

ALL Bars and Restaurants To Close In California.

NOT what he said: 

"He said all bars, wineries, nightclubs and brewpubs should be closed. Restaurants, he said, can remain open but to enforce "deep social distancing," their permitted occupancy should be cut in half."

third paragraph of story you linked. restaurants NOT closed in CA right this moment. 

You've gotta work on your thread titles too plf, you really buried the lede there 

All Starbucks In US - Drive Thru Only. Or to Go NO Lounging In Store

That's it I'm buying a gun tomorrow. 

^ you mean to tell us you don't have at least 3 already ? Oh Fuck

When the shit finally does go down I had planned on hiding behind you.

I'm reading you can get a decent one for like $300 so after tomorrow you can hide behind me but you gotta stay like ten feet back. 



I Jumped the Gun he he I Dont Know whats up

California is a special place. Bryen knows how special. 

Gavin Newsome  School Is Over For All students Till at Least The Fall



I've been working at home and not keeping up with the news (like I usually do at the workplace, for some reason).

Everyday is a teachable moment. 

it certainly is/was the Govenor's prediction.  I have a 7 year old and I guess we will be figuring out how to graduate to the 3rd grade together



I wish trump was half as intelligent 

and one forth as articulate

And had  one eight the moral character 

he was an impressive speaker yesterday


CALEXIT 2020...