New topless beer cans


My first time trying. I like. 

Mike Hess Grapefruit Solis

topless cans... it's just a giant pull-tab and those haven't been used on beer cans for decades

yikes... if this catches on, I foresee a massive littering problem of discarded metal discs with sharp edges

I foresee a massive littering problem of discarded metal discs with sharp edges  <<,


Good Point Gary ! 


Shine Em !!

agreed 100% garyfish


It's not for every beer. 

my first thought was 10% less recycling

does it make it better?

It's for aroma. It works with beers with hints of added flavor. 

The big three still have plastic screw on top 12oz beers. Why? 

Not a fan.

Sly Fox is in our "backyard" and I like a few of there brews but I am not a fan of the topless can.

I saw one being served at the bar before Billy Strings Thursday. 

Sly Fox has a nice little fest each year.

I like their Odyssey Imperial IPA  and Rt. 113 IPA

Gotta try the No. 003

Lots o' cut feet at local swimming holes.

More safety signs for you guys.

I Hate Beer,   and drown Beer-drinking people,  because they litter too much...

Just kidding 

Beer is Great !!angel

But don't litter,  OK.

I just might kill you if you are a Litterbug.  Maybe not,  but probably.  It could be the Lake-Drowning,  or a Clinton-esque  "Fake Suicide"   with Gerbils,  B-52's  and all.

So,  please don't litter.  It harms the Environment.

The tops will find their way to the bottom of the pools and you can get overtime pay. perhaps.


Half full glass and all that.

>>>>he tops will find their way to the bottom of the pools


how or why? Bottle caps don't end up there and they're smaller.


^^^^^^I like to drink my milk straight from the tap

increased flow rate for faster butt chugging...what an innovation for us butt chuggers!

Yes! The classic Zone pic of the topless waitress! One of my all time favs fo' sure!