"nonconsensual nakedness "


And a new phrase enters the lexicon of despicable acts....


Charlie Rose, accused of nonconsensual nakedness before women, suspended

Charlie Rose, the staid 75-year-old CBS News voice and presence with a “This Morning” and “60 Minutes” history, was just suspended over allegations from eight women that he sexually harassed them — including walking naked before them absent their permission.





i been subjected to nonconsensual nakedness a dead shows. I am still a bit traumatized.



Thom, you seem especially gleeful about Democrats/liberals being exposed as abusers but have no opinion on accused pedophile, Roy Moore?  



Thomas O' Bagenhammers

 Thom2 on Friday, November 10, 2017 – 03:29 pm

...I have no interest in Roy Moore one way or another...



Why the hypocrisy, Thom?



>> i been subjected to nonconsensual nakedness a dead shows. I am still a bit traumatized.

The same thing happened to me at a Phish show.

16 accusations against dumb donnie including 15 year olds at the teen Miss Universe.

All that and a racist twit.  Russian waterworks caper to be determined. 

So far, as reprehensible as their actions may be, no minors or mall bannings among the Demo horn dogs. 

I am waiting to KellyAnne to come forward, tho. 

Lord, I should proofread.


Thom, beyond the hypocrisy, how is it that you have no interest in accused pedophile Roy Moore. 


Have you no morals?


  Is pedophilia ok with you as long as a Republican is the offender?