This Is Not Bryen's Debate Thread


Because having a choice is good.

Bump because I choose not to have discussions with people muttering to themselves in subway stations. 

Good call Mike. 


My family fought the Nazis 

Thanks, too much cool aid on the other thread...


Don't blame the Kool-Aid, Noodler. Colored sugar water may magnify disorders, but I don't think it creates them.

I'm rooting for an old white guy to win

Sounds like a safe bet, joy. They're both kind of handsy, but at least Biden keeps his unwelcome groping above the belt.

Wonder if there'll be any surprise guests of the candidates to humiliate the opponent?   

Anyone else feel that this might end up to be the only debate?

I wonder if the Kurds wouldn't have died if Trump didn't have a hotel in Instanbul? 

Similar question for all the dead Yemenis (Sawdi Arabia was the first country he visited as el presidon'te, unheard of) 

Trump Admin. Crimes Tribunal - headed by Senator, Adam Schiff

Nothing would make me happier then to see that occur in 2021

I've wanted to say to those folks with doubts about Biden's cognitive competency, he does not have dementia or senility. What he does have is something not uncommon in people who stutter or used to stutter, a pause before speaking as he prepares to speak without stuttering. That causes a delay, but not confusion or lack of ability. There's an actual name for it but I don't know what it is.

^ Must have been what was happening when he talked about bringing on a Republican as his VP.


anyways I just hope joe pushes every single button there is until Donald trumps head completely explodes tonight

The explosion would be messy, but not unwelcome.

Holy $70k Hairpieces, if it gets physical there could be bones a spurring!   

Glad someone started this thread.

"Listen, here's the deal..."

"Trust me" 

Make America Great Again..Again





Ok so consensus says this is the official debate thread? Popcorn is ready 


bump for #sjohndsoaa_0.JPG

Is this thread attached to a drinking game?

Aren't they all?

Joe Biden won that debate and anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy. 



Can we do a smoking game instead?.. I'm a little hungover from a dreadful football game last night.

You guys do whatever.. I'm gonna puff.

I'm not a drinker, Alan, so I'll puff with you. I picked up some nice Tahoe OG last weekend.


i'll be taking a toke every time the orange haired skid mark says "fake"

With any luck, i'll be passed out around 8:30pm cst...

No matter what way you look at it, a washed up geezer old white guy will win.

((((((((((Neil deGrasse Tyson for president))))))))))

Biden should say, "You're Fired!" at some point


I'm going to go hear friends play music for a bit. I don't think I can take watching or hearing the orange guy. 

> Biden should say, "You're Fired!" at some point

Dude, that's genius. I wish I had thought of it.

I don't think anyone has ever referred to Biden as Poker Face Joe. He could barely contain himself during Trump's first answer.

Lol, you guys got two winners up in the stage tonight. One is a spoiled brat and the other looks like he just rolled out of a coffin and took a hit of embalming fluid

This is painful.  Ugh.  Wonder when moderator is going to pull the plug?

Pretty sure Putin has his shirt off and is taking vodka shots to celebrate this mess. 

I am not dissing Biden but his speech impediment prevents him from knock out statements.  

Trump's working overtime on knocking himself out. Dude can't contain himself, and we're only 30 minutes in.

mute trump 

Bully Trump trying to get Biden to stutter 

"Well, he just needs to shush for a minute."

Caught that. And Trump's Pocahontas comment earlier too. I don't think I'm stoned enough for this.

"Trump is like a heckler at a comedy club. He has no jokes but just wants to fuck up yours"

Mike, there aren't enough drugs or alcohol on this planet for this shit.

i was morbidly curious but JFC!

Bumbling Biden can't even knock out this guy. Pathetic! 


remember when liberals were talking about having a vetted candidate........


chris wallace is out if his element.

You really expect anyone to be able to knock Trump out? That isn't really fair. A damn impeachment and daily scandals haven't slowed the prick down. No debate opponent would be able to do it either.

fucking insane.

I'm wondering who all Biden's radical left supporters are. 

What. A. Shitshow. 

Why are police allowed to stand down when criminals they chase around all day long normally follow behind protests and commit crimes while police stand down intentionally.

He wouldn't know a suburb unless he took a wrong turn


Just a heap of trash. Anyone ready for a new form of government yet? Two party system is on life support

the oligarchy on television. amazing. 

this is partially obama's fault. his call to pete and amy to drop out and consolidate and endorse crushed the bernie campaign. 

bernie is smart enough to grab control of this shit. biden is not. 

Raise your bowls for Putin's Puppy

Raise your bowls for Putin's Puppy

Did Biden say puppy? I thought I might have misheard that.

^^^^ fucktrump, YESSssss

Biden is at his best when he's making snide slams on Trump. We need more of that and less policy shit.

My takeaway: Biden isn't up for the job. 

he's actually had 4-5 decent zingers

dude needed a gavel, guess it was what he wanted, a reality show

In the scheme of things, what comes after hot mess?

i'm changing my affiliation and going the heater and timpane road. good bye to my neo liberal friends. 

i'm changing my affiliation and going the heater and timpane road. good bye to my neo liberal friends. 

i'm changing my affiliation and going the heater and timpane road. good bye to my neo liberal friends. 

The scariest part is seeing how Trump will not accept the results of the election..

he knows he doesn't have the votes to win, and has stated that the election process is a fraud

The Con is also trying to convince voters of election fraud so that they give up and don't bother voting. 







no need for any more of whatever that was...

Total dumpster fire.  Embarrassing.

We're in Bizarro world. Can someone ask Superman to spin the world back the other way?


Trump controlled the entire 90 minutes of the "debate," and turned it into a sham. Biden got in a few points and zingers, but that's about it. I can only assume that Trump has a goal, a plan to meet the goal, and he followed through.

He bulldozed. He blustered. He bullied.

His base is gonna eat this shit up.

I don't know Brian, I think he just came off as a raving, deranged, distorted pumpkin.

I guess it's perfect since it's almost October....


At one point I said to the wife, no way will he mention raking the forest floors here in California.

Sure enough, a minute later he did.


For Christ sakes, he told the Proud Boys to "stand down but stand ready." 

Bidens too old, Trump is dick and Turtle took the Wallace needed a gavel comment from my mind ten minutes into the debate.


Conclusion,  Trump should wear a pair of dick nosed Groucho glasses.

Presidemic Of The United States of America 

Brad Parscale behavior explained tonight 

Trump wins election...

 Queen Ivanka and we all support the Trump monarchy financially 

> For Christ sakes, he told the Proud Boys to "stand down but stand ready." 

And the Proud Boys are thrilled to have received their orders from der Führer.

Proud Boys Celebrate after Trump's Debate Call-out

On the Proud Boys’ account on the social media app Telegram, the group appeared to take the statement as marching orders.

“A Republic, if you can keep it.” — Benjamin Franklin



Unity2020 envisions balance and cooperation between people from different sides of the political aisle. This is an opportunity to focus on our common interests and use our differences to diversify our options for growth and change.

Unity2020 empowers the American public to reclaim a divided country. A courageous, competent pair of patriots can lead this country in service of the people. Not beholden to any party and not constrained by conflicts of vested interest, this team will build a future with a clear national vision, a wise plan, and – for the first time – full representation of every American.

We have been scorched by the very parties meant to protect us from the flames of injustice. Self-serving interest groups have burned every member of our society, whether for their color or conviction. We cannot burn the system: we must heal it and save ourselves.



Our Government Has Been Captured

After decades of neglect, our country is in crisis, and cynicism dominates the public mind.

Maybe you have felt this. Maybe you are worried about your family’s future. Or maybe you are simply a concerned citizen, witnessing recent events unfold and are troubled by what they seem to foreshadow.

You are not alone.

Our two dominant political parties are entirely consumed by partisan politics and are clearly uninterested in serious solutions to an ever-expanding list of problems they had a powerful hand in creating. More disturbingly, the tools we might use to remedy this situation, tools granted us by our founding documents, appear to have been dulled to the point of uselessness by the major parties — parties which, in those brilliant blueprints, are nowhere mentioned.

As a nation, we are navigating uncharted territory. In addition to partisan gridlock, we must rise to several new challenges:

We lack consensus, even about matters of basic fact, and the current tools of collective sense-making are unable to close the gap.

Our country is on the brink of economic catastrophe and we are hobbled by our dependence on an outsourced manufacturing base.

Massive protests reveal the depth of frustration, but these outpourings of genuine anger are all too easily co-opted and attention diverted away from root causes — while working class Americans demonize each other, those who captured our system and hoarded opportunity continue to flourish at our expense.

The world is losing confidence in America’s capacity to lead, even as Chinese geopolitical power expands. This could lead to catastrophic war in the absence of sober leadership.

Each of these challenges is daunting. Taken together, and mismanaged by our captured and dysfunctional government, the country finds itself in jeopardy. Divisive, partisan politics has hobbled our nation and battered our better angels — just when when we need them most.




What is It?

We the people draft two candidates: one from the left, one from the right.

Once elected, they agree to govern as a team. All decisions and appointments will be made jointly in the interests of the American public. Only when they cannot reach agreement, or when a decision does not allow for consultation, does the President decide independently. A coin flip determines which candidate runs at the top of the ticket.


Why Now?

Our proposal is unprecedented, but it comes midway through a year in which our usual intuitions of plausibility are continually upended.

We have already seen impeachment, pandemic, widespread violence, lockdown, police brutality followed by calls to abolish the police and declarations of sovereignty within the United States. All of this is occurring with a looming economic depression and without a single credible national leader to steer us toward calmer waters.


The Candidates

The ideal candidates will fulfill three criteria

  • They must be patriotic
  • They must be highly capable
  • They must be courageous

After four years in office, the order reverses for the next election. This continues until the American public chooses an alternative administration or one of the members of the team cannot run for re-election, at which point a new patriot would replace them.

The Unity Ticket represents our shared values and vision for the future. Cooperation and necessary compromise pave the path to a functioning and productive government that serves all citizens.


Supported By The Data

In the United States, more than 40% of voters self-identify as “Independent” having already rejected the hegemony of the major parties. If they had a ticket that spoke to their interests as American citizens, they would be the largest voting bloc in the country. Many citizens who have given up on voting would be likely to vote if they had reason to do so.

Only 17% of people trust the government to “do what is right” most of the time. Congressional approval ratings have dropped to 25% at the time of this writing. 88% of Americans say that our current political leaders are not “up to the challenge” of addressing the crises we face.

89% of voters say that “political corruption” is either a “significant problem” or “crisis.”

We are starved for leadership, the parties have failed us, and the American public knows it. Yet, 84% of Americans believe it is still possible to “improve the level of confidence we have in government.” There is hope.


Remembering Who We Are

We the People are Americans. We are ordinary citizens from all walks of life and backgrounds. We are brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends, neighbors, and colleagues from across the political spectrum. We are Patriots.

The United States is the most prosperous democracy in the world. Despite flaws at our founding, dark episodes in our history, and transgressions against many of our own, our founding principles have stood as a singular beacon of liberty for open minds across the world. We continue to strive to build a more perfect Union. We have stumbled, but we have not fallen — and we must not.

We will not settle for the false choice presented to us. We demand better, in no uncertain terms. We propose a solution to unify our country such that it may deliver on its immense promise. We intend to use the available tools of American democracy in a new and galvanizing way. We are keenly aware of the full history of American third parties; we will not be a spoiler or be relegated to a footnote. We fully intend to seat an administration that represents the interests of a clear and overwhelming majority of Americans.

Our national situation is dire, and even people well beyond our borders are depending on us. We cannot afford to wait four more years.

We are calling upon every citizen to recapture the people’s house, and restore hope for our future, our children’s future, and for generations yet to come.

We the people are duty-bound to rescue the Republic and to revive the spirit of its founding fathers. Only by so doing will we prepare ourselves to meet the challenges of the 21st century with the courage and ingenuity that was long ago woven into the fabric of this marvelous, patchwork nation.

Already printing up shirts....

What a proud American moment.

Daylight, is that from Ron Paul's website? 

I guess it could have been crazier tonight if there had been a third podium on the stage with Kanye behind it.


Nice color commentary here.

Mr. Trump’s volcanic performance appeared to be the gambit of a president seeking to tarnish his opponent by any means available, unbounded by norms of accuracy and decorum and unguided by a calculated sense of how to sway the electorate or assuage voters’ reservations about his leadership.

In an election marked by sharply defined and stubbornly stable opinions about both candidates, the president’s conduct was the equivalent of pulling the pin on a hand grenade and hoping that the ensuing explosion would harm the other candidate more.

Biden should show up to the next debate in orange face with a yellow clown wig and his tie tied super long

Daylight, is that from Ron Paul's website?

no it is a proposal from evolutionary biologist bret weinstein who is a self described leftist. the plan is no longer intended go go forward in 2020 due to lack of any path forward and is now intended as a possibility for 2024 and beyond. AFAIK none of the potential candidates discussed as possibilities to be drafted were as staunchly libertarian as ron paul. most potential candidates suggested were far more moderate than ron paul, although all of them in some way could be seen as anti establishment or as operating outside of the core partisan RNC/DNC far as i can remember the only serious right wing candidate discussed was dan crenshaw, and id assume any candidates in the future would be more moderate and reasonable like crenshaw than someone staunchly libertarian and borderline conspiratorial like paul.

thought this was a good thread to drop that off in, its hard to think of a time when the degradation of our two party system and the absolute incompetence of the party elites and the candidates they choose for us was more visceral and naked than it is tonight.  

Until tonight, parents would encourage children to watch a presidential debate.

The Dons 'strategy' seemed to be to annoy, interrupt and push Joes buttons, so that Joe would slip up. 
Except that the Don was so busy interrupting, it turned into a sandbox brawl.
The world wide wrestling version of a debate.  What an embarrassment.

What a freaking shit show...   there should be a shock button!  


(can only hope the Dems win in a landslide in Nov, then as a return F.U. for the SCOTUS, give Puerto Rico and DC state status, that should kill the R party's rage of terror for a while...


<<Trump claims in debate ‘Portland Sheriff’ gave him endorsement; Reese quickly responds: I ‘will never support him’

Proud boys indeed

JR and heat

first cones love, them comes marriage, then come Bry Bry in a baby carriage 

bernie is not in the room heater, may you eventually get over your trauma

 My biggest takeaway. Biden looked me in the eyes.  ByeDon is unhinged, devoid of facts/  truths and scary   I am afraid for my country and for Trump voters ( or afraid of them)

It was like watching two men in a nursing home arguing during lunch. 

Biden can't win if he tries to play trumps game. I'm not sure which way he could really go because he's practically debating satan but last night was not a good look for him. Trump knows all he needs is the white base in the Midwest and PA to win this election and that's all he's going for. 

They should zoom conference so the moderator can mute the other person when someone is talking 

I totally agree with the mute button.   There is no reason to leave the microphone on unless you are called to speak.  This has been my thought for years now.  What the fuck  are they waiting for?   It furthers my belief that the whole political system is a scam on the population.   Scary that a debate is not actually a debate but a charade with the intention of drawing in viewers in order to sell political advertising.  

I didn't watch it.


I never watch that shit.


I always turn off the show, whatever it is, when Rump opens his rump.

It was everything I imagined it would be, and more. Our prez in full display of his kindergarten behavior that makes him so attractive to the undesirables, and biden laughing and calling him a clown and a lier. And I got it all in the 1st 10 minutes, then it was off to, Star Trek Next Generation and the Khitomer Massacre episode. 

They should just cancel the other debates. With t-rumps involvement it's just a black eye for the US. Under dt in the worlds view, we are truly a laughingstock

they should cancel the other debates b/c i don't think biden can handle debating this lunatic. especially since biden supports/wrote legislation trump can trash him on, and did. the tax codes and the crime bill segments were horrible. 

biden lies just like trump. 

same thing is happening as 2016. 

lltd -- you keep bringing up "bernie trauma" which is kinda funny tbh. 

just reminding all the neoliberals like thod and weird steve how they chose to tear down bernie b/c trump scary. 

look what you have. look what you did. shameful shit. 

the duopoly on full display. the oligarchy already won, no matter which rich white guy "wins". 

Believe it or not, Heat, but that's what the majority of voters want - an old white guy.

i know. america n all. 

biden still attempting to court moderate republicans and push away progressives. 

risky plan of attack imo. 

time will tell. 

>>> just reminding all the neoliberals like thod and weird steve how they chose to tear down bernie b/c trump scary. <<<


make no mistake pizza bitch, I tore down you.

as it's proven pretty much everyday.

just pointed out how fuckin' addled your man love for bernie was.


it was pretty easy because, well....


you're an idiot and never learned how government works, smh


if you believe what you saw last night was, both sides are the same...

you clearly can't wrap your head around the fact we're under siege by an authoritarian,

who has launched a race war during a global pandemic.


but, you want what you want and that's all that matters.




now tell me I'm melting, lol


*sipping coffee on the deck, the sun is shining and the weather is sweet


you are tho. 

not as hard as yesterday....yet. 

this is on you, son. you voted trump. 

your points are even more reason why your vote for neoliberalism in the primary was a vote for trump. 



^ I voted for Biden in this general election.


who did you vote for?


if you believe what you saw last night was, both sides are the same...

you clearly can't wrap your head around the fact we're under siege by an authoritarian,

who has launched a race war during a global pandemic.



>>>>>>launched a race war during a global pandemic


 Hillbilly truck parades that the drivers imagine look like North Korean military parades. 


thod thinks all these issues were started under trump. 

thod is very stupid. 

The only thing I got out of that was to get off my ass and email my representatives to ask if they were going to publicly Denounce Racism, and Trump's Military Orders to a known racist group.


i was also going to include the question. is the order of hate that will occur the same? Blacks, Jews, Catholics, or has another immigrant group moved up the list? But I will save that for later 

next debate - sound proof booths, let each speak and no back and forth, in other words no debate, just answer the fuckin questions





enough of old White guys running this country

>>> thod thinks all these issues were started under trump. <<<


if you believe what you saw last night was, both sides are the same...

you clearly can't wrap your head around the fact we're under siege by an authoritarian,

who has launched a race war during a global pandemic.


yep, guilty as charged



who you voting for kid?

what are you afraid of??


this isn't a yelp review, just tell us


The big winners last night are those selling guns, ammo and antidepressants today.

Very big winners...

if you believe what you saw last night was, both sides are the same...

you clearly can't wrap your head around the fact we're under siege by an authoritarian,

who has launched a race war during a global pandemic.

its not that both sides are the same, its that the worldview and style of governing that biden, and all of trumps recent predecessors engage in is what allowed trump to exist in the first place. its like some hulking mutant abomination made from body parts belonging to all presidents from reagan to obama, all haphazardly sewn together, dripping with blood and bile, bent over, spread its frankenstein asscheeks and gave birth to donald trump from its diseased asshole

but its tough to take responsibility for that when all you aging hippies voted for significant portions of the deformed frankenstein that gave birth to trump. thanks guys.


And yes, picking the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.

>>> its not that both sides are the same, its that the worldview and style of governing that biden, and all of trumps recent predecessors engage in is what allowed trump to exist in the first place. its like some hulking mutant abomination made from body parts belonging to all presidents from reagan to obama, all haphazardly sewn together, dripping with blood and bile, bent over, spread its frankenstein asscheeks and gave birth to donald trump from its diseased asshole <<<


I believe that most of the US is looking past the how versus the now and we got to be in the now in order deal with the how




Nice hyperbole, Daylight. How about backing at least some of that up with cold, hard facts?

Maybe you can start with the data that definitively shows that Trump was caused by Democratic policies. 


but its tough to take responsibility for that when all you aging hippies voted for significant portions of the deformed frankenstein that gave birth to trump. thanks guys.


not you best moment son

Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie

neoliberals neoliberals neoliberals neoliberals 

it's everyone's fault but mine    "Only I am righteous and only I have a ligit solid historical view.  I am righteous so you are all clowns  good luck    Be happy with trump as you choose



lost boy. Just take a walk and or wake up

i think daylight has said that he watches a lot of alex jones. 

I have to say I'm pretty impressed Bryen didn't muck up this thread with his namaste links.

trump-ism IS the result of the combined double corn-holing of the american populace, if you can't extrapolate that without a link i don't know what to tell you...

I agree, Turtle. Trump gamed the system, but he didn't invent it.

His butt still hurts that we didn’t use his thread. At least he got credit in the title but guess it wasn’t enough 

It may be one of many factors, but we've been through this before. You need Trump to be the sole fault of neoliberals, so go with it. 

I don't think Turtle's double-cornholing of the American populace lays the blame on just one side of our broken system, BK. We've been dicked down by both sides for a long time.

So to clarify, as a result of the way out system was set up from the beginning, we were destined to have a douchebag populist run for president?

Perhaps, but interestingly a check and balance was written into the Constitution to ensure that the DB populist could never actually win. It's too bad that the check and balance, the Electoral College, didn't work.

For starters, Trump isn't what I'd call a real populist. He just plays one on TV, and Twitter of course. He was raised with a gilded spoon in his mouth. What does he know about the people?

You're kind of taking things to absurd conclusions, and by "kind of", I mean a softer version of "you are". Who said anything about us being destined to have a douchebag (pseudo)populist run for president? And the same goes for your statement "You need Trump to be the sole fault of neoliberals". Nobody implied anything of the sort.

I'm personally not a fan of the Electoral College, which I always saw as a way to keep real power out of the hands of the people, but that's the part of our system that Trump gamed in 2016. Do I need to recall here that Clinton received almost 3,000,000 more popular votes than her opponent?

And yes, I think that both parties have long looked out for the wealthy much more than the rest of us. That's what I was referring to when I said "We've been dicked down by both sides for a long time."

What's really disturbing to me is that people like you and I--who I'm guessing are basically aligned in our views--are having discussions like this one right now while Trump still resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the District of Columbia. Trump needs to go, and then we can afford to discuss the problems of our system and how to fix them. If Trump wins again, there might not be anything left to repair after four more years of the douchebag (pseduo)populist, so that's why I'm focused on that and that alone until November 3rd.

>>> What's really disturbing to me is that people like you and I--who I'm guessing are basically aligned in our views--are having discussions like this one right now while Trump still resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the District of Columbia. Trump needs to go, and then we can afford to discuss the problems of our system and how to fix them. If Trump wins again, there might not be anything left to repair after four more years of the douchebag (pseduo)populist, so that's why I'm focused on that and that alone until November 3rd <<<

well said, mike 


thod still stalking. 


get a life man. 

>When asked whether he would condemn white supremacists during Tuesday's debate, Trump refused to condemn them and said "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by." In a now-deleted video  titled "10 things I hate about the Jews" from 2017, Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes said Jews have a "whiny paranoid fear of Nazis" and he "felt myself defending the super far-right Nazis just because I was sick of so much brainwashing..." The group has been labelled as extremists with "ties to white nationalism" by the FBI, and the SPLC has labeled them a hate group. Trump wants them to "stand by."


ogkb, your stalky post about stalking demonstrates a severe lack of self-awareness.

Bullshit, with this soft touch bullshit of Dog Whistles,


a military order was given to stand by, by our president to a known Racist group. That is what I personally witnessed last night, and military orders that are given and followed by that Racist Group, only confirms that he is a leader in their cause. 

Trump is a leader, or The Leader of a Terrorist Group and that is how these pussy Democrats have to call him out. 


i hate  double posting from another thread, but these are strange times 

Trump's grandkids are Jewish. That's how blind he's become in his desperate clinging to the idea of power.

this pretty much sums up the proud boys.

that being said, they should be taken seriously,

because they are a domestic terrorist group.


What's worse than the Proud Boys are profascist local law enforcement agencies in support of Trump


this was posted by our local Sheriff department deputy association  on FB.   

>The biggest surprise for us tonight was that Joe Biden claimed he has support from law enforcement  organizations.   

It was not a surprise when he couldn’t name one.  

#bluelivesmatter #backthebadge







Don’t spoil brys talking points

>>Nobody implied anything of the sort.

I'm very sensitive, Mike. It has been stated,scores of times on Viva, that Neoliberalism is the direct reason for Trump's presidency. 

yeah, well its certainly clear that there is a significant amount of nazi scum types all over the nation within "law enforcement"...

ps. a sherif asked me how the surf was the other day as i was walking up my street....

An armed and regulated militia is supposed to be a check and balance on a corrupt government, not a vigilante police force for a corrupt government.

I really don't know what else to say about it all.

> I'm very sensitive, Mike.

lol. That sent my overly-sensitive brain straight to Tom Hanks' voice hollering There's no crying in baseball.

> It has been stated,scores of times on Viva, that Neoliberalism is the direct reason for Trump's presidency.

Mea culpa. I was referring to the present discussion and didn't see anything like that here. I've been avoiding most of the political discussions because they just don't seem to go anywhere.

^yet, here you always are. 


> here you always are

Ooh, you almost got me there ogkb. Yes, I've been posting quite a bit in this thread that I started about the debate, but my posts haven't all been about politics here; I like to indulge in some silly stuff too, like the pic of the lady with the Nobody for President sticker who's hoisting a zoner salute. But mostly, I've been avoiding the slap-fight political threads where folks like you just keep sounding the same notes day after day. Get some range, man.

Same notes day after day


maybe a chord 

If not accord


~ Oh my, wait, perhaps that was too psychobabble. Lol

Maybe an A chord?


Lol Merriweather Girl...

What city will proud boys take over first?

It's okay, ogkb, Timpane posts in these threads all the time, and doesn't even care who wins or loses.


heart u RRG


poor pyramid & bryen, wrong over & over again...with a lot more wrong coming.

Good to "see" You here MG

And hope all is well in your corner of this mad mad World...heart

You too! 

2020 has sucked ass but at least I know I'm not alone!

I dream of the days dancing with you in the Zoner zone at the Cap. Looks like that will be in 2021. Sigh

Hope you and Mr. Man are safe and healthy!!

*whip* *spank* *meow*

> *whip* *spank* *meow*

That's the Merri I remember from the old zone. How's my Virgo sister been?

Hello sweet Mike! Tired of the Covid running my life and business. Missing live music but so do us all. I will be doing better when the Orange fuckwad is out of office. I did have a wonderful, emotional time paying my respects to RGB in DC last week. Every person had a mask on and was so respectful with social distancing. It was a beautiful thing. Then I get back to NC and there are maskholes everywhere.

Hope you are doing well and are safe and healthy. Are your classes this semester online? Hope so. Oh wait! That's right. Students don't get Covid. lol, not. Fuck Trump.

Sad   September 29 – 09:48 am [6]

My New Tat   September 29 – 05:43 am [37]

I'm doing well enough, Merri. Life has been interesting the last 6 months or so, no doubt, but when isn't it if you look at it right?

And yeah, all of my classes got shifted to online last March. Our last day of classroom instruction was Friday, March 13th, which was ominous for sure. It's all zoom zoom zoom now, which has it's benefits, like teaching barefoot, but that's small compensation for all that's been lost.

This thread is turning into an old home week kinda thing, and hey hey lookie there willya; it's Jill slipping in with a sad new tat adjacent.

staying away from political threads, started a political thread. 

nice. that makes sense. 

<<<>>>poor pyramid & bryen, wrong over & over again...with a lot more wrong coming.

wrong about what? the majority of the dem base supports m4a? b/c you said that's false, but it's actually a fact. 

trump mopping the floor with a taxidermic biden? the entire country saw it. pretty sad. 


centrists like you gave us trump. 

> staying away from political threads, started a political thread. nice. that makes sense. 

This is where I typically quote Walt Whitman:

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.

Seems even trusty Rasmussen disagrees...

But seriously, ogkb, when was the last time you posted about weed, for example? I seem to recall you grow some righteous bud. Or when was the last time we had a pizza thread? They were always popular back in the day. Seems like you should have a thing or two to say about that topic, and again, I mean this quite sincerely. Post about kind bud and pizza doughs and the best tomatoes and cheeses and I'll read your stuff, and might even become a fan.

That's right, BK. I don't care who wins and I have no say in what happens. It's completely out of my control and I accept that. I live in Nj and my vote is meaningless and on a presidential scale all of our votes are meaningless as the richest people in the world will put who they want in charge. Biden is a long time friend of these people and has sucked their dicks and kissed their asses for years so he may have a chance but only time will tell. I'm kinda stoked to see the next debate. 


Biden better put his best dress on the next couple of weeks. The masters are watching.


Has anyone told you that you're sexy when you're acting all belligerent?

Somewhat curiously, there appear to be no pics of Joe Biden wearing a dress on the entire interwebz; Sleepy Joe curates his net presence quite carefully it seems. When I googled Trump wearing a dress pics, there didn't seem to be many, but there was a one site that had a few, as well as what I thought was an interesting title: This Artist is Responding to Donald Trump's Sexism by Adding Dresses to All of His Pictures.

Or when was the last time we had a pizza thread?

im pretty sure the last time we tried that it devolved into a small group of people who are frequently triggered by ogkb's posts piling onto ogkb trying to call out the apparent hypocrisy in having a populist worldview and the staggering audacity to produce pizzas using ingredients whose quality exceeds what is generally found in horse troughs and pizza huts all over the world and to sell them at a rate that generates enough money to pay himself and his employees  

well we got one good thing out of this debate

Weird Al Presents: ‘America Is Doomed, the Musical’

honestly pretty fucking good for being created in less than 24 hours

Eric Trump has this on his LGBT Community page under "couples I want to have a Falwell with"



centrists like you gave us great pizza

Thod killed pizza threads. 



haven't made a pie in a while 


and back to the same old shit classy 1st family





Daylight, I hear you, but I've also seen the Weed thread stay focused on just one thing for months now: our love of bud. I think a hold-the-politics pizza thread could achieve similar results.



Agreed, Mike. Let's do it.

LLTD, let's go to Magoo's!

I live in CA.

We contain multitudes........of shitty pizza.

Hard to find much around here.

So nice to see RRG, JLP, Merri G here, if only for a few minutes. Remembering some sweet times.

*whip* *spank* *meow*

local   I'm game

My mind wants to remember a Magoo's from when I lived in Berkeley ....

in South Bay now

there is one in Campbell and was one in Los Gatos?  I'm game. Location/ address you are thinking about?

the pizza my heart Big Sur is pretty darn good    prob only take out at this time 

As I awake from my stupor, and we detour from the darkness of politics;

the1st gig Magoo’s Pizza has been gone a long time. We do have a friend that was at that gig (dated Billy and also from Palo Alto high school) I 

Interesting article here calling out local places the dead frequented

And grandpa lltd reminisces 

Includes keplers books whet my dad and I saw Jerry hanging in the back room

Also Peninsula school where we saw the pre-new riders play

my first show at el Camino ball park is mentioned also

dana Morgan's music (which I I frequented often, and a friend took banjo lessons from our leader) dead actually first got together after Bobby wandered by on NYE

hell keystone Palo Alto had many fnr jerry shoes )and the Sons of Champlain were my favorites)  (and as a tangent Fritz rabine  with Buckingham and  nicks needed help carrying guitars into the Paly gym)

Anyway nice break from the hell out county is going through  o would be glad to grab a pie or a slice sometime 

long live music   Long live history  - as in forever 

Band in Magoo's photo in this link I sick at posting photos.  Always

Covid my ass, stumps actions in the debate were so full retard, repubs will stoop to any means to avoid another performance.


Compromise sometimes isn't 

see below : above 

 This could possibly resonate with bryen


GOP under Donald Trump as a party of cynics, stooges, racists, and obsequious enablers whose profiles in cowardice bear an uncomfortable resemblance to 1930s Germany. “

When I talk to Republican politicians, I hear Franz von Papen,” he says, referencing the German chancellor who convinced Germans that so-called radical leftists were a far greater threat than Adolf Hitler. “They all know that Trump is an idiot. They all know that he’s uniquely unqualified to be president. But they convinced themselves that he was a necessity.”

Hey LLTD. I love this photo of Magoo's. I had no idea one still exists, that is classic!

The way things are right now with my wife, it's hard for me to get out, so I hope to see

you maybe at TXR coming up soon. (Much closer to my house).

       It's wild you got to see one of those Peninsula School shows; amazing the connections 

to that place. I had forgotten both Garcia and Weir got jobs at the other music store after Dana Morgan was "let go."

Great stuff!!!
Stay well, hope to see you soon.

 O worries 

I hope you wife is well / good

txr will come 


If ever this way with a few minutes  I do have a pretty insane dead museum