Nugs for Phil & Bob webcast question.


Does anybody know if you get tonight's Phil & Bob webcast from nugs if you can watch at another time or is it just a one time only live watch?

I want to get it but won't get home from work until 10:30ish.

Thanks in advanceyes

Show is tomorrow 

Not sure about vault on this one so I can’t answer that

First show is tomorrow not tonight, unless they are doing a stealth bar show....

On shit!!!!!!!!!!

I completely forgot. Lol.

Thanks to all who gracefully reminded me I'm a idiotcheeky

Often Nugs will let you replay the show for a brief period of time

kush kill and super cookies....

I will watch a free webcast for 11 minutes if anyone has a link.

Saw duo posters in the window of RCMH gift shop on my way in.

Thanks Drubayes

I'm not expecting too much. Just love me some Bob & Phil.


I'll take the free Melvin JGB webcast from the Cap instead........