The new Cabinet, a picture I can stand with


The new Biden-appointed Cabinet with the VP.

2021 Biden Cabinet.jpg

Wow. Looks more like America than the last Cabinet.

I wish there were more progressives, and a few corporatist in there that somewhat disgust me, but in those terms Obama was likely our best republican president ever, LOL...

(looking forward to sanity from the executive branch for a change). 

Looks like a group of grown ups so we are already ahead of the game



They will certainly be totally Awesome !!!

A whole new Batch of Insect Overlords.
Hüsky could Be Animal Rights Kompatriot if the Money is right...

He is an Example toward other Animals in terms of Nutrition and Well - Behavior.


Joe has a nice mix of genders and ethnicities lined up, but what remains to be seen is whether they will work to lift up folks from lower economic classes.

First he has to undo a bunch of bull shit

Other than the cabinet that Burnz posted, it all remains to be seen. I have faith that people who actually have background and experience In their appointed subjects will take us further in a good direction than we've been recently.

 Trump leaving office with 3 million less jobs than when he was inaugurated in 2017, marking the worst presidential job record since the Great Depression.

The furniture store called. Your new Cabinet arrives tomorrow! 

True, there's sooooo much to do, but give them time. He's got a pandemic and an economy to attend to first.

In Utah backcountry news, both San Juan County and Grand County Commissions have requested Biden restore the Bears Ears Monument, which he said previously he would do. Should be soon. And with a Native American Interior Secretary coming in, tribes will be listened to. 

The first days are giddy and optimistic (not to mention the palpable RELIEF!), but it won't be long until there's disappointments and in-fighting and screaming and yelling trying to satisfy the various factions of the Democratic party. And being that Biden's a moderate and will be trying to search for ways to cooperate with the other side in a divided country, the far left won't be happy. But things will move in a better direction. Hopefully they can earn the trust of enough of the nation and keep control of the Congress in two years.  Go Joe and Kamala!  

Just make sure you dress warm tomorrow, as it's going to be;  

- 45



Pence's Farewell tweet with pictures from the last four years. Hmmm someone is missing?

Just watched the Trump victory lap. Delusional til the very end... wished the "new administration" luck...

Delusional til the very end... wished the "new administration" luck.

Actually that makes total sense.  Rump was in place to bankrupt the US Dollar as a public figurehead,  like his TV shows and Casinos.
The new figurehead(s) will usher through the Bankruptcy in the guise of "Social Progress" or such bullshit.

Typical taxpayers will keep paying Tax until Death.  That's how it goes.

So you don't pay taxes, Stu? And you certainly know BS




The Biden administration is going to be a welcome change. Stu is  too dense to notice the difference. 



Hopefully he can get both parties to work for the betterment of the country and not the Party.


our growth as a country has been stagnant for the last twenty years, because of this party first bullshit 

Stu if your going to quote me, the sections on either side of the ... are separate, the delusional part is related to the victory lap, not the luck 


People still read stu's posts?

