New Family Member



This is Einstein - his "official" name (he came with it). A bit pretentious. Yeah, he seems pretty smart, but I haven't seen him cranking out any cosmological equations - yet.

Comet isn't convinced either.

We'll probably end up calling him something else for daily use.

All cats are assumed to have three names - the third one is the one only the cat itself knows.

Hey, little new cat dude/duder. Nice.

Itten ditten little kitten
oaten doten little boaten
it's skittle-li oaten doten
bodo skideeten aten

Cute cat.  Is he a little terror?

Cute. Have fun.

Einie? Steinie? Bert? 

He needs a first nam - Cosmo Einstein 

Emmmmm a new doggy treat

Have to go through me first.

You have a dog ?

If not it's the perfect time to puppy-up. They'll be the best of buds,, and cuteness factor overwhelming.

Handsome Man <3

No, not a dog person. My wife, however, helps a few friends and neighbors with dog walking and care from time to time. Dogs love her - she's a bit of a dog whisperer.



Btw, Einstein says "You can call me Al."

I think I'd call him Stein...short for Beer stein....


i hope he finally solves the grand unified theory ;-)

good lookin' kitty,  congratulations!