Next Up New Hampshire


Mayor Pete on a roll, gonna give em a run for their money.

I like Pete, very in control of his emotions on the campaign trail. Never gets too up or down. An even keel military man. Just the type to give trump fits. I think his personal life will remain as it should,  a nonissue.


He needs to stand on a box to debate Trump.

Warren & Bernie scare me .... like George McGovern & Mike Dukakis losing 48-49 states. Biden seems feeble.

Pete's on a roll, Bernie is in to stay and .... I think that Bloomberg is gonna get a hard look.

^ vote pete if that's your candidate 


I know Nate Silver screwed the pooch in 2016, but here are the FiveThirtyEight odds on the Dem nomination:

Sanders 49%

No one 23%

Biden 17% 

Warren 8%

Buttigieg 3%

latest poll -- the iowa nonsense and the corporate media centrist bias (see JR thinking pete won iowa) have given the guy a nice little bump. 

pete has zero minority support, folks. he can't win the general. 

time to fall in line and vote bernie in the primary. 

thod, bernie is even gaining ground in NC. warren is toast. 



Plus his name is Peter. 

Not enough candidates 

Who TF is not running ?   And polling in negative numbers for now,  the dem dark horse  - Harry Caray

Or is it the frontrunner Bernie at a Dead n Co tailgate



ras, will you do the right thing and vote bernie in the primary? we need to defeat trump man, he's our best shot -- we know thod won't and ned is still on the fence -- don't be like thod (maybe ned too?). 




25 million in one month guys. 

fall the fuck in line. 

Sanders won the state by over 6000 in popular votes. Now the dnc has called for a "recanvass" if anything this is hurting Pete and making Bernie's campaign stronger as he rolls into New Hampshire.

people who think the dnc isn't actively trying to destroy bernie's campaign, aren't paying attention or hate bernie just as much as the dnc and are in compete denial. 

it's not going to work this time. 

too strong. 

>>>>>fall the fuck in line. 

Fascist much?

Where the hell's Thom (not Todd smiley) when you really need him?


>>>>>No one - 23%



< ras vote bernie in the primaries ?

We'll see. I did it once, I may do it again. I'm not locked into anyone at this point. Fuck Iowa + NH,  Super Tuesday will be an accurate dem pulse barometer. My primary isn't till almost May. I have lots of time to see whose stumbled or who has the surge going.  I ain't gonna vote bernie or anyone else just to make a statement. I'll get behind whoever I think the majority of Americans will get behind to defeat rump.


i will help you in California.

Ras is wise...

Unfortunately the truth is that the majority of Americans will not decide the general election just like last election. The candidate who can win those electoral votes is the one all dems have to get behind in order to win. SoUntey to say this wi th out being offensive but the logic that Ras is using really isn't wise at all and will most likely won't get the result of defeating trump.



Not sure what you're getting at timpane, you form an opion theory that has no conclusion, just some crystal ball bs. But speaking of winning elections,  every prez election nite I can remember went well past midnight.

Hillary lost Michigan by 11,000 votes. Nationwide results were in and trump crowned king by 10pm est on election night. How TF do you get all the numbers by 9:45 ?  We cant even get an Iowa count right. Needless to say I am more than skeptical of the vote count in 2016. Wasn't some repub fuck responsible for providing voting machines to a lot of states, the swing states ?

I don't fucking trust elections anymore, period.   Democracy's dead.

Democracy will never die motherfuckers

< Democracy will never die motherfuckers

It's already dead my friend. Last of the formalities took place in Memphis and Los Angeles 1968.

What we now call democracy is some twisted deformed reranged beast, that's really an oligarchy. One class ruling the rest, has been for a long time. 

Picture America like the elves before sauron got'a hold of em and turned em into orcs. Same difference, and we're the lucky generation to have to deal with this shit now. I wish Bernie could pull it off and save us, and win the senate, but then the repubs would still find another unscrupulous way to negate progress.

Democracy not dead hahahaaaaaaaa good one

thod you know the hoarse whisperer is a troll account meant to divide and conquer as you say? 


bad stuff man. 

"Where the hell's Thom (not Todd ) when you really need him?"

Thom is too busy laughing his ass off at the daily imbecility on display on a national, state and Zoner level.  You folks never disappoint.

So the person who is supporting the candidate that honeymooned in a totalitarian Communist country that murdered 35 million of its own citizens is accusing me of supporting a fascist?

Too rich for words.

Bernie might be your best shot.  Biden is a dead man walking and Mayor "Alfred E. Neuman" Pete! will never get enough minority support to drag you guys over the finish line.  Yeah, this guy...


is going to beat Donald Trump.  Maybe if you say it enough you can make yourself believe it.

Bernie being your best chance only goes to prove just how bad your chances really are.  And deep inside, you know it.

If the DNC has any brains they'll get out of the way, let Bernie take the nomination and get crushed in the general thus discrediting the progressive left for a generation and allowing them to get back in control of their fiefdom.  If you know you're going to lose, you might as well get something out of it.

And if you really don't know that you're going to lose this one, well......

P-nutz you're a troll account and a bernie ball gobbler.

That being said, idgaf who says what as long as they get it right.

what the hoarse whisperer points out is just plain fact.


I see how it went right over your head.


you're a joke, thod. just like thom. 

let that sink in. 

Trump is an asshole.  If you support an asshole, guess what that makes you?

This just popped up in the neighbors' yard:

Yang Sign.jpg

Ras, it was pretty clear. The time to decide a candidate who can beat trump in the general is now not after the fact. Dems will get behind whoever wins the primary but there are candidates who have a better chance than others to defeat trumpand get the votes from the electoral college.Simply saying "I'm gonna wait and see" just doesn't really seem effective if you really want trump out of office. Hope that cleared it up for you. There's really no theory and crystal ball for that explanation at all and I'm not sure what you're talking about. It's pretty simple, get behind a candidate now who can win the general. That's it


i also 100% agree that elections are trash. They can fix it if they want. Just takes a lil grease on a few tools here and there. Obviously with Iowa we are seeing a straight up whacked out debacle where some kind of fixing was taking place /

< I also 100% agree that elections are trash

Woah now, not so fast. I think we're supposed to duke it out for a few more posts before descending into some kind of profanity laced tirade. Ya know, the new/old zoner style. 

So then who do you see in your crystal ball winning the general ? I repeat,  I need a few more primaries to unfold before I decide.

How bout king don presiding over a northern clan nazi rally in NH tonight, just hours before the voting begins ? Was this a planned thing or an after acquittal last minute - Fuck You Dems, I'm the show up in here. 

Mike Bloomberg 

>>>Mike Bloomberg 

The joker in the deck.  This is going to be a long primary.  

woz, here's your republican candidate running for the dem. nom praising a war criminal:



another, wow this is bad.

dude is not vetted, and will get absolutely destroyed by trump. 

and people have the audacity to say bernie isn't vetted -- that's just people regurgitating nonsensical corporate media talking points.

bernie is the most vetted candidate, most qualified by far no comparison.

Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 11.13.46 AM.png

And so it goes

the war on terah

Joe bails early......


Joe Biden gives up on New Hampshire before polls close and heads to South Carolina

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Joe Biden has resigned to defeat in New Hampshire, blowing off his own election night event after the first-in-the-nation 2020 Democratic primary to shore up his support in South Carolina.

Biden's campaign on Tuesday morning announced he would be skipping his final stop in New Hampshire, set to take place in Nashua after polls close at 8 p.m. EST, and will instead head to Columbia, South Carolina, to join key supporter Louisiana Rep. Cedric Richmond for a South Carolina launch party.

“Look, we got a lot of good friends here in New Hampshire, but this race ain’t over until you’ve got a significant portion of the electorate that haven’t voted yet,” he told reporters Tuesday.

Dead man walking.

They’re Voting in New Hampshire, but This Democrat Just Wants to Jump Off a Bridge

New Hampshire is voting. I remember when this used to be an exciting day. Even if my candidate didn’t win, which he (they were all men) usually didn’t, I loved both the reliable rituals and the unexpected little accidents. If memory serves (the video doesn’t seem to be online), I recall Illinois Senator Paul Simon saying during his concession speech in 1988 that “our platform is strong”—right before the riser he was standing on collapsed.

Well, it’s not exciting now. It’s depressing. I’m depressed. Almost everybody I know, every Democrat anyway, is depressed. It’s a mess. Iowa was a shitshow and shouldn’t be first anyway. New Hampshire shouldn’t be second, it’s totally preposterous, yet the party lacks the stones to tell these self-important, second-tier states to go stuff it. The candidates don’t look like winners. The party looks like it might be headed toward a face-off between a billionaire and a man who wants to ban billionaires, neither of them really Democrats. 

And Donald Trump is going to be re-elected.


Good times, good times

thom you voting for trump again? 

The only people who give a flying shit about joe Biden are you and Trump. Fuck off nazi scum.

Although you might hate the messenger, Thom is right. Trump is going to win again, even if it's against Bernie. 

but bk, how do you know? you must show us the facts. 

wait, i thought a moderate was going to save us?

two racist nyc city billionaires fighting to save the working class and poor. hahahahahahah. 

good stuff guys. shits outta control. 

Bloomberg seems desperate to be in a position to put more black folks and minorities in jail.

What makes you say Bloomberg seems desperate to put blacks in jail? Hoping that's not just hyperbole

Probably a decent time for him to consider dropping out of the race. We don't need another racist old white billionaire in office.

Because he’s said so?

Bloomberg’s stake isn’t to gain the democrat nomination or even upend trump, it’s to spend as much money as possible undermining progressive principles and momentum, as long as the opportunity exists for him, to maintain the status quo. He’s Trump’s useful idiot.

jr, wake up man. 


He may also just be super bored and have nothing better to do.

And add to that ^ zoned out bernie fan vermonters and wtf ya got. Chaos !!

No wonder our local bernites act borderline psychotic, they Are @! On da juice aint ya pyramid ?

Don't try to deny it ya fucking lulu, its evident in all your posts.


Kratom: What is the substance Vermont lawmakers want to decriminalize and who's using it?

great to hear vermont is making strides against the drug war by at least trying to decriminalize a small number of useful and relatively safe drugs. thanks for the link ras...but what does this have to do with the primary?

^^You feelin ok, guy? Sounds like you're calling us crazy while posting like a maniac. Nice work.

Kratom is legal in Tejas.

Kratom is also legal in Oregon and its sold at head shops and gas stations,   Its also not on the federal schedules from what I hear.

Bernie is leading in the early results.  Pete trailing in second.

Biden is in fifth place.   #Bidenisajoke​




Is Biden going to throw his endorsement to Pete or to Amy?

warren needs to drop out. 

Is Biden going to throw his endorsement to Pete or to Amy?

hopefully hes forced to endorse bernie while wearing a gimp mask and having AOC crush his balls with stilletos so i can watch and jerk off

Is Biden going to throw his endorsement to Pete or to Amy?


Hopefully to Bloomberg

Sanders For ME ! See Ya In November Bernie !! yes bloomberg is catching some momentum too.

Ogkb, would you lose your shit if Warren were to endorse Klobuchar?

Congratulations to Bernie. Moving forward, it seems a bit early to bury Joe B. Let's see what happens in South Carolina.
Two other people also did well tonight. Buttigieg & (surprisingly) Amy K. Rough night for Elizabeth.  

While Bernie did well & is off to a strong start, this primary has a long way 2 go. 

Congratulations to Bernie. Moving forward, it seems a bit early to bury Joe B. Let's see what happens in South Carolina.
Two other people also did well tonight. Buttigieg & (surprisingly) Amy K. Rough night for Elizabeth.  

While Bernie did well & is off to a strong start, this primary has a long way 2 go. 

 "There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not across the Bay, then up the Golden Gate or down 101 to Los Altos or La Honda. . . . You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning. . .

And that, I think, was the handle—that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting—on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. . . .

So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back."

Hunter S Thompson

bk, i don't lose my shit over this, contrary to what y'all may think. 

i don't expect warren to endorse bernie, but if she was genuine and authentic and about what she says she is, she would. 


another strong bernie win. 

gonna win nevada and crush super tuesday. 

what was he saying that in reference to?

Is it possible that not one candidate achieves enough delegates to win primary democratic nomination?  

i don't expect warren to endorse bernie, but if she was genuine and authentic and about what she says she is, she would.

if she didnt in 16 theres no reason to think she will until the absolute last min when bernie has(hopefully) been the nominee for months. id expect gabbard to drop out soon and id love to see her endorse bernie, but could an endorsement from someone who dares approach conservative americans and engage them in dialogue hurt bernie amongst the neoliberal MSM acolyte crowd? maybe.  

racket - in a way yes it is possible, then the superdelegates come into play

experience the corruption and deep moral decay here -

Yea I was being sarcastic...hasn’t happened in a long time, will be the icing on this shit show.

when gabbard endorses bernie, thod and weird steve will be screaming russian asset. 


Total amount of delegates after Iowa and New Hampshire:


Buttigieg - 23

Sanders - 21




Mayor Pete's ahead.

More people came out than 2016

Polling had bernie up by 9 points yesterday. smh


lol, pete doesn't stand a chance after these first two states. come on now.


bernie won the first two states, and he'll be the nominee. he's going up against 9 candidates this run, not 1. 

i know this makes certain people here upset. 

The poll was wrong?  No shit? Sad.

Who gives a fuck, it's white NH.

They had 3,100 write-ins. lol


NH doesn't mean shit.




NC has 110 delegates and bernie doesn't have a snowball chance in hell of winning it.


Tulsi indorsing Bernie? 
Is that suppose to help or hurt Bernie? 



bernie don't care, he'll take any endorsement no matter who gives it.


<<<<>>>> i know this makes certain people here upset <<<<>>>>

melt thod melt. 

"we'll take all the dark money we can get, fuck grassroots, we have to beat trump no matter what"

"fuck bernie for accepting endorsements from people who appeal to independents and conservatives that'll help us defeat trump" 


centrists 2020. 




Good thing there's more choices this time around.

Plenty of qualified candidates to beat trump.


Didn't Bernie say he would support whomever won the primaries? 
Considering the alternative, doesn't that make sense?

As for Tulsi, uh never mind. 

so thod who do you support now since your girl is done? 

klobuchar? republican bloomberg? 


Do you even know how this primary thing works? lol


really bad night for warren, zero delegates. 

is she now the spoiler candidate? what happened to unity, thod? 


She's in 3rd genius


48 states + territories to go.



You wearing your bernie tiara right now and getting your dance on?




just smiling. 


Andrew Yangs it up.

No $1K for you!

///gonna win Nevada and super Tuesday


why did that just make me chuckle? Thod hang in there, you're doing great battling the Bernie dudes. Keep it up my friend. I may have some time tomorrow in the afternoon to relieve you. Will Slack you mid morning. 

Nh doesn't mean shit>>> 

Tod, it's ignorant statements like these which makes me wonder if you understand how these primaries work. Are Iowa and Nh total whitewashes of states yes? Do I really give a shit about South Carolina? I can't say I do. The fact remains that in an election where there's so many candidates and so many undecided voters; these first few states are huge in every way. Look at Biden and warren, for example. They both looked like two of the more promising candidates. There was a time where people were saying Biden was the front runner but now after these two states they are both done, so we can pretend these states don't matter but on the grand scale of course they very much do.



Thought Sanders would do better. 


The top 8 finishers ...


Moderates (Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Biden)....146,780

Progressives ( Sanders, Warren, Steyer, Gabbard, Yang)... 124,574


Can these factions unite behind Sanders, Buttigieg or even Klobuchar?   

If Pyramid is the typical progressive/Sanders voter, the answer is no.

 Conversely, will moderates unite around Sanders? I fear that the answer again is no.


Disclaimer: This isn't an endorsement, just a commentary 

Klobuchar came out of NH as a dark horse. Can she capitalize on it? Exit polls, for whatever they mean, show that people are looking for someone to beat Trump. All of a sudden, Klobuchar gets some name recognition. Can she convince people that she can beat Trump?

There is something that many may find attractive.  There are those who feel that Bernie is too far left. There are those who feel that Pete  is too inexperienced. There are those who find Bloomberg repulsive. All of a sudden there's a candidate to fill in. With 50% of voters making their decision within days and hours of the vote, the door is open for her. It will be interesting to see what she does with this.

Bernie barely squeaks by in his own backyard, not a good sign for him. Amy looking good for that vp slot.

Just a reminder, all you self righteous bernie assholes that couldn't vote Hillary, and won't vote again unless Bernie's the nominee,  can go fuck right off  -  again, some more.

keep melting, centrists. lots of name calling up in here. classic. 

bernie really upsets people -- you guys starting to like trump, eh? 


bernie crushes the white and nonwhitw vote. wow. electability. 

ras, melt, mother fucker. 

>>>>>keep melting, centrists. lots of name calling up in here. classic. 

>>>>>ras, melt, mother fucker


Classic indeed.. 

When looking at how many diverse and popular candidates there are in the field, any win is a big win and Sanders is doing great. He's proven that so far the % of people  want him as the candidate. Now he just needs to get the delegates needed. If anybody is expecting a blow out then they aren't paying attention. Bernie has to work as hard as he can day in and day to win and this election will be fought tooth and nail. Kinda seems like you guys are pretty resentful but the last election is done and over with. Maybe it's time to move on.

surf always just lurking, adding nothing but little jabs. fall in line man, don't hold us back. please. your generation has already destroyed the world, just let go. 

Bernie has a great showing last night. In 2016 it was a 2 person race, and he crushed Hillary in NH. This was a 7 person race, and although he didn't get a 50%+ majority, he won against a few very strong candidates.


what's so hard about admitting that, centrists? oh right, you just hate bernie b/c the corporate media tells you to. 

>>>>>fall in line man


Ve must alles fall in line behind der Fuhrer, jah?

^thats all your got man? grow up, only so much time left. 

just wait until we get to the "states that matter" as thod says -- we know he likes to discredit the minority voters in the first two states. strange but he's on record saying that. 

electablility, guys. did we forget that term yet? what's the corporate media anti bernie talking point this morning, thod, surf, ned? 


< bernie crushes the nonwhitw vote

Lmoa yeah the iowa and nh nonwhites , all 7 of em

Pete takes the same amount of delegates, 9, as bernie, from bernies backyard. This don't concern you ?  


>what's so hard about admitting that, centrists<


Centrist candidates....146,780

Progressive candidates... 124,574


I'm not sure Sanders wins if it's Sanders vs a single moderate candidate.


It's ridiculous and naive that you believe skepticism regarding Sanders electability equates to hating Sanders.


I guess you just can't wrap your head around the fact that many people are not convinced of Sanders' ability to win the general.  




only when you guys post absurdly ridiculous statements like bernie didn't do good etc. it's all here for you to read, lumber, as slow or as fast as youd like. it's here forever. 

keep melting centrists. we're almost there. remember, a vote for bernie in the primary is a vote to defeat trump in the general. don't hold the country back. 

Latinos comprised 4% of NH electorate in 2016.

Is it possible to bring this discussion to a decent level of civility?

In general, if this nation can't do that, we will have 4 more years of Trump. I hope that we can agree that any of the Dem candidates, even Bloomberg, would be far less harmful to all of our futures than another term of that dick.

don't hold the country back, centrists. fall in line w/ the future generations. we got you. 

higher turnout than in 2016, and did it break the 2008 obama levels? i think so. wow. 

what's up guys? having a great morning? 






I stated that Sanders did not do as well as I had expected. 

Additionally, the fact that moderate candidates received 20,000 more votes than did the progressive candidates only increases my skepticism regarding Sanders' electability.  

Furthermore, folks like you who refuse to vote for a moderate in the general are not just holding the country back, you are moving it backwards, and setting up judicial roadblocks to keep it there.


So 49% of 18-29 year olds (13% of those voting) went for Sanders.

How did Sanders do with the 45-64 demographic? They made up 43% of those who turned out to vote.

I'd be perfectly happy if Bernie was in the WH right now - just don't think he can beat Donnie. Don't know if anyone can.

When my primary comes around I may even vote for him if he seems to have the best chance to beat Trump at that time.


Heater, I don't think you really understand politics. Your MO seems to be: "Support my candidate. If you don't I'll pass out a few slaps. Still not supporting my candidate? How about I punch you in the face? Not convinced yet? How 'bout I breaka yo fingers? Now you support my guy?"

It doesn't work that way.

Folks like you are Bernie's greatest impediment.

Brother pyramid I don't do twitter feeds or facebook misinformation. Don't you know by now they will consume your better judgment. See what's going on yourself and make up your own mind. Social media psychodrama, no wonder you're so rabid. I worry for you man.

Byrds - Psychodrama City

it's a video from your favorite news station, msnbc. 

surf try harder man. please. 

See? You're doing it again.  When insults don't work you sink to paternalism.

Ninety-five percent of murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. They are male, minorities, 16-25. You've got to get the guns out of the hands of the people getting killed. And the way you get the guns out of the kids hands is to throw them up against the walls and frisk them. 

Bloomberg isn't letting the brown and black kids out of the cages. Hard pass on that racist. 


>>>>>"You've got to get the guns out of the hands of the people getting killed." 



< from msnbc

You mean the one you posted above to me, from twitter ?

Try again bro, I don't go near anything from twitter or facebook. trumps on twitter for Christ's sake, wtf you doing there ?  So much hate and false information spewed on those sites, you may as well join the klan

Amy and Pete were the big winners last night.

Bernie's should have mopped up NH, but he didn't.


ok, centrists. have fun melting today. 

3rd place is better than first! (only in trumps world, remember). 

surf, can you read? 


>>> higher turnout than in 2016, and did it break the 2008 obama levels? i think so. wow. 

       what's up guys? having a great morning? <<<

>>> Bernie's should have mopped up NH, but he didn't. <<<


Buttigieg - 9 delegates

bernie - 9 delegates



timpane - I know you're trying, bless your heart.


OK, Heat, I'll bite. What, to your obviously superior mind, do you think I misread?

 bry - russian trump bot

pyramid - russian bernie bot

slacker - conceived in Love Canal, raised down stream from coal ash runoff,  spent time in Flint Mich

Bernie won. On to South Carolina where it doesn't matter right Thod?? Lol

Bernie won. On to South Carolina where it doesn't matter right Thod?? Lol

you think i came in here spitting fire, right? for no reason? nobody was name calling before i posted, right? 

word man. 


Boomers - see mayor pete as the perfect millennial.

Millennials - see bernie as the perfect boomer.

Zoomers - are pissed because yang gang is done.

Gen X - says get out and vote blue no mater who.



lol ras. you're fucking dumb as rocks man. sorry. like i don't want to tell you that, but your post proves it. 

My bad, forgot about Nevada where it def doesn't matter who wins

Bernie will probably win Nevada.

We still don't seem to be making progress, Heater.

Now, when you disagree with Ras, for instance, don't call him dumb as rocks; just say I disagree with you for these reasons.

Try it. t's easy. It's fun. You might even make some new friends.

bernie won by a smaller margin due to the large # of candidates. it's math man.


also, if he keeps is he awarded fewer delegates? that's some shit there.




He don't need friends.
He's campaigning...



>>> how is he awarded fewer delegates? that's some shit there. <<<


maybe, but everyone else is playing in the same game.

It's about delegates, not a popularity contest.

Otherwise we'd be in the 3rd year of clinton's first term.


Mayor Pete has more delegates.

the democratic party is stupid.

Sure is, Turts. That's why we need more parties. As I've said 100 times, Bernie and Trump should have their own parties, as should Bloomberg.

 But, Bernie chose to jump in to this party, with all its flaws. 

because unfortunately it is a 2 party system...

Pete has one more delegate than Bernie..... In a state where he lost the popular vote. We will see if he gets any kind of bump in Nevada but he's been polling in fifth place there pretty consistently.

Kinda surprising that warren hasn't called it after getting blown off the map in her own state


If they told the public it's delegates that get you the nominee, instead the emphasis on the popular vote.

People would understand how this process works.

I think even more people would get out and vote.


The primary is whoever gets to 1991 delegates wins.

Popular (like in the general) doesn't mean shit.

You can scream til the cows come home, how fucked up the process is.

The fact is...

ALL candidates know how it works, no excuses.



Neighboring state, Timpane.

She'll drop out soon.

timpane -

she's in 3rd place in delegates.

why the fuck would she drop out?

She's got a 30 state ground game infrastructure built.


Again, this is a marathon, not a sprint.



Because she is done. When the new poll in Nevada is released I think she will have to. 

> Correct, Briank. I'm not on my state game today


>>> Because she is done. When the new poll in Nevada is released I think she will have to.  <<<



You got game??



Tod, did you see my earlier message? 

^V Day Love letter?

surf def can't read. 

ned needs to be told who to vote for. 

tough to see thod go to bat for dead warren. sheesh. 

guys after bernie wins nevada, what'll you make for breakfast? 

jr has been asleep at the wheel for 15 years. 

I could see Trump beating Bernie in Nevada.  All the Vegas entrepreneur moderate liberals will be scared off by the Socialist tag, which you know the blowhard in chief will be playing to the hilt.

This is a state where Bernie could win the primary and lose the war.  Hope that doesn't happen in Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.


jr has been asleep at the wheel for 15 yrs>>


bahahaha! Yeah I think even he knows he's pretty much faded out over time.

guys after bernie wins nevada, what'll you make for breakfast?

whatever the state tells me to make for breakfast, duh! im not getting sent to the gulags. when bernie tells me i have to eat borscht for breakfast, ill eat borscht for breakfast!


Nevada has 36 delegates.



Current map


who are the delegates?

Daylight for the win.