of the main issues w/ warren is she comes off as disingenuous -- she lies, and she's bad at it. people don't see her as trust worthy. especially when you proudly speak progressive issues, then back away from them. it's why she's popular w/ centrists; we'll that and people see biden for the senile creep he is. he's still the one to beat tho, sad indeed. 


bernie has a very different plan than any other candidate, he's laid it out and the world see it's. supports him. 

it's the only plan that defeats trump. fake populist vs the real deal. real populist wins. 


BK, I never said he was perfect, I said he was the only one "who offers real hope of something different and that's genuinely built from the ground-up." In that sense, yes, he is different from all the other candidates because not one of them can say that their entire movement is built on a legitimately ground-up construction. Bernie's campaign has never been "They're not Bernie". He's never released an ad saying anything even close to that. Whatever his fans may say, that's on them - not him.

What Bernie has said are extremely clear policies and ideas which, to address a point you've made in other threads, may not always get past, but would provide a much needed push towards the left for politics in general, much as he did just by being a candidate a few years back. 

And no, I disagree wholeheartedly that the other candidates will set America back on the good track, whatever that is. There never was a good track. People harken back to the mythological golden days when politicians debated and weren't corrupt bastards, but in case anybody's still living in the fantasy, let me just clear it up: that never happened. Politics as usual before Trump was broken, corrupt. No one needs a return to that, we're there already. And yes, I feel Bernie is the only one with a platform that legitimately addresses the needs of the people, who has the ability to push the political reality tunnel back in the direction of sanity, and the only one who's not interested in being a corporate play-toy. A vote for Warren or Biden or Klobuchar is just a vote for business as usual, IMO, ESPECIALLY Biden...

Yeah, health shouldn't be considered for the highest office in the land.


Polls are polls but they only matter when they're in favor of ol' bern,

otherwise polls are just polls?!


yeah and bernie's health is 100. 

this many polls have had warren trending downwards, hard. ever since she backed away from M4A. 

why do you say only bernie polls matter? i'm not sure what that even means. 

try harder? 


bernie legit has the best slogan, of course tho, right thod. 

not me, us. 

fucking perfect for the ol' bern  


guys bernie is leading in CA. kind of a big deal. 

Full throttle on industrial hemp production nation wide, executive orders!

>guys bernie is leading in CA. kind of a big deal. <


don't tell the npr types...

i'll do my part to save the nation.

Kind of nuts that a 38 y/o gay dude with a husband, who is a war vet and mayor of a struggling Mid West city, is considered "business as usual." 

In my opinion, the only one that really is the "same old" is Biden. Even Bloomberg represents something different than the Washington establishment. Sure, he's a rich fuck,  it he's different.





ogkb pyramidheat on Sunday, September 29, 2019 – 12:54 am 

of course i’ll vote for warren in the general if she were to make it, you fucking monsters lol


But will you vote for Biden?


I'm just looking at the CA poll now. Since September, Bernie has gone from 18% to 24%, Warren from over 30% to 22%, Biden from 19 to 14, and Pete from 3 to 12%.

100% support both Nanci's "meltdown" and Biden getting into it as well. Like it or not the people who voted for both Obama and Trump decide elections and they respond to passion. 

no i won't vote for biden bloomberg pete. absolutely not.

will you vote bernie in the primary and not hold our country back? 

bernie is surging, BK. warren down -7 in CA, biden -6, bernie +5.

she's down everywhere. bernies running the absolute tightest campaign. faiz is a smart guy. 

150B high speed internet plan announced today. 

>> no i won't vote for biden bloomberg pete. absolutely not.

will you vote bernie in the primary and not hold our country back? <<

No, I won't (full stop)

I will vote for the democratic candidate in the general.


I'm sure you already know that if you don't vote the dem no matter who it is, you give your vote to trump.

But hey it's cool you don't have any kids in sleep well.



so no vote for bernie in the primary is a vote for trump in the general. you're better than that i thought, thod. smh. 

>> no i won't vote for biden bloomberg pete. absolutely not. <<


You suck even more today than yesterday. Grow the fuck up.

ned you're the one that said i would prevent you from voting bernie. 

you sir, need to grow the fuck up. 


Nice try slick, you've already said it..

" no i won't vote for biden bloomberg pete. absolutely not.

will you vote bernie in the primary and not hold our country back. "

- pyramidheat 12/6/19


Lol, Pyramid is in Vermont, where Bernie will win the primary by 50 points, and any dem will win the general by 50 points. He can vote for Jerry, Jorma or nobody, and the Dem will get our electoral votes.

>> ned you're the one that said i would prevent you from voting bernie. <<

Yep. But my mind was already made up. If Bernie is the Dem nominee he will get my vote in the general.

Unfortunately, you're not willing to defeat tRump due to what...pride? Get over yourself and help vote the bum out.

>>>>Like it or not the people who voted for both Obama and Trump decide elections and they respond to passion. 

CNN was actually praising Biden's performance this morning, noting that he showed "authenticity, emotion and readiness for a fight that appeals to so many Democrats as they look for someone who can take on Trump."   Really?  Obama was passionate and so is Bernie, but couldn't see either of them fat shaming an 82-year-old Iowa farmer and challenging him to a push-up competition.  I can see Trump doing that, but it was bad form.  Save it for another time.   Humor would have been a much more appropriate foil to the heckler.  

BTW, business as usual means that if you take corporate donations then you've already shown that you will be a puppet to the corporate needs. Ultimately, your policies will be shaped by corporate lobbyests. Hence, business as usual...The fact that Pete is gay doesn't mean his policies are any better or worse than anyone else's. I'm not talking about sexuality or gender or race here - I'm talking about policy...

>>>>>and the Dem will get our electoral votes.


Same here. Out of my hands. 

i guess if i cant have gabbard, yang or sanders, pete could be an ok choice out of the establishment corporate shills just for the lulz and watching rednecks freak out about the gays.


no ned -- you're not willing to defeat trump by not voting bernie in the primary, and instead voting corporate dem, the people that got us into this mess. you need to get over yourself, suck it the fuck up, show just a little compassion, and do what's right for the country. 

lol at pushing a centrist in 2020. have we learned nothing? it's ok tho, ned. we got you man, we'll step up for you. 

>> no ned -- you're not willing to defeat trump by not voting bernie in the primary, <<

I have by no means made a decision. I have never stated here, or anywhere, who I'm voting for (nor would I). So, kindly shut the fuck up.

This election is about voting Trump out, period. Have fun with your social engineering. My goal is clear.

maybe i misread then. i thought you said you made your decision? but if bernie is the nominee he has your vote? 

So black and white, Javs. Basically, one is either Bernie, or they are an evil, corporate shill.

It really isn't that clear-cut, and a vote for someone else in the primary isn't necessarily a vote against all that is good in the world.

I've said that I don't think Bernie gives the Dems the best chance to dethrone Trump. This cycle isn't the time to try to sell 3/4+ of the country on massive changes. This election is about one change and one change only. It's much easier to make this a mandate about Trump without losing a chunk of the middle.

Dear God I wish Pelosi were president

1000 times more qualified the current mob boss "in charge"

you red neck Zoner trump supporters in the closet, or out in the open are just sad 

I pray for you 


hate away..

just beating trump isn't enough, that's just giving up. 

 it's unfortunate that some democrats don't understand that. 

people like thod say i don't care about kids in cages. this is false. 

i care about the entire earth -- as does only one candidate that has a shot. very simple and easy to see, which is why bernie is so popular, across the entire spectrum -- independents especially. which is why he's the absolute best candidate to beat trump. nobody else will motivate people to show up and vote. 

^ delusional. You're in a bubble, dude.

I hope all BernBros don't think like you.

Trump could literally make that same commercial about Biden . Just replace the world leader clips with clips from the democratic debate where Biden looks like a complete space cadet and then bring up the Hunter stuff. Though I disagree with their socialist policies I’d like to see Sanders and Warren team up and wipe the floor with the rest of the field

Looooooooooooove Pelosi and Biden, and applaud their spunk. But in watching these 2 recent episodes I felt a bit embarrassed for em. The thing that made me go, oh WTF, was they're fucking dinosaurs. America doesn't care how brilliant they both are, as they get irritated, hesitate, pause and communicate in broken anger speak. It was like watching a scrum at the old folks home. Note to dems - get some new blood to represent you

Words matter and labels matter, and I think there's a basic misunderstanding, which is causing some problems.

First and foremost, Bernie isn't a Democrat. He's a Socialist. He is, however, running as a Democrat (which I've always had problems with), and it's causing the problems in understanding.

Bernie supporters are on the more Socialist side, but they are calling themselves Democrats and expecting the DNC to be Socialist and progressive. That's the crux of the problem. It isn't going to happen. There is a fundamental difference between Socialism and the Democrats, and it's not fair to expect an entire system to shift because Bernie is putting a D after his name for the sake of an election.

So, when looking at what really is, Bernie is a Socialist, Warren is about as far left as the Democrats will get (for now), Booker and Pete are on the left of the party, Klobuchar is probably more in the center, and Biden is to the right. Bernie shouldn't really be considered on the Democratic spectrum, nor should the others be compared to him, as a Democrat.

the same could’ve been said about Trump he’s not a conservative he’s a fascist and now so is the Republican Party 

Well said BK



centrist shaming is hilarious tho. ned's really good at it. bernie's base is majority female and that infuriates centrists like ned. you're way off on the pulse of the nation -- and you're hurting our future w/ your lazy and outdated logic. shameful. 

>> centrist shaming is hilarious tho. ned's really good at it. ......and you're hurting our future w/ your lazy and outdated logic. shameful. <<


LOL. all in one post.

of course i'll defend myself, what do you think this is? 

you're a funny one. bernie will win your state. lol. 

Seriously after further review I'm not sure Biden or Bernie will be around come election time. Campaigns are one long stress test, neither one looks to have the stamina required. And if clump and pence dropped dead today and Nancy took over, she looks like she'd only make it about 6 months. Dems need some youth, in a hurry

Reminder, Pyramidheat is a long time zoner but afraid to reveal true identity= sock puppet



You're kidding?!



>>>>I'm not sure Biden or Bernie will be around come election time. Campaigns are one long stress test, neither one looks to have the stamina required. 

Don't let Joe hear you talking like that.  He will kick your ass (or at least challenge you to a push-up competition).  

SNL (with Woody Harrelson as Biden) is sure to have fun with that sometime soon.


people who are voting or Biden because they think he has "the best chance to win crack me up. The guy needs fucking Bloomberg to steal votes from Bernie to even have a chance in the primary, lol. Ned still thinks trumps prob gonna get removed from office right? Talk about delusional. If Bernie loses to Biden and trump spanks Biden in the general you can go back to the blaming the electoral college again

The economy is roaring. Invest in healthcare. 


Biden isn't releasing any immigrants. Never gonna happen. 

Watching the dnc limp into the general again after completely wasting all of its funds trying to beat Bernie would be pretty sad. Watching Biden wash bloombergs balls and give him the vp would actually be pretty funny. Bloomberg votes trump, btw

breath and burning


T.H.O.D., lol. What's going on? Still zoning very poorly, I see

Hey man, no surprise you showing up now your boys been trounced daily and his schtick has been stale af for months.

You gonna pull those socks up and get some?

>>>but the fact that she's backed away/always waffles on M4A,

like her or not, Warren is extremely well educated in financial matters, and backed away because it’s fiscally impossible to implement M4A at this time.  She got truthful and stepped away, but old Bern is still giving the M4A lip service to the idiot masses that don’t know better.

>>>  Reminder, Pyramidheat is a long time zoner but afraid to reveal true identity= sock puppet

JR, what does that even mean? By the way, I've met pyramidheat. In real life he's a sweet person, really nice. At times quite different from the zoner.

He's not a sock, he's the same zoner pyramidheat he's always been.

I like Bernie.

He's like Jesus.



Ton of dipshits in his fan club.




Moses and Kindmomma were also there sharing food and a beer with pyramidheat when he came to Eugene. I don't have a good sense of historical time, might have been 4 or 5 years ago.

First one that posts gets a pair of tie dye bamboo socks...

I'd love to hang out with anyone on this board at a show, pre-show, post-show....I just won't talk the politics with some of them :)    And that's OK.

ned's a destination, don't fuck it up 

lol trounced, thod. bernie is doing great -- centrists yelling at me on the pz is fun, or something. no worries.

whatever happened to st mark? he came up w/ thod, right? 

any way, i have no schtick  -- just fighting back your stupid. 


warren and biden are sinking, bernie is still surging ahead. he'll win N.H. and Iowa and we'll all yell more. 

and i'll hang w/ any of you.....except thom. fuck that white nationalist bs. 

racket maybe the angriest on the pz these days. good stuff. 

I’m not angry, rather you and a few others have me laughing everyday.  It’s been awhile since the zone was fun.  Thanks.

no problem, man. i agree. and, same. isn't that awesome? 

I met bed once I think. He seemed ok. Super white teeth. I get some people have just been brain fucked by social media politics and ads but I agree with my friend pyramid that we are now in a state of emergency as far as environmentally. Has nothing to do with politics at all. If we don't change certain industrial pollution issues in the near future then it there's no point to have any political discussions. Bernie is the only real option I see for us to make progress in reducing pollution and helping the earth so I'll vote for him.

Don't even get me started Tod. I don't want to have to whoop your candy ass all up and down this thread like the mop toy you are you turkey eatin jive kissin punk lovin motherfucker 


Looooooooooooove Pelosi and Biden, and applaud their spunk. But in watching these 2 recent episodes I felt a bit embarrassed for em. The thing that made me go, oh WTF, was they're fucking dinosaurs. America doesn't care how brilliant they both are, as they get irritated, hesitate, pause and communicate in broken anger speak. It was like watching a scrum at the old folks home. Note to dems - get some new blood to represent you

could you post some evidence of joe bidens brilliance? im being very serious. i have never seen any evidence of this. where are the clips of biden dissecting complex foreign policy issues and coming up with genuine solutions? where can i listen to biden discuss his policies in depth for 1hr+? cause so far in this campaign ive gotten hours and hours and hours of in depth, complex discussion from candidates like yang, gabbard, and sanders, but so far i just know joe biden has big teeth and loves obama.

what makes him brilliant? what are his innovative new policies to tear down a corrupt political machine?

Compared to 'stable genius' Trump, Biden is brilliant - and a much better choice for POTUS. Of course he's not the best candidate nor my first choice, but hell yeah Joe will be an improvement to Putin's useful idiot in the White House appointing religious extremists judges and empowering NeoNazis and colluding with dictators and despots. 


I understand advocating for your preferred candidate during the primary. However, I believe it is foolish not to vote for the Democratic nominee, regardless who it is. Unless  you feel good about Chief Justice Roberts being the swing vote, or worse,  being the 3rd or 4th most liberal justice on the court (Ginsburg-86, Bryer -81).


Yes, Slack, not unusual. And does not change the validity of my post. In fact, it highlights the importance of the ideological makeup of the Court.


From the article...


The temporary stay sets the issue on hold pending full consideration by the high court, it does not reflect how judges will rule in the underlying case.

The stay is ordered until 5 p.m. on Dec. 13, and the court ordered that a response must be filed on or before Dec. 11 by 11 a.m.

she has no idea why she lost  to donald trump. what a disgusting mess HRC is. this is what centrists support? 

lol jr. reprehensible shit right here. two trump friends worth almost a billion collectively, mocking bernie for wanting to offer free college to better our society. shits crazy. 

HRC will probably vote for trump over bernie. 

the first one was funny. 

2nd was is terrible. 

>> I met (ned) once I think. <<


I don't think that was me.

Stop it thod.

Relax ned.

P-nutz said ol' bern is 100% healthy and well...who else would no more than him?

A presidents health should be considered regardless of a tasteless meme.




It's tasteless, and doesn't contribute to the discussion.

Thod still thinks pheat is a sock. 

my name is daylight and i approve of that meme

Ned, there's no discussion with P-stain, he lifts his leg on anyone who isn't a bro ho.

Starts the day off with hrc, c'mon man.


thod what are you saying? dude you've been discredited -- months ago. you pushed bernie being a russian asset or some insane shit. 

you're so caught up on bernies health, lol, kinda sad man. all you do is knock bernie or myself, i certainly don't mind, but you never talk about warren or why you support her policy ideas over bernie's, etc....or even any of her ideas. you're just a shitty troll. 

the fact that hrc has the balls to even speak on 2016 is absurd. she ran a terrible campaign and lost to the worst person. she brings this on herself by putting her insanity out there. 





you're not very good at this, thod. 


I can live with that, P-stain.


i mean having a discussion. 

Posted by a friend on Facebook, seems a worthwhile way to think about it

voting advice.jpg

I'm not certain that a person whose policies I most agree with is the best person for the job of POTUS. The person I want is someone who is a coalition builder, who has relationships with people in Congress who are smart and able to work with others, who go for what's best for the country as a whole, who aren't bought. If their ideas are good ones and can come to fruition because they are working well with others, they are going to make the differences I'm looking for.

At this point I don't know who other than Bernie can make those things happen, but he will have to have an excellent VP, chosen for those same qualities. I don't know the other Pres candidates well enough to think it's one of them, but it could be. Whoever it is wil need the Party to work with them and behind them to make it happen.

HRC has always been attacked by misogynists on both the far left and far right. - so nothing new.  Not taking your bait Pyramidheat

Biden and Booker 2020 seems realistic (not my favorites whatsoever but something the general electorate can stomach). And like Brian K and Ned have both so eloquently addressed: we can't make fundamental change in our country until Trump is out. 2020 should only be an initiative on getting Trump out. Once that happens we can then talk about free college and candidate's like Bernie.

>>>>HRC has always been attacked by misogynists


She married one.

the meltdown scale is on a 1-5 rating.

biden and booker? so out of touch it's incredible. 

are you trying to hand the election to trump?

people like jr are going to elect trump again.

it's not bait jr. that interview has gone viral, many people who did support her in 2016 see right thru HRC now, and she's only making it easier. her attacking one of the most popular dems in the race, bernie, is hypocritical to centrists calling for everybody to get along -- shes obviously still bitter about losing to the mad man trump -- but she has a cult following like trump, who think she can do no wrong.

and you bringing up misogyny is hilarious, just baseless claims like the republicans you say you despise. what a joke. 

she has nobody to blame but herself -- bernie sucked it up and did close to 50/60 events for her, and she's still blaming the guy. she's an awful person, and a terrible politician, whose legacy is losing to donald trump. she should go back to making speeches for wall st, and try not to fuck up 2020 -- she's best at that after all. made millions doing so. 

Nice post Judit, thank you


thod just, whatever, please don't pull it together 



The bus came by and I got on....

the meltdown scale is on a 1-5 rating.

and you are supposed to intentionally rate it low on the scale so as to belittle and dismiss the feelings of the zoner whom you are rating. 8.3 / 10 is far to generous.

Thod still doesn't realize that the meltdown rating on the zone is on a 1-5 scale. Therefore, an 8.3 is always erroneous. Way to go.

His uber-poor zoning is really on display here.


Keep up the good work TOD and pay no mind to the haters.

centrists like JR support the killing of innocent afghans --this is incredible. war profiteering. W, Obama, Trump. all the same in this regard. 

there's only one peace candidate. bernie sanders. 

Might be fake news considering the source...


Inside the Russian effort to target Sanders supporters — and help elect Trump

April 12, 2019 at 6:00 a.m. EDT

After Bernie Sanders lost his presidential primary race against Hillary Clinton in 2016, a Twitter account called Red Louisiana News reached out to his supporters to help sway the general election. “Conscious Bernie Sanders supporters already moving towards the best candidate Trump! #Feel the Bern #Vote Trump 2016,” the account tweeted.

The tweet was not actually from Louisiana, according to an analysis by Clemson University researchers. Instead, it was one of thousands of accounts identified as based in Russia, part of a cloaked effort to persuade supporters of the senator from Vermont to elect Trump. “Bernie Sanders says his message resonates with Republicans,” said another Russian tweet.



the real issue with russian interference is that the american people are stupid enough to fall for it.

fact checking is a basic internet skill...if you cant use google well enough to pull up 10+ different sources for a specific claim, verify them all back to the original source, separate legit sources from untrustowrthy ones, and identify all the common threads in each story to piece together a modicum of truth, you should stick to well known newspapers, ap, pbs, npr etc.

do yourself a huge favor and delete facebook. if you are concerned about russian election interference and still support the platforms of vast ignorance they use to perpetrate the interference, idk what to tell you. keeping up with friends from your younger days is not worth the net social cost of technocracy.

take an oppertunity to learn about the issue from the smartest wook in the world - jaron lanier.

people are so worked up about russians manipulating us thru social media that they forget the entire point of social media is manipulation - you are being manipulated by advanced computer algorithms in order to increase your activity on that platform and thus your ad views. you are the product being sold to the customer, the advertizers. 

a world in which the majority of human communication is mediated by third parties who which to manipulate you for profit is far scarier than russian election meddling imo. when you consider that in many asian countries, SMS text messaging is rarely used, and instead of SMS that is native to the phone and comes with your plan like we have in the US, smartphone users in asian countries are using apps like whatsapp in place of sms text messaging...meaning that coupled with declining use of voice calls and increased use of text based apps, the majority of human communication in those countries is mediated by a third party that wishes to manipulate the user.

the post is def anti bernie, thod. the corporate media blackout of bernie is real and if you can't see it, then you're blind or refuse to. 

the article is about the past 3 administrations lying to the american people about the progress being made in afghanistan even tho they all knew they were completely fucked. neocons and neoliberals are on the same side -- which is nothing new, which is why this is the election to move back to representing the people of the country. this isn't about just beating trump and inserting a corporate talking head, and then a few more years down the line trying a more compassionate, progressive approach. nope. the time is now for bernie. 

Daylight, neither me or my wife have ever signed up for Facebook.

and WAPO is only relevant when it's pro-bernie, p-nutz?

So this has no relevance and should be taken as Russia hysteria?

The study suggests the Russians looked as Sanders as a tool to drive a wedge in the Democratic party more than was previously known. 

Sounds like it's spot on to me, the P-heat proves it everyday.


>>>>>So this has no relevance and should be taken as Russia hysteria?


Democrats are holding hearings right now. They're telling everyone how Bernie helped Russia. It's today's hot story.

Slack it's in mueller's report, Bernie knew that the Russian's were using him to divide the Democratic Party and didn't say shit.

Why didn't he tell the FBI?

Oh btw, Jill Stein is ringing the bell that Assange is a patriot...

Go check her twitters.


did i post a pro bernie wapo link? what are you talking about lol. 

people i know think for themselves. you're so caught up on the russia/bernie manipulation for some reason? i know nothing about that shit man. i do know trying to link bernie to any kind of russian whatever is just lazy thinking and quite sad tbh. makes you look like a fucking idiot. the party is moving w/ bernie. has been since 2015 -- centrists are driving a wedge, HRC is doing her part to keep the status quo alive,, as the entire world saw last week. why is she not embracing the most trusted democrat running, according to yours and weird steve's logic. 

the dem party has needed new leadership and an entirely new platform -- bernie is working for this. russia lol. 

>>>>>>it's in mueller's report


The other candidates didn't bring it up at the debates. 

Heard a rumor that HRC might be coming back to the View soon for an "announcement".  Can't wait to see what Joy, Whoopi and the crew have cooked up!

P-heat, was the mueller report a witch-hunt?


here comes the question king. hahaha. 

you're sad man. you're trying to paint me as a trumper? that's all you have? your really are a moron. 

I'm not trying to paint you as a trumper, just a simple yes or no


I don't believe it was a witch hunt, there, see how easy that was?


now what? 

why do you support a candidate that voted for all 3 of trumps military budgets? 

The reason I bring up the mueller report is maybe you didn't read this part?



You should send that to your candidates of choice and tell them you want Bernie out of the race and investigated.


Settle down slack, just trying to have a discussion with P-heats.

what's your point? you're saying bernie worked w/ the russians? 

dude most reasonable people can discern for themselves what's actually news compared to fake.

bernie supporters, and people who support progressive policies and ideals, don't need the russians or facebook to tell us HRC blows. lol. or makeup any shit about her emails or anything of that bs, b/c her record speaks for itself. incredible this has to be said to you.

and answer my question, question king. 

>> what's your point? you're saying bernie worked w/ the russians? <<

Fuck no, is that what you got?

What I'm saying is that might've fucked up a lot of people and there thinking.

You figure in the gazillion Russian bots, gerrymandering, interstate cross check, Cambridge Analytica, long poll lines and straight up fuckery at the polls.

Gave the big orange bitch the election.


Think Bernie should've told the FBI when his campaign became aware of it?
Or maybe you just didn't know...?


russian meddling fucked w/ people. ok. 

bernie should've told the fbi about it? jesus christ man. you think bernie was complicit? haha. 

many people, prior to 2015/16 run, were already done w/ hrc and her politics. 

2016 was the absolute worst time to push through an establishment dem, you can't see that? that's why the fake populist won. 

HRC never had a shot against obama -- obama admin led to even more disgust towards establishment politics. 2016 HRC ran the worst possible campaign, needed help from corporate media and dnc, and eventually lost to trump. 

and we're here discussing if a centrist can win in 2020. ha. 

No dude, she won by 3 million even with all the fuckery.

yeah she lost to donald trump tho. that's her legacy. bernie did everything he could to get his base, which HRC disrespected, mocked, etc, to vote for her. it worked for the most part -- but those states she took for granted and never campaigned in, went trump. 

you'd think she would've known that. 

thod why do you support a candidate that votes in favor of trump agendas? i thought trump was the bad guy? is this called getting stuff done in congress? 

you'd think the dnc would have known the swing and small margin, you know....appeal and work fro their votes. she/they took them for granted.


question: when bernie gets the California primary vote....will the rest of you follow suit and vote for him and do the right thing or not?

>>>>the corporate media blackout of bernie is real and if you can't see it, then you're blind or refuse to. 

Prelude to the excuses when Berndog doesn’t get the nomination.

California  March 3

North Carolina**March 3

Alabama*March 3 

ArkansasMarch 3

it's diff this time racket -- we know you can't see it. 

hea gonna get the nom and then they can't refuse to cover him. it's going to be great. 


<<<>>>question: when bernie gets the California primary vote....will the rest of you follow suit and vote for him and do the right thing or not?

thod, you now have two questions to answer. 

we're waiting. 

edit -- i forgot thod is NC. 

I'm not campaigning man, people should vote for who ever their heart desires in the primary.

but make no mistake if 3 million more than trump is a whatever, imagine if people got in line and voted this fuck out and got 10 million more votes? That's hella hard to overlook when you're try to get rid of the electoral college and that needs to happen.


just can't answer ANY questions can you. sad.

do the right thing on march 3rd thod, or vote for buttigeg.

No butt here man.

Mitt Romney 2020

He will swoop in after the gop impeaches Trump

with his billions like Bloomberg at the last second he would crush Pence

THOD still thinks Hilary "won" lol. So funny

TOD is definitely on to something here. Amy Klobuchar has a better chance than Bernie in the general election. I think a lot of you don't see how toxic Bernie is to middle Americans. 


Polls only show Bernie beating Trump throughout the midwest now & 2016 but keep chasing independents even though there more progressives + first time voters

>> people i know think for themselves. <<

You mean the people you know that like Bernie? 

((( Bubble Boy )))

nice try ned, but nope. 

just everyday people, some bernie supporters, most i don't even know who they support -- but one thing is for sure, they don't take their talking point from msnbc and cnn, from former goldman sachs executives, former clinton aids, etc, like you and thod. regurgitating what msnbc says -- bernie can't be elected, this election isn't about change. it's jut about voting out trump, we need a centrist to do that, bernie doesn't appeal to the rust belt. 

ned maybe you can answer for thod? you like warren right? you support trumps agenda, correct? 

supporting politicians that support trumps agenda is called getting stuff done in congress, according to you centrists, correct? 

let's put aside warren voting for trump's record setting military budgets (all 3). 

now your centrist hero, nancy pelosi, agreed to push through the USMCA, replacing nafta. labor unions are worried it lacks real labor enforcement mechanisms, will further drag down wages, and eliminate more jobs.


but there is a real labor bill sitting on pelosi's desk that has enough support to pass the house, yet she's not taking it up. it's called the Protecting the Right to Organize Act -- which would be the most comprehensive rewrite of US labor laws in decades. 215 cosponsors in the house, 40 in the senate. 

we know why she won't move the bill to the house floor. 

Because 40 votes doesn't win in the Senate.

^lol. very good, surf. 

Holy shit, dude, quite a twisty rant there.

If you have any questions for me I will give you a direct answer.

MY thought about this being a mandate on tRump is my own conclusion, not something I've been spoon fed. You continue to state that any opinion even slightly different than yours is due to being brainwashed. You need to stop with the condescension if you want a discussion.

Maybe instead of calling people brainwashed sheeple for having different opinions, maybe ask them WHY they think that way respectfully?

you guys make it out so i'm the only one slingin shit. that is funny. 

If you have any questions for me I will give you a direct answer. (2nd request)

Funny the way we go round n round when we all want the same thing. Damn ass politics.

Muddy Waters/Otis Spann/Paul Butterfield/Michael Bloomfield


iowa -- tied for 1st

NH -- 1st

CA -- 1st

NV -- tied for 1st

SC -- 2nd

voters 35 under 

sander 52% 

warren 17% 

the rest doesn't even matter. 

Bernie needs a new communications director. He's invisible.

just do the right thing ned.

Yeah, looks like Bernie is back and has a real shot at this thing.   The biggest thing he has going for him is honesty.  You see what you get, which is one of the reasons the left's fascination with Warren seems to be fading fast.

February 3



February 11

New Hampshire


February 22



February 29

South Carolina


March 3


American Samoa




Democrats Abroad




North Carolina








ned that's hilarious. 

what turtle said. 

But it's true. You will blame some sort of coordinated effort to sabotage the Bernie campaign. But, they covered the 2016 Trump campaign every time he spoke. That's my point. This is a "campaign", and if he's not getting coverage it's the campaign and/or candidate's fault.  

He should be on live TV every night. Or, maybe it's that his live TV appearances aren't helping. If so, what do you do about that?

>>>   bernie's:                 

>>>   iowa -- tied for 1st

>>>   NH -- 1st

>>>   CA -- 1st

>>>   NV -- tied for 1st

>>>   SC -- 2nd



Biden's recent Axios interview was pretty brutal.  

"No Malarkey!"



ned the corporate media covered trump every time he spoke b/c they made and have been making shit tons of money by doing so. how much free air time did trump receive in '16? billions? 

corporate media doesn't cover bernie, doesn't like bernie, doesn't want him to be the nominee, and doesn't want him running against trump. incredible you don't see that -- but also not really since you've voiced your opinion many times now. i get it, you don't think the corporate media hates bernie. fine. but they do. and it's quite obvious :

anyway -- why should we support democrats that support the trump agenda -- specifically the military budgets, and now the new trade deal -- all while telling the public the man is a criminal and lunatic, yet they negotiate and draft legislation that pleases teump and hurts working americans. this is fucked up and what is being fought. corporate dems will no longer receive votes, they don't motivate people to vote -- they must be voted out. 

 by electing bernie, the movement will continue to influence people like AOC/Omar/Tlaib to run for office and win on a progressive populist message of representing the people. this is how we bring the dem party back to the people. 


that's correct, weird steve -- bernie is crushing it. 

Bernie walks the walk and has been pro hemp for quite some time now

^yup. on a different level. only candidate that'll federally legalize w/in first 100 days executive order. 

For over 20 years going back to his days in the House.  But as soon as he got to the Senate Bernie began efforts to reform federal hemp laws.

Biden's kid gonna sink his chances

That's interesting P- nutz...

Gotta link to that 100 day executive order?

Thanks in advance 

Steyer and Klobuchar 2020!!!!

Neds right, Bernie is invisible to people his age because they are practically blind. They buy and eat any type of bullshit the DNC and the lame stream media throws their way. I guess tod and Ned think billionaires support Biden only to get him in office? Not because they want to completely manipulate and dictate his every move to work towards their interests and profits? Def not so great can support this new insane military budget or so he can prolong wars in oil based economies around the Middle East.

But just Keep believing trump is gonna get indicted Ned. I know you thinks that gonna happen in some fantasy land of yours.

hello thod. bernie's on a different level. i've been telling you this. 

What, earth 2?


don't be afraid, guys. bernie is here to help us all ::::

As long as they don't roll it out the way Canada did. They still list it as a drug and in the eyes of the law you are less credible than a motorist all hopped up on prescribed pain pills. 

Plus more check points and it is very easy to be pulled over under suspicion.  Oh and the penalties for non compliance are much more stringent.

Id kinda rather it be declassified as a 'drug' all together. cigarettes for e.g.


Not to mention th 'breathalyzer' test they use for thc is inaccurate and can detect thc even if you smoked a day or two prior (with high quality bud lets say). Good bud thc stays in your system and cannot accurately be detected

In other words,  someone might see you smoking a cigarette and Goody two shoes might think of themself as a hero by calling it in to the police that they saw you smoking weed (could be hand rolled tobacco cig but Goody thinks its a joint) so she calls it in and even if you already made it home don't be surprised to get a knock on the door and if you blow positive then you're getting shook down.  And they used marijuana legalization to police drunk driving as well.  

In fact there was an incident that made the news where an elderly man was seen returning an unusually large bag of returnables to be recycled and a concerned citizen called the cops because now that cannabis is legal they have stretched their hand and encouraging people to report it if they see it. Well the man left the place he took the empties and made it home only to be soon confronted by police. .and forced to take breathalyzer (arrested and charged if you say no) in your home. 

They treat it exactly the same as weed. And let's say the man cracked a beer after he got home but before the cops arrive good luck explaining that.

But with cannabis it's even worse.  You can expect to get shook down in your home because they now have cause to believe you are breaking the law in some other way.get ready to tell exactly where and who you got the weed from and don't lie. a felony to do so. And covert homegrower? Good luck. You are the black market and are treated the same as organized crime mafia, gang etc

There is certainly alot to lose if these assholes have their way.


It should be treated like alcohol in the manner that there is a measurement that is still under the LEGAL LIMIT.  Like how you can go to a restaurant and have a drink with your meal and still operate a car legally up to a point.  Sure if someone is blasted on edibles and can't stay conscious they shouldn't drive.  But you should be allowed to have a  thc in you system and be clear to drive 

none of these regulations will ever take tolerance into account, unfortunately for me. i think the last time i drove a car without having smoked weed in the past 2-3 hours was when i took my driving test to get my drivers license. im legitimately scared for my safety and the safety of others on the road if i get behind the wheel totally sober.
